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Water and Wastewater Engineering


Title Water Treatment Plant Design

Date 5th June 2024

Lecturer Dr Nor Azalina Rosli

Group Members 1) Allysha Tan (78751)

2) Ainur Nafisya binti Dihan @ Ibrahim (78694)
3) Jasmine Miga Anak Musidayan (78077)
4) Natasha binti Affendi (78304)
5) Vanessa Emmu anak Suluk (78576)
1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Water Quality Analysis ......................................................................................................................5

3.0 Water Treatment Unit Process ......................................................................................................... 10

4.0 Water Treatment Unit Design ..........................................................................................................12

4.1 Screening .................................................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Coagulation ................................................................................................................................ 18

4.3 Flocculation ................................................................................................................................22

4.4 Sedimentation ............................................................................................................................ 26

4.5 Filtration .................................................................................................................................... 31

4.6 Disinfection ................................................................................................................................ 35

5.0 Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 39

6.0 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................40

7.0 References ....................................................................................................................................... 42

8.0 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 44

1.0 Introduction
Humans have been using water for decades as a necessary resource in their daily lives. There
are two categories of water usage which are consumptive and non-consumptive. Water bodies
may include excessive amounts of organic matter, heavy metals, or debris, so it is necessary
to cleanse the water before using it for human consumption (Zamora-Ledezma et al., 2021).
To ensure that everyone has access to clean water, a water treatment plant can remove
contaminants from the water.

A water treatment plant is a facility where procedures are used to improve the quality
of raw or contaminated water straight from the source. By removing impurities and
inappropriate elements, these procedures purify the water for use in particular applications. In
order to maintain environmental sustainability, public health, and sustainable water
management, water treatment plants are essential.

Figure 1. Location of planned Water Treatment Plant for Sebangan marked with “X” sign

As illustrated in Figure 1, the envisioned water treatment plant location lies adjacent
to the Sungai Sebangan. It is strategically positioned away from residentials areas in order to
minimize any future issues regarding the noise pollution or any offensive odours (Shade,
2024). Since the Sebangan community are the primary focus of the water treatment plant with
10,000 population, its sustainable potential water intake point is drawn straight from the
Sungai Sebangan. All processes required for treatment should ideally be included in the
design of a new water treatment plant, and those processes should be optimised for the layout
of the facility (Shade, 2024). This space ought to be sufficient for all of the tanks needed for
the current water treatment facility as well as any upcoming additions.
2.0 Water Quality Analysis
A water treatment plant has been started to supply water to a 10,000-resident
community. The water quality characteristics of a nearby river were investigated and
summarized in Table 1. This report tackles the factors of concern, gives a thorough analysis
of the data, assesses the river's physical condition as a water intake source, and classifies the
river water according to applicable standards and guidelines.

The primary standards for water quality of concern based on the water intake sample:

Table 2.0 Parameter of concern

Parameter Unit Water Water Class Class Std Std B

Intake Intake IIA IIB A
Baseline Sample
Temperature ⁰C 23 25 Normal - 40 40
pH - 6.9 6.7 6-9 6-9 6-9 5.5-9
AN mg/L 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3
BOD5 mg/L 1 3 3 3 20 50
COD mg/L 20 40 25 25 - -
TDS mg/L 600 2000 1000 - - -
TSS mg/L 20 200 50 50 50 100
Turbidity NTU 30 100 50 50 - -
Electrical µS/cm 850 850 1000 -
Colour TCU/ 100 250 150 150 100 200

The water intake sample has a pH of 6.7, which is slightly acidic but still within the
acceptable range for Class IIA and IIB criteria. However, a COD level of 40 mg/L shows
severe organic pollution, exceeding the limitations imposed by both Class IIA and IIB criteria
and indicating the presence of contaminants that might degrade water quality. The TDS level
is frighteningly high at 2000 mg/L, greatly surpassing the permitted limits for Class IIA and
IIB, which may affect the water's taste and cause scaling in pipes and equipment (Swistock,
2019). The TSS level of 200 mg/L is also much greater than standard, suggesting a high
concentration of suspended particles necessitating adequate sedimentation and filtration.
Turbidity is also obtained in 100 NTU which is higher than acceptable limits, indicating
significant particle matter that reduces water clarity and needs complete filtration (Fondriest
Environmental, Inc., 2014). A colour level of 250 TCU/ADMI, which is much higher than
the permitted limit, shows in (Figure 1) the presence of organic or inorganic elements that
degrade the aesthetic quality of the water and demand treatment.

Figure 2. Water Classes and Uses

The river water sample's present quality is inappropriate for direct potable use due to
excessive levels of COD, TDS, TSS, turbidity, and colour. These parameters indicate severe
organic pollution, high dissolved and suspended solids, and particle matter, all of which need
extensive treatment to satisfy safe drinking water standards (Omer, 2019). As a result, the
following treatment unit processes are:

a. Coagulation
b. Flocculation
c. Sedimentation
d. Filtration
e. Disinfection

The river water is classed as requiring major treatment after comparing it to Class IIA,
Class IIB, based on the National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia. The water quality
parameters exceed the permitted limitations stated in these regulations, suggesting that the
river cannot be used directly as a source of drinking water. The high levels of COD, TDS,
TSS, turbidity, and colour demand extensive treatment interventions, such as coagulation,
flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and perhaps advanced treatments like
reverse osmosis. As a result below, river water class was determined to requiring significant
treatment to fulfil drinking water requirements.


��� = 0.22 × ���� + 0.19 × ����� + 0.16 × ����� + 0.15 × ���� + 0.16 × ����
+ (0.12 × ����)

SubIndex for pH

���� =− 242 + 95.5� − 6.67�2

���� =− 242 + 95.5(6.7) − 6.67(6.7)2

���� = 98.434

SubIndex for SS

���� = 71 × exp −0.0061� − 0.015�

���� = 71 × exp −0.0061(200) − 0.015(200)

���� = 17.961

SubIndex for NH3-N

���� = 100.5 − 105�

���� = 100.5 − 105(0.2)

���� = 79.5

SubIndex for COD

����� = 103 × exp −0.0157� = 0.04�

����� = 103 × exp −0.0157(40) = 0.04(40)

����� = 53.367

SubIndex for BOD

����� = 100.4 − 4.23�

����� = 100.4 − 4.23(3)

����� = 87.71

SubIndex for DO (In % saturation)

���� = 0 (Assume DO = 7mg/L)

��� = 0.22 × 0 + 0.19 × 87.71 + 0.16 × 53.367 + 0.15 × 79.5 + 0.16 × 17.961
+ (0.12 × 98.434)

��� = 51.814

Based on the supplied WQI value of 51.814 and the Malaysian National Water
Quality Standards (NWQS), the water quality is classified as Class III. This classification
implies that the water can be used as a source of water supply but must undergo considerable
treatment to be safe for drinking or other purposes. It promotes aquatic life that is abundant,
commercially useful, and tolerant of a wider variety of circumstances, allowing it to support
fish that are less susceptible to pollution. Furthermore, the water quality is acceptable for
livestock consumption. Thus, while the water quality is fair and may be used for a variety of
purposes with proper treatment, it is not clean and may include impurities that must be
handled. This classification indicates that the water is usually appropriate for some
applications, such as livestock drinking and sustaining specific types of fisheries, but it is not
suitable for direct human consumption without proper treatment.
Figure 3. The Population Growth Rate in Malaysia from 2014 until 2023 (Source from The Department of
Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), 2024)

Population planning should be done in order to account for potential annual increases in
population. When calculating the population planning, the following formula is applied:

�� = �0 1 + �
Where; Pn = population at the end of year “n”
P0 = original population
r = assumed population growth rate
n = number of years

Assumed population growth rate, r can be obtained by plotting best fit graph as illustrated in
Figure 1 by compiling data from The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) main
website which is 0.1238.

Hence, the value of design flow rate, Q;

Pn = 10 000 (1+0.1238)30
= 331 643
Q = Pn × PCC
= 331 643 × 225 L/day
= 74.6 × 106 L /
3.0 Water Treatment Unit Process
Based on the analysis done on the data obtained from water sample, the following are the
suitable treatment processes for public water supplies:

1. Screening
According to Malaysian Water Association (2005), one of the key steps in treating
surface water is removing suspended or floating debris to prevent damage to treatment
plant equipment. This debris can vary in size from large objects like sticks and branches
to tiny particles that cause turbidity. Typically, larger floating solids are removed by
straining them through coarse screens, while suspended particles are removed in grit
chambers and sedimentation tanks. After coarse screening, the water will go through fine
screening to separate fine matter from the water, for instance, aquatic plants, small
plastics etc. For detailed design of screening unit, refer to page 12–17.

2. Coagulation And Flocculation

The primary functions of flocculation and coagulation are to economically prepare
water for filtration and sedimentation at high flow rates (Malaysian Water Association,
2005). The process of coagulation involves adding a coagulant to water and stirring it to
cause complex chemical and physical interactions that result in the formation of tiny
particles. In order to allow the particles to collide and get to a size where they can readily
settle, flocculation tank is designed to establish the right conditions (Alsaeed et al., 2024).
Typically, mechanical, or hydraulic methods are used to produce the agitation needed for
flocculation. For detailed design of coagulation and flocculation tanks, refer to page 18-

3. Sedimentation
The process of sedimentation reduces the quantity of suspended particles that the
filters need to filter out by depositing settleable floc. In addition to eliminating suspended
and colloidal materials, it also eliminates viruses and bacteria (Malaysian Water
Association, 2005). Water generally flows through a tank as an irregular flow. Therefore,
at this phase, the water is allowed to stay comparatively still for a while, allowing
suspended particles to settle (Alsaeed et al., 2024). Information on the detailed design of
sedimentation tanks can be found in 26-30.

4. Filtration
Filtration is the process of removing colloidal clay, coloring material, and bacteria
that are smaller than the pores in addition to "straining" out the suspended particles larger
than the pores between the filter media. These chemicals must be removed using intricate
procedures. As the central component of a treatment plant, the filter medium needs to be
chosen carefully (Malaysian Water Association, 2005). Pressure filters are included in the
category of quick gravity filters, which are the two basic types of filters: slow sand filters
and rapid gravity filters. Refer to page 31-34 for detailed design of filtration treatment

5. Disinfection
The goal of disinfecting water is to use a disinfectant that has germicidal
properties to kill microorganisms. According to Malaysian Water Association (2005),
public water supplies are constantly disinfected using gaseous chlorine or chlorine
compounds. When chlorination occurs, the more active disinfectant is the free residual
chlorine. Therefore, the amount of chlorine added to the water must be sufficient to react
with the organic materials, ammonia, iron, manganese, and other reduced compounds
while also leaving an enough amount of excess for the chlorine to uncombine and
become free chlorine. Refer to page for detailed design of disinfection treatment unit.
Refer to page 35-38 for detailed design of disinfection treatment unit.
4.0 Water Treatment Unit Design
4.1 Screening
Table 4.1.0 Design factor for mechanically cleaned bar screen

Design Factor Mechanically Cleaned Bar Screen

Velocity through rack , Vb 0.6 – 1.0 m/s
Min. approach Velocity, Va 0.45 m/s
Max velocity between bar 1.0
Bar spacing, s 10 – 50 mm
Bar width, t 8 - 10 mm
Bar depth, d 50 - 75 mm
Slope from horizontal 45 – 85 o
Depth : width ratio 1.5
Allowable head loss in a clogged condition 150 mm

Table 4.1.1 Design parameter for coarse screening

Design Coarse Screening
Flow rate, Q 74.6 × 106 L/ = 0.863 m3/s
Approach Velocity, Va 0.8 m/s
Inclination angle of screen, � 50o
Bar spacing, s 30 mm
Bar width, t 10 mm
Allowable head loss 150 mm

1. Channel cross section, Ac,

Q = �� ��
�� =
0.863 �3 /s
�� =
0.8 m/s
�� = 1.709 �2
2. Dimension of channel
� = 1.5�
�� = ��
�� = 1.5�(�)
1.709 �2 = 1.5�2
� = 0.848 � ≈ 0.9 �
� = 1.5 0.848 = 1.272 � ≈ 1.3 �

3. Bar screen cross section

�� =
�� =
sin 50°
�� = 2.231 �2

4. Net area of bar screen

���� = ��
���� = (2.231)
30 + 10
���� = 1.673 �2

5. Velocity through bar, Vb

� = �� �� = ���� ��
0.863 = (1.673)��

�� = 0.516 �

∴ ����������

6. Number of bars, n
����� + � + 1 � = �
�(10) + � + 1 (30) = 848
� = 20.45 ≈ 21
Table 4.1.2 Design parameter for fine screening
Design Fine Screening
Flow rate, Q 74.6 × 106 L/ = 0.863 m3/s
Approach Velocity, Va 0.8 m/s
Velocity between bar, Vb 0.7 m/s
Inclination angle of screen, � 50o
Bar spacing, s 10 mm
Bar thickness, t 10 mm
Allowable head loss 150 mm

1. Channel cross section, Ac,

Q = �� ��
�� =
0.863 �3 /s
�� =
0.8 m/s
�� = 1.079 �2

2. Dimension of channel
� = 1.5�
�� = ��
�� = 1.5�(�)
1.709 �2 = 1.5�2
� = 0.848 � ≈ 0.9 �
� = 1.5 0.848 = 1.272 � ≈ 1.3 �

3. Bar screen cross section

�� =
�� =
sin 50°
�� = 2.231 �2
4. Net area of bar screen

���� = ��
���� = (2.231)
10 + 10
���� = 1.115 �2

5. Velocity through bar, Vb

� = �� �� = ���� ��
0.863 = (1.115 )��
�� = 0.773 �/�
∴ ����������

6. Number of bars, n
����� + � + 1 � = �
�(10) + � + 1 (10) = 848
� = 41.9 ≈ 42 ����

Table 4.1.3 Design for coarse bar screen

Parameter Value
Channel depth, W 0.9 m
Channel Length, L 1.3 m
Velocity through bar, Vb 0.516 m/s
Number of bars, n 21

Table 4.1.4 Design for fine bar screen

Parameter Value
Channel depth, W 0.9 m
Channel Length, L 1.3 m
Velocity through bar, Vb 0.773 m/s
Number of bars, n 42
Figure 4. Design of front view of coarse screening using AutoCAD

Figure 5. Design of front view of fine screening using AutoCAD

The firsrt part of the water treatment process is screening. Screening is a process of
removing large and small suspended materials such as rubbish, plant, trees and aquatic
animals. Screening main purpose is to enhance the efficiency of the latter treatment processes
such as coagulation and flocculation, filtration, sedimentation and filtration. Mechanically
cleaned bar screen was designed, in which the water will go through 2 stages, coarse
screening and fine screening. Coarse screening removes larges suspended materials from
water while fine screening removes fine suspended materials from water. Refer to Table 4.1.1
and Table 4.1.2 for the design characteristics of coarse screening and fine screening,
respectively. The channel is designed to be a rectangular unit with dimension of 1300mm x

For coarse screening, Velocity through bar, Vb is 0.516 m/s, which is meet the
requirement of design guideline, below 1 m/s, hence acceptable. With bar thickness of 10mm
and spacing 30mm between bars, the number of bars for this coarse screening is 21. Refer to
Figure 4 for the front view of coarse screening unit.

For fine screening, Velocity through bar, Vb is 0.773 m/s, which also meet the
requirement of design guideline, below 1 m/s, therefore acceptable. With bar thickness of
10mm and spacing 10mm between bars, the number of bars for this coarse screening is 42.
Refer to Figure 5 for the front view of fine screening unit.
4.2 Coagulation
Table 4.2.0. Coagulation rapid mixing design factor

Parameter Range
Detention Time 30-60 s
Velocity Gradient, G (s-1) 700-1000
Impeller Dia (D) / 0.14 – 0.5 (Radial flow impeller)
Eq. Tank Dia (T) 0.17 – 0.4 (Axial flow impeller)
Water Depth (H) /
Impeller Dia (D)
Water Depth (H) / 0.28 – 2 (Radial flow impeller)
Eq. Tank Dia (T) 0.34 – 1.6 (Axial flow impeller)
Water Depth below Impeller (B) /
0.7 – 1.6
Impeller Dia (D)

Table 4.2.1. Coagulation rapid mixing design parameters

Design Mechanical mixer (coagulation)

Shape Cylindrical
Impeller type Axial flow
Flow rate, Q 74.6 × 106 L/ = 0.863 m3/s
Detention time, t 60 s
Velocity gradient, G 900/s
Tank Depth (H)/ Tank Diameter (D) 1.5
Impeller diameter (d)/ Tank Diameter (D) 0.4
Tank Depth (H)/ Impeller diameter (d) 3
Depth below impeller(B)/ Tank Diameter (D) 1.2

� �
To simplify, � = 3
= 0.3 � =
= 2�
Design of mechanical mixer

1. Volume of coagulation tank


� = ��
� = 0.863 �3 /s 60�
� = 51.78 �3

2. Tank diameter
� = ��2 H
� 2
�= � (1.5�)

� 2
51.78 � = � (1.5�)
� = 3.529 ≈ 3.6 �

3. Tank Depth, H
H = 1.5D
H = 1.5 (3.6 m)
H = 5.4 m

4. Power, P
At 25°�, ������� ���������, � = 8.91 × 10−4 ��/�2 (refer to Appendix)
� = �2 ��
� = 900 2 (8.91 × 10−4 ) 51.78
� = 37 370 � = 37.37 ��

Dimension of impeller
1. Impeller diameter, d for axial flow impeller
� = 0.4 (3.6 � )
� = 1.44 �

2. Checking impeller diameter for axial flow impeller

According to the parameter table, ratio of tank depth, H to impeller diameter, d for axial
flow impeller is 2 ≤ � ≤ 4


� = 3.75
∴ Acceptable

3. Water depth below impeller, B

B = 1.2 (d)
B = 1.2 (1.44) = 1.728 ≈ 1.7 m

Table 4.2.2. Coagulation rapid mixing design

Parameter Value
Tank Diameter, D 3.6 m
Tank Height, H 5.4 m
Impeller diameter, d 1.44 m
Water depth below impeller, B 1.7 m
Power input, P 37.37 kW

Figure 6. Design of coagulation tank using AutoCAD

The coagulation process in water treatment is critical for destabilizing and
aggregating suspended particles, enabling their removal in subsequent processes. The design
of a mechanical mixer for the coagulation tank involves several essential parameters,
including the volume of the tank, the tank dimensions, and the power required for effective
mixing. The following discussion outlines the key aspects of the design.

For the coagulation tank, the volume is determined based on the flow rate and the
residence time. The calculated volume is 51.78 m³, ensuring sufficient capacity for effective
mixing and particle destabilization. The tank diameter and depth are critical for the design to
ensure efficient mixing and appropriate hydraulic conditions. In this project, tank diameter is
designed to be 3.6m with depth of 5.4m. These dimensions provide a balanced design,
maintaining a suitable ratio between the tank's diameter and depth. The power required for
the mechanical mixer is essential to achieve the desired velocity gradient and mixing intensity.
At 25°C, with a dynamic viscosity of 8.91 × 10-4 Ns/m², the power required is 37.37 kW. This
power ensures effective coagulation by maintaining adequate turbulence and mixing within
the tank.

The impeller is a crucial component of the mechanical mixer, influencing the flow
patterns and mixing efficiency. Impeller Diameter (d) for Axial Flow Impeller is 1.44 m. To
ensure the impeller's effectiveness, its diameter must be checked against the tank's depth. The
ratio of the tank depth to the impeller diameter should be within an acceptable range of 2 to 4.
For this design, the ratio is 3.75, which falls within the acceptable range, confirming the
impeller's suitability. The water depth below the impeller is another critical parameter,
ensuring that the impeller operates efficiently without causing excessive turbulence or
vortexing. For this design, water depth below impeller (B) is 1.7 m.

The design of the mechanical mixer for the coagulation tank involves careful
consideration of various parameters to ensure effective mixing and coagulation. Refer to
Table 4.2.2 for coagulation rapid mixing design. Figure 6 shows the drawing of coagulation
tank design. This design ensures the mechanical mixer operates efficiently, providing optimal
conditions for coagulation and subsequent particle removal in the water treatment process.
4.3 Flocculation

Table 4.3.0. Mechanical rapid mixing design factor

Design Parameter Mechanical mixer (flocculation)

Detention time, t 20 - 30 min
Velocity gradient, G1 20 – 80 /s
Camp Number , Gt 50000 to 100000
Stages 3 to 6
Tank Depth, H 1m > wheel diameter

Table 4.3.1. Mechanical rapid mixing design

Design Mechanical mixer (flocculation)

Shape Square
Number of tank 3
Impeller type Axial flow
Flow rate, Q 74.6 × 106 L/ = 51.81 m3/min
Detention time, t 30 min (10 min for each tank)
Tank Depth, H (assumed) 4m
Tank length (L)/ Width (W) 3
Velocity gradient, G1 60 /s
Velocity gradient, G2 40 /s
Velocity gradient, G3 20 /s

*use the same dimension of impeller as in coagulation tank

Design of slow mixing unit

1. Volume of flocculation tank


� = ��
� = 51. 81 �3 /min 30 ���
� = 1554.12 �3
Using 3 flocculation tank, V = 1554.12 �3/3 = 518 �3

2. Area for each tank, A


� = 129.5 � ≈ 130 �

3. Dimension of flocculator
� = ��
� = �(�)
130 �2 = �2
� = 11,4 �
� = 11,4 �

4. Power, P
At 25°�, ������� ���������, � = 8.91 × 10−4 ��/�2
� = �2 ��

For tank 1,
�1 = �21 ��
�1 = 60 8.91 × 10−4 (518)
�1 = 1661.5 �

For tank 2,
�2 = �22 ��
�2 = 40 8.91 × 10−4 (518)
�2 = 738.46 �

For tank 3,
�3 = �23 ��
�3 = 20 8.91 × 10−4 (518)
�3 = 184.6 �

Table 4.3.2. Design of flocculator

Parameter Value
Tank Length, L 11.4 m
Tank Width, W 11.4 m
Tank Depth, H 4m
Impeller diameter, d 1.44 m
Power input for tank 1, P1 1661.5 W
Power input for tank 2, P2 738.46 W
Power input for tank 3, P3 184.6 W

Figure 7. Design of flocculator tank using AutoCAD

An integral component of water treatment systems is the flocculation tank, which
facilitates the aggregation of smaller suspended particles into larger flocs, thereby enhancing
their removal in subsequent sedimentation or filtration processes. The effectiveness of
flocculation is heavily dependent on the design of the mixing unit within the flocculation tank.
The tank volume, area and dimensions, and the power required to achieve the desired mixing
intensity are the important parameters in designing flocculator unit.

In this project, the flocculation process is designed for three equally sized tanks, to
ensure effective mixing and treatment of water. The primary design considerations include
the flow rate (Q), residence time (t), and the dimensions of each tank. These factors directly
influence the volume and the mixing efficiency within the tanks. Refer to Table 4.3.1 for
design characteristic for flocculator mixing unit.

The flow rate and residence time are crucial for determining the total volume of the
flocculation tanks. Given a flow rate of 51.81 m³/min and a residence time of 30 minutes, the
total volume (V) is calculated as 1554.12 �3 . This total volume is distributed among three
flocculation tanks, resulting in a volume of approximately 518 m³ per tank. The area for each
tank is determined based on the volume and the assumed height of the tank. For an effective
water depth of 4 meters, the area of each flocculator is 130m2. Assuming a square shape for
simplicity in design, each tank is designed with dimension 11.4m x 11.4m. The power
requirement is different for each tank as each tank has different velocity gradient. The
velocity gradient is reduced throughout each tank to enhance the efficiency of next treatment
process, which is sedimentation. The power requirement for each tank is as follows:

 Tank 1: 1661.5W

 Tank 2: 738.46W

 Tank 3: 184.6W

Refer to Table 4.3.2 for the design of flocculator unit. Figure 8 shows the design of
flocculation tank for this project. This design ensures the flocculation process is managed
efficiently, providing optimal conditions for particle aggregation and subsequent removal in
the treatment process.
4.4 Sedimentation

Figure 8. Design Factors of Sedimentation tank

These design specifications must be taken into account when designing a sedimentation tank:

Table 4.4.0. Design characteristics of the sedimentation tanks

Design factor Range

Shape of tanks Rectangular, Circular
Number of tanks 2-4
Detention time, t (hr) 1.5 - 2.5
Depth of tank, D (m) 2 – 6 (rectangular)

3 – 5 (circular)
Diameter of tank, (m) 3 – 60 (circular)
Surface Loading Rate, �� (m/d) 21.6 to 43.2
Weir loading rate, WLR (�2/d) 150 to 300

Design factor (Circular) Proposed/Assumed

Shape of tanks Circular
Number of tanks 4
Detention time, t (hr) 2
Depth of tank, D (m) 4

Based on the previous computation,

Q = 74.6 × 106 L /

Hence, Q = 0.863�3/s = 51.8 �3/min

Design of one tank:

Q per tank = 4
= 13 �3 /min

Volume of tank, V = 13 × 120 = 1560 �3

Depth, �������� = 4 m

������ �� tan � 1560

Area of tank = ��������
= 4
= 390 �2

4� 4 390
Diameter of circular sedimentation tank, D = �
= �
= 22 � (in range)

To calculate Surface Loading Rate/Settling Velocity, �� , Stock’s Law is applied:

� �� − �� ��2
�� =


Terminal setting velocity of solid particle, �� (m/s)

Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 m/�2

Specific gravity of particles, �� = 2.6

Specific gravity of water, �� = 1

Diameter of the particles, �� = 0.02 mm

Dynamic viscosity of water at 20 °C, � = 1.002 × 10−3 ��/s

0.02 2
9.81 2650−1000
�� = 1000
= 3.59 × 10−4 �/s = 31.05 m/d
18 1.002×10−3

�� � � 3.59×10−4
Reynold’s number, Re = �
= 1000
= 0.0716 < 1

∴ Stock’s Law can be applied

Design of Weir:

 90° v-notch shape weir (50 mm)

 Depth is placed 250 mm from center to center

� 13
Weir Loading Rate, WLR = �� = � 22 = 0.19 �3 /min

= 274 �3 /d ∴ It is in range. So, it is acceptable.

To calculate �����ℎ :

� 0.19
�����ℎ = =
1� 1
������� ������� ���� 0.250

= 0.048�3/min = 0.0008 �3/s

�����ℎ = 0.312 2� × ℎ2.5

0.00075 = 0.312 2 × 9.81 0.5 × ℎ2.5

Height of the water above or bottom of the weir, h = 0.051 m

8��� �� − �� 2
�� =


Horizontal velocity that will produce scour, �� (mm/s)

Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 m/�2

Darcy Weisbach factor, f = 0.02 to 0.03

Constant, � = 0.05

Density of water, ��= 1000�� /

Smallest particle, d = 0.02mm

8 0.05 9.81 0.02 2600−1000 2
�� = 0.02
= 79.2 mm/s = 7.92 cm/s
�� = 0.3594��/s = 0.03594cm/s < �� = 7.92��/s

∴ There is no bottom scour. So, Acceptable.

Figure 9. Plan view of the sedimentation tanks

Figure 10. Side view of the sedimentation tanks

An essential aspect of water treatment systems is a sedimentation tank, which is used
to clean out pollutants and suspended particles from water through the sedimentation process.
A sedimentation tank’s basic function is to slow down water flow so that a large amount of
suspended particles can settle more easily. The waterworks facility requirements generally
state that while designing a sedimentation tank, a few factors should be considered. Flow rate
(Q), detention time (t), tank shape and size are some of the design criteria that influence how
much suspended particles accumulate at the bottom of the sedimentation tank.

In this project, the designed circular sedimentation tank is for continuous vertical flow.
The functional zones of circular settling basins are identical to those of long rectangular
basins, but the flow regime is distinct. The horizontal velocity of the water continuously
decreases as it moves away from the centre when the flow enters at the centre and is
confounded to travel radially towards the periphery. As a result, rather than following a
straight line in the long, rectangular tank, the particle route in a circular basin follows a
parabola. When coagulants are utilised, the typical detention time is 2 to 4 hours, while the
range for plain sedimentation is 4 to 8 hours. Consequently, the sedimentation tank detention
time of 2 hours which equivalents to 120 minutes is designated. Additionally, 3 to 5 metres
should be the effective water depth for a circular tank. Hence, a depth of 4m is proposed to
design the circular tanks.

Since there must be two or more tanks, four tanks are designed in this project. It must
also be built in a way that allows it to be utilised separately for each purpose, such as
cleaning and repairs. The terminal settling velocity,��  that has been computed is 31.05 m/d
which refers to the speed at which particles settle. The Reynold’s Number that had been
calculated is less than 1. So, Stoke’s Law can used to determine the particle settling velocity.
In addition, 7.92 cm/s is the calculated scour velocity �� . When the flow velocity in a settling
tank is lower than the scour velocity, bottom scour will not occur. The lack of dead areas in a
circular tank is one of its benefits. Furthermore, the sludge collection equipment has low
maintenance costs and is simple to design and manufacture. Since circular tanks' walls
function as tension rings, they can have thinner walls than rectangular basins. Consequently,
the capital cost of the circular tanks is less per unit surface area than that of the rectangular
4.5 Filtration
To design a filtration tank, these design requirements need to be considered;

Table 4.5.0. Design factors of the filtration tank

Design Factor Range

Number of filters

Smaller plant (< 8000 m3/day) 2

Larger plant (< 8000 m3/day) 4

Cell width <6m
L:W ratio 2:1 to 4:1
Filter rise rate / backwash rate 36 m/hr (minimum)

Constant values that are considered for filtration design obtained from MWA Planning
Guidelines & Best Practices Handbook for Water Supply Systems (2021);
Rate of filtration 7.5 m3/m2/h
Backwash rate 45 m3/m2/h
Backwash duration 7 minutes

The followings are design characteristics on the filter tanks for our WTP;

Table 4.5.1. Design characteristics of the filtration tank

Characteristics Proposed
Tank shape Rectangular
Number of units 6
L:W ratio 4:1
Cell width 4.2 m
Filtration rate 7.5 m3/m2/h
Size of filter (area) 69.1
Material construction R.C.
Tank depth 3m
Water depth 1m
Figure 11. Plan of filtration units

By taking the value of Q from previous calculation, we need to convert the value Q to
different units;
Qavg = 74.6 × 106 L/day

Qavg = 74.6 × 106 L/day ÷ 1000 m3

= 74 600 m3/day

Qavg = 74 600 m3/day ÷ 24 hours

= 3108.3 m3/h

Number of tanks, N = 0.0195 �

= 0.0195 74600 �3 /���
= 5.3 (≈ 6 tanks)

� 3108. 3�3 /ℎ
6 6
= 518.1 m3/h per tank

q = Q/A
A = Q/q
518.1 �3 /ℎ
= �3
7.5 2/ℎ

= 69.1 m2
Assume L:W = 4:1
L = 4W

A = 4W2
69.1 = 4W2
W = 4.2 m (< 6m) OK!
L = 4W = 4 (4.2 m) = 16.8 m
D =3m

∴Dimension of filter tank = 16.8 m × 4.2 m × 3 m

Clearwell volume, V = Backwash period × total filter area × filter rise rate
= (7 min / 60) × (6 × 69.1 m2) × (45 m3/m2/h)
= 2176.65 m2 ≈ 2500 m2

Filtration tank design

Water 1.6 m

Anthracite 0.4 m

Sand 0.6 m

Garnet 0.25 m

Underdrain 0.15 m

Figure 12. The section of the filter media

Table 4.5.2. Design characteristics of the filtration tanks

Type of material used /Design Depth (m) Size (mm)

Anthracite 0.4 0.60
Sand 0.6 0.55
Garnet 0.25 0.30
Underdrain 0.15 -
An essential phase in the water treatment process is filtration. In the treatment cycle, it is
typically the final physical phase. It is a method of filtering water to remove suspended
particles by passing it through a bed of granular materials known as the filter media. To
design a filtration tank, there are factors need to be considered including few values that can
be obtained from detailed research. The filtration rate used in rapid sand filters is based on
standards laid out by MWA Planning Guidelines & Best Practices Handbook for Water
Supply Systems (2021) which is 7.5 m3/m2/h.

By calculating the average flow into the above calculation will yield an estimate of
the number of filter tanks. In terms of proportions, smaller plants require fewer filtration units
than larger ones. A minimum number of 2 units is used for very small plants. For plants
greater than 8000 m3/day, a minimum of four units should be aimed at. Therefore, as the
calculation suggests simply 5.3 units, or 5 units, would be necessary. However, we also took
into careful consideration the unlikely event of a failure or the need to implement an upgrade,
so we added 1 extra tank.

By dividing the average flow rate by the number of tanks six in this case can be
computed as the L:W ratio is essential in designing the tank dimension and the size of each
tank is roughly 69.1 m2. Therefore, in order to ensure that the water is dispersed uniformly
throughout the filter bed, we decided to use a 4:1 L:W ratio and a width of no more than 6
metres. The quality of the filtration may be compromised if the tank is excessively wide as
water may skip some filter material. The depth of tank is determined to be 3 m for easier
access for maintenance, cleaning, and media replacement. Wide and deep tanks can be
challenging to work with and may require specialized equipment. The clearwell volume is
calculated to be 2176.65 m3 but for designing purpose, it is easier for manufacturers to create
a backwash tank with volume of 2500 m3.

The effective size of materials used in filter media design should be focused on
because it is used to filter any suspended particles left from previous processes. Bigger size of
grain particles is used for the uppermost layer followed by medium and smallest size until it
reaches to the lowest layer before the underdrain. They are arranged in an orderly manner
starting from anthracite, sand and finally garnet with effective size of 0.60 mm, 0.55 mm and
0.30 mm respectively.
4.6 Disinfection

Table 4.6.0. Design parameters of the disinfection tank

Parameter Value / Range

Water demand, Q 74600 �3 ���
Required chlorine 0.50 - 5 mg / L
Residual chlorine 0.20 - 0.50 mg / L
Contact time, t 30 minutes
pH 6.7
Effective depth, d 3.0 m
Number of tanks 5

� = ���������� × ���

� = 331643 × 225 � ���

� = 74.6 × 106 � ���

� �3
� = 74.6 × 106 ×
��� 1000 �

� = 74600 �3 ���

Required chlorine and residual are 0.5 mg/Land 0.3 mg/L respectively.

�ℎ������ ������ = 0.50 �� � − 0.30 �� � = 0.20 �� �

�������� �ℎ������ = 0.50 �� � × × 74600 × 331643 = 12370.3 �� ���

0.20 mg/L of chlorine demand is reasonable for high bod, population quantity and calculated
water demand.

� = ������ ����

������ = � × ����

1 ���
������ = 74600 �3 ��� × × 0.5 ℎ = 1554.2 �3
24 ℎ

Using 5 disinfection tanks,

1554.2 �3
� = = 310.84�3
5 �����

Using effective depth of 3 m and length (L) = 2 x width (W)

310.84 �3
� = = 103.613�2

� × � = 103.613�2

2� × � = 103.613�2

2�2 = 103.613�2

� = 7.198 �

� = 2 × 7.198� = 14.396 � ≈ 15 �

��� tan � � 15 � 30 �
�������� = = =
���� 0.5 ℎ ℎ

30� 1ℎ
�������� = × = 8.333 × 10−3 � �
ℎ 60 × 60 �
Figure 13. Plan of the five (5) disinfection tanks

Disinfection is an important final step in water treatment, aimed at removing

pathogenic microorganisms to ensure the safety of water for human consumption. The design
of a disinfection system involves careful consideration of various parameters, including water
demand, required chlorine dosage, and residual chlorine levels. In this water treatment plant,
disinfection is achieved through chlorination, a process of adding chlorine to water to kills
microorganisms and parasites.

The first step in designing a disinfection system is to determine the daily water
demand, which depends on the number of users and their per capita water consumption. In
the given case, the daily water demand is calculated to be 74,600 cubic meters.
Understanding this total water demand is essential for planning the size and capacity of the
disinfection system. According to Metcalf & Eddy (2014), per capita water demand and
population size are fundamental in determining the overall water demand in treatment plant
design. Chlorine is added to the water to kill harmful microorganisms. Two important
chlorine levels must be considered: the required chlorine (0.5 mg/L) for disinfection and the
residual chlorine (0.3 mg/L) to maintain water safety during distribution. The difference
between these levels, 0.2 mg/L, represents the chlorine demand, which indicates how much
chlorine is used up during disinfection. As noted by Hammer and Hammer (2012),
maintaining the right balance between required and residual chlorine is crucial for effective
disinfection and ongoing microbial control.

To ensure there is enough chlorine for the entire water supply, the total daily chlorine
requirement is calculated. This involves multiplying the chlorine demand by the daily water
volume, resulting in a total chlorine consumption of 12,370.3 kg per day. Calculating the total
chlorine requirement accurately is essential to ensure effective disinfection while avoiding
the formation of harmful byproducts. The water needs to stay in contact with chlorine for a
specific period, known as the contact time, to ensure effective disinfection. For this design, a
contact time of 30 minutes is used. The volume of the disinfection tank is calculated based on
the daily water demand and the required contact time, resulting in a required volume of
1,554.2 cubic meters. According to Fair, Geyer, and Okun (1966), ensuring adequate contact
time is critical for the effectiveness of the disinfection process.

To handle the large volume of water, the total required volume is divided among five
disinfection tanks, resulting in each tank needing to hold approximately 310.84 cubic meters.
This division ensures that the system can process the water efficiently, with each tank
contributing to the overall disinfection process. The dimensions of each tank are determined
by considering the effective depth (3 meters) and the required surface area. The length and
width of the tanks are calculated to ensure that they can hold the necessary volume while
maintaining an appropriate shape and size. In this design, each tank has a length of 15 meters
and a width of 7.2 meters. Additionally, the velocity of water flow through the tank is
calculated to ensure that the water moves at a rate that allows for the required contact time
with chlorine. The flow velocity is found to be 8.333 x 10-3 meters per second, ensuring that
the water is adequately disinfected as it passes through the system.

Designing a disinfection system for a water treatment plant involves a series of

critical steps to ensure effective pathogen removal. By accurately determining water demand,
chlorine requirements, and tank dimensions, engineers can design a system that provides safe
drinking water. Each step, from calculating the total chlorine needed to ensuring proper
contact time and flow velocity, is essential for achieving effective disinfection. By following
these principles, water treatment plants can protect public health by ensuring that water is
free from harmful microorganisms.

5.0 Summary

Table 5.0 Summary of WTP design outline

No Unit No. of Shape of Dimensions of Notes
description unit unit unit
1 Screening 1 Rectangular Width = 0.9 m ncoarse = 21

Length = 1.2 m nfine = 42

2 Coagulation 1 Cylindrical Depth =5.4 m G = 900 /s

Diameter = 3.6 m P = 37.37 kW

T = 1 minute
3 Flocculation 3 Rectangular Length = 11.4 m G = 60, 40, 20 /s
with Square-
based Width = 11.4 m P = 1661.5, 738.46,
184.6 W
Depth = 4.0 m
t= 30 minutes (10
minutes for each
4 Sedimentation 4 Circular Diameter = 22.0 m Vs = 0.3944 mm/s

Depth: = 4.0 m Vc = 79.2 mm/s

dp = 0.02 mm
5 Filtration 6 Rectangular Length = 16.8 m Filtration = Rapid
sand filtration
Width = 4.2 m
Filtration rate = 7.5
Depth = 3.0 m m3/m2/h

Backwashing rate &

duration = 45
m3/m2/h and 7
6 Disinfection 5 Rectangular Length = 15.0 m t = 30 minutes

Width = 7.2 m Consumed chlorine

= 12370.3 kg/day
Depth = 3.0 m

6.0 Conclusion
The water treatment plant design thoroughly addresses the needs of original
population of 10,000 residents and 331643 residents considering potential population growth
over 30 years. Each treatment step, including screening, coagulation and flocculation,
sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection, is carefully planned and justified. By using an
average discharge of
74600 �3 ��� and factoring in population projections, the design ensures scalability and
long-term sustainability.

Detailed calculations, procedures, and drawings are provided, offering a

comprehensive understanding of the design rationale and operational parameters.
Optimization of each unit process, as well as the overall WTP, is emphasized to ensure
efficiency and effectiveness in water treatment. Additionally, various population prediction
methodologies are employed to anticipate future demand and guarantee continued service
provision without disruptions.

The outputs of the calculations and the details of the WTP units are tabulated,
providing a clear overview of the design parameters and specifications. This comprehensive
approach establishes a strong foundation for future work and serves as a valuable reference
for designing water treatment plants. Overall, the study provides a robust framework for
addressing water quality concerns and meeting community needs now and in the future.
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8.0 Appendix

Figure 14. Water Treatment Processes

Figure 15. Table of dynamic viscosity of water
Figure 16. General Features of Design and Operation of Slow and Rapid Sand Filters

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