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Computer Vision

Lab 9: Common Architectures

Based on the Lecture

Prepared by
Amjad Dife
2023 / 2024

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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Common Architectures

▪ The size of each ball

corresponds to the model

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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AlexNet | ILSVRC 2012 winner

A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and G. Hinton, ImageNet

Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural
▪ First layer: 96 11x11 filters applied at stride 4 Networks, NIPS 2012
▪ Max pooling, ReLU nonlinearity
▪ 60M params
▪ GPU implementation (50x speedup over CPU)
▪ Trained on two GPUs for a week
▪ Dropout regularization
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Let’s Code

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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VGGNet | ILSVRC 2014 2nd place

▪ Sequence of deeper networks.

▪ Large receptive fields replaced by
successive layers of 3x3 convolutions (with
ReLU in between)
▪ Fewer parameters:

▪ Experimented with 1x1 convolutions

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VGGNet | (design principle) More depth is better for the respective field

▪ Suppose that:
▪ The input is H x W x C (depth of the input)

▪ and we use convolutions with C (depth of the output feature map) filters to preserve
depth (stride 1, padding to preserve H, W)

One CONV with 7 x 7 filters Three CONV with 3 x 3 filters

Number of weights (7*7*C)*C = 49 C2 3 x (C x (3 x 3 x C) ) = 27 C2

Less compute, more

nonlinearity (better)

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Let’s Code

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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GoogleNet | 2015


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GoogleNet | 2015

The Inception Module:

▪ Parallel paths with different receptive field sizes and operations are meant to capture
sparse patterns of correlations in the stack of feature maps.

C. Szegedy et al., Going deeper with convolutions, CVPR 2015

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GoogleNet | 2015

▪ Note that: 1 x 1 Convolution only changes the depth of the output feature map.
▪ Remember that: the depth of the output feature map equals the number of filters.
▪ Remember that: the depth of the filter equals the depth of the input.

Inception module

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GoogleNet | another version of GoogleNet

The main idea here:

• Use 1x1 convolutions for
dimensionality reduction
before expensive

Inception module

C. Szegedy et al., Going deeper with convolutions, CVPR 2015

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GoogleNet | another version of GoogleNet

Inception module Inception module

Conv Ops:
• Computational complexity! [1x1 conv, 64] 28x28x64x1x1x256
Conv Ops: [1x1 conv, 64] 28x28x64x1x1x256
[1x1 conv, 128] 28x28x128x1x1x256 [1x1 conv, 128] 28x28x128x1x1x256
[3x3 conv, 192] 28x28x192x3x3x256 [3x3 conv, 192] 28x28x192x3x3x64
[5x5 conv, 96] 28x28x96x5x5x256 [5x5 conv, 96] 28x28x96x5x5x64
[1x1 conv, 64] 28x28x64x1x1x256
Total: 854M ops
Total: 358M ops
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Inception module
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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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Inception v2, v3 (2016)

▪ Regularize training with batch normalization, reducing the importance of auxiliary

▪ More variants of inception modules with aggressive factorization of filters.

V2 V3
C. Szegedy et al., Rethinking the inception architecture for computer vision, CVPR 2016

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Inception v4

C. Szegedy et al., Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning, arXiv 2016

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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ResNet | Residual Block

The residual module

▪ 152-layer model for ImageNet
▪ Introduce skip or shortcut connections (existing before in various forms in literature)
▪ Make it easy for network layers to represent the identity mapping
▪ For some reason, need to skip at least two layers

Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun, Deep Residual Learning for Image
Recognition, CVPR 2016 (Best Paper)
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ResNet | v1 & v2

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Let’s Code

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❑ Common Architectures.
▪ AlexNet
▪ VGGNet
▪ GoogleNet
▪ Inception v2, v3, and v4
▪ ResNet
➢ Residual Block
➢ ResNet v1, v2

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Thank You

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