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and Eng.

Maldonado / 1 eega.
Calculation Methods

The calculation of the Gradually Varied Flow profile is the solution of the
dynamic equation of FGV (Eq. 5.2). The methods used to solve the equation
> Graphical or numerical Integration Method
> Direct Integration Method
> Bresse
> Bakhmenteff
> Numerical method or section by section
> Direct section by section
> Standard section by section
In the first four methods, a series of values of the tie "y" are assumed and
the position "x" in which they occur is determined; while with the last
method the points are selected, given by their position “x”, in which the
value of the brace is to be determined.

Eng. Manuel García Naranjo

Graphical Integration Method
This method is based on the artificial integration of the dynamic equation of
the gradually varied flow, through a graphical procedure, the equation to be
solved is: d x = f(y) d y

Q= flow rate, m 3 /s
T= water mirror, m
A= hydraulic area, m 2 g = 9.81 m/s 2

S o = channel bottom slope

S E = slope of the energy line
Graphical integration method
To start the calculation, it is considered that the value of “ y” in a control
section is known. Then the type of curve that will be presented is
determined and then proceed as follows:
• Assume a value for the brace.
• Calculate the corresponding value of “
dx/dy” from the general equation of M. g.
• Calculate “ dy/dx” , which is the inverse
of the previous value.
• Construct a curve, like the one shown
below, with the values of y (assumed ties)
and the values obtained for dy/dx .
The value of “ x” is the widened area between the curve, the y axis, and
the ordinates “ dy/dx” corresponding to the values of y .

Graphic Integration Method
n sense

Identify the

Q ^
TDefine division numbers
and Q T R " qTO S = \R2/3)
( nv \ 2 1-^ So-S E AX=A x
gA 3
rw - SO-I KNOW
y f -y i
area under the
curve (shaded
Y area)
Example 01
A trapezoidal section channel with a sill width of 2.5 m and a slope of 1.5 is
excavated in the ground (n = 0.025), with a uniform slope of 0.0005 and
carries a flow of 5 m 3 /s. In order to provide load on a series of gates for
lateral intakes, it is desired to use a rectangular-shaped weir with a Creager
profile (discharge coefficient C=2), with a crest length L= 7m.
The weir equation is Q = CLh 3/2 and the height from crest to bottom is P =
1.8 m. Calculate the flow profile and the total length x of the pool,
considering that it ends when it reaches a depth that is 2% greater than

Length (m)
TO Q T R V f(y)
gA 3
Exercise 02:

A lined canal with a rectangular section and a longitudinal slope of 2 per

thousand carries a flow of 8 m 3 /s. The channel has been designed by the
criterion of the most efficient section, with n = 0.014.
If a drop occurs at the end of the channel, calculate the profile M2 that
occurs immediately before the drop.
and A (m2] P.m] R(m) 8(m) V(m/s) st Fr"2 (dx/dy) ,
099 2562 4 56776 0 561 2 59 3123 000413 1004 1
101 2614 4 60776 0 567 259 3 061 0.00391 0.946 28 479

193 2665 464776 0573 3001 000371 0 892 83.568 092 1 19
YOU 2717 468776 0580 r- 259 2944 0 00352 0 842 .104 520 168 287
107 2769 4 72778 0 586 259 2 889 0 00334 0 795 .152 901 257 544
109 2821 4 76776 0 592 259 2 838 000317 0752 -210 894 366 906
111 2872 4 80776 0597 2 59 2 78$ 0 00302 0 712 281.632 493 1400
1 13 2824 4 84776 0603 259 2738 000288 0675 •309 777 651 20 52
1.15 2976 488776 0 609 259 2 688 0 00274 0 641 482 584 852 29 04
117 3 028 4 92776 0614 259 2642 0 00262 0608 631.999 111$ 4019
1.19 3079 4 96776 0620 2 59 2 598 000250 0578 -839.170 1471 54 90
121 3131 5 00776 0 625 259 2555 0 00239 0 550 4145430 1985 74 75
21 3183 5 04776 0 631 259 2513 0 00229 0 524 4643 917 27 89 10264
125 3235 5 08776 0636 259 2 473 0 00219 0499 -2597 790 42 42 U5 06
127 3286 5 12776 0 641 2 59 2 434 0 00210 0 476 •5153818 ” S3 222 57
129 3 338 5.1677 0 646 2 396 0 00202 0454 -34439 191 395 93 61850
A trapezoidal section channel with a sill equal to 6 m, n = 0.025, z = 2
and So = 0.001, transports a flow rate of 28 m 3 /s. If the channel ends in
a free fall, determine the gradually varied flow profile by the direct
integration method.

This method is used for prismatic and non-prismatic channels. The

channel is divided into small sections and each section is calculated one
after the other.
- Direct Integration Method by sections (prismatic channels)
- Fixed Section Integration Method (prismatic and non-prismatic
Method applicable for prismatic and non-prismatic channels.
The procedure requires knowing the tension y 1 of a previously specified
section, which is used to calculate the tension y 2 that occurs in a section
Δ x.
From the specific energy equation :

If there are no singularities in the section, the head loss (hfi_^ is due to fiction only. If sections
1 and 2 are close enough, you can approximate:

Substituting the values in (1 ):

SOoM+E1 —+SE A¥ -.(3.4)

If the calculation is made upstream of a section: AX (-) and if it is downstream

A tentative value of y2 is assumed and adjusted by trial and error until the equality of equation
(3.4) is satisfied.

This method is simple and applicable to prismatic channels . It is used to

calculate the distance A x of the section at which there is a tie y 2 (known or set
by the calculator), based on a known tie y 1 and the other data.
The equation used in this method is:

A x = distance of the section, from a section 1
of known characteristics, until another in which a tension occurs and 2 .
So = channel bottom slope

average slope of the power line, for sections 1 and 2

Average Froude number in the section

Froude number = F = 2^— V

g T 7g
This method is applicable to both prismatic and non-prismatic channels . It is
used to calculate the tension “y 2 ” that is presented in a section 2, previously
specified in a section of length A x, from the known tension “y 1 ”, in section
1, and the other data. The equation used for its calculation is:

, ,-j2 2/ 22/3
I—E • P2 _C
y1, y2 = tension of sections 1 and 2, respectively
<AA A x = length of section 1 - 2, m
Q = flow rate, m3/s
A = hydraulic area, m2 p = wetted perimeter, m
where So = channel bottom slope, m/mn = roughness
: coefficient.
g = 9.81 m/s2

If the calculation is made upstream of a section: A x (-) and if it is downstream A

x (+).
Exercise 01:
In a trapezoidal section channel, base 8 m. and slope 1.5:1, excavated in the
ground (n=0.025) and slope So = 0.0009, it carries a flow of 15 m3/s, for
hydraulic purposes a spillway boom with crest length b=12m is used. Whose
shedding equation for this structure is Q=2bh with the height of the crest
equal to w=1.77 m. Determine:
a) The depth at 150 m upstream.
b) The length considering that it meets the profile.
c) Draw the flow profile.
and Á (8+1.5y)y
T (8+3y)
R, in m
yes, F2

in m2 V
in in me in me in m/s (by 10-4)

1.265 12.520 11.795 0.997 1.062 1.198 9.01 0.116 0o

1.30 12.935 ¡1.900 1.019 1.087 1.160 8.191 0.106 11056

1.305 12.995 11.915 1.023 1.091 1.154 8.082 0.104 9758

1.31 13.054 11.930 1.026 1.094 1.149 7.974 0.103 8744

1.325 13.233 11.975 1.036 1.105 1.134 7.662 0.099 6734
1.35 13.534 12.050 1.052 1.123 1.108 7.178 0.093 4979

1.40 14,140 12.200 1.084 1.159 1.061 6.319 0,082 3424

1.50 15.375 12.500 1.147 1.23 0.976 4.956 0.065 2317
1.60 16.640 12.800 1.209 1.3 0.901 3.945 0.052 1876
1.70 17.935 13.100 1.269 1.369 0.836 3.181 0,042 1646
1.80 19.260 13.400 1.329 1.437 0.779 2.594 0.034 1507
1.90 20.615 13.700 1.388 1.505 0.728 2.137 0.028 1416

2.00 22.000 14.000 1.446 1.571 0.682 1.776 0.024 1351

2.10 23.415 14.300 1.504 1.637 0.641 1.489 0.02 1305
2.20 24.860 14.600 1.560 1.703 0.603 1.257 0.017 1270
2.30 26.335 14.900 1.61 1.767
0.570 1.069 0.014 1243
2.40 27.840 15.200
1.67 1.837 0.539 0.915
0,012 1222

2.50 29.375 15.500 1.727 1,895 0.511 0.786 0.011 1205

1 - F2
u UB A

Exercise1 :
The rectangular channel 4.00 m wide. and of great length, shown in the
figure, carries, in a uniform regime, a flow of 5.00 m 3 /s. The Manning n
coefficient is n = 0.01 and the longitudinal slope S 0 = 0.00001. The depth
downstream of the gate is 0.20 m. Determine:
a. The normal depth.
b. The energy corresponding to the normal depth.
c. The critical depth.
d. The minimum energy
e. The depth upstream of the gate.
f. Qualitatively draw the surface profiles.
Exercise2 :

There is a trapezoidal channel that carries a flow rate of 2 m 3 /s, with a

sill width of 1 m, slope z = 2, roughness coefficient n = 0.025 and slope
0.0005. At one point on its longitudinal profile, a dam is built with a 1.5 m
tie behind the dam. It is requested to determine
a) the depth that will be at a point located 200 m upstream from the
b) Profile type and area
c) The flow profile from the dam to a distance of 2000 m upstream
considering sections of ∆x=200 m.
Exercise3 :

A lined channel with a rectangular section and a 2‰ longitudinal slope

carries a flow of 8 m 3 /s. The canal has been designed by the criterion of
the most efficient section. If a drop occurs at the end of the channel,
calculate the profile M2 that occurs immediately before the drop.

and < y. supernormal i

and > and, subcritical

and, » and t rruid

S,=- (the abrupt slope break |

Exercise 02:
There is a rectangular channel, whose hearth width is 1 m,
roughness coefficient 0.014 and slope of 0.0008. This
channel has a gate that gives way to a flow of 1.1 m 3
with an opening a = 0.20 m.
Considering that the height of the vein contracted in the
gate is: y = C C x a , where C C = 0.61 and located at a
distance 1.5 a m downstream of the gate. It is requested to
calculate the flow profile from the contracted vein
Exercise 02:

A trapezoidal channel carries a flow of 11.327 m /s, with a template width of b


= 6.096 m, slope 2:1, longitudinal slope of the channel So = 0.0016 and n = 0.025.
Calculate the flow profile, determine the type of profile caused by a dam that
impounds water to a depth of 1,524 m immediately behind the dam. The
upstream end of the profile is assumed to be equal to a depth 1% greater than
the normal depth. Assume that the stations along the channel are fixed at the
distances given in column 12. The elevation at the dam site is 182.88 m. See
page 263 Come Te Chow.

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