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OCTOBER 18, 2020


1. Within the content of week 8, the main stages that allow the development of an
emergency management program were studied, so you must name and describe each of
them in your words.


It consists of carrying out an examination, review or verification in a formal or methodical

manner. It can be used to evaluate compliance with Compulsory Insurance for Workplace
Accidents and Occupational Illnesses, as well as to verify whether the company complies with
legal requirements.
To make a diagnosis, countless sources of information are used, which will provide background
information regarding the reality of the organization:
-Organization name's
-General information (company background)
-State or situation of existing occupational risks.
-Accident statistics
-Conclusions and propositions: Detect non-conformity and perform corrective and preventive


It is the initial stage to know the organization, processes and development of the company,
through various sources of information the construction of a project is established. When
carrying out the survey, there may be different factors that generate obstacles. When these
situations arise, you must proceed to:
Spread partnership among those involved.
Design an egalitarian vocabulary.
Recognize the participants.
Set limits.
Describe the restrictions.
Leave the resolution stipulated and documented

To carry out the lifting it can be done in different ways such as:

Conduct interviews
Make a survey
Know or identify the requirements
Create prototypes
Find a good setting

Through this process, a view is obtained to achieve what is proposed through an organized
structure. It is important since it favors the growth of the company and minimizes risks as
much as possible. It is a way to make the most of resources, goods and time.

Planning can be divided into two functions:

Operational planning: Develops plans, programs, purposes and ideas that the company
proposes in the short term. The fundamental idea is to design various missions or tasks that
must be fulfilled internally by each unit to achieve the objective.

Strategic planning: Its origins were in the military area, later it was applied to business,
financial, etc. areas. This strategy focuses on different aspects of the company, such as
processes, services and products that have adequate structures to comply with their
processes. It is considered a very important instrument since organizations or companies
project themselves into the future, meeting their objectives through their proposed long-term


It is one of the most important obligations, since they are the ones who will assume the
planned and implemented activities if it is activated.

In addition to assigning responsibilities, the people who must assume direction and direct the
proposed objective to develop the activity are designated.

The importance of designating responsibilities is because not everything can fall on a single
person, since there are many activities to do and time is lacking, which generates physical and
mental wear and tear .


Unit that manages, implements and puts into operation policies for human and financial
resources and technological and information equipment, all minimum factors for the
organization to effectively fulfill its tasks.

The main tasks are:

-Have measures that guarantee guaranteed administration of resources.

-Implement budgetary and financial proposals, making them known both inside and outside.
-Manage employee and financial information policies.
-Advise the director or boss in making resolutions in accordance with the management of
different resources.
In this unit, different tasks must also be fulfilled, responding to objectives and meeting
requirements such as: responding to office needs by carrying out compliance controls and
ensuring the correct use of human and financial resources. Ensure that the organization is
informed and that the administrative and financial processes are known.
This management organizes responsibilities on specific tasks such as:

Human resources management.

Technological equipment management unit
Public Relations and Communications Office
Budget and Finance Division
Administrative and service unit
Logistics unit.


It is the set of means and methods necessary to carry out the Organization of a company or
distribution service.

Logistics activities are characterized because their processes are necessary within a company,
forming a system that unites production with the market. The objective is that the service
offered satisfies, as well as the quality and costs involved.

Guaranteeing a good logistics service generates an advantage over other companies because
resources in the processes are minimized. In this way, financial margins are improved,
environmental protection issues are met and standards are improved.

Main functions that highlight the logistics area, made up of 3 important areas:

Resource management
Facilities or assets
Service Coordination


An emergency program must be developed through a stage known as execution, since this is
where the processes that have been previously planned are launched. In this stage,
management is designed for the beginning and end in a structured way.

The execution phases occur as follows:

-Start of execution.

-Activate emergency plan verifying that it is developed in accordance with the plan

-Convene the means, personnel, extra support and notify other Organizations if necessary.

-Consider alternative procedures if there are complex situations.

Finish the execution and meet with the members to evaluate the processes.

It is possible that sometimes there are situations that produce alterations in the schedules, so
when they are executed they do not work, new measures must be implemented to correct
and improve the original program and remedy the problems.

Therefore, reprogramming reformulates scheduled plans that did not satisfy those previously
programmed, through an analysis and verification of a process that selects timely and
appropriate measures to correct detected imbalances.

Reprogramming takes place in two stages:

-Destination of resources for new proposals in order to correct difficulties that originated in
the first plan or program, to execute them normally again.

-Reorient the program or plan, giving priority to new measures in order to not duplicate
actions. Rescheduling may generate changes in financing, in background.

2. If you are in the Forestry sector, you are in charge of carrying out the development process of
the emergency management program, therefore, you must propose the way in which the stages

✓ Diagnosis

✓ Survey of needs

✓ Planning

In each of the stages it must indicate, in detail, what background the organization must consider,
what methods and techniques will be used in each stage according to what is mentioned in the
content of the week, indicate the formats to be used, the associated regulations according to the
risks. that must be covered according to the nature of the item.


Category: Forestry, (CAE 161000) SAWWILL AND WOOD PLANING
Productive processes:
a) Production, transformation, marketing and transportation of wood and its derivatives
b) Purchase, harvest and thinning of standing and harvested forests, forest transportation
c) The provision of sawmill or wood sawmill services, drying, planing and everything related to the
production and manufacturing of wood.

The Organization has:

directory 3 people
General management 2 people
HR Department 6 persons
Prevention Department 4 people
Administration and Finance Department 2 people
Management Control area 3 people
Accounting area 3 people
Secretary 4 people
Operations Section 4 people
Sawmills 96 people
Total number of workers in the Company 127 workers

Materials used and their condition: Raw wood.

Fuels and lubricants for machinery and equipment.
Chemical substances used for pest control.


When loading and unloading logs:
-Delimit and mark log unloading area
-Establish escape routes for workers
-When unloading, unlock tension levers and remove chains that hold the logs.
-Avoid the logs being suspended over people.
-Keep the load stable and arranged on the nails of the forklift.
-When unloading, it must be removed from the top to the base of the truck to avoid rolling.
-Avoid using forklifts as a means of transportation for workers
-Get on the forklift when they are completely stopped
-Avoid ascending and descending the forklift from the rear
-Install components that reduce vibrations on tractors or front loaders
-Alternate workers in forklift operations.
-Perform medical examinations of the musculoskeletal apparatus and cardiovascular system.
-Perform stacking maneuvers in isolated yards.
-Replace machinery or equipment.
-Always discharge tracery with your back to the circulation of air currents.
-Application of water to moisten the ground and prevent dispersion of dust.
-Wash your hands and face with plenty of soap and water after finishing the activity.
-Take a shower and change into clean clothes at the end of the day.
-Check the operation of the operating controls, as well as the brakes and steering wheel.
-Keep the aisles for the transit of the forklift or front loader free of loose objects, edges, potholes
and sunken places.
-Ensure that the load does not exceed the capacity indicated on the information plate of the
forklift or front loader.

In chopping work
-Delimit and restrict the movement of people in the area where the chopping is carried out.
-Check the chain tension and that the guide bar retaining screws are tight.
-Check that the exhaust system does not have leaks or leaks.
-Respect noise exposure time.
-Respect exposure time to vibrations.
-Check that the chainsaw has an anti-vibration component.
-Perform medical examinations of the musculoskeletal system.
-Replace equipment when the level of exposure to vibrations exceeds maximum permissible limits.
Avoid twisting your waist when holding a chainsaw, preferring to move your feet to get into the
desired position.
-Keep feet apart to provide a stable and balanced posture, bending your knees when chopping.

In log preparation work

-Hold the ax by the handle, never hold the edge side.
-Carry out cutting of log bark, taking the ax with two hands
-Change steel blade or handle if they show evidence of fractures.
-Maintain a distance of no less than two meters between workers who perform manual debarking.
-Ensure the hooking of the log using the log hook, holding with both hands.
-Turn the log with both hands, slowly sliding it forward to avoid its return.
-Delimit and mark the area where the debarking work will be carried out.
-Maintain a distance of more than two meters between workers who perform manual debarking.
-Avoid loose clothing and accessories on the neck and hands such as necklaces, bracelets, watches
and rings.
-Remove the logs from the debarking roller with the help of a hook or device that prevents direct
contact of the hands.
-Check that the sprockets, rollers and heads and transmission system do not show evidence of
-Respect periods of exposure to noise.

In tasks of approaching logs

- Carry out the hauling of the log between two workers.
-Ensure the hooking of the log by occupying the log hook, holding it with both hands.
-Turn the log at the same time to avoid sudden movements of the log towards the workers. Do not
stand in the opposite direction to the thrust of the log.
-Verify that access to the log chute does not have edges that prevent its uniform movement.
-Avoid handling more than one log on the log chute.
-Keep work and traffic areas free of obstacles.
-Proceed to clean any liquid spill, grease residue or tracery in the area of the log chute.
- Keep work and traffic areas free of obstacles.
- Maintain a slow work pace and establish rest periods during the day to avoid fatigue.

In sawing and re-sawing work

-Check the absence of foreign bodies, hard knots, grains or defects in the wood.
-Use the manual push and guide lever when cutting small parts and when finishing any part.
-Identify the sound changes of the band saw cut. In case of a sudden hum, immediately cut off the
power supply.
-Use long-handled brooms to facilitate the removal of sawdust during collection in the filling pit.
-Establish escape routes in emergency cases due to breakage of the band saw.
-Suspend the process if there is evidence of a leak in the sawdust extraction system.
-Close the valves and control mechanisms of the sawdust extraction system when the process is
finished or stopped.
-Consider that all connected equipment or power line segment is energized.
-Remove with the forklift or front loader, on the side where the unloading will take place, the log
that is in the highest part of the truck's load.


-Frequent exposure to physical agents (inclement weather, exposure to UV radiation, vibrations,
-Exposure to frequent chemical agents (products that are applied to wood for its preservation.
- Risk of electrical contact.
- Risk of overturning
- Risk of entrapment
-Risk of wounds, cuts, amputations, blows, falls.

Activity and organization size: Medium forestry company (127 workers).

Environmental conditions : Exposure to physical agents due to working outdoors.

Exposure to chemical agents due to chemicals from products that are
apply to wood.

Psychosocial factors : Because they work biweekly shifts, double presence can occur, causing
anguish and stress in workers. Also due to the difference in remuneration between sawmill
personnel in different positions, there may be a lack of motivation in the tasks.
Workload: In restructuring cycles in the company there are few workers in work areas that involve
continuous processes, so tasks can be overloaded to meet product demands, without prejudice to
existing shifts.

Conditions outside the norm and risks of accidents (equipment in poorer condition, absence of
safety measures, lack of procedures

Damage to health and materials: Verify if the company has had damage or losses caused by
accidents or emergencies that occurred on site.


Occupational accident rate report: Information that can be obtained through a certificate from
the Administrative Body as a Certificate of accident rate for the 3 periods.
Using accident statistics in the company, you can obtain:
-The work areas with the most risks according to their activities.
-The frequency with which accidents happen and their source.
-Injuries caused
-The seniority of the workers in the position, their age and sex.
-The occurrence by hours or days of the week.

According to the information collected in the diagnosis, it can be detected if there is non-
conformity with the data obtained and the corrective actions or measures to be adopted.


To carry out the survey, interviews can be carried out with all company personnel: cleaning
service, guards, administrators, etc.

Conduct staff surveys, either individually or in groups or by work areas.

Identify the necessary requirements and the non-conformities detected.

Obtain information regarding all sectors and levels of the company.

Propose examples so that the interviewees can present ideas or improvements.

Develop a pleasant environment for interviewees.

Criteria must be established since there will be different realities depending on the jobs and areas.

Agreements must be equitable for workers and the employer.

A written record must be left and important points highlighted about existing needs.

Disseminate among workers that an information survey will be carried out so that they can
provide important data.

Regarding the information that is obtained, it is important that a database be created, in case it is
required to keep statistics or make queries.
It should be considered that existing errors may be found in data collection, which will generate
greater expense because conditions that are outside the norm will have to be corrected.


This can be carried out in two ways:

Operational planning: Developing plans, programs and ideas that the company proposes in the
short term, the main objective being the performance of tasks by each of the areas or
departments of the company with the aim of meeting a single objective.

Strategic planning: If you have long-term objectives, you can plan them by analyzing different
aspects of the company, such as the services it provides, the processes that are carried out or the
products it delivers.


IACC (2020). Containment and emergency management program. Management of Emergencies

and Highly Dangerous Products. Week 8.

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