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Learning session

Analyzing the Second World War

I Informative data

1.1Private Educational Institution Associated Educators

1.2 zone: North

1.3Curriculum area: History, Geography and Economics

1.4Grade: fourth year

1.5Responsible: Professor Ronald Ramírez Olano

II Learning

1.1Capacity: Analyze

1.2Cognitive Processes

. Global reception of information

Selective observation of information

.Division of the whole into parts

.Interrelation of the whole to explain justify

1.2Content The Second World War

1.3 Attitude towards the area: Submit your homework on time

1.4 attitude towards order: Maintains order and cleanliness in the classroom

1.5 Duration: one class session

II Didactic Sequence

moments strategies materials Time

Motivation Reading the battle Printed 10
Stalin graded Timeline material minutes
Recovery of prior Why was the world Text 5
knowledge involved in a world map
What were the
What were the
immediate causes
Cognitive conflict When did the Second Markers 5
World War start and
with what event?

Information processing Reception of the reading whiteboard 40

given by the teacher.
Create a glossary of new
reading terms
Locate the events on the
timeline. On a map,
explain the conflicting
The teacher completes
the information
Reflection on learning Have you managed to Board
understand the topic?
What aspects have not been Whiteboar
clear? d
The teacher explains to clarify
some doubts.
Do you think it is necessary to
use weapons to solve conflicts?

Criteria Indicators Instruments

Space-time compression Analyze the background of Qualified practice
World War II by preparing
a double entry table
Attitude towards the area Valor Respect presents Checklist
your work in a timely

Behavioral attitude Maintains order and

cleanliness in the
Professor Ronald Ramírez Olano

world map of world war ii

Name and surname: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Instructions: Dear student, look at the world map and the map of Europe and locate what is
indicated below.

.Main Oceans

.blocs in conflict in the Second World War Axis countries Rome Berlin Tokyo Allies England
Soviet Union, France, United States, Canada
Allied countries Axis countries countries


Motivational Reading

Stalin's battle graded

The Battle of Stalingrad was a military confrontation between German forces and the Soviet
armies for control of the city of Stalingrad, present-day Volgograd, between August 23, 1942
and February 2, 1943, during the course of the Second World War.2 3 With estimated
casualties of three to four million people, between soldiers from both sides and civilians, the
Battle of Stalingrad is considered the bloodiest in the history of humanity and the beginning of
the end of Nazism in Europe . The Germans called it "Rattenkrieg", "rat war."

After Adolf Hitler diverted forces from the unstoppable Fall Blau (blue case) towards
Stalingrad, after a massive bombardment, intense urban combats were fought within the city,
with neither side taking full control of the ruins. In November 1942, a Soviet counteroffensive
pocketed the German 6th Army, which would be annihilated one hundred days later. Hitler's
refusal to give up the very important city, the entry point to the oil-rich Caucasus region,
meant the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides, and more than a million
Russian civilians. Stalin's victory meant the end of German hopes of capturing the Caucasus
and controlling the Volga River. Furthermore, many German army officers became convinced
that Hitler was leading Germany to disaster, some participating in the assassination attempt on
Hitler in 1944.

Stalin confirmed what many military experts suspected: German forces were not powerful
enough in supply logistics to sustain an offensive on a front stretching from the Black Sea to
the Arctic Ocean. The battle also marked a turning point in the war, since, after Stalin's death,
the German forces did not again achieve any victory in the East.


World War II was a global military conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. Most of the
nations of the world were involved in it, including all the great powers, grouped in two
opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis Powers. It was the largest war in history,
with more than one hundred million soldiers mobilized and a state of "total war" in which the
major contenders dedicated all their economic, military and scientific capacity to the service of
the war effort, erasing the distinction between resources. civil and military. Marked by events
of enormous significance that included the mass death of civilians, the Holocaust and the use,
for the first and only time, of nuclear weapons in a military conflict, World War II was the
deadliest conflict in human history with a final result of between 50 and 70 million victims.

The beginning of the conflict is usually placed on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion
of Poland, the first military step of Nazi Germany in its intention to found a great empire in
Europe, which produced the immediate declaration of war by France. and most of the
countries of the British Empire and the Commonwealth to the Third Reich. From the end of
1939 to the beginning of 1941, thanks to a series of dazzling military campaigns and the signing
of treaties, Germany conquered or subjugated a large part of continental Europe. Based on
agreements between the Nazis and the Soviets, the nominally neutral Soviet Union occupied
or annexed territories of the six neighboring nations with which it shared a border in the west.
The United Kingdom and the Commonwealth remained the only major force capable of
fighting the Axis Powers in North Africa and in extensive naval warfare. In June 1941 the
European Axis powers began an invasion of the Soviet Union, thus beginning the most
extensive land war operation in history, where from that moment on most of the military
power of the Axis was used. In December 1941, the Empire of Japan, which had been at war
with China since 1937 and sought to expand its dominions in Asia, attacked the United States
and European possessions in the Pacific Ocean, quickly conquering much of the region.

The Axis advance was stopped in 1942 after the defeat of Japan in several naval battles and of
the European Axis troops in North Africa and in the decisive battle of Stalingrad. In 1943, as a
consequence of the various setbacks of the Germans in Eastern Europe, the Allied invasion of
Fascist Italy and the victories of the United States in the Pacific, the Axis lost the initiative and
had to undertake strategic withdrawal in all areas. fronts. In 1944 the Western Allies invaded
France, at the same time the Soviet Union recovered territorial losses and invaded Germany
and its allies.

The war in Europe ended with the capture of Berlin by Soviet and Polish troops and the
subsequent unconditional German surrender on May 8, 1945. The Imperial Japanese Navy was
defeated by the United States and the invasion of the Japanese Archipelago became imminent.
Following the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States, the war in Asia
ended on August 15, 1945 when Japan accepted unconditional surrender.

The war ended with a total Allied victory over the Axis in 1945. The Second World War altered
the political relations and social structure of the world. The United Nations (UN) was created
after the conflagration to promote international cooperation and prevent future conflicts. The
Soviet Union and the United States rose as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold
War, which lasted for the next 46 years. At the same time, the influence of the great European
powers declined, materialized in the beginning of the decolonization of Asia and Africa. Most
countries whose industries had been damaged began economic recovery, while political
integration, especially in Europe, emerged as an effort to establish postwar relations.

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