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Incent Repellent Property of coconut husk and sawdust with eucalyptus leaves.

Ayyang Keith G.
Gayudan Vanesa A.
Ngayaan Restanley M.
Ordoña Love Patimieh




Background of the study

In a world grappling with the relentless surge of dengue cases, this study delves into an
innovative quest for an unconventional solution – an incense repellent crafted from the
humble yet promising trio of coconut husk, eucalyptus leaves, and sawdust. As the specter
of mosquito-borne diseases looms large, we embark on a journey to discover a natural, eco-
friendly alternative to the synthetic arsenal of repellents, a beacon of hope for communities
at the frontline of dengue outbreaks. Join us in unraveling the secrets hidden within these
organic materials, as we strive to not only repel mosquitoes but also revolutionize the
landscape of mosquito control, blending efficacy with sustainability in the fight against the
global dengue epidemic.
Dengue fever, caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito-borne dengue virus, presents a
formidable health challenge worldwide. This viral infection manifests in various forms,
ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to severe, potentially life-threatening
conditions.Understanding the multifaceted impact of dengue on human health underscores
the critical need for effective preventive measures, such as the exploration of natural
alternatives like the incense repellent studied here, to curb the global dengue menace.
Based on the report of the Department of Health Cordillera, the region has logged 13,549
dengue cases from January 1, 2023 to October and still increasing up to this year
2024.Noting the alarming spike in dengue cases in the region, we conduct this study using
coconut husk, eucalyptus leaves, and sawdust as an incense repellent motivated by the need
for alternative solutions that are both effective against mosquitoes, particularly the Aedes
aegypti vector responsible for dengue transmission, and environmentally friendly. By
developing a repellent from natural materials, we aim to provide a safer option for
individuals living in dengue-prone areas, contributing to the global efforts to reduce the
spread of mosquito-borne diseases while minimizing the ecological impact associated with
conventional repellents.
One type of nature material waste that has the potential to be used as an insecticides is
coconut husk waste. In a study conducted by Anom D. and Mamangkey J. (2016) the
utilization of coconut husk waste in the insecticide industry is the right solution for strategic
insecticide needed by consumers in an effort to control pests.As cited by Ng'ang'a P. (2019)
smoke from different kinds of vegetation or woods such as coconut husk is often used as a
cheap personal protection measure against mosquitos during the evening. To test the
efficacy of smoke, a comparative field trial was conducted in the Wosera district, Papua New
guinea. Repellency of smoke from burning contribute to a reduction of mosquito
transmitted diseases.


The quest for eco-friendly and effective insect repellents has never been more urgent.
Against a backdrop of rising environmental concerns and health risks associated with
synthetic repellents, traditional insect repellents often contain chemicals that may have
adverse effects (Strid et Al. 2018). This study explores natural alternatives, focusing on
coconut husk, eucalyptus leaves, and sawdust. Coconut husk is known for its absorbent
properties (Raoul Vemkde et al.), eucalyptus leaves contain compounds with insect-repelling
(Zahra Sheikh et al. 2021), and sawdust can contribute to the formulation's texture and
efficacy. Investigating these components may offer an eco-friendly and sustainable solution
to insect-related concerns, aligning with the growing interest in natural repellents and
environmentally conscious practices.
Eucalyptus leaves (Eucalyptus globolus).According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC
2022), eucalyptus is one of the most effective mosquito repellents. Eucalyptus globulus
(southern blue gum)is shown to be 72% effective at repelling certain species of mosquito
over a three hour period, eucalyptus is also made up of para-menthane-3,8-diol, which
contains pesticide properties. These components cause mosquitoes to go “nose-blind”
because they mask the smell of carbon dioxide and lactic acid – the human-emitted scents
that attract mosquitoes.
This study aims to assess the insect-repelling effectiveness of coconut husk, eucalyptus
leaves, and sawdust individually and in combination. The findings have the potential to
contribute to the development of natural, environmentally friendly alternatives for insect
control, promoting sustainable practices in pest management.

1) To crate eco-friendly natural repellents in the form of candle from sawdust, coconut husk,
and eucalyptus leaves.
2) To asses the degree of attractiveness between the various insect repellent compositions in
terms of the scent and appearance.
3)To determine the ability of the eco-friendly natural mixture to repel mosquitos.
4)To examine the safety ot the natural repellent and ensure that it is suitable for usage
without adverse.

Significance of the study:


This study provides a wealth of educational benefits for students, offering them insights into
sustainable practices, hands-on research opportunities, and inspiration for future academic
and professional pursuits. The multidisciplinary nature of the research enriches students'
learning experiences and encourages a proactive approach to addressing environmental
challenges.The research offers them access to locally sourced and cost-effective natural
insect repellents, empowering communities to manage pests sustainably and independently.
The study contributes to public health by exploring natural alternatives to synthetic
repellents. Individuals looking to minimize their exposure to potentially harmful chemicals
found in traditional insecticides can benefit from the development of safer and health-
conscious repellents derived from coconut husk, eucalyptus leaves, and sawdust.It provides
chances for creativity and learning, this makes it possible for them to search for solid proof
of effective this is.This can be a great source of information, giving researchers in the future
a starting point for more research and experimentation.

Scope and delimitation

This study focuses on the insect-repelling properties of coconut husk, eucalyptus

leaves, and sawdust, both individually and in various combinations. The examination
is primarily centered on these natural materials and their potential as alternatives to
synthetic insect repellents. Controlled experiments will be conducted to evaluate the
effectiveness of the natural repellents against common insects without negative
effects to human body.The study aims to explore the practicality of incorporating
coconut husk, eucalyptus leaves, and sawdust into everyday products for use as
insect repellents. This involves assessing their compatibility with existing formulations
and potential for mass production.
The study is limited to a specific geographical area due to variations in the
composition of coconut husk, eucalyptus leaves, and sawdust based on regional
factors. Findings may not be universally applicable, and the study is not designed to
account for global variations.While the study addresses common household insects,
such as mosquitoes and flies, it does not extensively cover a wide range of pests.
The focus is on insects relevant to everyday human environments, and results may
not directly translate to repellent effectiveness against all insect species.
The study is conducted within a specific timeframe, and the long-term effects of
repeated exposure to the natural repellents are not extensively investigated. Future
research may be needed to address any potential concerns related to prolonged
usage.By defining these parameters, the study aims to provide a focused and
meaningful exploration of the insect-repelling potential of coconut husk, eucalyptus
leaves, and sawdust while acknowledging the inherent limitations within the chosen


Strid, A.; Hanson, W.; Cross, A.; Bond, C.; Jenkins, J. 2018. Insect Repellents Fact
Sheet; National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension
"The Use of Coconut Husk – Don’t Waste It!", 2023 BY ADMINCRAFT
Lee M. (2018). Essential Oils as Repellents against Arthropods. Biomed Res Int,
2018:6860271. [PubMed]
Klun JA, Kramer M. (2016). Klun & Debboun Insect Repellents Handbook.
Zahra Sheikh et al. (2021). Repellent Efficacy of Eucalyptus globulus, Iran J Public


Related Review Literature
The use of plants against biting insects was first recorded among the ancient Greeks,
and plants are still used for this purpose by enormous numbers of people today.
Most households in the developing world rely on personal protection measures of
limited effectiveness, such as burning mosquito coils or leaves, despite the wide
range of effective malaria-control measures available. The most common personal
protection device is the mosquito coil. Mosquito coils were traditionally made with
finely ground pyrethrum daisy (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) flowers mixed with
coconut husks or sawdust (Moore et al, 2006). According to Lijun (2019) The natural
plant mosquito repellent has technical benefits as follows: the mosquito repellent is
prepared from the plant extracts asraw materials through scientific refining and is
free of toxic and side effects and stimulation on a human body, and effective time for
repelling mosquito bites is as long as six hours. Due to correctsetting of the pH
value, aroma becomes mellow and normal and non-irritant, even people with nasal
sensitivity cannot be troubled, and the application range of the natural plant
mosquito repellent is expanded.

Now days, uses of plant based mosquito repellent have increased as synthetic
repellents contains many noxious chemicals which can cause possible toxicity like
skin toxicity and causes swelling, redness, itching and many health problems. The
herbal mosquito repellent cones were prepared by using saw dust, cow dung, gum
acacia, neem powder, eucalyptus powder and lemon grass powder. Saw dust
increases the combustion. Gum acacia act as binder. Herbal mosquito repellent cone
were prepared by hand rolling method. The evaluation parameters of herbal
mosquito repellent cone contain burning time (min), smoke visibility, odor, irritation
test, ash weight (g.) and mosquito repellent activity. In present study, the powders
used in formulation were herbal based and eco-friendly and producing no side-effect
on use (VirSingh et al. 2021). Plant oils (ex. eucalyptus, lemon-scented eucalyptus)
may serve as suitable alternatives to synthetic repellents in the future as they are


relatively safe, inexpensive, and are readily available in many parts of the world
(Wangai et al, 2020).

The integration of sawdust into mosquito-repellent incense formulations presents a

sustainable and eco-friendly approach to pest control (Li, 2014; Zhu, 2018). By
harnessing the properties of sawdust and combining them with other natural
ingredients, researchers have developed incense products that not only repel
mosquitoes but also minimize environmental impact (Li, 2014; Zhu, 2018). This
demonstrates a shift towards more sustainable practices in pest management,
emphasizing the importance of utilizing renewable resources and reducing reliance
on harmful chemicals (Li, 2014; Zhu, 2018).


Coconut husk is a natural insect repellent that repels various insects, including
mosquitoes, biting flies, and other pests. Its high lauric acid content, pleasant
fragrance, and non-toxic nature make it a safe and eco-friendly alternative to
synthetic insecticides.Additionally, coconut husk oil has moisturizing properties that
can soothe insect bites and prevent itching. Coconut husk oil is long-lasting and can
provide several hours of protection against insects, making it an ideal choice for
outdoor activities and protecting against insect-borne diseases.Using coconut husk oil
as a natural insect repellent is a sustainable solution that benefits human health and
the environment.(Admincraft, 2023)

According to Cairns (2021), The Philippines is one of the top producers of coconuts
and coconut products in the world, and every year, an estimated 9 billion husks are
burned or left in the field, where they can take years to biodegrade. That's why one
Philippines-based startup has been working on an affordable alternative that it says
is better for the environment.


2.2 Sawdust

Researchers Li (2014) and Zhu (2018) have explored the utilization of sawdust in
creating mosquito-repellent incense. By incorporating natural plants, Chinese herbal
medicines, and wood sawdust, a green and nontoxic product is achieved, offering a
promising solution for mosquito control (Li, 2014; Zhu, 2018). Moreover, Li (2014)
further investigated the process of preparing micro-smoke mosquito-repellent
incense by carbonizing sawdust and mixing it with charcoal, clay, and repellent
ingredients, resulting in an effective and environmentally friendly product. This
innovative approach showcases the potential of utilizing waste materials from
woodwork to create valuable products for pest management (Li, 2014).

2.3 Eucalyptus leaves

Research has shown that it’s effective at warding off mosquitoes and other biting
insects for up to eight hours after topical application. The higher the eucalyptol
content of eucalyptus oil, the longer and more effectively it works as a repellent
(Davidson, 2019). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), eucalyptus is
one of the most effective mosquito repellents.Eucalyptus is also made up of para-
menthane-3,8-diol, which contains pesticide properties. These components cause
mosquitoes to go “nose-blind” because they mask the smell of carbon dioxide and
lactic acid – the human-emitted scents that attract mosquitoes (Magician 2021).

The Eucalyptus tree is famous for its fast growth. It is a major source of gum in the
world. Most of the Eucalyptus Oil comes from the Eucalyptus tree called Eucalyptus
Globulus that people also refer to as the Blue Gum (Jones, 2016).

According to West et al. (1930)Eucalyptus trees have been growing for some years
in the highlands of the Philippines. Recently we distilled the leaves of various species
of these eucalypts. When calculated on the weight of moist green leaves the yield of
oil obtained varied from about 0.01 to 1.96 per cent. The highest yields of oil were
obtained from Eucalyptus globulus, E. tereticornis, E. polyanthemos, and E.
citriodora. Some of these trees gave over 4 per cent of eucalyptus oil calculated on a
moisture-tree basis.


Environmental law

According to REPUBLIC ACT 8749 PHILIPPINE CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999. The law
aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air Quality guideline
values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing the
possible associated impacts to the economy

We assure you that our product is qualified for this air act law, because according
'Ria Templer 2022 ' incense repellent made of natural ingredients (w/c is our product
made of natural resources) doesn't have an chemical formula that can affect our
environmental air. According to her research natural incense repellent can improve
air quality, stress relief, relaxation and sensory enhancement, unlike the other
synthetic repellent that has a chemical content that can be a pollutant and damage
the quality of the air (Dijendra Nath Roy et al. 2017)

Environmental Law

According to REPUBLIC ACT 8749 PHILIPPINE CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999. The law
aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air Quality guideline
values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing the
possible associated impacts to the economy

We assure you that our product is qualified for this air act law, because according
'Ria Templer 2022 ' incense repellent made of natural ingredients (w/c is our product
made of natural resources) doesn't have a chemical ingredients that can affect our
environmental air. According to her research natural incense repellent can improve
air quality, stress relief, relaxation and sensory enhancement, unlike the other
-Coconut husk
synthetic repellent that has a chemical content that can be a pollutant and damage
-Eucalyptus leaves
the quality of the air (Dijendra Nath Roy et al. 2017)
-Saw dust
-Gum tragacanth
Water Conceptual Framework and Paradigm of the Study
-Candle thread



-Pulverizing the dried

Figure 1. Conceptual ingredients.

Incent repellent
Framework of the - remove any big particles
Property of
Process on Making of that remains
coconut husk and
scented candle mosquito
-Mixing the gathered sawdust with
repellent of Coconut
materials with accordance to eucalyptus leaves.
(Cocos nucifera) husk,
proper measurements.
and sawdust with
eucalptus leaves. - knead the mixture until it
reaches the ideal consistency.
- shape the mixture
The study sought to
-Drying process and testing.
develop a basis making scented mosquito
repellent added with coconut (Cocos nucifera) husk, and sawdust with eucalptus
leaves as an alternative material in making the said product.

For the input phase, the researchers gathered the necessary materials is used in the
study such as coconut (Cocos nucifera) husk, Eucalyptus leaves, Saw dust, Gum
tragacanth, Water, and Candle thread.

During the process phase, Grind all the ingredients until it turns to fined powder.
Sieve the powder and remove any big particles that remains. After sieving, add the
water and the Gum tragacanth to the insence powder, mix and knead it until it
reaches the ideal consistency. shortly after kneading, shape the mixture into a small
candle shape or any shape that you want. Afterwards, expose the insence candle
under the sun until it will dry. Finally, once the insence has dried evenly, you can
now used it as an insect repellent insence. it has undergone curing and drying
process before the testing.

The output of the study is the Incent repellent Property of coconut husk and sawdust
with eucalyptus leaves. that could be used to make a way for an organic mosquito


repellant. Furthermore, the use of these native materials will help to reduce coconut
waste in the agricultural sector.

Tabuk City, Kalinga – The Department of Health - Cordillera documented 2,984

dengue cases in the province in 2022, 343 percent higher than the cases recorded in
2021. The data was revealed during the Kapehan sponsored by PIA-Cordillera on
Tuesday, Jan. 10.

Of said number, four individuals died due to the disease. In 2021, the province
logged 681 cases with only one death case.

The cases in Kalinga have the second highest number among the provinces in the
region, next to Benguet which documented a total of 4,698 cases.

Definition of terms

Dengue (break-bone fever). is a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to

people. It is more common in tropical and subtropical climates.

Aedes Aegypt. is a known vector of several viruses including yellow fever virus,
dengue virus, chikungunya virus, and Zika virus.

Mosquito repellant. is a substance put on skin, clothing, or other surfaces which

discourages mosquitoes from landing or crawling on that surface.

Coconut husks. is an organic material derived from the fibrous hulls of coconuts.

Eucalyptus. is an evergreen tree that's widely used for its medicinal properties.

Saw dust- tiny particles of wood that are formed from sawing or sanding wood


Eco friendly. not harmful to the environment, or trying to help the environment

Synthetic mosquito repellant. formulated with chemical compounds, such as DEET

(N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide), picaridin, or IR3535. These ingredients have been
extensively tested and proven highly effective in repelling mosquitoes.

Environmental impacts. are changes in the natural or built environment, resulting

directly from an activity, that can have adverse effects on the air, land, water, fish,
and wildlife or the inhabitants of the ecosystem.

Pest management. is a system of integrated preventive and corrective measures to

reduce or prevent pests from causing significant harm to humans or the environment
(Bennett et al., 2005).


Operational framework


Operational framework summarizes the study of incent repellent property of coconut

husk and sawdust with eucalyptus leaves as an natural eco friendly mosquito

This product, with the main ingredient of coconut husk aims to develop a high quality
natural mosquito repellent. Why coconut husk? Because, it can produce a smoke that
has the ability to repel mosquito and other insect by burning it. Also, coconut husk is
already used by the people long time ago as an alternative to repel mosquito during
evening. With this reason we pursue coconut husk as a number one candidate main
ingredient in making mosquito repellent with accompany of sawdust and eucalyptus
leaves to make this product effective, eco friendly and natural.

In making this product we use the method of sun drying to maintain the quality of
traditional based method. We also ensure that our product will undergo several
testing and formulation to fill its insufficient needs by conducting a product

After perfecting the formulation, we proceed to production, guaranteeing the

acquisition of top-tier ingredients and strict adherence to manufacturing standards.
Our packaging and branding endeavors aim to emphasize the natural efficacy of the
mosquito repellent, while our strategic marketing and distribution strategies focus on
eco-conscious consumers via partnerships with retailers and tailored campaigns. We
consistently monitor sales performance and consumer feedback to drive continuous
enhancements, ensuring the product retains its effectiveness and competitiveness in
the market.


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