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Reactivate evaluation

Evaluation module I DATA SCIENCE

Evaluation feedback

Attempts 1 of 0
Your performance was: 70 points
Evaluation ID: 4662852722653610

Module I evaluation (100%)


According to the reading of this module, the result of a data mining

exercise depends largely on:

The data scientist

Data quality (correct)
The scope of the project
The programming language used

Based on your reading of this module, after the data is properly
processed, transformed, and stored, what is a good starting point for
data mining?

Machine learning
Data Visualization
Non-parametric methods
Create a Relational Database

Based on your reading of this module, what is the ultimate purpose of
To evangelize data science
Communicate findings to stakeholders to formulate policies or strategies.
Facilitate meetings between sales and marketing.
To store big data efficiently with minimal storage requirements

Based on your reading of this module, what features are best

projected by data scientists?

Really curious engineers and statisticians.

Really curious people who ask good questions.
Curious people who ask good questions and are good at dealing with
unstructured situations and trying to find structure in them.
Thinkers who are really curious and have a Ph.D.
Really curious people who ask good questions and have at least 10 years of


From reading this module, what role of a data scientist is discussed?

Using data to put together a story the CEO wants to tell

Develop a strategy to solve problems in the results
Use ideas to build a narrative to communicate findings. (correct)
Manage a team of analysts to create a predictive model

Based on your reading of this module, what should you do when data
is consistently missing?

Determine who managed the database

Extrapolate the data
Determine the average of the values around the missing data
Determine the impact of missing data on the results and whether missing data
can be excluded from the analysis

Harvard Business Review called data science the sexiest job of the
21st century.


Based on reading this module, it is recommended that a team wait
until the analytics results come out before they can decide on the
final product.


The United States Economic Forecast is published by McKinsey
University Press.

False (correct)


"Formal evaluation could include testing the predictive capabilities

of the models on observed data to see how effective and efficient the
algorithms have been in reproducing the data." This is known as:

Reverse engineering (correct)

Forecast in sample

According to the reading of this module, the author defines a data
scientist as someone who uses complicated machine learning to
build predictive models, publishes their research results on online
blogs, and works from home.


The report, discussed in this Module, successfully did the job of:

Use data and analysis to generate probable economic scenarios

Calculate projections for the economy
Convince the leadership team to act on initiative
Summing up, pages and pages of research

According to the reading of this module, the author defines data
science as the art of discovering the secrets hidden in data.


Depending on the themes, the three important qualities you must

possess to be successful as a data scientist are:

Good Speaker (Argumentative)
Programming Competence
Good in Mathematics and Statistics

According to the McKinsey Global Institute report, by 2018, it is
projected that there will be a shortage of people with deep analytical
skills in the United States. What is the size of this shortage?

3 - 6 million people
140,000 - 190,000 people
20,000 - 50,000 people
800,000 - 900,000 people
120,000 people

Based on your reading of this module, how did Walmart address its
analytics needs?

Shared code
Social networks
None of the above

Based on your reading of this module, what is admirable about Dr.

Patil's definition of a data scientist?

Its definition includes individuals of diverse academic backgrounds and training.

Its definition limits data science to activities related to machine learning.
Its definition excludes statistics.
Its definition is about weaving strong narratives in analysis
The New York Times reported that the average base salary for a data
scientist is $85,000 + competitive bonus.



According to the reading of this module, Hal Varian, Google's chief

economist, stated that "the attractive work in the next ten years will
go to ___________________."

Computer Scientists

Based on your reading of this module, what is an example of a data

reduction algorithm?

Previous Analysis of Variables

Joint Analysis
A/B testing
Principal component analysis

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