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Identify entities and relationships

raised in the case study

Jaime Alberto Tarazona

Sheet 2455248

September 2022

The use of banking applications to carry out transactions and inquiries has become increasingly
common in today's society. These applications require an appropriate design that allows users to
carry out their operations safely and efficiently. In this work, an entity relationship (ER) model
will be presented for a bank application, which will allow a better understanding of the data
structure of the application and a better implementation of its functionalities.

The general objective of this work is to present an ER model for a bank application. To achieve
this general objective, the following specific objectives are proposed:

Identify the relevant entities for the model of a banking application.

Establish relationships between the identified entities.

Represent the ER model in a modeling tool.


To develop the ER model of the banking application, an analysis of the requirements and
functionalities expected in the application was carried out. The following entities were identified:

Client: represents the users of the application, with their personal and contact information.

Account: Represents customers' bank accounts, with information such as account number,
current balance, and account type.
Transaction: Represents transactions made by customers, such as deposits, withdrawals and
transfers, with information such as the amount, date and time of the transaction.
Beneficiary: represents the beneficiaries of the transfers made by clients, with information such
as name and account number.

Relationships between these entities were established, including:

Customer-Account Relationship: A customer can have multiple accounts, but an account can only
belong to one customer.

Account-Transaction Relationship: An account can have multiple transactions, but a transaction

can only be associated with one account.
Transaction-Beneficiary Relationship: A transaction can have multiple beneficiaries, and a
beneficiary can be associated with multiple transactions.

Finally, the ER model was represented in a modeling tool, allowing a clear visualization of the
data structure of the banking application.

Client: Represents the bank's clients. It can have attributes like customer ID, name, address, phone
number, email, etc.

Account: Represents the clients' bank accounts. It can have attributes such as account number,
balance, account type (for example, savings account or checking account), opening date, etc.

Transaction: Represents the transactions carried out in the bank accounts. It can have attributes
such as transaction ID, amount, transaction type (e.g. deposit, withdrawal, transfer), transaction
date and time, etc.

Employee: Represents the bank's employees. It can have attributes like employee ID, name, title,
phone number, email, etc.

Branch: Represents the bank's branches. It can have attributes like branch ID, name, address,
phone number, etc.


"Own" Relationship: Connects customers to the accounts they own. A customer can have multiple
accounts, but an account can only belong to one customer at a time. This relationship has
attributes such as account opening date and account status (e.g. active, closed).

"Makes" Relationship: Connects customers with the transactions they make. A customer can
perform multiple transactions, and a transaction must be associated with a customer. This
relationship has attributes such as transaction amount, transaction date and time.
"Serves" Relationship: Connects employees with the branches they serve. One employee can staff
multiple branches, but one branch can be staffed by multiple employees. This relationship can
have attributes such as care start date.

"Belong" Relationship: Connects employees with the branches to which they belong. An employee
can only belong to one branch at a time. This relationship can have attributes such as membership
start date.

"Transfer" Relationship: Connect transfer transactions between accounts. This relationship has
attributes such as the amount transferred and the date and time of the transfer.

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