Systematic Study

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of popular power for education

Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University

Cumaná- Sucre State


Facilitator : Admon . Material and Financial

Ana Karina Simosa . Section “ G ”

Mujica González Giraldas J.

Ci: 29855847

Study techniques or study strategies are different perspectives applied to learning. They
are generally critical to achieving success in school, are considered essential to achieving
good grades, and are useful for lifelong learning; There are a variety of study techniques
that can focus on the process of organizing and taking in new information. Among these
techniques we find systematic study, formulation of a group procedure, and study teams or

These study techniques can be learned and put into practice easily, generally in a short
period, and are applied to all or almost all fields of study. Consequently they must be
distinguished from those that are specific to a particular field of study, for example music
or technology, and from abilities inherent to the student, such as aspects of intelligence
and learning style.
Systematic Study

It is the reference to the examination of relationships in the attempt to attribute causes and
effects and to base our conclusions on scientific evidence, that is, on data collected under
controlled conditions, as well as measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous
manner. This systematic study replaces intuition, which is that feeling not necessarily
supported by research. This method of systematic study has been considered a first-rate
aid in many North American universities; EPLRR is an acronym that includes the five
fundamental moments or phases of this methodological process: Explore, Ask, Read,
Recite and Review.

An example of this study is the teaching that is given in schools; This is systematic
because the teacher teaches a topic based on methods, examples, research, comparison,
exercises, synoptic tables, interpretation of texts, etc. It differs from unsystematic because
in it the individual reads alone, without methodology.

The EPLRR method

The Robinson method (or EPL2R technique) is a study method that is divided into 5 steps
or methods, very useful for studying as a technique. Find out what it is and how to practice
it at home.

There is no doubt that the different study methods proposed for years, and definitively
existing at this time, become especially useful, important and extremely helpful resources
for the majority of students, thanks to the fact that they offer study techniques suitable for
improve not only the study process, but above all the results that are achieved afterwards.

What is the method?

This is a method formulated in 1970 by the learning psychologist Harry Maddox in his well-
known work How to Study. It is made up of a total of five phases: Explore, Ask, Read,
Recite and Review. Or, in other words, EPL2R in its simplified (and most popular) version.

1. Explore : It consists of taking a quick look with the aim of placing ourselves in the
context of the subject with which we must work, and that we must study. Exploring the
contents of the text, broken down in a general way in the index, we can discover:

 What are the author's intentions.

 What is the author's objective in writing said book.

For example, the author's prologue or the publisher's presentation may be of interest at
this point, since it helps us discover a consideration about the topic being developed.

2. Ask : When the student is doing the first reading, it is very important to write down the
different questions that may occur to him/her on the topic, and that the text could, in fact,
That is, asking ourselves questions about the text itself that we must study, and that in
fact we are already working on.

It is useful to adopt a critical but also dynamic attitude towards the author's message,
entering into dialogue with the text, and putting it in relation to our previous knowledge and
personal interests. We can, for example, ask ourselves questions and complete both the
titles and subtitles with questions:

What did my teacher tell us about this topic? What is my knowledge of what the book tells

3. Reading : It should be, above all, an active reading of the different contents that must
be studied, and that we are working on. It is recommended to make summaries, highlight
the important elements, make diagrams... In short, not only read actively, but also perform
all those techniques that are useful to us to discriminate between what is accessory and
what is important.

It is recommended to read as follows:

 Read with maximum concentration.

 Do a reading of an entire topic.
 Reread the photo captions, images and graphics.
 Pay special attention to the words and phrases that the text itself highlights (for
example, those that are underlined, in italics or in bold).
 Slow down your reading speed on those paragraphs you don't understand.

Then, always do a second reading of the text, underlining and highlighting the parts of the
content that you consider most important, so that it will be easier for you to make
summaries later.

4. Recite : When you finish reading a chapter, reread the most important parts of the
content that you have underlined and/or marked.

Once this is done, close the book and express out loud, in your own words, those central
concepts that you remember. This is a very important phase, since it is the moment in
which we tell ourselves the result of what we have read, which will be useful for us to fix
the most important aspects in memory. Furthermore, the reciting phase is useful to
maintain active interest and attention on the contents.

5. Review : Essential and necessary, this is a fundamental phase that is not only
advisable to do hours before the exam, but also throughout the study days through what is
known as scheduled review.

Formulation of a study procedure

Finding an effective study method is perhaps one of the most difficult parts that a student
must face. In fact, many prefer to look for a study method before starting to study, in order
to have good results. But the truth is that each person has a different way of learning, for
this reason it is important that each person creates their own method, based on their

Although each person can create their own study method, there are 5 factors that are
essential and must be taken into account when studying, because depending on these you
will be able to see success or not in the results.

1. The environment:
Sometimes we don't pay much attention to what surrounds us when we decide to
study, but it is one of the main things that influences us. In fact, the environment
can be divided into three types: psychological, organizational and environmental.

2. Class attendance:
It can be one of the most complicated decisions, especially when you are at the
university and in some classes attendance is not mandatory, but be careful with
this, attending classes has its advantages, you will be able to listen directly to the
subject and clarify doubts in situ with the teacher.

3. Study method:
Below I show you four essential tips that could be present in your study method,
although some of these may not work for everyone:
- Read the text
– Underline
– Outline or summarize
– Repeat out loud

4. Tomato technique:
This is a rather curious technique that you could adopt when the topics are very
long, you have surely already heard that pauses are necessary when you are
studying, but if you have a specific order of these pauses it can be much more
effective, this is what the technique consists of. of tomato, for every 25 minutes of
study, you must take a 5-minute break, this is an example for a two-hour study

5. New technologies:
The changes in technology are more every year, and it is interesting when
technology and education come together. Thanks to technology or more
specifically the Internet, there are platforms where students can share and search
for all the information necessary to study, and at the same time share with other
students. It would be interesting for you to include this in your study method, at
least one hour per session will help you to be able to discuss some topics with
other students.


Some may be surprised by the fact that you have to learn to study, that is what you have
to do in many cases. The error is probably found in the very definition of "study", that is,
memorizing without understanding.
There are two essential objectives: on the one hand, the acceptance of the responsibility
that comes with being a student today who is preparing to be a good professional and, on
the other hand, and depending on the above, understanding the need to master the
aforementioned techniques to achieve quality in our work in less time.

The study pursues two fundamental objectives: The acquisition of knowledge and The
putting this knowledge into practice.

From the point of view of cultural and human development, the essential purpose of the
study is the integral formation of the person, enabling them to lead a full life, both
individually and collectively. Therefore, studying cannot be detached and can be involved
in personal philosophy, collaborating in achieving the physical and psychological well-
being to which we have the right. To obtain it, however, it is necessary to take
responsibility for this task.

From what has been said so far we can conclude that what is important is not the quantity
of the study, but its quality. Knowing how to study means knowing how to think, observe,
concentrate, organize and analyze, in short, being mentally efficient .

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