Tobacco Reading Method

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Tobacco Reading Method

In order for the ritual to be carried out and to know by this means the
most important thing about the reading, proceed as follows:

The consultant lights the tobacco with a match by turning it gently in the
fire making a crown, inhales gently and waits for it to burn a little. To do
the reading there are several options.

The person asking the question can smoke it or the consultant can smoke
it, but I recommend that the consultant smoke it.

As the tobacco is smoked, the ash takes on a certain shape and color,
which can be white or black.

The smoke also produces different tones and thus, according to the most
gullible, the interpreter can determine if it is good or bad in love, as well
as in other aspects of the person she consults.

How to Read the Ash of a Cigarette

To read the tobacco (cigarette), light the cigarette, without squeezing it

between your fingers, without forcing your breath and calmly. A quarter
of it is smoked to be able to make the first interpretation.
It begins to be interpreted by the tip or crown where the cigarette was lit,
it is left for a few minutes without shaking the ash that is created and it is
interpreted as follows:

 If the crown or border is white, it means: Requited love, fidelity in

marriage or courtship, good health and long life.
 If the crown has black points, it means: Breakup with friends or
boyfriends, marital separations, uncertain loves and unfounded
 If you have several black points in a row, it means: Separations of all
kinds, entanglements, gossip, dislikes and resentments.
 If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning,
bad friendships, debts that are not collected.
 If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means: Family
mourning, bad times.
 Gray scales facing up, means: Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.
 White scales facing up, means: Love that arrives, new friendships,
reconciliations, improved health.
 Red dot on the ember, slightly downward, means: Illness,
unpleasant surprises, a change for the worse in life.
 Low white points mean: Luck in lotteries and games of chance.
 A single large white dot. It means: Marriage commitment, success in
business, payment of old debts, good health.
 Black stripe: Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.
 White stripe: Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships,
and above all stability.
 Red stripe crossing the cigarette: Operations, loneliness, sadness.
 Small red dots: Heartbreak, passing illusions.
 Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows,
means: Passionate love, someone desires you sexually, indiscreet
 Separate and unequal black points: Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.
 Small black inclined stripes: Misunderstood loves.
 Black zigzag stripes: Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.
 Thin white stripe: happy travels, good business, very good luck.
 If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.
 Many white scales facing upwards: Good times, future twins.
 If the ash remains upright: Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in
 If the ash twists: Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.
 If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.

Second Part of the Process

The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that
the second part can be read.

It is done in the following way:

 If white and black shadows appear interspersed: Practical and calm

life, good and bad times, but without great stress.
 If gray shadows with small white dots appear: Money arriving, you
can play the lottery.
 Many white shadows: Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity,
 White shadows with white scales: Good news from loved ones,
social activities, productive friendships.
 White dot with black circle: Pregnancy
 White dot with stripe: Abortion.
 If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it
means: Dominion over others.

Tobacco: Interpretation of tobacco

Tobacomancy is the ancient divinatory art of obtaining information about

past, present and future events, through the interpretation of the burning
process of tobacco (cigar, cigar), cigar or cigarette.

During the tobacco smoking session, the practitioner takes into

consideration the way the tobacco is incinerated (while smoking it), the
color of the ashes, the direction of the smoke, and the figures that may
appear on the element.

It is a technique mainly associated with traditional magic (witchcraft),

spiritualism, and spiritual currents with African roots, such as Santería,
Voodoo and Palo Mayombe.

However, it is possible to find expressions and techniques associated with

Tobacomancy in other esoteric or occult systems.

Tobaccomancy or reading with tobacco

This is a very old and well-known method of divination, which uses

tobacco smoke and ashes as elements that speak of the past, present and

For the ritual to be carried out and to know through this means what will
happen in the future, the tobacco reader will ask us for our full name and
date of birth.

Scholars of this method recommend that you should take the words of
tobacco readers seriously and with full understanding.

The guesser lights the tobacco and waits for it to burn a little. To do the
reading there are several options.

The person asking the question can smoke it or the consultant can smoke

Sometimes a suction device is also used, so as not to harm health and

avoid vomiting or dizziness.

As the cigar is smoked, the match takes on a certain shape and color,
which can be white or black.

The smoke also produces different tones and thus, according to the most
gullible, the interpreter can determine if it is good or bad in love, as well
as in other aspects of the person she consults.

How to Read the Ash of a Cigar or Cigarette

To read the tobacco (cigarette), light the cigar, without squeezing it
between your fingers, without forcing your breath and calmly. A quarter
of it is smoked to be able to make the first interpretation.

It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it
is left for a few minutes without shaking the ash that is created and it is
interpreted as follows:

 If the crown or border is white, it means: Requited love, fidelity in

marriage or courtship, good health and long life.
 If the crown has black dots, it means: Breakup with friends or
boyfriends, marital separations, uncertain loves and unfounded
 If you have several black points in a row, it means: Separations of all
kinds, entanglements, gossip, dislikes and resentments.
 If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning,
bad friendships, debts that are not collected.
 If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means: Family
mourning, bad times, it means: Lost, loves that move away.
 Gray scales facing up, means: Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.
 White scales facing up, means: Love that arrives, new friendships,
reconciliations, improved health.
 Red dot on the ember, slightly downward, means: Illness,
unpleasant surprises, a change for the worse in life.

 Low white points mean: Luck in lotteries and games of chance.

 A single large white dot. It means: Marriage commitment, success in
business, payment of old debts, good health.
 Black stripe: Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.
 White stripe: Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships,
and above all stability.
 Red stripe crossing the cigar: Operations, loneliness, sadness.
 Small red dots: Heartbreak, passing illusions.
 Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows,
means: Passionate love, someone desires you sexually, indiscreet
 Separate and unequal black points: Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.
 Small black inclined stripes: Misunderstood loves.
 Black zigzag stripes: Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.
 Thin white stripe: happy travels, good business, very good luck.
 If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.
 Many white scales facing upwards: Good times, future twins.
 If the ash remains upright: Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in
 If the ash twists: Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.
 If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.

Second Part of the Process

The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that
the second part can be read.

It is done in the following way:

 If white and black shadows appear interspersed: Practical and calm

life, good and bad times, but without great stress.
 If gray shadows with small white dots appear: Money arriving, you
can play the lottery.
 Many white shadows: Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity,
 White shadows with white scales: Good news from loved ones,
social activities, productive friendships.
 White dot with black circle: Pregnancy
 White dot with stripe: Abortion.
 If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it
means: Dominion over others.
Tobacco addiction or How to Read Cigarette

Tobaccomancy is a divination practice in which a reading of the tobacco or

cigar is performed using its ashes, smoke and matches. For years and in
different cultures, smoke has been associated with rituals and divination
(although it did not necessarily come from a cigar or cigarette). In many
civilizations it was used in protection rituals; while in others it had the
function of guessing events of the present, past and future.

In Latin America, Cuba is the country where tobacco addiction is most

practiced, where the well-known reference of the figure of the colored
woman with scarves over her head stands out.

Although the exact origin of this mancia (a Greek word that means
divination) is not known, it is known that it is linked to African-American
cultures, mainly.

How does tobacco addiction work?

The person in charge of performing the reading must interpret the signals
that the tobacco or cigarette presents. These can appear both in the
smoke, in the ashes or crown of the head.

There are various ways to perform the practice or read the cigar (or cigar).
It is possible that in some cases the one who smokes the cigar or cigarette
is the one asking the question, the one doing the reading or both (either
both people or the same person if doing it alone). Sometimes a kind of
“filter” is even used to prevent the impact on health (for those who do not

Before starting a tobacco reading session, it is important to prepare it.

Depending on the beliefs of each person and the practitioner in question,
the way to do it may vary. However, if you are a believer in the Catholic
religion, it is done according to these instructions:

 First it is necessary to sanctify tobacco. To do this, it is

recommended to pray a Hail Mary and an Our Father.
 It must then be entrusted to beings of light so that they can guide
this process in the correct way.
 In the third step, you must mention some details of the person to
whom the reading will be done (whether another individual or
yourself). The name and date of birth would be enough.
 Finally, the tobacco is ready to be lit.

Tips for Reading Tobacco

It is important to highlight certain aspects regarding reading the cigar,

which will be of great help to carry out the practice.

The previous ritual is not mandatory. Many people practice tobacco

addiction without having to perform rituals; while others prefer to
prepare spiritually, such as fasting or preparing the place where the
consultation will be done (lighting incense or candles for a better reading).

It is recommended not to do more than one tobacco reading per day in

relation to the same topic or purpose, as it can lead to confusion. Some
people wait up to a week between sessions.
Because answers can come up in different ways, it's important to pay
close attention. At first it may be difficult, but with perseverance and
patience it will be possible to interpret the signs more easily. It is possible
to obtain responses from the taste, shape, tone and smoke of tobacco.
However, the most common way to interpret the cigarette, smoke or
burning tobacco is through intuition, giving meaning to the drawings or
shapes that are made on the paper as it burns.

Depending on the person, tobacco or cigarettes can be lit or smoked in

different ways. Everyone lights, holds and interprets the tobacco in their
own way.

Learn to Practice Cigar Reading

Taking into account the preparation ritual and the factors mentioned
above, it is possible to practice this mancy by oneself. Basically the
practice consists of learning to interpret the signals that appear; so below
we will show some of the most common meanings.

When reading the cigar or tobacco, first start with the tip of the cigar (also
known as the “head”, “crown” or “coronilla”). At this point you can
identify several signs with different meanings, such as:

Signs, Shots and Symbols for Meanings when Reading Tobacco

 If when reading the tobacco the ash is too white, it is interpreted as

a positive or negative sign in relation to love.
 In case of having some dark parts in mind (although being a
minority compared to the white ones), emphasis is placed on
problems coming from separations, rumors, bad experiences and
 If larger black parts are observed in the tobacco, then it could be
indicating something about mourning and problems in social or
financial relationships (commonly these are debts).
 A black part formed at the bottom of the tobacco is related to
negative feelings coming from mourning or strong sadness; while if
it is white, its interpretation has to do with good fortune.
 If a white border forms, it means that it speaks of positive aspects
regarding the person's love, life or health.

Surely you will be interested in reading one of the most famous and used
mancies in divination: Palmistry, which is more common than cigar
reading. We recommend you read: hand reading.

Other Interpretations of the Tobacco Reading.

In addition to the meanings shown above, there are an infinite number of

interpretations that can be made by continuing to read the cigar. Among
them we find some of the best known:

 Zigzag stripes: means that we are talking about one or more failures
in different areas.
 Black or white stripe: in the first case, it speaks of a serious illness,
expenses or that you will go through a difficult period; while in the
second, it refers to a stable period in all aspects.
 Red or white dots: if they are red, the tobacco is talking about some
disappointment and white refers to luck in the economic field.
 Gray or white scales: Gray scales are interpreted as mild health
problems or periods of sadness. White ones as the arrival of
something good, usually linked to love.
 The state of ash: if the ash remains, it refers to happiness or fulfilled
dreams. If it twists, it is interpreted as bad luck and if it falls, it is
doubts or uncertainties regarding what was consulted.

Many times, if detailed figures exist, they are interpreted as is; That is, the
shape of a human silhouette, it can even appear to be a man or woman
and tell us about someone close to us. Sometimes figures of objects that
have to do with the response or even initials (either of a message or the
name of a person) appear on the cigar or ash.

In conclusion, learning to read the cigar is possible if you know how to

interpret it. Achieving it can take a while, so only by constantly
experimenting can positive results be obtained. However, there is always
the possibility of going to a person specialized in the subject.

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