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Scene 1: Picnic Palava

Setting: Picnic Ground

MIA: (Pushing away food) Phew! I belly full oh!

JAKE: Me too. Those hotdogs plenty well well.

MIA: (Kicking a dirty napkin) This park dirty like crazy! See all this rubbish!

JAKE: (Shrugs) No be our fault. People just no care.

MIA: But e dey make everywhere look bad! Wetin if those plastic things pain animals for body?

JAKE: Nah, dem go dey alright. Plastic full for everywhere sef.

MIA: But no be good thing! We suppose clean am.

JAKE: Come on, Mia, nobody dey clean after picnic. And where we go even throw the rubbish sef?

(MIA sighs. Jake mistakenly Chews on a styrofoam thinking it was food)

MIA: You see? No be good thing for anybody! Wat if you choke for that plastic?

JAKE: Okay, okay, maybe cleaning no be bad idea. But all these bins dey confuse me - which one we
go throw for?

MIA: Remember for school, we dey separate rubbish? We get different bins for paper, plastic and
food waste. Dem dey carry everything go one big recycling place.

JAKE: Hmm, maybe this park need something like that.

(MIA picks up a bottle and reads the label.)

MIA: See! This bottle dey talk say "Recycle me!" We just dey lazy if we no even try.

JAKE: (Sighs) Alright, alright. Make we at least gather our own rubbish. We fit pack am for your big

(MIA smiles and starts picking up trash. JAKE hesitates, then reluctantly joins her.)

Scene 2: Spreading the Word at Home

Setting: MIA and JAKE are in their living room, surrounded by recycling bins and a pile of rinsed
plastic bottles. IZZY joins them via video call on a laptop.

MIA: (Holding up a crumpled candy wrapper) So, where this one go?

JAKE: (Pointing to a bin) Recycling! Remember, paper na for here.

MIA: Okay, I get am. (Tosses the wrapper) See, Izzy? We dey set up our own small recycling station
for house!

(IZZY smiles on the laptop screen.)

IZZY: That's awesome, Mia! We learn for class say separating rubbish dey make a big difference.

JAKE: Yeah, but see all these plastic bottles! Dem no fit enter the recycling bin at once.
MIA: No worry, remember wetin Ms. Lopez talk? We suppose rinse them small before we throw
them for recycling bin. E go make recycling easy!

JAKE: (Grumbling) Fine, fine. (Starts rinsing a bottle) But why we no fit just throw them away with all
the other rubbish?

MIA: Because plastic no dey rotten for a long time, Jake. E fit end up for dumpsite or even for ocean,
and e go pain animals!

IZZY: (Nods on the screen) Exactly! Recycling dey help turn those bottles into new things, like clothes
or toys.

JAKE: Clothes from bottles? Cool!

MIA: You see? Recycling na good thing. We no just dey keep our house clean, we dey help the whole

IZZY: We fit even talk to our Mom and Dad about getting bigger recycling bins, and maybe even a
compost bin for leftover food scraps.

JAKE: Compost bin? Wetin e be for?

MIA: E dey turn food scraps into fertilizer for plants! E be like magic dirt wey dey help gardens grow.

JAKE: Wow, that sounds cool too. Maybe we fit start small herb garden for backyard with our own

MIA: (Smiling) See, Jake? There be plenty things wey we fit do to take care of our environment, even
for house. Small changes fit make a big difference!

IZZY: You guys dey do well well! Make we continue to spread the word and inspire everybody to be
responsible recyclers!

(MIA and JAKE bump fists excitedly.)

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