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Distance education is currently an essential tool in the field of education in general,
as well as vocational training, training, updating of knowledge and cultural
promotion at different levels. That is why in any educational institution a close
relationship between teaching, learning and evaluation is necessary, allowing a
society to be educated under the greatest commitment that an educator assumes
before humanity.

Since it is Distance Education, it is necessary to present some definitions that will

help us understand all the processes when the modality is online. Therefore,
through this work we will try to summarize this responsibility by illuminating this
practical activity of the educator through the use of the Distance Educational
model, focusing our attention above all on its characteristics, ICT, challenges and

Likewise, the changing dynamics that society is experiencing has imposed, with
regard to educational matters, a new modality, with modifications, without any
hesitation eliminating what is outdated and obsolete. Education has long
implemented the Distance Education model, as a strategy that has led to a total
renewal of teaching, which provides answers to the new demands of society,
thereby ensuring that each student be able to model your self-learning.

However, in this essay-like writing we will delve deeper into the importance of
Distance Education, so that some basic guidelines regarding Distance Education
and the impact of new technologies can be acquired. in the same.

On the other hand, it is important to highlight that Distance Education is crucial in a

world that changes rapidly, because through this modality, quality knowledge, skills
and attitudes can be achieved just as we find them in face-to-face education.
Which allows educational institutions, organizations and companies to offer
courses and programs adapted to current demands in different sectors, areas,
disciplines, environments, levels and very different learning styles and aimed at
populations that may reside in a very dispersed way. geographically.

Also, this educational model allows the integration of people who for different
reasons do not have access to in-person education, which does not require the
student to be physically present in a classroom with a teacher by their side.

Now, thanks to the advantages that Internet-based technologies offer us, today
there is the opportunity to achieve higher quality education because the curriculum
is enriched with the application of technologies and significant learning is achieved
in the student with due diligence. pedagogical support. The Internet has made it
possible to establish learning networks where time, place, and work pace are not
obstacles. Distance Education is a modality that allows the educational act through
different methods, techniques, strategies, and media, in a situation in which
students and teachers are physically separated.


Education is a process that allows directing, directing, guiding and perfecting the
faculties and skills of the student through the assimilation of knowledge. This
assimilation is tangible through a series of abilities, attitudes, skills, forms of
behavior and values that will result in intellectual, social and emotional changes in
people. It should be noted that this process must occur in an orderly manner to
fully train the person.

Education is something fundamental in the life of human beings and society

because it allows us to have a perspective of the future. However, the education
that must be provided to everyone must be a quality education, in accordance with
the changes that society is currently experiencing, as far as educational matters
are concerned, an essentially renewing mentality, with modifications, without any
hesitation, eliminating I expire and obsolete it. It should be highlighted the fact that
in each stage of history, the educational model has been different, since it has
always sought to be at the service of personal needs and the demands of society
and by changing these, the educational system evolves to comply with your new
goals. Thus we see how today there is a lot of talk about distance education, since
it opens many horizons for people, allowing them to have access to it without
having to physically attend a classroom or even have a teacher by their side. A
large majority of people associate education with a place, with school, but not with
a process.

In such a way that, in Distance Education these ideas change because the process
is carried out at a distance based on scientific and technological advances, which
have allowed this process to reach different parts of the world, through it it can be
offered education and new communication channels to disseminate information
globally. It is a teaching and learning process that adapts to the needs that arise in
the community, which allows, facilitates and gives us the possibility of carrying out
university studies remotely with the same quality as those in person.

This education model has opened many horizons and has given back the joy of life
to many people, such as students with disabilities. It also favors the desire for
improvement of many people with work responsibilities, since they can adjust their
study schedules to their time possibilities and in this way even manage to acquire
other types of studies, whether technical, professional technologist and short
courses in different branches. of knowledge.

Without a doubt, new advances in the field of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT) have greatly favored Distance Education and, on the other
hand, its impact on achieving better learning and the incorporation of didactic
methodologies. -innovative pedagogies, have transcended borders, becoming
educational options for citizens of the world. It should be noted that the advantages
of using ICT within open and distance schools and universities are many and affect
both the facilitator and the student, highlighting among others: The use of new
technologies in Distance Education gives the opportunity to many people so that
they can perfect themselves without being hindered by time or distance. Favoring
the student in the construction of their own learning since each participant will work
at their own pace.

They create interest in the activity since they allow students to know and use an
infinite number of programs that facilitate understanding and learning, involve the
development of cognitive processes. They are based on cooperative learning,
allowing interaction with peers from different backgrounds. countries and learn
about new cultures. Motivate the learning of reading and writing, because it forces
students to read in order to inform themselves and learn about the different topics
assigned by the tutors.

It should be noted that although there are so many technologies today, none of
them have managed to exclude the teacher who acquires a new dimension in his
professional work. Distance Education, today, has become the answer to many
questions that arise regarding the social fact of education. Given the continuous
need for permanent training, Distance Education is an option, because it provides
strategies that allow continuous updating in the different fields of knowledge.

Generally, the type of population served in Distance Education is adults who want
to start or continue studies, or graduates who seek to obtain other academic
degrees or renew their knowledge, improving or updating their knowledge without
having to leave one side. their work, social and family context, because the
participant will not have to go to another country to take a specialty because they
can do it from the comfort of their home or company, the student does not have the
need to leave their city and achieve equally forms specialties that will help you
realize your aspirations and respond to the demands of your environment and this
is why we can say that Distance Education is a response to the demands of
democratic education.

In this type of education, the students' prior knowledge is taken into account, and in
this way significant learning is allowed. Constructivist theories find a wide field of
application, this is a very demanding education for its users. As we already said, it
is of utmost importance to develop the skills of reading comprehension,
recognizing and solving problems, analyzing, investigating, and disseminating the
results appropriately. This type of training also allows group work, which allows us
to interact with people from other countries and cultures. The teacher-student
relationship is not left aside either, only the modality and frequency changes and
the teacher becomes a facilitator, a counselor, a learning guide that allows the
student to develop skills necessary for learning.

In short, this methodology uses technological means and mediations that allow the
student to advance their studies at any age, at any time and from wherever they

Likewise, distance training allows you to carry out a work activity or any other
occupation; or dedicate themselves exclusively to study, if conditions allow it
through a virtual campus, which accesses the didactic contents, online learning
processes and tutorial support, as well as the sending of activities, exams, among
others. many options that can be accessed.


To conclude, thanks to the advances in technology, and in particular

telecommunications, it has greatly facilitated the increase in the offer of Distance
Education programs since they allow the distance between teacher and student to
be made closer in a process of non-face-to-face teaching.

Technological resources allow, through the appropriate methodology, to

supplement and even surpass face-to-face education, through the use of
audiovisual and computer media. It makes it possible for the student, generally an
adult, to be an active subject of his or her own training, linking learning to his or her
experience, without the need to move away from his or her natural and cultural

Distance Education allows you to continue studies without the space, time and
attendance requirements of face-to-face education through frequent two-way
communication with the teacher who will guide you in the discovery, interpretation
and analysis of the objectives, motivating you and providing you with the necessary
materials so that the findings can be made through new information and
communication technologies, providing participants with quality teaching, printed
and audiovisual material.

Without a doubt, it can be stated that there is no variation between face-to-face

education and distance education in terms of the content that the student must

Well, in both modalities, students learn, since the only differences occur in the
means that are used to establish communication between teachers and students
and the need that each of the students has to have access to a computer with
internet and the availability and accommodation of time, because this type of
learning requires the student to be very responsible with their duties assigned by
the tutor.

From all this we can also say that distance education is a response to current
educational demand; in such a way that education can reach everyone without any
kind of distinction, that is, it is accessible to everyone who needs it, in a
personalized, flexible, interactive way, cooperating with other colleagues in
teamwork, getting to know people from different backgrounds. different countries,
but with your same aspirations and with great desire to achieve quality standards
for your personal qualification. Telematic environments give us the possibility of
building collaborative knowledge, but as long as the pedagogical model focuses on
the student.

Angel H. Facundo (2003) Distance/Virtual Higher Education in Colombia.

Chacón, Fabio. (1994) " A learning evaluation model in Distance Education." First
International Symposium on Distance Education. Bogota Colombia.

García Aretio, Lorenzo. (1994) "Distance education today." National University of

Distance Education. Spain.

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