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This science fair project was conducted to compare the effectiveness of using a
natural mosquito repellent versus a synthetic one. The scientific project involves
lemongrass oil and DEET (Diethylmetatoluamide) mosquito repellent spray.
Diethylmetatoluamide mosquito repellent spray is a more effective repellent
compared to lemongrass oil.

 Insect repellents
Insect repellents are substances that are typically applied to clothing or directly
to the skin to keep insects away and prevent bites. They are commonly sold in
the form of oils or sprays. Insect repellents help prevent the onset of diseases
such as dengue and malaria, which are normally caused by insects. They work
by masking human odor by releasing other odors that repel insects. Insect
repellents containing synthetic DEET have been found to last longer and also to
be more effective than natural repellents. These synthetic repellents are able to
retain their effectiveness for more than 2 hours compared to natural repellents
that last less than 1 hour. However, excessive use of synthetic repellents is
believed to cause side effects such as insomnia, impaired cognitive function
and mood changes. Natural substances can be used as insect repellents. They
are usually less toxic and have fewer side effects. Examples of natural insect
repellents are lemongrass and citronella oil.

Materials needed for this science fair project:

- 1 empty aquarium with a top side cover
- 40 mosquitoes
- 1 can of mosquito repellent containing DEET
- 1 bottle of lemongrass oil
- 4 participants
- 1 stopwatch

Insect repellents, dengue fever, malaria, Diethylmetatoluamide.

1. For this science fair project, the independent variable is the type of mosquito
repellent used – lemongrass oil or a DEET-based mosquito repellent. The
dependent variable is the number of mosquitoes that come to rest on the
participant's hand. This is determined by observing and counting the
mosquitoes on the participant's hand. The constants (control variables) are
the number of mosquitoes in the aquarium tank and the size of the aquarium

2.Forty mosquitoes are captured or raised in a mosquito egg raft for this science
fair project. The mosquitoes are released into the aquarium and the cover is
closed. 3. A DEET-based mosquito repellent and lemongrass oil was first
applied to a small area of the participants' skin to check for any sensitivity or
allergic reactions. Four participants without any reaction to insect repellents are
selected. 4. The participants are first made to place their hand inside the
aquarium for 30 seconds and the number of mosquitoes that sit on their hand
are counted and recorded in the table given below. 5. The participants left hand
was then coated with the DEET-based mosquito repellent. They were then
asked to place their left hand in the aquarium once again and rate the number
of mosquitoes that come to rest on the skin of their hands within the next 30
seconds are counted. The result is recorded in the table given below. 6. The
participant's right hand is covered with lemongrass oil. They are asked to put
their right hand in the aquarium for 30 seconds. The number of mosquitoes that
come to rest on the right hand are counted and recorded in the table given

The hypothesis that Deet mosquito repellent is more effective than lemongrass
oil is proven to be true. Insect repellent label instructions should be carefully
read and followed before use. Special care should be taken when children or
pregnant women are exposed to the spray. Only a small amount of repellent
should be used on children, as they risk reacting negatively.


The science fair project can be repeated by comparing the effectiveness of

other natural mosquito repellents such as Neem oil. Try modifying your science
project to compare the effectiveness of eucalyptus oil in keeping flies away from

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