Case Week 8 Electronic Commerce

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IMB PC San Cristobal

Electronic Commerce - Thursday 18:00
Engineer: Nery Adolfo Rosales Villagrán

Case Week 8

Member information:

Name: Andrea Marìa Gantenbein Cáceres

Card: 17002419
Name: Diana Carolina Morales Barrientos
Card: 17012451
Name: Yesika Yasmin Rivas Arreaga
License: 17011725

Part 1..................................................................................................................................................4
Activity 1........................................................................................................................................4
1.1. You must read and analyze each of the sites, to propose a synthesis............................4
1.2. Additionally, you can add a diagram, a table, a concept map or any other way you
consider appropriate to present the main ideas and their characteristics (Appendices)...........4
Activity 2......................................................................................................................................15
2.1. In relation to the Hosting used in class week 4 and 5 to create an e-commerce store.
(Interesting about the wizard to create the site and the elements it proposes)......................15
2.2. Review the proposed sequence on the website or hosting again and write down each
element to consider to create an e-commerce store according to the wizard to follow, it must
also include the part of adding products and categories. Indicate the elements to include to
identify a product.....................................................................................................................15
Part 2................................................................................................................................................19
Website Proposal.........................................................................................................................19

E-commerce is defined as technology-mediated exchanges between various
parties (individuals, organizations, or both), as well as the electronic activities
within and between organizations that facilitate these exchanges.

Due to this new market, research has been carried out in relation to the most
important points that an administrator or businessman should know to be
successful, when promoting the product or service online.

These points are:

 How to start a startup: know the secrets of the most successful ones.
 The 6 fundamental steps to set up a website.
 10 Design Lessons We Learned from Wix Sites.
 15 Tips from a Former Wix User.
 Element to consider when creating an e-commerce store should also
include the part of adding products and categories. Indicate the elements to
include to identify a product.
 Initial proposal to create a website.

Part 1

Activity 1

1.1. You must read and analyze each of the sites, to propose a

 How to start a startup: know the secrets of the most successful ones

 The 6 fundamental steps to set up a website

 10 Design Lessons We Learned from Wix Sites

 15 Tips from a Former Wix User

1.2. Additionally, you can add a diagram, a table, a concept map or

any other way you consider appropriate to present the main
ideas and their characteristics (Appendices).

How to start a Startup:

know the secrets of the most successful

The best ideas from world-renowned startup creators (Start, start something,
start something, initiate) so you can start thinking about yours and be able to
answer the question you ask yourself every morning before getting out of bed: How
to start a startup ?

About ideas and products

No matter what you choose, build things around smart people, things like open
source projects, startups , improvements in the company you work for. Most people
incorrectly think about the risks of decisions. It is mentioned that salary should not
be a factor in the decisions you make, considering the option of, for example, being
an employee of a startup , it would almost inevitably have many more advantages,
including working with intelligent people, learning an entire business , etc.

About the ideas:

1. The execution is 10 times more important than the idea and a thousand
times more difficult too, we have to make sure that we love the idea we are

2. An idea should include the size and trend of the market, the company's
growth strategy and the defense strategy (barriers to entry). When
evaluating an idea, it is necessary to think about all these aspects, not just
the product.

3. A startup can take 10 years to grow. Long-term vision from day 0 is a huge

4. Think about a business that is difficult to replicate.

5. The company should look and feel like an important mission.

6. The best ideas usually seem bad at first. It's okay if an idea doesn't seem
great at first. It is a common problem that founders need to show the idea as

7. Look for a small market and then expand. Think about the market trend,
what it will be like in 10 years. It is a mistake of many investors who only
look at the market today.

8. Generally it is better to start something that you yourself need. Otherwise,

you must be very close to the client to fully understand the need.

9. Successful ideas are almost always very easy to explain and understand. It
shouldn't take more than one sentence to explain what you do.

10. While you are a student, dedicate yourself to: thinking about new ideas and
meeting potential partners.

11. Most people first think about what they want to express or build and then
find an audience for that idea. You should do the opposite: think about the
audience first. Maintain focus on the needs and trends of that audience, in
order to create the appropriate product.

About products:

1. A product includes customer support and the entire customer interaction

2. When successful founders tell the story of their beginnings, they tell us that
all they were doing was sitting at the computer developing the product or
talking to customers. Nothing else matters (raising money, hiring, business
development, partners, marketing, etc.), all of this is easier when the
product is finished.

3. Create something that a small number of users love, rather than something
that many users like a little, because then it will be easier to expand. (The
total amount of love distributed will be the same in the world ☺). Find a
small number of users and do something they love.

4. Word of mouth: if you don't have organic growth in the beginning, the
product probably isn't that good yet. It is best not to spend time on growth
hacking or other marketing techniques at first, as it is a waste of time.

5. The first users must be obtained by hand, it is better not to “buy” users with

6. Don't worry if the competition is raising money and investing tons in

marketing. Very rarely does a startup die because of its competition.

7. Start with something simple as that will force you to do it extremely well.

About partners and teams:

1. For some reason, most entrepreneurs (mainly students) look for less
important partners even than those they look for as employees. For
example: you meet another entrepreneur at an event and without prior
experience you set out together to set up a company.

2. Randomly choosing someone you don't know as a partner usually ends in


3. It is better to have no partner than to have a bad partner. But it's also bad to
be a founder alone.

4. The perfect number of founders is two or three.

5. It is ideal that before hiring someone the founders have done that work with
their own hands.

6. It's important to define your company's values and culture before hiring
someone. (I personally admire Buffer 's example.)

7. Hire the best. It can take months to convince someone.

8. Mediocre people affect a large company but do not kill it. Mediocre people
ruin a startup.

9. Use your sources: try to hire people you already know, the first 100
employees are usually referrals in the most successful companies.

10. In most startup positions, the experience of the first employees is not always

11. Three questions to ask yourself before hiring someone: Are they smart?
does it do things? Do I want to spend a lot of time with that person?

12. The best way to test someone is to work on a small project before hiring

13. Call references. Ask everything you can think of, whether I would hire him
again, what things he did, etc. Ask why everything.

14. Employee equity rule: 10% among the first 10 employees.

15. Generally, founders give very little equity to employees and a lot to

16. After hiring people, focus on retaining them. Make them feel happy and
17. Three things that motivate people the most: autonomy, authority and goals.

18. Fire fast! If someone doesn't work, you have to fire them as soon as
possible. This is the worst aspect of owning a business.

19. You also have to divide the equity as soon as possible.

20. Have vesting in the equity of partners and employees.

About the execution:

1. The best way to execute well is for founders to do it themselves. Everything

in a startup is modeled by its founders.

2. The idea itself is worthless. Execution is what adds value.

3. CEO Responsibilities:

o Define the vision of the company.

o Raise investments.
o Evangelize the market.
o Hire and manage.
o Make sure the entire company executes.

4. Make focus. Say NO to everything possible.

5. One question Sam asks founders is what do they spend their time doing? In
a startup there are many things that require 100% attention. What are the
two or three most important things? You have to focus on that.

6. Define key goal: the objective that the entire company must follow.

7. The secret to a successful startup is extreme focus and extreme dedication.

8. You have to pursue intensity in a startup : a relentless work pace, obsession

with quality.

9. Have determination for new ideas.

10. Every time you talk to a successful founder you realize that they have done
new things.

11. Maintain momentum : that is, constant growth, to do so define a rhythm of

operations: shipping of products, launch of new features , regular analysis of
metrics as a team.

12. Selling solves all the problems in a startup .

13. Don't worry about competitors or the press.

There are six great tips to keep in mind when thinking about creating a startup:

1. Trust your instincts but not always

 Startups are not intuitive. They are so rare that if you follow your instincts
you will make a lot of mistakes.
 Trust your instincts to decide the people you will work with and the
relationships in a startup .
 Work with people you respect and genuinely like.

2. You don't need experience

 To be successful you don't need experience in startups but rather be an

expert in your users and the problem you are solving.
 The only way to grow fast is to do something that people love.

3. Stop gaming the system

 Stop looking for tricks or shortcuts in startups .

 Many entrepreneurs think that success is getting investment and really the
goal is to build something that people want.

4. A startup is 100% demanding

 A startup consumes your life. It's like having children. It's like pressing a
button that changes your life irrevocably.
 Don't start a startup in college, it's impossible to do both at the same time.
 20 is not the optimal age to start a startup , there are other things that
should be focused on such as side projects, trips without deadlines, etc.
 Mark Zuckerberg never went on a trip to a foreign country without being able
to completely detach himself from his obligations.

5. You must try

 Starting a startup is going to change you a lot. Who will you become if your
startup succeeds or fails?
 If you are not sure about whether or not to start a startup, the only way to
find out is to try. Just not now (if you're a student).

6. Get ideas

 There are two things to do during university if you want to start a startup :
look for an idea and look for partners.
 Instead of struggling to come up with ideas consciously transform your mind
to unconsciously think about some problems.

 How to do it?

1. Learn about things that seem important to you.

2. Work on problems that interest you.
3. Work with people you respect and like.

 The best ideas start as side projects since it's hard to imagine a business
at first.

The 6 fundamental steps to set up a website

Many designers who are not yet familiar with web development often have doubts
when uploading their sites to the Internet. The process, as you can imagine, does
not end with the design. Once the new site is ready, we must consider a series of
steps that are usually quite simple in order to have the website published on the
internet. Below, we mention these steps.

Step 1: Choose the web hosting where the new site will be located

You must select one from this Web Hosting Provider Guide , it is important to
consider that the development includes some type of web programming; If so, we
must make sure that the web hosting provider supports the type of programming
language and database we are using in its service. The web hosting provider must
have good technical support

Step 2.- Upload the website to the web hosting service we choose

Step 3.- Register the domain name we want

Step 4.- Point the domain to the server where our website is located (through DNS

Step 5.- Create email mailboxes for your client

Step 6.- Back up everything at once

10 Design Lessons We Learned from Wix Sites

challenge of creating your own website do something original

Wix is a platform that contains endless solutions, ideas and inspiration

1. Subtle Animation in Watdesign >>

We normally don't encourage our users to use animations on their web pages, but
we must admit that Watdesign's concept achieved a sensational effect. The
animations are extremely refined and do not hinder the content. Applause for them!

2. Personalization Matters!

Creativity and innovation with a personal touch, professional creativity,

3. Creative Navigation

The navigation menu is one of the most important elements on your website and
as a main rule it should always be clear, intuitive and easy to use. But if you would
like to create a slightly more original alternative, the use of images on the Ma Torre
home page will be a fantastic source of inspiration.

4. A Headline To Remember By Pinsky On The Go

Most likely the first thing you notice when entering this adorable blog is the
impressive header it has. The illustration of the deer powerfully monopolizes the
text, making the words written there stand out even more. The icons used here
complete this modern and engaging blog.

5. Videos Say It All with SketchSHE

6. A Stylish Press Page by Nick Fulton

It is not easy to find Press or News pages that really stand out from the rest, that is
why when we found the Press section on Nick Fulton 's website we were delighted.
The screenshots of the articles work both as links to the full texts and as wonderful
elements to attract even more attention. Good for you Nick!

7. The Power of Humor: Hugo & Celine Ice Cream for Dogs

Why so serious? Some business and brand ideas are much more linked to comedy
than to a serious office tone. If your business is an ice cream brand for dogs, then
why not ask some puppies to write their opinion about your product? This is exactly
what you can find on the Hugo & Celine website. Quite cute!

8. Great Product Display at Hoponit

Right on the home page, Hoponit puts its products on display as if they were in a
shop window on the street. Completely realistic! This form of presentation will allow
your users to imagine even better what the use of that product will be like in their
daily lives. What a smart and wonderful way to highlight the beauty of the products!

9. Let Your Design Go Hand in Hand with Your Service, like at Hairaid

There is more than one efficient way to explain what you do and how you do it.
One of the many effective ways to do this is to create a website that reinforces
your marketing strategies. Take a look at the Hairaid Shelter website, for example.
This beauty salon uses vintage fonts and colors on its website since its services
are inspired by the same style line.

10. Less is More according to Sarya Nadina Fark Photography

Sarya is a wonderful photographer. You could have designed a flashy website, with
tons of apps and features, but you chose to let your photos do all the work.
The undeniable focus of his website is on his photographic works, and the result is

14 Tips from a Former Wix User

If you are building a website for the first time,

1. Choose your template wisely:

Before you start working on your website, make sure you choose the template that
best suits the needs of your business. You can't change a template midway
through the editing process, so think carefully before deciding which template is
best for you.

2. Get tips from the Wix Blog experts:

The Wix blog is a great resource for anyone interested in having a top-level Wix
site. Follow the blog to see lots of web design talent, receive advice for your
ventures, as well as find out first about exciting Wix news.

3. Go mobile:

If your site does not have an updated mobile version you will be missing out on a
lot of visitors my friend. Be sure to optimize your site for mobile devices and add
the Mobile Action Bar, which will allow your visitors to navigate your mobile site
with the greatest of ease.

4. Add a thumbnail image of your site to Facebook:

What is this image? It is the image that will appear every time you or anyone else
shares the link to your website on Facebook. A custom thumbnail image that looks
professional is more likely to get a lot of clicks.

5. Improve your site images:

Get the most out of the images you upload to your website by optimizing them with
the free Wix Image Editor. You can add effects, filters and manipulations that will
make your images look more professional and or more suitable for your web

6. Site History has your back!

All past edits you have made to your website are saved in the Site History section
of your Wix account.

7. Set up your SEO:

Don't forget to update your SEO information, both for your entire site and for each
page individually. Strong SEO will increase your search engine ranking, which will
lead to a direct increase in visitors.

8. Your sites can move from one account to another!

If you are a power user working on multiple sites and designing Wix sites for
clients, this feature is extremely valuable for your work. It allows you to build a
complete website and then transfer it to the client's account for later updating and

9. Upload multiple images of your products:

Online shoppers like to make well-informed decisions. You can help them decide
faster by uploading more than one photo of each product you sell in your online
store. Be sure to use images that show the product from different angles, as well
as photos that show the product in use.

10. Choose an easy-to-remember domain name:

Your site's domain name is as important as the brand name itself. Choose a name
that is easy to understand and best represents your website. Tip: Make sure you
choose a name that will stay relevant in the long term, not one that follows current

11. High quality images only!

If you want to be taken seriously by your audience, you need to follow professional
standards and use high-quality images. If you really want to display a low
resolution photo, be sure to adjust the size so it doesn't look grainy or blurry.

12. Lock down site elements and avoid extra work:

Locking site elements such as images, icons, text boxes, etc. means that they
cannot be moved in the editor. After you've finished working on an item, be sure to
lock it in place. This will prevent it from accidentally moving around the screen
while you are working on another element in the editor.

13. Find ambassadors among your clients:

A recommendation or testimonial from a satisfied customer is one of the most

powerful marketing tools you can have. By displaying testimonials and opinions on

your website, you will turn your previous clients into ambassadors who endorse
your brand.

14. Is your site readable?

It's unfortunate when a site owner invests so much time and effort into designing
their website, only to neglect the crucial aspect of readability. To start, you need to
choose a clear font and use a reasonable font size. Next, make sure the
background doesn't clash with the text boxes and make them unreadable.

Activity 2

2.1. In relation to the Hosting used in class week 4 and 5 to create an

e-commerce store. (Interesting about the wizard to create the site
and the elements it proposes)

2.2. Review the proposed sequence on the website or hosting again

and write down each element to consider to create an e-commerce
store according to the wizard to follow, it must also include the part
of adding products and categories. Indicate the elements to include
to identify a product.

1. Identify what to sell

1.1 Find out which services are most frequently purchased
1.2 Classify product sales
 Electronics
 Clothes and accessories
 Books, movies and music
 Food.
1.3 Classify the sale of services
 Purchase of Tickets
 hotel reservations
 Selling online content

2. Elements of an online store

3 fundamental pillars must be taken into account.

1. Design

2. Usability
3. Accessibility

The most notable elements of an online store.

1. Product Catalog
2. Shopping cart
3. Promotion and offers mechanism
4. Search engine
5. Purchase process
6. Payment methods.
7. Taxes.
8. Logistics.
9. Corporate Information.
10. User area registration.

3. Choose a Shopping Cart

It must offer the possibility of adding, deleting or modifying products during

navigation, it must provide the possibility for the client to clearly view:

 Purchase references
 Shipping costs
 Applicable taxes
 Total order value.

4. Create an online payment system.

An online business must offer flexibility in payment methods, many options.

There are 2 payment methods:

Off-line methods

Cash on delivery or delivery.

Wire transfer
Bank deposit

Online methods
Credit and debit cards
Set store terms

Parameters when having an account

1. Data protection.
2. Legal notice.
3. Data security measures.
4. General information about the company.
5. General contract conditions.
6. Information to the user within the process.
7. When and where the contract is formalized.
8. Legal issues of delivery.
9. What is to be delivered to the client.
10. What is the deadline to return the product purchased online.
11. What happens if the product arrives damaged.
12. Taxes applicable to the product or service.

5. Implement Electronic Invoice

6. Implement Logistics and Shipping

7. Run an E-marketing campaign

8. Measure store success

9.1 Two measurement approaches:

1. Sample
2. Census

9.2 Measurement standards

1. Unique Visits/Users.
2. Page Views.
3. Duration of visits.
4. Duration of page views.
5. Page views per session.
6. Impressions.
7. Click
8. Click Rate
9. Cost per Click

9. Build customer loyalty

Part 2
You have been contacted to make the initial proposal to create a website for a
company that is dedicated to the sale of popular consumer products. The company
will pay you for submitting this first proposal.

You are asked to present the initial elements that must be considered so that the
company can have a presence on the Internet. (Use your activity 1 and 2 from part
1 as a reference).

You must make a formal proposal. You must include your fees for this initial stage.

Final document: Proposed website by (indicate the membership of the members

separated by.). You should make a business proposal and not an academic

Website Proposal

Name of the Business Idea:

Creation of a Website for the sale of popular consumer products.



Provide constant advice on the creation and maintenance of web pages, so that
our clients become leaders of this platform for commerce and the sale of
products, making them the number 1 option for their clients and potential clients,
with an easy design. to use.


Create, Design and launch Web pages to expose the products that our clients
trade, at an accessible and easy level to create a new type of market for them
and thus increase their sales.


1. Make our clients earn money.

2. Do business.
3. Attract existing and new customers to our client's business.


We are a company that is dedicated to creating web pages to give a new

advertising approach and increase sales of existing products on a platform
different from normal commerce, where their products are always open 24/7.

The phased scheme will be as follows:

We focus on 3 fundamental tasks for the development and publication of the


1) Definition of the GRAPHIC CONCEPT and VISUAL IMAGE

 Definition and selection of the web template

 Information architecture organization
 Preparation of the pre-designed web template

2) Publication of the CONTENT and ADMINISTRATION of the website

 Implementation of the WordPress Platform for content management.

 Integration of the web template to the content manager
 Development of Information Capture Forms.
 Publication of the initial content of the website.

3) MAINTENANCE and PROMOTION tasks of the website

 Hosting configuration and publication of the website on the Internet.

 Training and support in content management through WordPress.
 Setting up your Google Analytics account for traffic monitoring
 Inclusion in Search Engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo)
 Integration of Social Networks to the website

Economic Proposal (1 time only)

Q. 1,000.00 Acquisition and configuration of the
Q. 1,150.00 Implementation of the WordPress content manager
Q. 1,300.00 Publication of initial content and training.
Q. 800.00 Leasing of Hosting and Domain Registration for 1 year

Development Features

1. Identify what to sell

1.1 Find out which services are most frequently purchased
1.2 Classify product sales
• Electronics
• Clothes and accessories
• Books, movies and music
• Food.

2. Elements of an online store

3 fundamental pillars must be taken into account.

1. Design
2. Usability
3. Accessibility

The most notable elements of an online store.

1. Product Catalog
2. Shopping cart
3. Promotion and offers mechanism
4. Search engine
5. Purchase process
6. Payment methods.
7. Taxes.
8. Logistics.
9. Corporate Information.
10. User area registration.

3. Choose a Shopping Cart

It must offer the possibility of adding, deleting or modifying products during

navigation, it must provide the possibility for the client to clearly view:

Purchase references
Shipping costs

Applicable taxes
Total order value.

4. Create an online payment system.

An online business must offer flexibility in payment methods, many options.

There are 2 payment methods:

Off-line methods

Cash on delivery or delivery.

Wire transfer
Bank deposit

Online methods
Credit and debit cards

5. Set store terms

Parameters when having an account

1. Data protection.
2. Legal notice.
3. Data security measures.
4. General information about the company.
5. General contract conditions.
6. Information to the user within the process.
7. When and where the contract is formalized.
8. Legal issues of delivery.
9. What is to be delivered to the client.
10. What is the deadline to return the product purchased online.
11. What happens if the product arrives damaged.
12. Taxes applicable to the product or service.

6. Implement Electronic Invoice

7. Implement Logistics and Shipping

8. Run an E-marketing campaign

9. Measure store success

9.1 Two measurement approaches:

 Sample
 Census

9.2 Measurement standards

1. Unique Visits/Users.
2. Page Views.
3. Duration of visits.
4. Duration of page views.
5. Page views per session.
6. Impressions.
7. Click
8. Click Rate
9. Cost per Click

10. Build customer loyalty

List of Modules or Sections of the Website.

Our standard proposal includes the configuration of 5 SECTIONS for what we

call an institutional website.

The client has an administration login ( ) to

create, modify and/or delete content from the website.

The sections of the website that we developed are listed

below and are assembled in the Spanish version.

1) Main Page
2) About the Company.
3) Blogs / News
4) Products/Services
5) Contact Zone
6) The system allows you to create as many categories as you require for the
effective management of website content, that is, you get a site tailored to your
needs. The system allows you to create the content Blogs you require without

Hosting and Domain Leasing Service:

We offer a technological platform based on UNIX / LINUX / servers that allows

us to maintain HOSTING services with a guarantee of 99% permanence on the
air, where we manage your website (, the email service
(, and its databases for web applications, which
allow us to automate the content management process or in the future
commercial or administrative web applications.

Our website hosting service includes:

a) 2,000 megabytes for hosting for for 1 year.

b) Access via FTP for server file management
c) Access to the administration panel of the website
d) CPanel for hosting and email administration
e) Management of emails via Outlook, Mobile and Webmail.

Website Maintenance Service

We have a committed and trained work team to meet the requirements for as
long as our client considers necessary, and in this way our work as
WEBMASTERS will allow you to invest your time in the tasks of your business.

For this MAINTENANCE PHASE, which is after the initial publication of the
website, WE DO NOT PRESENT A FORMAL QUOTE, since our client's
requirements may vary once the website is published.

Schedule of Activities for Development:

I STAGE: Definition of Content and Structure:

3 days
STAGE II: Implementation and development
20 days
STAGE III: Publication and Adjustments
2 days


The CLIENT must designate a PROJECT LEADER, who will be IMAGINE's
contact for the development of the Project.

The CLIENT must provide all the information necessary for the development of
the project, such as the texts in digital form and the files that will be published.


For our Hosting service we offer a guarantee of 99.7% operation and 100%
functionality of the website and its applications

Technical support:

Our support hours are Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.

To provide support we have several mechanisms: An email that is constantly

reviewed by the support team

We provide support in our offices by telephone.

Way to pay :

At the beginning of the agreement (50%)

Upon publication of the website (50%)


Web design is an activity that consists of the planning, design, implementation and
maintenance of websites

For the design of web pages we must take into account the following stages, of
course there are others, but in summary they are:

1. The visual design of the information that you want to edit.

2. Structure and hierarchical relationship of the website pages.
3. Search engine positioning or SEO

The first step in building an e-commerce business is knowing what products you
want to sell.

Research and preparation is knowing exactly what you are up against, the


It is vital that a web designer understands what search engine optimization (SEO)
is, understanding the fundamentals so that the site can be optimized for Google
and other search engines.

The following steps can be considered for web design:

1. Understand what the focus of the website will be.

2. What specific features do you want on the website?
3. Create a list of sections for your website and rank them by importance.
4. Write the content and give it a conclusion.
5. Find a style and look that fits your website and industry requirements.
6. Build the website.
7. Evaluate the website and make any required changes/updates.
8. Launch-register the domain, find a host, upload the website.


Confía en tus instintos pero

no siempre

Cómo iniciar una startup: conoce los secretos No necesitas experiencia

de los más exitosos

Deja de jugar con el sistema

Concepto: (Emprender,
hacer arrancar algo, dar
inicio algo, iniciar)
Una startup es 100%

Debes probar

Obtener ideas

10 lecciones de diseño que
aprendimos de sitios Wix

Que Tu Diseño
Un Encabezado Una Página de El Poder del Genial Vaya de La Menos es
¡La Los Videos lo
Animación Sutil Navegación Para Recordar Prensa con Humor: Hugo & Exhibición de Mano con Tu Más según Sary
Personalización Dicen Todo
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