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Government of lndia

Secretariat of the
Appoin~mentsCormnit tee of the Cabinel
Milustry ofPersonne1, Public Grievances and f'e~lsioils
Department of Personnel and Training


Attention is invited to para 6 of the central Stqfing Scllen~acir~i~rlniei-1

,yjkj~:i . I i c :
Departmeni's O.M. No . 36/77/94-EO(SM.1) dated the 5"' Januruy, 1906.
h,, "Pc

2. The Appointments Committee of b e Cabinet has appl-oved ~ l ~ ~ ~ l l i f i 0c 1a l 1Ji(

entries in para 6 of the Central Staffir~gScheme relating to eligibil~ly 01 vllic.:c~-r: ! \ ) I
holding posts of the level ofAdditi01~1
Secretary and Secretal y as fLllo\;\~s.-
.,.. . .

.-..- . .... ..
1 Level
I Years of R'emal-h. I ~.
. - k - -1

. . provisio~~s)' 7 (Modified 111.0 visio w; {Ix;

In . ..
approved hy jlle A,!.'!:.:,) !
1 ,
Group . . . 1.
. .
Additional 25
~----- -
Severi years of service in lfle Seven yeurs 01' se~.\~ic:t.:
.- . . . 1
ill I 11,.

Secretary -
' '

scale of Rs.5900-6700 in the scale o f l~s.18400.,.Z%;lO(.l I

paent cadre or service and a llle parent carlrc oi' :;IL:J.\J~(:L: ti11 i

minimurn of two years o f aU officers r~iht:~. Il l i 1 1 1 i 1 111.

service lei? fur retirement, h r Central Secllela~it~l Se~~viq:~.:. I
all officers other thun the
.Central Seerelariat Service. Twelity years o I' (,';111 1 1 1.1 .,,:\ J
. .
Provided thar in respect of service will, nl 1exi1. ?L!V,-II
officers who bad h e n years' residrr~iy i l l 1.11~: ;I1 i . 1 1
appouited to ihe scale of Secrc~;lries" i ~ ~ i l o b i l i t )lisl ~ ill
Rs.2500-2750 (pre-IV Pay respect of C:el~trul fSei:!:t:~i:\ri;l~
Conu$ssion) or were included Service o 1'licil.s. I
in the panel approved f i r
appointment to posts in the
scale of Ps.2500-2750 under 1
the Cenlral Staffing Scherne on . . !!
or before 3 1.12.1985, a periotl --.-- .-.. - ... .. ..... .- .. -. ....
, ,,
, _ ... ..,. . . ... " ....__* ..,.
.. .....
. , .[!;
.i. (2:
! :,; ' 3 j:;,u,.,.-
.,;>.. (;j" ~ ~ [f;]. 1 ~ ~ ; ~ ~

equivalent revised scale'w~uld

i . , :1,;iGcie111,.
Twenty years o f Group
scr\licc wilh a1 le~jst szilen
years' rcsidenc): i l l illc Joint
Secretarjes' suitabill~~list in
respec[ of. ~a11'ralSecretarial
Service oficers.

7 . . .--- .-- ---.

Secretary 30 Mininlu111 of iwo yrars of Minirnym of I\vo years o f [l .

service in a po'st carrying a . service ill a post canying a
basic pay of Rs.7300 or above. basic pay of Rs.2i300 or
(Note: Jil the case of All-India above. (No~e:In llle case o i
Services olficer.~ who stand AII-India services oficers who
allocated to different cadres, stand allocated ro dilfereni
- eligibility criteria will apply to cadres,' eligibility criteria will
'the entire batch as soon as one apply to rhe enlire batch a s '
officer of the batch has put in soon as one 0ffice.r of the batcli
the required 2 years of senlice has put in the required 2 years
on a past ciirrying basic pay of of service on a port c a q i r i g a
,?s. 7;;(1i?.f- l)..!\;l.: , hnsir pay 01' Ils.22-10il!- I'.jv.I.'j
cri~criij I : : C ~ C ~ :itI ,,,
S1ringe111 c r i ~id,~ ,oi- S C I < L I ~ ; ) I ~ Si I.I~;SCIII

i. /
I /
. . .
would apply lo inembers of all woulri a p l l l ~ LO - r ~ r ~ l ~ h eoi
r . sa!!
tile services. i

Further, aparl from

eligibihty condi~io~is
prescribed above, it \vould
conlinur lo be ensured t l ~ a rfbs
empanelmenr of ofticcrs ol'l
various Ccnlril Services Ciroup
'A' Rlr appoin~ri~crlito tllc 1
posts 01' .Scc:r-zlar.,y ; r ~ i d ~
S L C ~ ~ ~ ~ I I . ) * ~i t Ci .~ \::I,I I I ~ I ~ ~
lli::.? i: '1 cIil121~~1iri:1!

'[\YO.yea1.s Ik:i\vec11 1 hc ol1ii:er.:.

ol'llle 1AS and olliccr-s 01' o ~ i i c ~
Ce~lln~l St.r\,ices. 1
making. ils r.ecorl~r~~criciil~jo~~s.
ill^ S p ~ i i S ~ C : I I ~ J I (I!'
- .: . . . -) ..
-- ! j
. .-.-. .----. .----..----..-.. ---.-----.- - - ------
continue t o lap e~nphasis on
......+ : . : :
officers in posts lillir~g~li.iticr
,>., suC[1

Cenlral Stafling Schcme in

L A -. .- ---- l'thc CclltraI Secretariat.

Ilej~uiySecretary 10 the Government of India

., 1. . he . ~ h i esecretaries
f of all State Goverrm~ents/UnionTerritories.
. 2. i s Government of India.
Secretaries of all ~ i n i s t r i e s / ~ e ~ a r ~ &ofn the
3. PMO (Shri Asho k Saikia, Joint Secretary).
4. ~abiner'secretariat(Shri R. Bhtacharya, Joint Secretary).
5. PS to MOS(PP)/Dir.(ACC)/DS(SM)/DS(MM)/PIlSto Secy(P)/l'S 10
. .
EO/RO(CM)/Guard File.

Deputy Secretary to the Govenmlent of India

-.--- - . .' -- ~--- ..
, '
: .-::;2..::--,.

- - . .-.-- . . .. ----
- . - .

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--_ - ....
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i , . . i ' . : P r n - m w
, ,, . :
I - m -3 ) -A
I&Q~G~,~~Q.I(MM ; . I . . -. .
t InQa ,
e e m m e r ~ of
, .
Department of Personnel & Training .. ,

( O f f i c e o f tfie-6s%ahl-.L-t officer)
I 5 . :

, , ,
, . y l , . . : , -

Nl% elh hi he dated id^ m@*,1998-

-- a - -
Y3FpJ CE . , ME%IOR~>.IT~~I .
.. . . . .
---- "- - > .

s kw a i t i n g &r
; ioit zi i~c e~r ~
S u s t m ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~of p-oL+ing unmr
- --
t h e Centraz- s t a f i i n g =hem,

. .

- ..L '

. ' , <me $aersigple8 . _ , _ p _,__

i s directed t o say that, a r a . 18.5. o f. ,- . . ' . ..
:< - b..%
' '
the Cmtral-staf f l ? g Scheme issued m d 5 F - t aT;-eno'. 36i+77/3&m(w21 I
dated t i e ' 5 t h Jmuaq 199 rpNidss, ,iEk-r-t.2< ffe,at whe,+ 81 . .. : .' .! 8,'ip .,, ",.. .
' ' ',

. .
*fficer i s be a~~-i!,:+;.,d
29 a ~ 3 - t frm the on&
.. . .

. .. . .

p r w i q u s l y 6, ,, i%
,, 9f ~ ; + m - from- train jn o/ablitiofi . ?:..',. . :': hf:j,
. -,.,.

. . . .,;_ . .s.l,.:


O f p o s t .etci8 he/she shrill cm+,icus +o bom& on the establ- : ,; .: , ,.8 , ,.!.

. , .
I , ..
. is-t- o f t h e organisation 23 - - t:hi~.n t h e offj.cer pr&i*usll,.
:.. , > ,
.., .
. t h e p o s t and the d f ficc-zr s psy 'allO-cCes .s~laSIZ T ~ . a~k ..
.I :i'
. . :w
0 .

: met 'Y that d m i s a t i o.-n till s u c h - - t h e m e cff i c e r ~ S s o r ( l e s

. ....
,:. .,,.
. .
.' ,. ,...

. e h a r g e o f a n e w p o s t . The-procsdup= t o be5~1lr,:.-od'forthe - ,

. . . . . .. ,
. . . ., ... . .,
. .
:.: : . :., .,.. , . :1.

placement ...--.0-f officer~-waiting;,for--p~st~ng-has be=. nnder ZQns-': '. i . . .. :,..,:

. ---
-?a*- ,
- -~AUAA-.
- ;~?le ~ p p 0 ~ t m e n tmmmittee
.s of t h e ~i&inet.haS-nOW',.'
8 : I

- ' ',

,: ' !a ,"'- '",

. . .
' %
. ..,.,..,...,
. . . : .. .
2 5.:
I '

WP-e t h e p roeedure t o - b e followed regarding p l . ~ k m: e~

f: t - . . : ..
. . .., :, ..L

"fficer~-foEposti&~ of t h e AC-''is b r o u ~ h tto . : ', ; '

the - o f a l l M i n i s t r , h / ~ - e p ~ - f i t s f o r i n , b m a t i ~ n and
.. .-guidance:L - / .
- - 1 -
ti) jesting
me rimes o f
P t
f f i t e r s ori-corrpu2&ry wait-'@r
should b e c i r c u l a t e d by t h e ~ & a b l i s h m e n -05ficer f o r . ¶, ,
.. .
' '

, t panela ds provided under t h e & n t r a l staff-
~ l m a e n in . . . ..... .
. .... . .
Scheme. I f h e y a r e n o t Se3ected for ; p o s t w i t h & - - . . ' ,
-- ..- . . ,..

' '
t h r e e months
. .
of oompulson7 - w a i t , despite jepea?ed ~ c i ! X d a t .;"
i ~..'';.
. .. . .
for various p o q k , t h e i r r ; , s t i n i should-be made o p p
mndatogy basis.' -. -
.. .-.
{ii) Circulation of-nwes for placment, ~ ~ . . ~ ~ - : ~ :0 ~ 2 . i ;- . ~ . z t c:.

o f f i c e r s . expected L3 r-zn fr-.~

: ~ c p,,t:>.,~
~ ~ (:r-i l i n g, -
. .
. ... .
would c ~ m e n c ea t le;s : 0r.a m~-.-:? beei r z 2:: 1:7:: r?..;:I scted ' ...
d a t e Q f r%o*j?~ 7 5- r ~ ~ : ~ : + ~ ; ~ , ; , ~
- . -- , .
... , . L

- ~ o n t j l . ' ..2/ ,. ..
- .. - . . . . , . . - ., .
- ... ,> . .(

L. 1
less t h a n - a year may be r e p a t r i a t e d to-their p r a -
- .-+
- -.: -

cadres with the approval ef the C a b b e t Secretary and

t h e Minister of State i n t h e M .<
i n i s t r y of Personne,b~
Public Grievances and Pensions, unless t h e i r service5 1 .

. ..
U P - t h e Ministries and . .. .
Departrnm5;s . '
. . , .
of t h e a*'. 3:': -r23:ia,' . . , . ;:I
. j

. I .'
. . , .
m y a r w a r d e d kcj 7,- - .- - - -
.: .
- .. . .
. . . '.
1 C h i e f S e c r e t a g i ? ~to *be G o v e c 7 . ~ e r toj f a l l States .'.. . .
Government of India
, ; $ 1 Secretariat of the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
'Mihistry.of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

t 3'
j, , .- , -
. !"
- - 1 '

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has
the proposal to add the period spent in the APPPA
' Course in the tenure of the officers irrespective of whether
they are on thle first or subsequent deputation to the
2. The Department of Personnel and Training
(Training . Division's) Part ~ l l e No.12013/3/98-Trg. is


( B,.K. Datta )
Desk Officer (SM.1)

. The Depa,rtment of Personnel 6 Training,

lsnrl A.K. Arora, ~ o l n fsecreraryj,

Copy to:

PMO [Shri Ashok Saikia, Joint Secretary).

Cabinet Secretariat (Shri Rajeev Kher, Director).
PS to MOS(PP)/PPS to Secretary (P)/PS .to EO/RO(CM)/

( B.K. Datta )
Desk Officer (SM.1)
1. -...-.-

.- ... . .
T ~t&tgdirste
~oi31/24fi%-FdI~(MM+kL) ,
, .
I &~~;nmmko f XI'kdi.8 . .. .
, . . Depattmmt. of ~ 6 ~ 8 0 n n l A&l ~ 1 : 8 # . ~ 1 h g ' -.

, : " ' , ( O f f i c e df' the EatabJiElhmq-lt: Of f $ . d d ) , -1.. 4

. , 3 .. .,
.. ,
'. ..+a m\ .
f - ._ -.- .
.. ' .... -
* C * ' C
L 19
-. .
. ; , ' stew ~ e l h i .the
i &at88.6th'DCC.JdLgW-...--.-:
- -4

..-. .


- - . -
~ ~ b ! , e c st C e n t r a l g t a f a p q ~ a h & s . s i x i n ~of~ i$me limit fory '

, !
, ,.. . fblal$sing &ledtion r~&,p a i ~ . l ' f i n a J @ a d Iy m- .

' ~ p,$et*
e -art&&f g - ' ~ s f s ? - , t ot h ~ b
d?Pakatr 8 O ~ I . N Or 3 ~ 7 / 9 . 4 - ~ , J p l &ICchSth
Gy-~uary4936.' C ~ ~
ala to s a y t h a t t h e A p p o ~ t m ~ s ~ofi +$~:e
~ e ~ea b D a t - ' h ~ g
b . : - . ~ e n t r . a- l - ~ t d f w ~ ~ ~ ~
% w e d the follow@ a m q m ~ f . * tothe J

. .
In p a r s 21; balm Slangs' . (v) 1' t h e f o i l ~ w b ' i , .
?mflukils h a l l b e h m ~ p o r a f e ar.. - ,

I Df Pice of t h e Q M ; $ ~ T L JaS).,Q1$ ~ i n . d. i ,. n s f l ~~XAG
;~ ) ,,

. .
. z l h .-c s l ~Bi,Y.Mjdra,
u ,.P 6~iceta~j
. .. . ,-'./
b/ ~ 0 . 3 6 / 2 / 2 0 0 0 - . ~ 0 ( ~I ')~ .

' ' Gover ?men t o f 1 nd i ? ..

1 ,.<, , , + < A : , S e c r ~ t a r i a to f t I . 1 b . 2

. 5,
-' Appointments C i m m i t t e e o f t h e Cabinel:
, . h i i n i s t r y o f P e r s o n n e l , P u b l i c G i - i ~ v a t . ! c c sand P e n s i o n s
Department of P e r s o n n e l and T r a i n i n g
., ***

A t t e n t i o n is i n v i t e d t o p a r a , 6 of t h e C e n t r a l S t a f i ' i i
scheme, circulated vide t h i s Department's 0.M.No.36/7T/Lj.
. EO(SM-I) d a t e d t h e '. 5th J a n u a r y , . 1996- laying down L
e l i g i b i l i t y o f o f f i c e r s f o r h o l d i n g p o s t s o f t h e l e v e l o f Unc:'
S e c r e t a r y and a b o v e . I t ha:; now b e e n d e c i d e d , w i t h t h e ~ p p r ~ : , c :
of . t h e appointment.^. :Committee . o f t h e C a b i n e t , t o p r e s c r i b e , I.
a following e l i g i b i 1 i . t ~ 'c r i t e r i a $ o r o f f i c e r s of the Ceri1:r:
S e c r e t a r i a t S e r v i c e ( C S S ) f ~ trh e p o s t o f A d d i t i o n a l . S e c r e t a r y :

Twenty y . ~ a r s o f Group " A " s e r v i c e with a t l e a s t

years' residency i n t h e J o i n t Secretari.2~' s u i t a b j l ;
l i ~ t -

2. The p r o v i s i o n s of para 6 of the afoi:es~id Cer~r!

S t a f f i n g Sch,enie w i l l s t a n d r r ~ o d i f i e dt o t h i s e x t e n t - '

[ V.K, Cherian ]
Deputy S e c r e t a r y t o t h e Government o!' l i
.,, ..- -\:.
-..:(-. To: ,.: u.r
( . <,?. , J.', '
.. /-'
/' ,
,.; I I.'
1 . - '

\ 1,
1 - ~ l l ' . l . l i n i s ' t r i e s / ~ e u a f t r n e n t of
s t h e G o v t . of irldia.
. ,.-2 - -P181O(Shri ~ s h o f - ~ a i k i a~ , o i n ' ts e c r e t a r y ) . /
13:' C a b i n e t Secretariat (Shri R-Bhattzcharya, ..I:
. S e c r e t . a r y . )-
.!.4: . P S to MOS(PP~/DS(SM)/DS(M~I)/US(~IM~/IJS(SII!/PJ~
S e c r e t a r y (P)/?S t o

. - ...
A .
.' ,. I \ . [ . V - K - C h e r i a r ~J
. . \ D e p u t y S e c r e t a r y t o t h e G o v s r n m e n t of J !

' .'.

. .
' *


New Delhi, the IPAugust, 2005


Subject :- Policy regarding appointment of officers at different levels l ~ n d ethe

Central Staffing Scheme.

d The undersigned is directed to say that the ACC has approved the
following regarding appointment of oficers at different levels under the Central
Staffing Scheme so as to obviate subjectiv~tyor arbitrariness :-

I> All DepartmentsIMinistries shall be requested to make available the details

of the vacancies at the levels of Deputy ~ecretary/~irector/~oint Secretary
along with detailed job description, experience, specific qualifications, etc.
, required for filling up each vacant post. The DoP&T shall put on its
Website the details of the vacancies at the levels of DS/Director/Joint
Secretary occurring during the course of the year.
i 2) DoPGT shall issue an annual circular in ~ c t o b e r l ~ o v e m b to e r all the State
L GovernmentsKadre Controlling Authorities for forwarding the names of
i oficers for posting under ,the Central Staffing Scheme durinq the next
1 -p21DnAe7
. . -I-L -
~ t m - -
: ;ui
'- F,
i , ciiisi iijiiiiiy iiiio account the demands1 job
requirements of the various DepartmentsIMinistries, the ACR Gradings,

I -
vigilance status, etc. shall take a decision about the retention of the names
in the Offer List. t

DoP&T shall place on its Website the Offer List containing the names of

officers retained for posting under the Central Staffing Scheme.

4) DoP&T shall also place on its Website the Executive Record (ER) Sheets
of all IAS officers containing the details of their qualifications, trainings,
postings, etc. These ER sheets shall be continually up-dated and shall
also be used in the computeiized programme for preparation of panels.

$/'- The Composition of the Civil Services .Board (CSB) shall b e as follows:-
a) Cabinet Secretary Chairman ex-officio
b) Secretary(P) Member ex-officio
c) One secretary to the Gol : Member
to be appointed for a n
year at a time
d) Establishment Officer Member-Secretary ex-officio
e) Secretary of the administrative MinistrylDepartment concerned
. ,,, , , , , v ~uroaa
~ ~ ~ ~parameters shall be followed by the CSB for selehtion
of officers at the level of Deputy SecretaryIDirectorlJoint Secretary:-

i). Officer should be on Offer List for Central deputation ;

ii). Educational qualifications and training of the officers;
iii). Whether the officer's spouse is already at the Centre and the officer
contemplates to come on Central deputation;
iv). CDR utilization (utilization of Deputation Reserve);
v).. Mix of cadres;
-7 Due weightage to seniority in the Service;
vii). Quality of CRslPARs.

The computer programme devised for drawing draft panels for the
consideration of the CSB shall, in addition to the above parameters, also factor in
the following parameters :-

For Joint Secretary level :

il> . Preference to be given to states which have low CDR utilization ;

ii). Preference to be given to officers who have been on Offer List for more
than two years and are yet to be given a posting;
iii). Mix of different State cadres in the panel;

For Deputy Secretar~1Director.level:

i)- Inclusion of at least one IAS officer in the panel as far as possible;
ii). Preference to b e given to officers who are on the OfYer List for more than
two years;
111). Special requirement of the job.

7) If an officer lacks sufficient experience in a particular domain that may be

required for a post, the relevant educational qualification of an officer shall
be taken into accnl In+

8) Panels recommended by the Civil Services Bcard (CSB) shall be

forwarded to the MinistrylDepartment concerned for obtaining the orders
of the Minister-in-charge for selection as per paragraph 21(v) of the
Central Staffing Scheme. Oraers of the Minister-in-charge should
normally be forwarded within seven days of the receipt of the panel or, if
the Minister is on tour, within seven days of I- is return from tour. If a
selection is not completed within seven days of the receipt of the panel or
o n return from tour by the Minister, the Cabinet Secretary may be free to
either :

a) directly forward all three names -on the panel to 'the ACC with full
particulars of the officers, in the case of Joint Secretaries; or

b - arrange to issue appointment orders for the first name in the panel in the
case df DirectorsIDeputy Secretaries.
*.,'\ 'j

The DepartmentIMinistry concerned to which a panel of names is sent b y

the CSB for a post of Deputy SecretarylDirectorlJoint Secretary, shall
select one of them. Approval of ACC shall be sought for the selection of
officers o f the level of Joint Secretary.

- 10) In respect of appointments to 'the levels of Deputy SecretaryIDirector, it

shall not be necessary to place the matter before the ACC even if the
SI.a tNo. 1 in
DepadmentJMinistry selects an officer o t h e ~ - t h a n - t h u f f i ~ e ~
the CSB panel.

11) Officers on Compulsory Wait having a balance tenure of less than one
year may be repatriated to their parent cadres with the approval of the
tb' Cabinet Secretary and the MOS(PP) unless their services are found
required for some specific joblassignment.

12) Names of officers o n Compulsory Wait for posting shall be circulated by
y".; the Establishment Officer for placement in panels as provided under the
Central Staffing Scheme. If they are not selected for a post within three
months of Compulsory Wait despite repeated circulation for various posts,
their posting will be made on a mandatory basis.

Circulation of names for plscement in respect of officers expected to

return from long-term training shall commence at least one month before
their expected date of reporting for posting.

Lateral transfer .while on Central deputationl shall be considered in the

following instances :
:. -.,\

A - . i). Where the posts are of such nature that repeated circulations do not yield
sufficient nominations;
% ii).
Where the instit~~tions/organizations are s ~ ~ that
c h the prof~lefeql~iredfor
the job does not co-relate w~ththe profile of the ofhcer appointed;
Where the posts are located in such places that sufficient nominations are
ordinarily not received;

The cases of lateral transfer of officers on grounds of inefficiency,

incompetence, unsatisfactory perfqrmance or incompatibiiity with the job
requirements shall be considered only after the administrative
MinistryJDepartment has obtained the off~cers' explanation on each
alleged shortcoming. Such grounds of inefficiency, etc. shall not be held
against the officers for imposing penalty, etc. or for recording in his ACR.
These grounds shall be used only for the limited purpose of lateral
transfer. In case it is felt that proceedings for penalty should be launched,
such proceeding shall be taken up separately as per the existing rules and
- x
! 3 ,'

i i\Wf
f---h.* .
' . 16)
.> under the Central Staffing Scheme, a time

of three weeks

After issuance of ACCIDoPT orders regarding appointment of an officer

from the date of

1 ' .;q,
+<. ,
, receipt of the order shall be given to the officer to join his new post: If no. ,"A
response is received after three weeks or the officer fails to join, ti.;
process'of debarment shall be initiated after a notice to that effect is
C issued to the officer concerned.
\ 2. The above decision of the ACC is brought to the notice of all Ministries

and Departments of Government of India for information.
- . n
(T. enkatesh)


1, All Ministries and Departments of Govt. of India.

2. All Cadre controlling authorities of Central Service Group 'A'.


I. PS to MOS(PP Sr. PPS to Secretary (P)/PS to EO.

~ i r ( ~ ~ ) / i ?M)lDir(ACC)
(T. %.&ices h )

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