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UNIT 1 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 I always carry my keys in my pocket. That’s why I never

a miss b remember c lose
lose them.

2 Do you work in an office? a Does you b Do you c Doesn’t you

3 I don’t want to wait for a bus. I’m impatient ! I prefer to walk. a lazy b impatient c patient

4 Remember to bring your laptop tomorrow. a Remember b Remind c Expect

a hardly ever drink b drink hardly ever

5 I hardly ever coffee after dinner. c don’t hardly ever drink

6 Many people join clubs to new people. a meet up b meet c learn

7 Megan is . Her profile says she’s 24 and works in a

bank, but she’s 20 and she’s a student. a dishonest b serious c sociable

8 I’m very busy at work right now. I relax at home

on the weekend. a Because b That’s why c So that

9 Julia wants to be a TV host because they a lot of

money. a win b earn c take

10 Tim at his friend’s house for two weeks. a stays b are staying c is staying

11 Are you OK, Pilar? You sick. a look like b look c ’re looking like

12 My new neighbors are really . They never say hello. a patient b rude c polite

13 Many people say they want to more time with

their families. a win b lose c spend

14 This lemon cake me of my grandmother. a tells b remembers c reminds

15 What do you do to in shape? a look b stay c go

16 She leaves the house late, so she stressed when

she gets to work. a are always b always is c is always

17 In my free time, I’m learning . a records b movies c the guitar

18 I don’t usually enjoy parties because I’m very . a sociable b shy c selfish

19 There are a lot of people in here. I’ll for you

outside. a hope b meet c wait

20 I love social media. I blogs from my favorite artists

every day. a am reading b do read c read

136 U1 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 2 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNIT 1 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 Wei goes to a lot of concerts and she always

about them. a blogs b tells c says

22 Mark to the bus stop because his bus leaves in

two minutes. a runs b is runing c is running

a never go to the gym b go usually to the gym

23 I get exercise every morning. I before work. c usually go to the gym

24 In many countries, it isn’t to answer your cell

phone when you’re in a meeting. a polite b kind c hard-working

25 My sister’s wedding is tomorrow, so I it doesn’t

rain. a expect b look like c hope

26 I online for all my clothes. a meet b blog c shop

27 Please be while we fix the computers. a serious b patient c honest

28 Where now? a go you b do you go c are you going

29 Clara lunch at home. a doesn’t have b don’t have c has not

30 Max not to wait for me. a Say b Tell c Remember

31 My sister loves baking cupcakes. She’s very , so

she takes them to work. a sociable b generous c hard-working

32 Ricardo soccer with me every Saturday morning. a does b plays c goes

33 I a coat because it’s hot today. a ’m not wearing b don’t wear c not wearing

34 We are all working hard now the exam is next

week. a so b because c that’s why

35 Please me your books at the end of class. a carry b take c give

a don’t never watch b never watch

36 They TV at night. c are never watching

37 Amy this weekend because she has an exam

next week. a is studying b studies c studys

38 My brother thinks he’s . He tries to make

everyone laugh. a funny b nice c polite

a drives often b is often driving

39 My friend home from work. c often drives

40 I live near a gym, but I’m lazy, I never go. a so b because c that’s why

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate U1 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 2 137

UNIT 2 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 Aydin in 2010 and he went to elementary school

in 2015. a was born b grew up c got born

2 I couldn’t watch the TV show about snakes last night because

a interesting b terrifying c terrified
I find them .

3 The traffic light turned red and the cars . a stoped b stopped c stop

4 does she remind you of? a How b Who c Whose

5 My sister’s wedding was August 15th. a at b in c on

6 My cell phone rang when I was in the theater. It was

a embarrassing b exciting c confusing
really .

7 Pamela went to and studied to be a dentist. a high school b a career c college

8 Magda her new boyfriend to the party. a taked b taken c took

a did your mom say b said your mom

9 What about the accident? c your mom did say

10 My brother started driving lessons in October. Three months

a later b late c after
, he bought a car.
11 We went to bed at 2 a.m. and got up at 6 a.m., so we’re
a bored b tired c relaxed
very .

12 Yesterday, Alicia a cake for her son’s birthday. a baked b did bake c bakes

13 to the meeting about the new office? a Went you b Did go you c Did you go

14 My parents didn’t want me to at sixteen, but I

wanted to get a job as soon as possible. a get married b finish school c retire

15 They happy with the new website because it was

difficult to use. a weren’t b wasn’t c didn’t be

16 are they annoyed? a How b What c Why

17 They can’t come to the wedding. It’s . a disappointed b annoyed c disappointing

18 sociable are you? a How b How often c Where

19 They didn’t love each other any more, so they got . a engaged b a divorce c married

a five years ago b past five years

20 I met my husband . c in five years

140 U2 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 2 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNIT 2 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 I was surprised to hear that my friend from elementary

school worked in a zoo. She always hated animals. a amazing b surprising c surprised

22 Why are you crying? a Why you are b Why are you c Why do you be

23 We had coffee, we went to the movies. a then after b after then c then

24 “Did you go out on Saturday night?” “No, I .” a not b didn’t c don’t

25 After a busy day at work, I think swimming is very . a tired b interesting c relaxing

26 They met in 1984 and immediately fell in love . a fell on love b fell in love c got in love

27 does she start her new job? a When b How long c What

28 Please could you explain that again? I’m really . a confusing b confused c annoyed

29 My grandmother was married for ten years before she

a got b born c had
30 I couldn’t buy it because I any money in my
wallet. a didn’t had b didn’t have c don’t had

31 I waited for you at the café, but , I decided to a after 40 minutes b 40 minutes after
go home. c later 40 minutes

32 Isabel is in geography. She’s going to study it

at college. a excited b bored c interested

33 How children did your grandparents have? a old b much c many

34 Diego is a famous chef now, but he his career in a

fast food restaurant. a got b started c had

35 The results of the competition were very . a disappointed b surprising c tiring

36 Which video game yesterday? a are you play b did you play c do you play

37 Where were you three o’clock? a at b on c last

38 I retired in 2005. , I took care of my grandchildren. a After then b After that c After

39 is your middle name? a How b Who c What

40 George got engaged to Helen . a past year b year ago c last year

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate U2 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 2 141

UNIT 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 My hair is really messy . I didn’t brush it this morning. a lively b modern c messy

2 I lost my wallet when we were in New York. a losed b was losing c lost

3 Slow down! I can’t walk as fast as you. a as fast as b faster as c so fast as

4 On our last vacation, we stayed at a hotel . a camping b hotel c museum

5 Some of the students were waiting nervously outside the

exam room. a nervous b nervousily c nervously

6 Would you like to reserve a single or a double room? a reserve b stay c buy

7 The city is very crowded . Bike riders often cover their faces. a lively b crowded c polluted

8 Mateo’s English is worse than mine. a badder b worser c worse

a was sunbathing b were sunbathing
9 They by the pool at 6:00 yesterday evening. c did sunbathing

10 This is the good train to New York. It stops at all

the stations. a slowly b slow c good

11 Tokyo is a modern city with tall buildings and a lot of

new technology. a modern b ancient c fast

12 My wife likes to camping, but I prefer hotels. a stay at b do c go

a most relaxing than b more relaxing than

13 I think beach vacations are city breaks. c as relaxing than

14 The Colosseum is the most famous ancient building

in Rome. a ancient b ugly c unusual

15 What was Tomás wearing when we saw him

yesterday? He looked amazing. a were seeing b saw c was seeing

16 “Could I please use your pen?” she asked politely . a angrily b patiently c politely

17 She was traveling in India she met her husband. a when b while c so

18 Santiago can play the piano very . a goodly b good c well

19 This part of the town is very in the evenings

because there are lots of cafés and restaurants. a quiet b lively c ugly

a the least crowded than

20 I go to work by bus because it’s the subway. b not as crowded as c less crowded as

144 U3 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 2 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNIT 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 Ghazala wants to the Science Museum in July. a visit b sightsee c go

22 I think suitcases with wheels are more than

suitcases without wheels. a practically b practical c practicaller

23 I’m really tired, so I want to sit for a while. a quietly b quiet c more quiet

24 He took his friend to the airport this morning and then he

a was going b went c go
to work.

25 Did you this suitcase yourself? a do b pack c make

26 Who is the person you know? a funnyest b more funny c funniest

27 Look at this flower. I don’t know its name. a messy b ugly c unusual

28 The bag broke while I the groceries to the car. a was carrying b carried c were carrying

29 We always eat when we’re on vacation. a a barbecue b out c local attractions

30 She worked all year and passed her exams. a good b hardly c hard

31 Our vacation this year is than last year. a more short b shorter c shortter

32 I was really on the flight to Lima because there

wasn’t much space for my legs. a uncomfortable b quiet c busy

33 “Were you sleeping when I called you at home?” “No,

a wasn’t b weren’t c didn’t
I .”

34 My parents went on a of Madrid. a sightseeing b guide c guided tour

a the less comfortable b the least comfortablest

35 This is room in the hotel. c the least comfortable

a walked quick home b walked home quickly

36 Elma before it started to rain. c walking home quickly

37 Luckily, we fast when the dog ran into the street. a was driving b didn’t drive c weren’t driving

38 The stores are always at this time of year.

Everyone is buying presents for friends and family. a quiet b busy c messy

39 Samuel’s not as patient as . a she b she is c her is

40 Petra reserved a on a train to Budapest. a seat b flight c visit

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate U3 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 2 145

UNIT 4 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

I probably
a Probably I won’t b I probably won’t
1 go abroad on my next vacation. c I won’t probably

2 My dad is a firefighter. He often works at night. a He b She c Him

Are you a Might you do b Are you doing

3 anything next weekend? c Do you do

4 Sara’s excellent at math. I think she’ll be when she a an accountant b a fashion designer
graduates from college. c a journalist

5 Patricia’s sick. She ‘s not going to work tomorrow. a ’s not be going b doesn’t go c ’s not going

6 I got a pay raise this month, so I’m going to buy a

new car. a won b got c took

7 Will you get a promotion this year? a May b Might c Will

8 The movie director explained his ideas to the actors. a coach b designer c director

9 Please print out these letters and send them to all

the interns. a them b their c it
a tomorrow to watch a movie
to watch a
10 I’m going movie . b to watch a movie tomorrow
tomorrow c to watch tomorrow a movie

11 “New Tech Limited. How can I help you?” said the

when he answered the phone. a firefighter b receptionist c flight attendant

12 I saw the job ad online and I knew it was the right job
for me. a ad b application c résumé

13 Hairdressers are always on their feet all day. They never

sit down. a He b They c Their

14 “Will there be any vegetarian options on the menu?” “There

a will b might c probably
might be. I don’t know.”
15 The new salesperson is taking a training course
next week. a is taking b is sending c is working

‘re ging to
a ’re going b relax
16 We at home tonight. c ’re going to relax

17 The waitress carefully carried the customers’ drinks to a waitress b surgeon

their table. c fashion designer

18 Seb has a degree in engineering from the University of

Buenos Aires. a career b degree c job

19 She studied all weekend. I’m sure she pass

the test. a will b won’t c might

20 After college, I worked an intern for a

local newspaper. a on b in c as

148 U4 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 2 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNIT 4 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 I to the hairdresser’s on Thursday. a go b going to go c ’m going

22 The news tried to interview Pedro Almódovar on

the red carpet. a agent b reporter c person

23 My sister wants to be a fashion designer. clothes

are beautiful. a His b Her c Its

24 I can’t go out tonight. I’m a résumé. a writing b making c doing

25 The offered the customers a choice of three

different resorts. a flight attendant b tour guide c travel agent

26 There’ll be a storm . The sky is really dark. a yesterday b last week c tonight

27 My son school next week. a finishing b ’s finishes c ’s going to finish

28 I sent my form three weeks ago. a application b interview c ad

29 When you pack your suitcase, check weight

before you go to the airport. a its b it’s c his

30 The wrote an article last week about a

dishonest accountant. a police officer b lawyer c journalist

31 I don’t think Andy quit his job this year. a might b will c won’t

a ’s Sam going to do b Sam’s doing

32 What over summer vacation? c Sam’s going to do

33 They offered me the job and then we on a salary. a said b applied c agreed

34 “Are you going to visit Grandma tomorrow?” “Yes,

a I going to b I go c I am

35 The guard stopped the woman at the door. a security b police c store

36 Sofia be able to come to the concert. She’ll tell

me next week. a will b may c can

37 Luis for a job as a police officer. a is interested b applied c starts work

38 Quick! Get the ball. coming to you. a Its b It’s c She’s

39 the train at 4:15 today? a Are you going b Do you take c Are you taking

40 There are only two more minutes to play. We

definitely win the game. a might b won’t c will

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate U4 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 2 149

UNITS PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Use the letters to help you.

1 I went s sightseeing while I was on vacation in New York. I saw Central Park and the Statue of Liberty.

2 Please r remember to call your parents when you get home.

3 It’s difficult for Luis to meet new people. He’s serious and very s shy .
4 There are some factories near here, so the water is dirty and very p .
5 I got my driver’s l when I was 21.

6 My cousin works as a s security guard in a big office building.

7 Peter hates snakes and spiders – he’s t terrified of them!

8 I enjoy going to concerts and next year, I’m going to learn an i instrument . Maybe the violin.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Use one word in each blank.

1 Do you think Daniela looks like that famous model? They both have red hair.
2 I’m really forward to going camping next week.

3 We went to Argentina in 2015.

4 We’re traveling to Paris the day after tomorrow.

5 My son wants to be a flight attendant when he grows up .

6 Joanna is most generous person I know.

7 I’m getting together with some friends later.

8 She gets exercise twice a week.

3 Write questions using the words.

When does your sister usually finish work?
1 when / your sister / usually finish work?

2 how often / you / go / to the gym? 2How often do you go to the gym?

3 you / go / to the party / last night? 3 Did you go to the party last night?
What are you reading right now?
4 what / you / read / right now?
Do you think it'll (it will) rain tomorrow?
5 you / think / it / will rain / tomorrow?

6 what / you / watch on TV / when / I / call / yesterday? What were you watching on TV when I called yesterday?

152 Units 1–4 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 4 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNITS PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 Preeti usually running in the morning. (go)

2 I was doing Pilates when my phone rang. (do)

3 We met Ana while we were working in Hong Kong. (work)

won't (will not) be
4 It definitely sunny tomorrow. (not be)
'm (am) going to
5 I relax/'m (am) relaxing at home this evening. (relax)

6 He spends time with his family every weekend. (spend)

7 Michael and Sam are playing video games right now. (play)

8 We might/may have a barbecue next weekend, but I’m not sure. (have)

5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use the words given in

1 Jung-ho doesn’t see his friends very often.

Jung-ho hardly ever sees his friends. (hardly ever)

2 Russia is colder than Germany.

's not/isn't (is not) as cold
Germany as Russia. (cold)

3 What are you having for dinner tonight?

What are you going to have/eat/cook for dinner tonight? (going)

4 I’m not going to the movies because I have a lot of homework.

I have a lot of homework. That's why I’m not going to the movies. (why)

5 The students were quiet while they waited for their teacher.
The children
waited quietly for their teacher. (waited)

6 I downloaded some music and then I watched TV.

After that
I downloaded some music. , I watched TV. (that)

6 Read the sentences and write the correct words.

1 This person writes articles for newspapers, magazines, or websites. joumalist

2 This word means “not beautiful at all.” ugly

3 You buy these when you’re on vacation to remind yourself of the place.

4 This is the money you earn every month for doing your job.

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate Units 1–4 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 4 153

UNITS PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

7 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are five words that you do not need to use.

abroad after busy career excited hard-working intern it later lost missed
promotion receptionist reserve school slowly sunbathe swimming them training

Me and my job
My name is Carmen and I work as a 1
receptionist in a large hotel. I became interested in a
2 career in tourism after I finished 3 school . I worked as a waitress at first,
but I 4 missed going out at night with my friends, so two months 5 later ,
I started looking for another job. I was very 6 excited when I got the offer for this one!
It’s very interesting because I meet people from different countries. I speak Spanish, English, and
Portuguese, and I also understand Italian when people speak 7 slowly . You need to be
polite and patient when you work in a hotel. I’m also very 8 hard-working . That’s important
because the hours are long and the hotel is always very 9 busy , but I enjoy helping
the guests. My colleagues and I 10 reserve rooms for people and we sometimes tell
11 them about local attractions they can visit. I don’t go 12 abroad on
vacation, but I always go away with my family in August. We stay at a house by the beach and go
13 swimming every day. Next month, I’m going to take a 14 training course so
I can learn more about social media and websites. I’m really interested in marketing. I hope I’ll get a 15
promotion next year.
out of 15

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.

Jane Austen in popular culture

Jane Austen is probably one of the 1 most famous (famous) British writers in history.
She 2 was (be) born in 1775 and today, over 200 years later, her work 3 is (be)
still popular. Austen wasn’t always nice about some of her characters, but her books are very
4 funny (fun).

Austen’s novels still inspire many movies, but some of them are very different from her original stories.
The movie Clueless follows the story of Austen’s novel Emma, but the events take place in Beverly Hills,
California. The 5 strangest (strange) version of an Austen story might be Pride and Prejudice
and Zombies from 2016. Unfortunately, it 6 wasn't (was not) (not be) very successful. Some people
thought it was disappointing.

Other Austen movies are 7 more traditional (traditional) than these examples. In the 1990s,
Emma Thompson 8 received (receive) an Oscar for her role in Sense and Sensibility,
but there 9 were (be) some problems while they were making the movie. For example, while
they 10 were filming (film) part of the story in the rain, Kate Winslet got sick and
11 later (late) developed hypothermia.
didn't (did not) exist
Of course, when Jane Austen was alive, the movies 12 (not exist). So what
13 did she do (she / do) in her free time? She wrote, of course! She also enjoyed
spending time with her family and going to the theater.
Will people enjoy Score
14 (people / enjoy) Jane Austen’s stories in another 200 years? I’m going to
the library the day 15 after tomorrow (tomorrow) to bring home a Jane Austen book for my son!
out of 15

154 Units 1–4 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 3 of 4 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNITS PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................


Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Are you interested in a Why do people go “WWOOFing”?
career in farming? Would you like to travel and learn new skills? WWOOFing is a great opportunity to do something different.
Then why not join the WWOOF organization and become a You’ll be able to visit new places, meet new people, and learn
WWOOFer? new skills. Many people choose WWOOFing because it’s a
cheap way to travel. As well as learning about farming, you
What does “WWOOF” mean?
may find out how to build walls, make cheese, or bake bread.
WWOOF means “World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.” And if you become a WWOOFer in another country, you might
Sue Coppard started the organization in 1971, while she was even learn a new language!
working in London. Sue wanted to give people in the city the
chance to visit the country, so in her free time, she organized Interested?
trips to farms in England for her friends. Here are some important things to remember:
At first, the trips only lasted two days, but then people • The life of a farmer can be difficult. As a WWOOFer, you get
started staying at the farms for weeks and even months. The up early and work hard. Some of the work will be very tiring.
organization grew and now there are WWOOF farms in more However, this means that WWOOFing is a great way to stay
than 110 countries around the world. in shape!
What is a “WWOOFer”? • Your accommodation on the farm won’t be uncomfortable,
but it may be very simple. You might need to camp in a field,
WWOOFers are workers on WWOOF farms. While staying on the
or stay in a farm building.
farm, WWOOFers help the farmers with a variety of different
jobs such as cutting wood, feeding animals, and picking fruit • You’ll have time every day to explore and visit local
and vegetables. WWOOFers work hard, but they don’t earn a attractions while you are volunteering, but after you finish
salary. Instead, the farm owners provide the WWOOFers with your work.
accommodation and food during their stay.
Visit our website to find out more!

9 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T), false (F), or is there not enough information to decide (N)?
Write T, F, or N in the box.

1 WWOOFing is only for people who want to work as farmers. F

2 Sue Coppard was working as a tour guide when she started the WWOOF organization. N
3 Today you can be a WWOOFer in over 110 different countries. T
4 All WWOOFers do the same jobs. F
5 WWOOFers need to buy their own food while they are staying at the farm. F
6 WWOOFing allows people to travel without spending too much money. T

7 WWOOFers can learn about producing different types of food. T

8 You need to speak good English to become a WWOOFer. N

9 Some people stay in tents while they are WWOOFing. T Score

10 WWOOFers never have time off to go sightseeing. F out of 10

Total score out of 80

B1 Pre-intermediate Units 1–4 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 4 of 4 155

UNIT 5 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 If I have some free time later, I running. a go b ’m going c ’ll go

2 I call my husband because I think I’m going to be

home late. a shouldn’t b should c don’t

3 Julieta felt because she was late for her son’s

basketball game. a jealous b guilty c envious

4 I’m going to relax for an hour because I am . a a headache b the flu c stressed

5 Katie passed her driving test today. Her parents are

a extremely b a little c a lot
6 They went to Russia and an effort to speak
the language. a made b did c had

7 Where I send the application form? a will b could c should

8 Lorenzo his finger on the stove while he was

making soup. a cut b burned c broke

9 I’ll make an excuse if I to go to the party. a won’t want b don’t want c didn’t want

10 It’s difficult to be when you’re late and the traffic

is bad. a calm b stressed c nervous

11 When you’re giving a presentation, a deep breath

and try to relax before you start. a take b make c have

12 Why don’t you today? You look tired. a take a nap b have nap c take nap

a ’m feeling earache b have an earache

13 “How can I help you, Mrs. Romero?” “I .“ c ’m hurting my ear

14 She’s happy because she didn’t get the job. a very b a little c not very

15 to work if it’s sunny tomorrow? a Do you walk b Walk you c Will you walk

16 Grace thanked Deepti and gave her some flowers. Deepti

a delighted b cheerful c confident
was .

17 How many mistakes did you on the test? a make b do c have

18 Camilo doesn’t think leave your job. a you shouldn’t b you should c should you

19 I was very sick yesterday. I still have a cold, but I feel

a very b really c a little
better today.
20 I have a temperature, a headache, and a sore throat. I think I
a the flu b stress c a cough
have .

160 U5 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 2 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNIT 5 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 If they me the job, I’ll make the decision today. a ’ll offer b offer c offers

22 Do you want to take a break for five minutes and

some coffee? a take b have c do

23 My friends are going to the beach this weekend, but I’m

a guilty b lonely c envious
working. I’m feeling .
a meets b ’ll might meet
24 If she joins a club, she new people. c might meet

25 Juan fell down the stairs and now his back . a breaks b burns c hurts

26 I think leave work early today. a you should to b you should c you would

27 The teacher was annoyed because Marcela didn’t

her homework. a make b do c take

28 She finished her homework quickly today

because she wanted to watch TV. a not very b very c a little

29 Paul was skiing when he . He can’t walk very well

right now. a broke his leg b broke the leg c breaked his leg

30 My daughter left her favorite doll at the park. She’s

a upset b jealous c lonely
really .
31 We to the concert if you don’t come home a don’t go b don’t be able to go
on time. c won’t be able to go

32 In an exam, it’s important to your time and read

the questions carefully. a make b take c have

33 Rohan’s lonely because he only sees his friends

and family on the weekends. a really b little c not very

34 I have . I’m going to call the dentist. a an earache b a toothache c a sore throat

35 Most people are when they go for a job interview. a miserable b cheerful c nervous

a you should take b you take

36 “Should I take some pills?“ “Yes, .“ c you should

37 The vacation was terrible. The hotel was bad, the weather was
a a talk b a good time c an argument
rainy, and I had with my brother on the last day.
38 If you want to get the job, confident in the
interview when you’re speaking. a you will be b be c be you

39 I had a headache all day yesterday. I was . a miserable b proud c jealous

40 I have too many things to do. I should a list. a make b take c do

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate U5 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 2 161

UNIT 6 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 I’d buy a new computer if you. a I were b I am c I’d be

2 I washed the car. I’ll take a break now and then I’ll . a clean up b break down c take up

3 He to Mexico City three years ago. a go b went c been

4 Could you our cat while we’re on vacation,

please? a take after b take care of c give back

5 She has never to Europe. a visited b go c been

6 We climbed to the top of some yesterday. I felt

nervous because they were very high. a roots b cliffs c valleys

7 I’ve been hiking. I’ve tried surfing and rock climbing,

a then b and c too
8 Jonathan has running now. He prefers hiking
these days. a given back b given up c filled up

9 Paraguay, Austria, Bolivia are countries without

a coast. a and b as well c too

10 Can you see that beautiful bird? Look! It’s on that . a peak b lightning c branch

11 We’ve of coffee. Will you buy some, please? a run out b taken up c thrown away

12 If I do Pilates every week, I would have a

backache. a wouldn’t b didn’t c don’t

13 We’ve traveled around the country . a many times b two years ago c in 2016

14 I’ll answer the phone. You cooking. a turn on b go on c turn into

15 While we were on vacation, we went sightseeing. We visited

a then b also c as well
some museums .
16 We couldn’t go to the park yesterday. There was a
a waterfall b peak c lightning
thunderstorm and some .
17 Take your time when you the application form for
your passport. You don’t want to make a mistake. a fill out b fill up c take up

18 We aren’t going swimming today because there are a lot

a waves b ocean c streams
of .

19 Have you ever a kangaroo? a see b seen c saw

20 If you could live in any country in the world, where

a would you b will you c you would

164 U6 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 1 of 2 B1 Pre-intermediate

UNIT 6 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 Don’t the newspaper. I’m going to read it later. a throw away b look up c hold on

22 Yesterday, we visited some of the local attractions and

a as well b also c too
saw a lot of wildlife.

23 Anna’s car while she was driving to work. a took up b broke down c ran out of

24 You can take a boat on the river through the . a branch b cliff c valley

25 I nervous if I was going for an interview

tomorrow. a ’d be b was c be

26 I love , but I wouldn’t want to see a bear! a wildlife b roots c waves

27 Can you what time their flight arrives? a take care of b take up c find out

a haven’t never had b ever had

28 I a vacation in the mountains. c ’ve never had

29 We would get more exercise if we time. a would have b had c have

30 There was a while we were hiking. We were cold

and miserable. a thunderstorm b shore c peak

31 Alexandra parachuting, but she usually likes

adventure sports. a has try b not tried c has never tried

32 A isn’t as big as a river. a stream b shore c lake

33 I didn’t understand the word, so I in a dictionary. a looked it at b looked it up c looked it

34 The ocean was calm, but we didn’t go swimming because

a waves b roots c rocks
there were a lot of .
35 The was amazing this morning. The sky turned
really pink. a sunrise b rainforest c sunset

36 If you went to the gym this morning, you a nap

later. a could took b can take c could take

37 Rio de Janeiro is famous for the beaches on its . a coast b waves c mountains

38 Your camera isn’t broken. You haven’t ! a turned it into b turned it on c filled it out

39 Please turn off the radio! I this song three times

today and I hate it. a ’m hearing b hear c ’ve heard

40 He’s really angry because she hasn’t the money. a given back b given up c taken up

Score out of 40

B1 Pre-intermediate U6 PROGRESS TEST version A, page 2 of 2 165

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