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BLGOD RELATION 1. Ina family, A is the hushand of B. C is the son of A. Dis the daughter of B. F is the daughter of G. C is the father of F. manta a, Bara tc, AaTwtD, Bathe, Gagttic. ra tart (i) Howis A related to F? Acer F & wo aaa #2 (A) Father/fer (B) Paternal Grandfather/771T (C) Maternal Grandfather/== (0) Son/3 (ii) How is C related to B? carp a em dau t? (A) Father/ferr (B) Paternal Grandfather/77t (C) Maternal Grandfather/=r—t (0) Son/q (iii) How is G related to B? G wp a a tiie t? (A) Daughter/ (B) Daughter-in-taw/q%q, (C) Mother/srat (D) Father/fem 2. Ais daughter of B. B is mother of C. D is brother of C. Then how is D related to A? AB at yt ti B,C at wi ti D,C a md tae wae Fe Dawa Sen ant? (A) Father/feat (8) Grandfather/<=t (C) Brother/=tby (0) Sonsat 3. Pis Q's brother. R is Q's mother. 8 is R's father. T in S's mother. How is P related to T? P,Q at ag t RQ at mat &1S,R aT fer 17,8 a sweet t1 ae wenger P oar Twa iit #2 (A) Grand daughter/‘tdt (B) Great Grandson /atitat ¥ {C) Grand son/ttat (D) Grand mother/aret ‘Ais the sister of B.B is the brother of C.C is the son of D. How is D related to A? AB at arT ei B.C mm CD a gta D aA Swe war daa 2? (4) Mother/=mv"), (a) Daughter/¢h (0) Son/a () Uacte/arer Bis the brother of A and B's only sister is mother of C. D is maternal grand mother of C. How is A related to D? Aint ¢ B freat pact ae c at art ti D.C at arietiD & wa a ar wa eae #7 (A) Daughter-in-taw/Grmq, (B) Daughter/gh ¥ (C) Aunt art (D) Nephew/ sitar E is the sister of B. A is the father of C. B is the son of C. How is A related to E? E, Bat arr ti Ac a fier 81 B,C wr tae A wT B'S wa ai 87 (A) Grand father/@aT ¥ (B) Grand daughter/aat (c) Father/fret () Great grand father/W=Tet Ais B's brother, C is A's mother, D is C's father, E is B's son, How is D related to A? A, Bat meg ti Ca at mrt ti D.C ar feet £1 BB = re at a ange Pe A BD a er ie 22 (A) Sona (B) Grand son/ttat (C) Grand father/70 ¥ (D) Great grandfather/aret Ais B's sister, C is B's mother, D is C’s father, Eis D's mother. Then how is A related to D? A Bataan ti CB at mart D.C wr fer 1 E,D a art ‘awa wr DS wer eee 8? (A) Grand father/2rat (8) Daughter/ ph (C) Grand mother/2tt (D) Grand daughter/=fer ¥ PV PUBLICATION @) BRING YOU SUCCESS 1c brother of A. 16. A is B's brother, C is A's mother, D is C's father, 9) Fis the brother of A./& mere F is A's son, How is F related to D? (tH ¢ is the daughter of A./A #1 git c #1 AB ar om €1.C,a at mre t1 D.C am fem 21 FA a (0M) K is the sister of F./F 31 =e K tive Fw DS wm au 7 (QV) Gis the brother of C./c 1 =i @ 1 (a) Son/a (8) Grand son/dtar Who is the uncle of G? (C) Great grand son/weitat ae a are ahr #7 (D) Grand daughter at wa wc 17, -AB.,D.E and F are the six members of « funy. fe FY Napier of males la equal vo number of females. A 10. Ais the father of B,C is the daughter of B,D is the Mother of two, one boy and one girl How is C re. brother of B,E is the son of A. What is the relation- ineed toa? ship between C and E?- A.B.C,D.E ott BUR Ufa & 6 weed tutta a ABarhaticga wi tpE wm iea sat i den stat #t wens weer tla ott EF $a t1 eo ate Ba ahr wer eels £27 BA wt Da wal wt wit, ow agar ote oe {A) Brother and Sister/*1 site ae wget wa CA & fare wart wafica €? (B) Cousins a =Tf74¢3 (8 Sonat (B) Daughter/i ce and Unele/ Waist v (0) wite/ (D) Mother/arat (©) misce and Unebe/ att st wrer 18, Each child in a family has at least four brothers (D) Uncle and Aunt/orar aft writ and three sisters. Then what will be the minimum 11, Cis the wife of BE is the son of CA is the brother umber of children in the family? of B and father of D. What is the relationship of E ea wftare wets aed Swe Sam aT mf ote at to? sagt tia aftare Heat at sgram emt ar Eh? c, Bath ecarar tas a me otk D afer tae ay7 Bs BaD aa wa wit? (19 (0) 10 (A) Mother/wat —_(B) Sister/ae 12) Grand mother: There are {wo fathers and we (©) Brother/*1 ——_ (D) Cousin/wat Tf ¥ Mothers. There are four children and three grand 12, Mis the son of P. Q is the grand daughter of © children in the family. who is the husband of P. How is M related to 0? ‘There are one brother, two sisters, two sons, two M, Pr 21 9,0 4 tit @, ot P wr ofa aM aT dee eeticerintiae, oy a7 one mother-in-law and oR aa tae #7 How many members are there in the family? (A) Son/ge (B) Daughter/t um ftare 8 ee ara afte uw arate) a frat atte a (©) Mother/wat__(D) Father/f¥at sara t1 eftare 8 re aot ale sr eta BL cas Tf 13. XandY are brothers. R is the father of ¥.S is the ate 2h aed tat 82 oft at atead toe ae ott brother of f and maternal uncle of X. What is the sage & ote cm rag fi aa whee ae ft ea B? relationship of T to R? a7 @) 15 xott ¥ o1f #1 Ry a7 feat 6,7 a ome ¢ oft x aT (e22 (p)23 swum dia T at R&T wae? 20. Given:/ fem (A) Mother/wrat_ | (B) Wife/ et A+B means A is the father of B. (©) Sister/we4 _ (D) Brother/ =f AB a ond ¢, "A,B ar fart 2" 14, IfP is the husband of Q and R is the mother of S ‘A.B means Ais the daughter of B. and Q. What is the relationship of R to P? spat apa af Pg ar aft # aft Rs ott Qa t aR a P top mena theese af B wr wat aia #P axp at ord 8, "A,B tara et" (A) Mothee/mar” (8) Sieter/me7 ASB means A is the husband of B. (©) Aunt/: {D) Mother-in-law/=a% ¥ es 15. A reads a book and finds the name of the author apart ond t aB erated familiar. The author B is the paternal uncle of C. | (i) If PxQ-R+S. Cis the daughter of A. How is B related to A? Then, how is P related to S? ATs Germ vem é oft amar t fe aa gee SoS cafe PQs are 2 ae offer ti ca art Baw B tA St GTC eee ea iu ty tad B farm war waft #7 (A) Brother/s ¥ (B) Sister/=r7 (A) Brother/st —_(B) Sister/=e (©) Father/fiat——_(D) Uncle/ara (C) Mother/wet —_(D) Daughter/#e PV PUBLICATION 2) BRING YOU SUCCESS (i) In (i) what is the relationship of 8 with F? (3s we a ear want? (A) Brother/"T ——(B) Sister/=e7 (C) Son/qa (0) Brother/Sister/ 1/0 (iti) IE MN-R+P, Then, how is M related to P? “fe MeN-RSP, 4a ME eT PB ar eat #7 (A) Brother-in-law/ frat (B) Brother/ «1g (C) Sister/art (0) Cousin jaar 5G 21, Given: P6Q means P is the mother of . PSomot, "Pot ae" P#Q means P is the father of Q. P+ Qa oe t, "P,Q a frre" P@Q means Q is the wife of P. Pa@Q a xd t,"Q,P at tt" P%Q means P is the daughter of Q. P%QaT ode PQa THE" (i) If P@QsMeT ‘Then, how is P related to T? ‘fe PaQSMeT wap aT wa ed 8? (a) Son/a (@) Father/ eat (C) Grand father/arat (0) Grand mother/=ré (ii) If F@D%KeH ‘Then, how is F related to H? fe ReDwKeH ar aH 8 we dew t? (A) Brother-in-law /aitat 7 (B) Sister-inelaw/ "Tt (©) Brother/sf (0) Sons (iii) GeMa@N%T ‘Then, how is G related to T? ae wT kw taut? Gemant (A) Husband/cf —(B) Brother/ (©) Brother-in-aw /amt (0) Son/3 22, Give PSQ means P is the mother of Q. @ «a 2s, co) PSQarxdt, P,Q ata PHQ means P is the father of Q. Pa Q ar od t, "P,Q a fer 2" PaQ means Q is the wife of P PaQ a wit, "QP at att" P%Q means P is the daughter of Q. P% Qa oT t,"P.Q at gE" Which of the following expressions means C is the grand son of A? frafatan #8 abet Souter at ont ¢ fe CA aT a #2 (a) ASBHC%DSE(B) ASBSCSDSE (C) APBHCQ@DSE DD) AHBADECTE (2) A@BED@c Which of the following expressions means A is the sister of D? Fafa % & ant oxfwonfen a ord ¢ fs AD at amt? WA@BscrDse G)ArBSCHDSE (C) A% BaCSDFEY ()ASBSCSDSE (&) None of these/Ert @ ait 7 Given: M +N means M is the brother of N. M+ war od tM, WaT ATE" Mx N means M is the husband of N. Mx Nat ond 7M, NT aha EL M +N means M is the daughter of N. MeN ar od £,°MN at phe" M @N means M is the mother of N. Mana od t, MN at He" If PxR + T+8+U, Then, how is U related to P ? cafe PxReT+S+U at U ar PS eT He 27 (A) Grandfather-indaw | / THA (B) Grandfather/ zat (©) Grandmother-in-law/ 214-1 (D) Grandfather-in-law/Grandmother-in-law/ ‘arar- wae arta Y Which of the following expressions means A is the daughter-in-law of B? frafain #8 abr oferta at ond ¢ fs A,B at pray #7 (A@cxD@B (B)BaCxAaDY ()A@CxB@D (D)A+C+D+B {&) None of these/37t & iy TET PV PUBLICATION (3) BRING YOU SUCCESS 24, Given :/fear t: 28. Pointing to a man, a woman says, “His mother is the ‘M+N means M is the brother of N. mother othe ater OF mY 80R e M+ Nar ond tM, Nat amg 8" we onc at ote yore we te, we aiken rit MXN means M is the husband of N. SSeet gee he ae ata set an aie BS Mx Nom ond tM, Nat of Ee" cea dda #7 MeN means M is the daughter of N. (a) Brother/=f (B) Husband/aft Mona od tuna et" (C) Father/fat MON moans M is the mother of N- (0) Husband or Brothée-in-law /aft a 2a Mone ont. Mans He" 29. Pointing to a man, awoman says, “He is the only (i) Inthe following expression what will come in place son of the father of the father of my son’. of question mark so that P becomes the brother- How ts the sgt seitted to women? Indaw of UP ee omit a ate FTA a, TH HRT AE, aE Preven arfronten % weraras RES ROT WC HT aa fare Rear ar varchar ge ea orth ar afer aT ‘ran amg fas PU ar ston oT? we neRenay (A) Brother/st¢ —_(B) Father/femr ioe (C)tusbana/ef —(D) Son/gt 30. Pointing toa woman, a man says," Her brother is (i) In the following expression what will come in place Ctquestion mate tt A becomes the uncle oft? | ©. the brother ofthe grand mother ofthe won of my Petre aaftnter & wererers fry Feary we wT How is the woman related to man? TOU SIN FS A.D St MITT SINT vow wigan at oie ym at Ey, Uw ont we é, ATBXCPD “aera wg, et weit Tat art a aa eat ager aT we we mach & eat weds #7 (y+ (0) 25. Pointing toa woman, a man says, "She is the only (a) Maternal auntyaht daughter-in-law of the grand father of my son". (@) Sister/ae How is the woman related to man? (C] Daughter/g#t Ue wfon at si gore ata, Ua TN ae By ae, He {D) Mother or Maternal aunt/3i a tht ‘Seer vache ray eter TEND PAT NT | 51 Pointing to a woman, a man ays, “Her mother- ® in-law is the only daughter-in-law of my son's (A) Daughter/it (8) wife/wethy grand father’. How is woman related to man? {C) Mother/=rat_ _(D)\Sister/"eT ae aiken at ate Feet et EE, Tee em ft, “Tet 26. "Her mother is, we, Boge Saran at wet ae 7 at afro aT aaah & oe ae #7 | How is the woman related to man? (A) Daughter-in-law/ {ee after tg ead Ue otest soem t,| A) DnPher Se/ene aaa A a me a ache a eo ze raat fea eae eae #7 (©) wite/aet (A) Daughter/éi ¥ (8) Wite/ uot (0) Mother/=rar eluting toe woman amen aga OF few are mother and daughter reepectively. Then 27. Polnting to qwoman,e man says, ‘Her father in| So" 90 man flated to woman? How is the woman related to man? am ores at are afte mfger at are oer are: am fen a ate eT aH ER, Uw oT EMT, aH sid & at onstrate & er ae #27 fe, SS are eM (a) Father/fat ‘after amt ae oman & ear eel &7 (8) S0n/q (A) Sister/ae ¥——(B) Mother/=1a7 (C) Father-in-taw/™R (©) Daughter/iét —(D) Wite/weft (D) Grand father/2at PV PUBLICATION (4) BRING YOU SUCCESS 33, 34, Pointing to a boy, a lady says, "My maternal uncle and the maternal uncle of his maternal uncle are same". Then, how is the lady related to the boy? aw yd at ste pene at EE, TH ftoT wet ft, “A sam afte aa arg moor eT Ow A EN aT aT age & aa wan 2? (A) Sister/=r7 (B) Mother /arat {C) Maternal aunt/stat (D) Mother or maternal aunt/arat a tit Pointing to a man, a woman says, " The sister of, his son is my mother in-law". ‘What isthe relation of woman's husband to that man? om ore at oie pene we A, Uw eT we, Te wah aes, Rt re aren ah whe aT oe ont aT want? (A) Grand son/arét (B) Grand father/aat (c) Father/ferar () Uacte/wrar PV PUBLICATION (5) BRING YOU SUCCESS

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