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Nama Sekolah : SK BAKAP INDAH

NAMA PESERTA : _____________________________

“ One should love what one does and success will follow .” Do you
agree ?

Good morning to honourable judges , teachers and friends. Today, I

am honored to talk about success. What determines the success or
failure of an endeavour ? Is it commitment and hard work or is it
talent and genius ? For me , love for one’s job is often the biggest
determinant of success .

I believe that commitment and hard work are the most critical
components of success . Without commitment and hard work, one
would give up easily in the face of adversity and setbacks. Any
worthwhile venture is easily fraught with problems and difficulties
that threaten to derail one’s plans. It is commitment and hard work
that will ultimately see one through such tough times.

Some might argue that talent and genius are more important factors
of success in a venture. While it is true that talent and genius can
make the journey easier , they are hardly the driving factors of
success . Talents abound in every field , but not many reach the
pinnacle of achievement. In fact, it is the talented who are less that
likely to succeed , for they are likely to take their gifts for granted.
The less talented , on the other hand , have to work doubly hard to
make up for this natural handicap. Those who love their jobs will
undoubtedly strive even harder to excel.
Furthermore , talent and hard work are not mutually exclusive. On
the contrary , the more hardworking a person is , the more talented
he becomes . The myth of natural talent has been debunked time
and time again by those who have committed to excellence and the
development of their talents.

Love for one’s chosen field builds commitment, and commitment

develops talents that make success possible. If a person loves what
he does , he will not mind expending extensive effort to resolve
difficulties he is bound to meet along his path to success. Instead , he
will take these difficulties to mean that his choice is worth pursuing
and work harder to succeed.

Therefore, I conclude that one should love what he does , and

success will follow.

Thank you very much.

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