70 Auxiliary Sciences of History

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70 Auxiliary Sciences of History

1. Geography : Indicates the place or space of historical events.

2. The Chronology : Locate the historical event in time
3. Anthropology : Studies man as a zoological species.
4. Ethnography : Classifies and describes human races
5. Ethnology : It is responsible for studying each race in particular.
6. Paleontology : Studies the fossil remains of animals and plants.
7. Epigraphy : Study the inscriptions on monuments.
8. Paleography : Study and describe ancient writings.
9. Linguistics : Study the treaty and the history of shields and emblems.
10. Numismatics : It deals with the study of coins and medals.
11. Diplomacy : It is responsible for studying official documents.
12. Genealogy : Study the lineages
13. Folklore : Study popular culture.
14. The arqueology . It is responsible for the analysis of remains of human activity.
15. The economy . It allows you to analyze the economic aspects of History.
16. The Statistics . Quantitatively analyzes a set of data related to a certain
historical event or aspect.
17. The Demographics . It deals with the quantitative study of populations (of a
city, region, country or continent) at a given time, providing information on birth
rates, marriage rates, mortality and migratory movements.
18. The Psychology . It is responsible for the study of man as an individual being.
19. The sociology . It studies the social relations of groups and the global
understanding of society.
20. Chemical analysis : A chemical test or chemical analysis is a procedure to
measure the concentration or any other chemical property of a substance or
21. Evolutionary biology : Evolutionary biology is the area of biology that
studies the common ancestry and descent of species , as well as the changes
of living things over time ( biological evolution ).
22. Cartography : it is the science that is responsible for the study and preparation
of geographical, territorial maps and different linear dimensions and others.
23. Materials science : Materials science is the scientific field responsible for
investigating the relationship between the structure and properties of materials .
24. Ecology : Ecology is the science that studies the interrelationships of different
living beings among themselves and with their environment.
25. Stratigraphy : Stratigraphy is the branch of geology that deals with the study
and interpretation of stratified sedimentary , metamorphic and volcanic rocks,
and the identification
26. Etymology : The study of the origin of words is called etymology.
27. Philately : Philately is the hobby of collecting and classifying stamps ,
envelopes and other postal documents, as well as studying postal history.
28. Philology : it is the study of written texts , through which an attempt is made to
reconstruct, as faithfully as possible, their original meaning with the support of
the culture that underlies them.
29. Historical geography : Historical geography is the study of the human and
physical geography of the past.
30. Historical geology : Historical geology is the branch of geology that studies
the transformations that the Earth has experienced since its formation.
31. Historical linguistics : it is the linguistic discipline that studies the change of
languages over time and the process of linguistic change .
32. Logic : Logic is a formal science that studies the principles of valid
demonstration and inference .
33. Paleoanthropology : the branch of physical anthropology and paleobiology
that deals with the study of human evolution and its fossil record, in other words
ancient hominids .
34. Linguistic paleontology : Linguistic paleontology is a discipline that aims to
clarify the prehistory and material culture of the speakers of a dead language or
ancient protolanguage .
35. Palynology : Palynology is a discipline of botany dedicated to the study of
pollen and spores .
36. Petrography : Petrography is the branch of geology that deals with the study
and investigation of rocks , especially with regard to their descriptive aspect,
their mineralogical composition and their structure.
37. Political science : Political science , political theory , political doctrines
and political science are different names of a social science that studies the
theory and practice of politics , political systems and behaviors.
38. Psychology : a profession , an academic discipline 3 and, generally speaking,
the science that deals with the behavior and mental processes of individuals
39. Sociology : Sociology is the social science that studies the collective
phenomena produced by the social activity of human beings, within the
historical-cultural context in which they are immersed.
40. Archival : it is the theoretical and practical study of the principles, procedures
and problems concerning the storage of documents , seeking that said
documentation is maintained over time, can be consulted and classified.
41. Archaeology : it is the science that studies the physical changes that occur
from ancient societies to current ones, through material remains distributed in
space and preserved over time.
42. Bibliography : The bibliography is the reference study of the texts.
43. Bibliology : Bibliology is called the general science of the book itself, that is,
the study of the book, whether considered in isolation in its material, literary,
antiquity, authenticity and merit conditions, whether in a collection or forming a
library .
44. Librarianship : It is the set of technical and scientific activities whose purpose
is the knowledge of information, the materials in which it is presented and the
place in which it is used, in order to better respond in quality and quantity to
demands. of information that society makes.
45. Botany : it is a branch of biology and is the science that deals with the study of
plants, from all their aspects.
46. Codicology : is the discipline that studies books as physical objects, especially
manuscripts written on leather, papyrus, parchment, paper or other supports .
47. Chronology : it is the specific science whose purpose is to determine the
temporal order of historical events; It is part of the discipline of History .
48. Diplomacy : It is a historical science that aims to study documents, regardless
of their author, taking into account their extrinsic and intrinsic characters, that is,
the support, writing, language, formalism and other elements that make up a
judgment. their authenticity and interpret them properly.
49. Documentation : In a restricted sense, documentation as documentary
science could be defined (broadly) as the science of information processing,
which provides a compendium of data for a specific purpose, of a
multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary scope.
50. Epigraphy : it is an autonomous science and at the same time auxiliary to
History , through which inscriptions made on hard materials are studied,
establishing methodologies to read and interpret them.
51. Faleristics : Faleristics is a branch of numismatics , and therefore an auxiliary
science of History , which deals with the study, classification and inventory of
decorations .
52. Genealogy : the study and tracking of the ancestry and descent of a person or
family .
53. Heraldry : Heraldry is the science of the coat of arms
54. Medallistics : Medallistics is a branch of numismatics , and therefore an
auxiliary science of History , which deals with the study of medals and
medallions .
55. Numismatics : Numismatics , a term that designates the study and collecting
of coins and paper money issued by a nation with the official design of the
country. When it comes to paper money only, the exclusive term Notafilia is
often preferred.
56. Papyrology : Papyrology is the study of literature, correspondence, legal
records, etc. of ancient documents preserved in papyrus , parchment or oyster
with which they are the most common writing media in the ancient civilizations
of Egypt , Greece and ancient Rome .
57. Paleography : is the study of ancient writings
58. Sigilography : Sigilography as a historical science with an autonomous,
auxiliary or dependent character, and closely related to diplomacy, law, art
history, heraldry or genealogy, is the scientific (critical) study of the seals used
by man
59. Vexillology : Vexillology is the study of flags in its broadest sense.
60. Astronomy: is the science that deals with the study of the celestial bodies of
the universe , including planets and their satellites , comets and meteoroids ,
stars and interstellar matter , systems of dark matter , stars , gas and dust
called galaxies. and the galaxy clusters; so he studies their movements and the
phenomena linked to them.
61. Biology : is the science that has as its object the study of living beings and,
more specifically, their origin , their evolution and their properties.
62. Physics: is the natural science that studies the properties and behavior of
energy and matter (as well as any change in it that does not alter its nature), as
well as time , space and the interactions of these four. concepts with each
63. Chemistry: is the science that studies both the composition, structure and
properties of matter as well as the changes it experiences during chemical
reactions and its relationship with energy .[]
64. Mathematics or mathematics[ :] It is a formal science that, starting from axioms
and following logical reasoning, studies the properties and relationships
between abstract entities such as numbers , geometric figures or symbols .
65. Caving: is a science whose object is the exploration and study of underground
66. Psychopedagogy: is the applied discipline that studies human behaviors in
learning situations, such as: learning problems and vocational guidance.
67. Zoology: is the biological discipline that is responsible for the study of animals .
68. Iconography: is the description of the theme or subject represented in artistic
images , as well as its symbology and the attributes that identify the characters
69. Botany: is a branch of biology and is the science that deals with the study of
plants, under all its aspects, which includes their description, classification,
distribution, idea. ntification, the study of their reproduction, physiology,
morphology, reciprocal relationships, relationships with other living beings and
effects on the environment in which they are found
70. Faleristics is a branch of numismatics , and therefore an auxiliary science of
History , which deals with the study, classification and inventory of decorations .
71. Clothing : the study of clothing in the periods

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