Library Project

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The provision of materials to libraries is of utmost importance because

students must have their availability to carry out the assigned activities. It
should be noted that it is necessary for the different institutions to have ample
study material, as well as as well as a pleasant and suitable place where
students can investigate satisfactorily.

That is why the initiative arises to carry out this research project called
providing books and curtains to the Aquiles Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel
Ramírez” Commercial Technical School, since it aims to solve the problem
that arises, through the provision of said library with books suitable for the
students of the aforementioned institution and the preparation of curtains, in
order to create a pleasant and comfortable environment.

The research project comprises five chapters which are described


In Chapter I , it represents the formulation of the problem, delimitation of the

field of study, it also proposed the objectives of the research and the
justification is explained.

In Chapter II , the theoretical references, laws and background that have

supported the action of the research are explained; where mention was made
of concepts or definitions proposed by different authors.

Chapter III , which bases the research methodology, explains the type of
research used, techniques and instruments used.
For data analysis, the results of the applied instruments are also described.

Chapter IV , describes the proposal and the action plan that will be used to
achieve the objectives of the research, also describes the justification of the
proposal and the feasibility study.
The problem

1.1 Statement of the problem.

Over the years, education has shown internationally that it is a key

element for the development of the people that make up the regions and
countries, therefore education is the process through which a person
develops their physical and mental capacity. .

It is indisputable that Venezuela is a country with great educational

potential; Few countries have various public and private institutions or study
houses (Mothers, Simoncitos, Preschools, Primary, Secondary, Basic,
Secondary and University); where there are highly trained teaching staff to
train citizens suitable for the work field. (Edgar Morín, The 7 Pillars of

In Venezuela, one of the States where quality education is provided is

in the state of Falcón, where the institutions have different areas of specialties
such as: Sciences, Humanities, Business, Physical Education, Technological
Areas as well as highly trained personnel to facilitate students' learning and
development of skills and abilities in obtaining an efficient and effective
To facilitate the educational process, every institution must have well-
appointed classrooms such as good lighting, desks and blackboards in good
condition; good space that allows air circulation.

Likewise, these institutions must have dining rooms and computer

rooms in perfect physical space to improve the stay of students in their
respective institutions.

One of the spaces of great importance in educational institutions is the

one intended for carrying out activities such as: researching, investigating,
carrying out work and projects, these places are known as Libraries. It could
be said that they are spaces where information of any type or topic to be
investigated is found such as bibliography, biology, science, mathematics,
physics, chemistry, Spanish, English, telematics, environmental among
others, which will serve as support with the activities of learning.

According to the American Library Association (ALA), (1996) It defines

the Library as a collection of information material organized so that it can be
accessed by a group of users. It has personnel in charge of services and
programs related to the information needs of readers.

Said Library must have sufficient and extensive material, it must also
have a favorable environment such as (lighting, clean environment and good
treatment) to create a pleasant atmosphere for the visitor.
Therefore, for this environment to be pleasant, it must have a physical
space in good condition such as: books, ventilation, temperature and highly
trained staff to help users with their research and daily work.

However in the ETC Pedro Curiel Ramírez, specifically in the Aquiles

Nazoa library, presents a shortage or lack of teaching material on basic topics
from 1st to 3rd year; This problem affects students since there is no updated
material that allows them to carry out their activities. This results in students
going to other schools in order to search or inquire about the topic to be

It should be noted that the library not only lacks educational materials,
but also the curtains that decorate the space are in inadequate conditions
(damaged), which causes air to escape and allows light to enter the area;
Therefore, a pleasant environment is necessary where the physical space is
in good condition such as: books, ventilation, temperature and highly trained
staff to help users with their research and daily work.

1.2 Research objectives.

General objective:

Equip and decorate the Aquiles Nazoa library of the “PEDRO CURIEL
RAMÍREZ” commercial technical school.

Specific objectives:
- Diagnose the need for books and curtains in the Aquiles Nazoa Library
of the ETC Pedro Curiel Ramírez.

- Discover the benefits that the provision of books and curtains will offer
for the Aquiles Nazoa Library of the ETC Pedro Curiel Ramírez.

- Prepare an action plan for the provision of books and curtains for the
Aquiles Nazoa Library of the ETC Pedro Curiel Ramírez.

1.3 Justification.

The research project responds to the need to investigate all the

necessary components or elements in the library of the commercial technical
school “PEDRO CURIEL RAMÍREZ” through a specific study that provides
important data that allows the achievement of the proposed objective.

As for the purpose of the research, this project is carried out with the
purpose of providing physical support material that helps the setting and
provision of books and curtains in the library of the Pedro Curiel Ramírez
commercial technical school, since it is lack of supportive teaching material
for students, as well as lack of curtains that provide a better and more
pleasant atmosphere when users come to it.

One of the reasons that justifies the realization and importance of the
research project is from an educational point of view, due to the lack of
documentary support material, students find themselves in the need to visit
other institutions to carry out their school tasks, being able to have the
material on hand on your own campus.
Another reason that justifies this project is that personally, it is safer
and more feasible to have the Aquiles Nazoa library in good condition, with
updated books and sufficient teaching material on common subjects from 1st
to 3rd year where students can learn and research.

1.4 Delimitation.

- The time of the research study will be carried out during the academic
period, September 2011 – June 2012.

- From a spatial point of view, it will be held at the ETC Pedro Curiel
Ramírez, specifically in the “Aquiles Nazoa” library.

- Who it will benefit: all students from 10 to 3rd year of the ETC Pedro
Curiel Ramírez.
Theoretical framework

2.1 Research Background.

There are many studies that have been carried out regarding the provision
of bibliographic materials both to the “Aquiles Nazoa” library of the ETC
“Pedro Curiel Ramírez” of the City of Coro, and in other libraries of Coro,
which are located in various schools; That is why it is important to mention
said research below to support the work carried out.

Arévalo Wilhelminy and Others (2000) carried out a research entitled

provision of bibliographic material of the computer mention to the “Aquiles
Nazoa” library of the ETC “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” of the City of Coro, Miranda
Municipality of the State of Falcón; whose main objective was to provide
bibliographic material to the “Aquiles Nazoa” library.

In this study, the Feasible Project was used as a type of research,

under a descriptive and evaluative modality; The population object of this
study was made up of 162 students and a sample of 24 students was taken,
using the survey as a data collection technique and the questionnaire as an
instrument; which after its application showed that if bibliographic material is
needed in the library, the existing material is also outdated, it would be very
useful to increase the learning process. The care and maintenance of existing
bibliographic material in the library is recommended.
It is worth highlighting the author: Aulacio E. and Others (2000),
because they carried out a research whose purpose was to provide
bibliographic material for the computer instruction subject of the ETC “Pedro
Curiel Ramírez” of the City of Santa Ana de Coro, Falcón State.

The objective of said research was developed under the modality of a

feasible project supported by field research; studying a population of 242
students from said institution and taking a representative sample of 20% of
the population under study, to which the instrument called questionnaire was
applied in order to obtain the necessary information and develop the
research. The authors of this research obtained as a result that it is
convenient and essential to prepare this bibliographic material for the
computer science instruction subject of the ETC. Pedro Curiel Ramírez from
the City of Santa Ana de Coro, Falcón State.

It is also necessary to mention a Research Project entitled “Provision

of an industrial hygiene and safety manual for the chemistry laboratory of the
“Monseñor Lucas Guillermo Castillo” basic school, which had as its primary
objective the provision of a hygiene and safety manual. industrial for the
“Monseñor Lucas Guillermo Castillo” laboratory.

The research was carried out under the Descriptive type, and applied
to a population of 91 students, where 21 students were taken as a
representative sample. After applying the instruments and collecting the data,
the conclusion was obtained that the students need to acquire the industrial
hygiene and safety manual for the chemistry laboratory. It is recommended to
students and teaching staff the correct use of materials and equipment of all
laboratories must have operational emergency lights; its conditioning must be
periodically inspected (Rodríguez, 2006).

Medina Gregorio (2000) carried out a research project called

“Provision of restoration equipment for the technical and practical subject of
the tourist mention of the ETC “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”, where the main
objective was the provision of restoration materials. equipment for the tourism
subject of the ETC “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”. This research was carried out
under the Feasible Project modality, where 60% was selected and a sample
of 41 second and third year professional students and a teacher were taken
for a total of 42 subjects, to which a questionnaire was applied as an
instrument of data collection.

Reaching the conclusion that the teacher in charge of teaching the

TPM subject does not find it easy to teach it due to the lack of this type of
equipment. And it was recommended to keep the restaurant's equipment in
good condition and motivate the students to continue with that type of self-
management such as the provision.


2.2.1 Library.

Arévalo et al (2000), carried out a research in which a library is

generally understood as a place where books are stored that, due to its
organization, facilitates the search for specific information. This easy access
has led to libraries being used mainly as school support, where textbooks are
the most frequently used. However, a library is more than this, it is a space
where children approach books and both they, young people and adults learn
to love reading. In this way, it stops being just a collection of books that can
help solve a school problem and becomes a possibility for development.

The library offers, through its books, its space, its activities, its
services, its librarian and its users, a diversity of paths to develop human
potential. Reading shows foreign worlds that the reader can make their own.
At the same time, the word awakens different emotions in those who interpret
it, giving meaning to the reality of the individual. This is how it becomes a
means of expression and communication without temporal or spatial barriers
between the author and the reader. Reading transforms and therefore the
reader can, based on this internal change, modify the environment. This
process begins with an exploration of the written word, which is followed by
the creation of its own meanings and culminates with action.

The activities of the library, like the librarian, promote and satisfy the
curiosity of users. The space provides an environment of tranquility, respect
and trust whose main purpose is to facilitate concentration and coexistence.
The library has a function of collective memory, where every person can
contribute their knowledge, concern and experience, increasing their
community commitment.

2.2.2 Types of Libraries.

It is necessary to mention the types of libraries that exist such as:

National Libraries.

According to Arévalo (2000), national libraries are financed with public

funds and fulfill a dual purpose: to provide bibliographic research material for
any discipline, to preserve and disseminate the cultural heritage (referring to
information recorded over time) of each country. In general, each state has a
library that is considered “national” and whose objectives are those outlined

Public Libraries.
For Arévalo et al (2000) Public libraries aim to respond to the wide
range of needs that their users may demand. In addition to classic literary
works, its collections may consist of texts that provide information on social
services, reference works, records, films and recreational books.

Many of them sponsor and organize complementary cultural events, such

as conferences, debates, theater performances, musical concerts, film
screenings and art exhibitions. In this sense, children's services should be
mentioned, a characteristic section of public libraries that promotes literary
sessions, ensures the existence of a small children's library and, sometimes,
even has rooms with toys.

Since the goal of public libraries is to meet the needs of the greatest
possible number of citizens, they also often have reading and listening
machines, as well as books printed in special formats (for example, Braille)
for people with disabilities. vision problems. The financing of these libraries
comes from local public authorities.

School Library.

On the other hand, the same author refers that in academic libraries,
school libraries complement the programs of the institutions to which they
belong, although they also have non-academic books to promote the habit of
Many have different audiovisual and electronic media. Their financing
comes from the school institutions in which they are integrated.
a) School library functions.

As a primary function, the school library must be the organization that

receives, systematizes and disseminates all educational materials that reach
the center and originate from it. In this way, the school library would occupy
the place of information center par excellence for the educational
organization, improving communication between members of the educational
community, the different departments and the board of directors.
Likewise, for this to be the case, it is necessary that both students and
teachers get into the habit of going to the school library as the center's
resource center.

b) Characteristics of school libraries.

This section describes the characteristics of school libraries following

the different dimensions inherent to the areas of library management, among
which the space and equipment, operating hours, the personnel in charge,
administrative and pedagogical management, the users, the financing and
support they receive. The different results are described taking into account
the differences, when they exist, according to the characteristics of the school
establishments that host the libraries. Additionally, when possible, the results
provided by the census survey of school libraries are compared to the
standards for these libraries.

Specialized Libraries.

Specialized libraries are designed to respond to specific professional

needs. Therefore, they usually depend on specific companies, societies,
organizations and institutions, which provide their employees and clients with
these services during their work. The training of the staff of a specialized
library includes knowledge of both the subject matter covered by its
collections and library science.

2.2.3 Internal procedures in libraries.

Generally, contemporary libraries divide their activities into two

categories; those relating to internal procedures (technical services, which
involve the acquisition, cataloguing, classification, organization and physical
treatment of library material) and those relating to direct dealings with users
(public services).

 Acquisition.
A library's acquisitions service obtains its material from several
sources: publishers, book wholesalers (or intermediaries), second-hand book
sellers, and donations (the latter, in particular, affecting rare books and
historical collections). .

 Cataloging and classification.

Document classification in libraries, each book is marked on its edge
with a series of numbers and letters called signature. The signature, which
even allows the classification of works by subject, makes it possible to quickly
locate the materials, both for the staff of the library centers and for their users.

Once the bibliographic material has been acquired, it is sent to the

cataloging department, which determines how it will be described and where
it will be located in the library's collections. The description that the work will
have within the catalog is then prepared and the material is marked with the
name of the library and the location code (or signature). In the event that it is
material intended for loan, a label will be imposed, or a type of envelope in
which to insert the identification card.
It is then indicated in the library catalog that the material is available and
the work that has just been acquired is placed in the assigned place.

2.2.4 Consultation in Libraries.

Consultation services, through which users are helped to find

information, constitute one of the most specialized activities that librarians
must undertake; There is skill in the field of communication, being familiar
with the sources of information and a broad general culture. In recent years,
librarians charged with this mission have attempted to anticipate and respond
to user questions by producing catalogues, brochures, posters and
audiovisual presentations that provide useful guidance. In academic
institutions, these librarians offer courses on bibliographic training, use of
library funds and research methodology.

2.2.5 Curtains.

Curtains are moving pieces, usually made of fabric , that cover the
windows inside buildings. Its function is to totally or partially prevent the
passage of light and visibility from the outside. They can also be used behind
an access door.

Curtains are placed in any room that has windows, but especially in
bedrooms to block out light at the time of sleep. If they are very thin and allow
light to pass through, they are called curtains . Also, an important detail is that
they serve to prevent the access of cold, because at the time of cold currents
or rain, the glass (conductor) allows cooling and this passes into the
environment, lowering temperatures. (Wikipedia, 2012).

2.2.6 Types of Curtains.

Curtains are divided according to: material, drive, functional quality.

Thus, you will find fabric curtains, metal curtains (different from blinds since
they act on a single structure), automatic curtains, rustic curtains, mechanical
curtains, manual curtains and thermal, acoustic and blackout curtains.

As for fabric curtains, there are many different types: sheer, toile, open
air, vintage, Indian, and more. Each type of fabric curtain has a different use
and gives a different look to any room you put it in.

2.2.7 Function of curtains.

The function of curtains can be expressed in a variety of conditions,

they can be practical and at the same time decorative; When they lend
themselves to practicality, they can be used to block light, drafts, or even

Curtains are effective in giving the interior of a building privacy from the
outside world; When it comes to decoration, curtains can make or break a
room, therefore the availability of options must be taken into account when it
comes to the material, shape, color, length and even which curtain rods are
suitable. Interior decorators are well aware of the importance of dressing
2.3 Legal Bases.

- Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 1999.

Article 102:

Which maintains that education is a human right and a

fundamental social duty, it is democratic, free and obligatory. The State
will assume it as an unavoidable function of maximum interest at all its
levels and modalities, and as an instrument of scientific, humanistic and
technological knowledge at the service of society.

Education is a public service and is based on respect for all currents

of thought, with the aim of developing the creative potential of each
human being and the full exercise of their personality in a democratic
society based on the ethical valuation of work and in active, conscious
and supportive participation in the processes of social transformation
consubstantiated with the values of national identity , and with a Latin
American and universal vision.
The State, with the participation of families and society, will promote
the process of citizen education in accordance with the principles
contained in this Constitution and in the law .

This article is related to the project, since it refers to the law that
education is a human right and a fundamental social duty, it is free and
obligatory, and it is the State that must assume it as an unavoidable function
of maximum interest to all. its levels, in addition to promoting it with the
participation of families and society in accordance with the principles
contained in the Constitution.
- Organic Law of Education:

Article 50:

The State guarantees a priority investment of annual progressive

growth for education. This investment is oriented towards the
construction, expansion, rehabilitation, equipment, maintenance, and
maintenance of comprehensive school buildings contextualized in the
geographical-cultural context, as well as the provision of services,
equipment, tools, machinery, supplies, telematic programs and other
derived needs. of cultural and educational innovations. The services,
equipment and supplies referred to include those linked to the
comprehensive health, sports, recreation and culture programs of the
educational system.

The aforementioned Article states that the State must invest as a

priority in the progressive annual growth of education, and this will be
achieved through the construction, expansion, rehabilitation of equipment,
maintenance, and support of comprehensive school buildings; as well as in
the provision of services, equipment, tools, machinery, supplies, etc.; and that
is why this article is closely related to the development of this project, since
this project is about providing the Library with books and curtains to provide
atmosphere and provide a better service to students.

- Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents,


Article 52:
All children and adolescents have the right to free and
compulsory education, guaranteeing them the opportunities and
conditions for that right to be fulfilled, close to their residence
even when they are serving a socio-educational measure in the
Adolescent Responsibility Criminal System.
The State must create and support schools, establishments and
official educational institutes, free of charge, that have the
physical spaces, facilities and pedagogical resources to provide
a comprehensive education of the highest quality. Consequently,
it must guarantee a sufficient budget for this purpose.

This Article is related to the development of the project, since it

mentions the rights to education that both boys and girls and adolescents
have, guaranteeing them the opportunities and conditions so that said right is
fulfilled even when they are fulfilling some socio-educational measure in the
Adolescent Responsibility Criminal System. At the same time, it reflects the
State's duty to provide a sufficient budget to provide quality education.
Methodological framework

3.1 Research design.

Taking into account the objectives of the research, the project will be
an exploratory research: it will be of an exploratory nature because the topics
of exploratory research, according to Fidias G Arias “are those that are
carried out on an unknown or little studied topic or object, so Its results
constitute an approximate vision of said object, that is, a superficial level of
knowledge” (p. 23)

The investigation will be to address the issue and its results will be
taken into account to solve the lack of books and the conditioning (curtains) of
the Aquiles Nazoa Library.

In the same way, this research project will be a descriptive study,

According to Fidias G Arias “Descriptive research consists of the
characterization of a fact, phenomenon, individual or group, in order to
establish its structure or behavior. The results of this type of research are at
an intermediate level in terms of depth of knowledge (p. 24)

In light of the above, it will be descriptive since it will characterize the

need for students to have a library equipped with books and adequately
conditioned with curtains.

On the other hand, it is supported by field research, according to Fidias

G Arias: “it is that which consists of the collection of data directly from the
subjects investigated, or from the reality where the events occur.
Facts (primary data), without manipulating or controlling any variable,
that is, the researcher obtains the information but does not alter the existing
conditions” (p. 31).

Now, in relation to the research design, this work is marked in the

modality of the feasible project, according to Fidias G. Arias (1997) Defines
as a proposal for action to resolve a practical problem or to satisfy a need. “It
is essential that said proposal be accompanied by a demonstration of its
feasibility of implementation” (page 51)

The project will be feasible because it seeks to solve a problem

obtained regarding the shortage of texts from 1st to 3rd year of common
subjects, as well as a solution to the shortage and deterioration of the
curtains of the “Aquiles Nazoa” library. ” from the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
Commercial Technical School institution.

3.2 Population and Sample.

For the purpose of this research, it is necessary to study a specific

population, according to Fidias G. Arias (2006) “is the set of all individuals in
the population in which the phenomenon is desired to be studied” (Page. 81).

In this study, the population will consist of 147 students from the 1st,
2nd and 3rd year of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical

To select the sample, simple random sampling will be used, which

according to Fidias Arias “is a procedure in which all elements have the same
probability of being selected, said probability, previously known, is different
from (0) and (1).” (p.82).
In reaction to the above, the students will be selected in such a way
that all have the same probability of being assigned, on the other hand due to
the extensive population, 30% of it will be taken to make up the sample, being
established that The sample under study will be 44 students, which were
taken as follows: sixteen (16) of eight (8) first-year sections, fourteen (14) of
seven (7) second-year sections and fourteen (14) ) of seven (7) third year

3.3 Data collection technique and instruments .

To obtain the information required in this project, a questionnaire survey

will be used as a data collection technique. A survey is defined, according to
Fidias G Arias, as a technique that aims to obtain information provided by a
group or objects about itself, or in relation to a particular topic. (p. 72)

Now, the questionnaire is defined by Fidias Arias (1997) “it is a format that
contains a series of questions based on the information that is answered in
writing.” (page 79)

In relation to the above, the questionnaire is an instrument based on a

series of questions whose purpose shows the information that is desired to be
obtained, answering in writing the questions asked.

The questionnaire that will be used to collect said information is made up

of 9 questions, of which 5 are open and 4 are closed.

3.4.- Research procedures.

For the development and execution of the research object of this study,
the following moments were carried out:

Moment 1: The selection of the topic, for this, a diagnosis was developed
through direct observation carried out in the Aquiles Nazoa Library.

Moment 2: At this moment the bibliographic review was carried out, which
consisted of searching, analyzing and deducing all those investigations,
works, books and others that are closely related to our research.

Moment 3: Preparation of Chapter I, which mentions the problem as such,

that is, it develops the problem statement, the objectives, and the justification.

Moment 4: Preparation of Chapter II, where the theoretical and legal

framework that supports this project will be presented.

Moment 5: At this moment, Chapter III of the research project will be

developed, which will refer to the methodological framework, presenting the
research design, the population and the sample, the techniques and
instruments for data collection, the procedure or moments for the
development of the theme and the description and analysis of the results.

Moment 6: During this moment, the proposal will be developed to solve

the problem observed and analyzed during the investigation.

Moment 7: Here the final stage of the project will be developed,

developing the conclusions, recommendations and bibliographic references
through which the support for the research was obtained.

3.5.- Description and analysis of the results.

According to Selltiz and Others cited by Balestrini, M. (2002), data

analysis techniques, have the purpose of “…summarizing the observations
carried out in such a way that they provide answers to the research
questions” (p. 169)
To carry out the processing and analysis of the data, descriptive
statistical measures will be taken, such as percentages, averages, as well as
qualitative analysis, including content analysis based on previously conceived
conceptual structures, suggested by the previous empirical review, as well as
by new themes emerged in the study.
Representation and Analysis of the Results Obtained

The results obtained from the research are presented below, in this
sense the information was processed statistically, using descriptive statistics,
the tables were constructed by tabulating the data through absolute
frequencies and percentages, showing the two (2) corresponding alternatives.
to each question and the difference in the results of the instrument. Data
tabulation was carried out for each of the items for a better analysis of the

Table N°1: Do you frequently use the books from the Aquiles Nazoa
library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School?

Alternatives Result Percentage

Yeah 25 57%

No 19 43%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.
Once question No. 1 is analyzed, do you frequently use the books from
the Aquiles Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial
Technical School? It can be said that 57% of the students surveyed
frequently use the school library service to carry out assigned research in
different subjects.

Now, 43% do not attend or go to carry out research in the

aforementioned since they do not have adequate books for the corresponding
research; so they migrate to other libraries in search of the resource.

It should be noted that Arévalo et al. (2000) define a library as a place

where books are stored that, due to its organization, facilitate the search for
specific information, and it must have different texts of the subjects developed
on campus for the purpose of may it be of benefit to them.

Table N°2: Do you think there are enough books in the Aquiles Nazoa
library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School?
Alternatives Result Percentage
Yeah 16 36%

No 28 64%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

When carrying out the analysis, it was possible to detect that 64% of
the students surveyed stated that the school library lacks important copies for
carrying out assigned research. In the same way, 36% of the student
population considers that the existing books in the library provide them with
the service to carry out the research they need at the moment.

Table N°3: Do you think that the books in the Aquiles Nazoa library of
the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School are in good
Alternatives Result Percentage
Yeah 14 32%

No 30 68%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

When tabulating this question, it can be said that 68% of the students
surveyed state that the books in the library are not in the best useful life
conditions. It can be deduced that due to the conditions in which the books
are found, it may be the cause of the low influx of students to the library to
document themselves.

Table N°4: Do you think that the books in the Aquiles Nazoa library of
the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School are updated?

Alternatives Result Percentage

Yeah 22 50%

No 22 50%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

It can be observed in the analysis of the responses issued by the

students, who consider 50% that the books existing in the library are very
useful because when carrying out the investigations they meet expectations
and the remaining 50% consider that the books they found in the library are
not of much help to carry out their research because they are out of date or in
the states.

Table N°5: Do you think it is necessary to provide books for the Aquiles
Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical
Alternatives Result Percentage
Yeah 36 82%

No 8 18%
Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

The vast majority of those surveyed (82%) express the importance of

providing books to the Aquiles Nazoa library of the Pedro Curiel Ramírez
Commercial Technical School since the vast majority are outdated. And 18%
of the population thinks that it is not necessary to provide books because they
can carry out their research with existing copies.

Table N°6: Do you think that providing books to the library would
improve the learning of the students of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
Commercial Technical School?
Alternatives Result Percentage
Yeah 44 100%

No 0 0%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

When asking the question, do you think that providing books to the library
would improve the learning of the students of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
Commercial Technical School? 100% of the student population surveyed
expresses the need to provide the library with new copies. According to:
Arévalo and others (2000), The library offers, through its books, its space, its
activities, its services, its librarian and its users, a diversity of paths to develop
human potential. This theory confirms that with pleasant environments and
teaching materials that provide the necessary support to the user in the
library spaces, the quality of the student improves.
Table N°7: Do you consider that the curtain of the Aquiles Nazoa library
of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School is in good

Alternatives Result Percentage

Yeah 23 52%

No 21 48%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

Respondents when asking this question differ in their assessments: 52%

consider that the curtains are in good condition, that is, the atmosphere of the
library is adequate and provides the user with a pleasant appearance, and
48% express that the curtains are deteriorated, in poor condition that provides
an unpleasant appearance to the people who visit it.
Curtains are moving pieces, usually made of fabric , that cover the
windows inside buildings. Its function is to totally or partially prevent the
passage of light and visibility from the outside. They can also be used behind
an access door. Arévalo (2000).

Table N°8: Do you think it is necessary to have curtains that prevent the
passage of light and maintain a comfortable environment in the Aquiles
Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical

Alternatives Result Percentage

Yeah 33 75%

No 11 25%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.
75% consider it important to place new curtains that prevent the passage
of light to have a comfortable environment and when carrying out the
investigations, the other 25% of the population responds that the placement
of new curtains is not important because at the time of conducting their
research does not affect them at all.

It should be noted that Arévalo (2000) mentions that curtains fulfill a function
that can be expressed in a variety of conditions, they can be practical and at
the same time decorative; They can be used to block light, drafts, or even

Table N°9: Do you think it is necessary to provide new curtains in the

Aquiles Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial
Technical School for a better atmosphere?

Alternatives Result Percentage

Yeah 34 77%

No 10 23%

Total 44 100%
Source: Instrument applied to students from 1st to 3rd Year. ETCR Pedro
Curiel Ramírez. Authors: Álvarez et al 2012.

77% of the student population considers that the Aquiles Nazoa library of
the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School should be provided
with new curtains to provide a motivating, comfortable and welcoming
environment that gives the user satisfaction when researching. And 23% say
it is not necessary to provide curtains, because when visiting the library the
ultimate goal is to research and they do not take into account the physical
state of the library space.

Curtains are effective in giving the interior of a building privacy from the
outside world; As for decoration, curtains can make or break a room,
therefore, their availability must be taken into account and that they are in
good condition to decorate the desired area. Arévalo (2000).
The proposal

5.1 Title of the Proposal.

Incorporation of materials (books for common subjects from 1st to 3rd

year and curtains) for the Aquiles Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
Commercial Technical School.

5.2 Feasibility study.

According to the objectives proposed in the action plan, it can be

mentioned that the proposed proposal is feasible in its execution, because
each of the objectives can be achieved in their entirety, once the students
carry out the different planned activities. to achieve this goal.

Financial Feasibility:

The implementation of the proposal is feasible from a financial point of

view because there are sufficient economic resources to achieve the goal,
which is the general objective.

Feasibility of human and material resources :

The implementation of the proposal is feasible from the point of view of

human resources because there are students from 1st to 3rd year, the
research team; as well as the financial resources necessary to acquire the
necessary materials to be provided.

Organizational Feasibility:

Carrying out the proposal is feasible from an organizational point of

view because there is support from the campus organization to carry out the
proposal: management staff, coordinators, teachers, among others.

Institutional Feasibility:

From the institutional point of view, it is feasible since the institution is

available to carry out the proposal to provide books (from 1st to 3rd year) and
curtains for the Aquiles Nazoa library of the Robinsoniana Pedro Curiel
Ramírez Commercial Technical School

5.3 Justification of the proposal.

Once the data collection process is completed, which allows the

proposal to be justified, the following is obtained: the majority of students from
1st to 3rd year (64%) consider that the library does not have sufficient support
material for the research they must be carried out daily since the library books
are in poor condition. Likewise, 50% said that the existing books are outdated
and 64% consider that they are not enough; (82%) consider that the provision
of books is necessary since it would significantly improve student learning

On the other hand, when tabulating the questions, it was noted that
(77%) stated that the provision of curtains is necessary since it would improve
the atmosphere in the library because those that are in poor condition or
deteriorated and This allows light to pass through and air to escape.

From the institutional point of view it is important, because when the

curtains are provided, the library spaces are improved and this leads to
keeping the research area with a pleasant appearance that motivates and
stimulates the eyes of the people who do it. use of it.

And what the educational part refers to, students will be able to carry
out the research they require; once it is provided with the copies (books)
necessary to carry out research.

5.4 Goal of the proposal.

5.4.1 General objective

- Incorporate materials (books for common subjects from 1st to 3rd year and
curtains) for the Aquiles Nazoa library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
Commercial Technical School.

5.4.2 Specific objective

- Determine the books and curtains necessary for the Aquiles Nazoa library of
the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical School.

- Prepare an action plan for the provision of teaching materials and curtains
for the Aquiles Nazoa library of the Pedro Curiel Ramírez Commercial
Technical School.

- Execute the action plan for the provision of teaching materials and curtains
for the Aquiles Nazoa library of the Pedro Curiel Ramírez Commercial
Technical School.
Action plan

Goals Activities Tasks Responsible

- Determine the books 1) Visit the 1) Make an Felix Ruiz

and curtains needed campus appointment Abraham Amaya
in the Technical administration with the Franklin Alvarez
School library to determine campus Maryelis Amaya
Commercial Pedro the number of director to find Luis Perozo
Curiel Ramírez. books needed. out the need for Gabriel Garcia
the necessary Paola Gomez
2) Visit the books and Richard lugo
librarian to curtains.
determine the
books needed. 2) Go to the
library and
3) Visit the library interview the
and take librarian.
of the curtains.

4) Go to the
different places
to request a
quote and
request a quote
for the curtains.

7) Look for answers in

8) Decorate the book
supply space.
9)Set the days and time
to carry out the
10)Motivate students to
- Execute the plan 1)Deliver books and donate
Action to provide books and curtains to the Aquiles 11)Organize the material
curtains to the “Pedro Curiel Nazoa library of the and have it delivered to
Ramírez” ETC library “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” the address 6)visit the
Commercial Technical fabric sales store to
School check the price
12)Buy fabric to make
13) Deliver curtains to
the Aquiles Nazoa
library of the Pedro
Curiel Ramírez
commercial technical
1) Move books and
curtains and deliver
them to the Aquiles
Nazoa library of the
“Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
Commercial Technical
- Make an action plan 1) Design an 1) Prepare a list of
to provide books and action plan to institutions that can
curtains to the library provide books make donations.
of the Pedro Curiel and curtains for 2) Prepare written
Ramírez Commercial the Aquiles communications to
Technical School. Nazoa library of request assistance in the
the Pedro provision.
Curiel Ramírez 3) Visit the institutions to
Commercial seek the answers to said
Technical proposal.
School. 4) Set the date for the
2) Plan activities 5) Prepare flyers to
for the distribute to teachers
endowments: requesting the donation
determine of books.
which 6)Prepare banners to
institutions you post in different places
can go to. of the institution

3) Consult the
help of
teachers for the
provision of
books. Design
the Donate a
book campaign
for your high

4) Carry out the

donate a book
for your high

Libraries are a space where students approach books to carry out

research, in this way the desire to read is stimulated in them, as well as in the
adult population that uses them, awakening knowledge and interest in certain
types of existing readings. in the same.

It is a place of study and work that provides the student population,

teachers and all those who visit it with a pleasant, pleasant and favorable
environment for greater development of knowledge; as well as making it
easier to carry out daily activities.

For this reason, it is considered necessary to provide books and

curtains to the “Aquiles Nazoa” library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez
Commercial Technical School”, to motivate the student population and
everyone who uses it, to do so with greater pleasure. and satisfaction in a
welcoming environment.

In this sense, to diagnose the needs present in the Library Area, a

survey with mixed questions was applied to the selected sample, to know
how many benefits it brings to the existing student population in said
institution: the result of which was analyzed according to to each of the
responses issued by the respondents. Below are the results of the different
questions, which were asked to know to what extent there is a need to
provide texts and curtains to the “Aquiles Nazoa” library of the “Pedro Curiel
Ramírez” commercial technical school.

 57% of the students interviewed indicated that they use the “Aquiles
Nazoa” library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” Commercial Technical
 64% of the students interviewed consider that the books found in the
“Aquiles Nazoa” library are insufficient. This could be because when
they go to it they do not find the necessary material to carry out their
research, since many of the books are outdated or in poor condition.

 68% of the students interviewed consider that the books in the “Aquiles
Nazoa” library are in poor condition or deteriorated.

 50% of the students interviewed believe that the books in the “Aquiles
Nazoa” library are outdated.

 82% of the students expressed the need to provide the “Aquiles

Nazoa” library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” commercial technical

 100% of the students interviewed consider that the provision of books

and curtains would improve student learning.

 52% of the students interviewed consider that the curtains in the

“Aquiles Nazoa” library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez” commercial
technical school are in good condition.
 75% of the students stated that it is necessary to have curtains in the
library that prevent the passage of light and maintain a favorable
environment for the students.
 77% of the students interviewed believe that it is necessary to provide
curtains to the “Aquiles Nazoa” library of the “Pedro Curiel Ramírez”
commercial technical school to have a better environment.

By collecting data and completing it, the necessary information is

obtained to prepare the conclusions and reach the following

For the students:

Continue attending the library to improve their learning, knowledge, skills

and abilities in the different subjects they study.

Take care of existing books so that they can be used by the institution's
students in the future.

For Teachers:

Teach the correct use of books, and use them in the classrooms daily

Tell students where the different copies are placed on the library shelves
so that they know where to place them.

For the Institution:

Review and count the books from time to time to verify that they are all
complete and in good condition.

Keep track of the books that are used by students on loan and review
them once they are delivered.

Organize the books so that the search for a specific topic is quick.

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