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Phrases against football.

Soccer is synonymous with stupidity, alienation, barbarism, and humanity itself in this hell
that we have turned into the planet. Because what football awakens is as absurd as the
current state of our societies. A reflection of this is the number of deaths per year caused by
fights that started over arguments over the ball or a team shirt. Let's add the violence in the
stadiums, the screams of neighbors with few neurons on the weekends (big shit! Or awante
el colo ctm!), and the eternal minutes that the news programs dedicate to the goals of the
Creole tournament or of some player who had the bad luck to be born between Arica and
Punta Arenas (they repeat the goals of wea Sánchez's sack boy every time ). That's why I
was happy to find some phrases against this spectacle sport.

Perhaps the most famous and notable intellectual who shared my hatred of football is
Borges. This human being truly hated that sport and never tired of speaking badly about it.
Perhaps the most famous phrase of his hatred is; "Football is popular because stupidity is
popular." Here we have an undeniable truth, because the fans of the ball in the stadium or in
front of a TV really behave like real idiots.

But Borges' criticism does not stop at that, he also tells us about his aesthetics by
mentioning that "Eleven players against eleven others running after a ball are not especially
beautiful." The truth is that it is neither beautiful nor entertaining to look at, perhaps to
play, but if we realize, of the 90 minutes that a match lasts, the average player should not
even touch the ball for about 5 minutes. That is to say, so much running and running effort
is unproductive. That's why I practice the marathon!

"The idea that there is one who wins and the other loses seems essentially unpleasant to me.
There is an idea of supremacy, of power, that seems horrible to me." Here bogues becomes
somewhat humanistic and calls out the inequality that soccer causes. But it must be said
that this is the main charm for the masses addicted to this sport. A question that is ratified
every day when seeing how funny and pathetic some men feel when they feel more than
others because they have a t-shirt from the champion team. And this idiotic pride increases
if the very life of this human being is a total defeat, so it is not surprising that he has to take
refuge in the victory of 11 guys he does not know to make himself feel like a winner and
someone of some worth.

But Borges's criticism of football is a criticism of society and humanity itself, this is
revealed to us when he tells us that "football itself is of no interest to anyone. People never
say 'what a nice afternoon I had, what a nice game I saw, of course my team lost'. He
doesn't say it because the only thing that matters is the final result. "He doesn't enjoy the
game." And of course, this assessment is clear and concise when Borges adds that "football
awakens the worst passions. It awakens above all what is worse in these times, which is the
nationalism related to sport, because people believe that they are going to watch a sport, but
that is not the case." Especially nowadays, when the young people who go to the stadium
all they want is to feel superior to the rest and if they can't, well, "save honor" by hitting the
fans of the rival team or the players of the team they claim to support. . And God catch us
confessed if the national team wins, they will make the city shit in idiotic celebrations. It's
better that the team loses, so the weons stay at home to cry without any fuss!

But the Borges phrase that I like the most is undoubtedly the one that goes like this. “The
challenge between cutlers has always seemed more virile to me. "I still feel that even
though killing is part of that practice, there was a certain nobility that I have not been able
to find in a man who kicks a ball." As if to reflect and give a message to all those who say
that football is for men and that those who don't like the ball should go play with dolls. A
series of idiots who, moreover, idolize guys who cheat in their beloved game, call it the
hand of Maradona or Suarez. They don't know nobility!

Finally, Borges tells us: “How strange that England has never been blamed for having filled
the world with stupid games, purely physical sports like soccer. "Football is one of
England's biggest crimes." But to tell the truth, some English people also hate football. An
example of this is the British royalty itself, when Queen Elizabeth, in 1572, prohibited
football from being played in London because she claimed that this entertainment was
“rather a bloody and murderous practice than a friendly pastime or sport” (Julián García
Gandau). That hatred also reached the most important religion in the kingdom, they even
created a prayer against the damn sport!

“Lord, take that game away from us

that it is necessary to be blind to not see
that is opposed to divine virtue, to the spirit of good.
Football, Lord, is not a game,
but a means to fight,
“It is a bloody and brutal practice.”
(Prayer of the Anglican Church, cited by Julián García Gandau).

Other noble English intellectuals increase the number of phrases against foot ball, they even
call for not playing it. The famous writer George Orwell is an example of this when he says
that, “There are enough real causes of conflict without us increasing them by inciting young
people to kick each other in the shins amid the roar of angry spectators.” Furthermore, the
poet and writings Rudyard Kipling mocked football and its followers when he ironically
praised "The little souls that can be satiated by the muddy idiots who play it . "

Even hatred of football is an issue shared by conservative and left-wing intellectuals. The
first ones said that the love of soccer is based on the certainty that the idolatry of the ball is
the superstition that the people deserve. Note this poem: Possessed by football, the plebs
think with their feet, which is their thing, and in that subaltern enjoyment they fulfill
themselves. Animal instinct prevails over human reason, ignorance crushes Culture, and
thus the rabble has what it wants. Hahahahahah what a laugh. On the other hand, the latter
disqualify football because it emasculates the masses and diverts their revolutionary energy.
Bread and circuses, circuses without bread: hypnotized by the ball , which exerts a perverse
fascination, the workers atrophy their conscience and allow themselves to be led like a herd
by their class enemies.
Furthermore, Darwinists are also against football and say that “to make matters worse, the
most popular of sports is played with the feet, which is contrary to the history of evolution.
Man descends from a hominid that ate fruits and was unable to use the opposable thumb;
Consequently, an activity that cancels the use of the hands seems like a return to barbarism”
(Juan Villorrio). And to finish we will quote a phrase from the Cuban writer (anti-Castro
and anti-football) Guillermo Cabrera Infante. “This disastrous game incites violence
because it is violent in itself: it is played with the feet, and there are few movements as
ferocious as the one involved in kicking.” My God, how right!

Gentlemen, do not think that it is obligatory to love football, fuck Eduardo Galeano and
Camus. Football is shit and there are many brilliant minds who have said it at the top of
their lungs, I shout it too and say below:

“The ball is inflated with air, so is the brain of soccer fans.”

“Football is the counterpart of chess, since this sport seeks to kill thought”

“To win the hearts of idiots you only need a soccer ball, to win the hearts of noble men, you
would need a thousand reasons.”

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