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Unit 2: Enhancing Productivity

with Microsoft Office

2.1.2 Working With Files

Saving a Document
▪ Click on File Tab
▪ Select Save
▪ You can click on icon as an alternative to the above steps
and the following dialog box will appear.
▪ Select the File Location (drive and folder) where you want to
save the file
▪ Type a Filename
▪ Select the Save as Type
▪ Click Save

Saving a Document

Save the document to OneDrive
▪ When you save your files to the cloud, you can share and
collaborate with others, and get to your files from anywhere - on
your computer, tablet, or phone.

Save the document to OneDrive
▪ Click on File Tab
▪ Select Save
▪ Select OneDrive.
▪ Save personal files to
OneDrive - Personal,
and work files to your
company OneDrive.
▪ Enter a descriptive
name for the file and
select Save.
Save As a Document
▪ Choosing "Save As..." brings up a prompt to save your work as
a file with a different name.
▪ For example, you might choose to save a document called
"Paper - rev. 3" as "Paper - rev. 4".
▪ This way, you can save you file at different stages and keep
multiple versions on your hard drive.

Save As a Document
▪ Click on File Tab
▪ Select Save As
▪ Select the File Location using
browse button
▪ Select the Save as Type
▪ Type a Filename
▪ Click Save

Save As a Document
▪ By using this you can choose the type of format you wish to
save your document in. This may be useful when working in a
different version as well.
▪ For example, if you are working at a higher version level (MS
WORD 365) you could save your document in MS WORD 97 or
2003 and open it on a computer, which does not support MS
WORD 365.

Note: If you create a Word document in MS WORD 365, it will save your file as a MS
WORD 365 document by default.

Save As a Document
Word 365 introduces a new file format. In previous versions of
Word, the file extension was doc, and this has now changed. The
new file formats for Word 365 are as follows:

Macro-enabled document

Macro-enabled template .dotm

Saving from time to time
▪ After your first save, it's very important to save your file
▪ After you used Save As to provide a name and location for the
document, you can subsequently save the file by using the
Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Opening a Saved Document
▪ Click on File Tab
▪ Click Open
▪ Click Browse
▪ Select the File Location
▪ Select the File Name
▪ Click Open Button

Opening a Saved Document
▪ While you are working on a document, you can use the above method to
open several documents and it will list down in the task bar respectively.
▪ You can open and work on a file that was created in MS WORD 365 as
well as files that were created in earlier versions of Word.
▪ When you open a file that was created in an earlier version you can save it
in its existing format. When you open a document from an earlier version
of Word, Compatibility Mode is turned on. You will see [Compatibility
Mode] next to the document name on the title bar.

Pin frequently used files
▪ If you have files that you use often, you can pin them in the
Recent page and get to them quickly.

Pin frequently used files
▪ To Pin a file to the top of
your list
• Click on the File Tab
• Click Open
• Click Recent
• In the list of files on the
right, tap the icon next to
the file you like to pin.
• Select Pin this item to the

Closing a Document
▪ Click on File Tab
▪ Click Close

This will close your

existing document. If you
haven't saved, a
message box will appear.
Select your option and
click on the appropriate
button to proceed.
Lesson Summary
• Saving a document
• Opening saved document
• Close document


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