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Philosopher of the second half of the 20th century. XIX that recognizes the
decadence of a Christian-bourgeois society with its puritanical and conventional
morality and that understands that the man of his time is also part of that
Western decadence. He considers that man is a miserable being because he
despises the earth, the body, instinct and is half done, he is a bridge between
the beast and the superman which is why he is defective.

This is why man is something that must be overcome and transformed into
superman and this is possible because:
• He is not a static being but is endowed with a great creative capacity.
• Life is expansive and the human species goes towards higher ones
• He has a sense of improvement that leads him to expel God from within
him, overcome traditional morality, reach the new morality in accordance
with his nature and achieve supermanhood.

But the idea of God prevents man from becoming a superman and that is
why, for the superman to arrive, God must be killed. But Nietzsche recognizes
that he finds God already dead in the conscience of men and considers that his
death is the result of modernism whose roots are found in:
• The Renaissance and its anthropocentrism
• Rationalism and its idea of reason as the foundation of everything
• The Enlightenment and its assertion that power emanates from the
people and not from God
• Positivism with its thought that only scientific knowledge is reliable

In the resulting thought there is no place for God and, with his death, the pillar
that had sustained traditional culture in the West disappears and it is possible to
subvert all values and the superman can be born.

However, when God dies, the meaning of our existence is lost and we find
ourselves lost, without a compass, in the desert of history that constitutes
nihilism from which, however, new values will emerge, the will to power, the
superman who It will fill the void left by God.

The transformation of man into superman goes through three stages :

• Camel : The spirit of man is first of all a camel, a pack animal, which
obeys its master without complaint. This one orders him and he obeys.
• León : The camel-man, tired by the weight of the load, rebels against his
master and knocks him down. Then he becomes a lion-man, critical and
self-possessed, who says “I want” and imposes his will.
• Child : As he removes his burdens, he becomes the creator of his own
values; he becomes the man-child who seeks self-affirmation.
From the third moment (the child) is when the superman begins to appear,
giving rise to the new free and creative humanity. The characteristics of this
superman are:
• Lust to live : The superman above all cares about life, without any
hindrance. Above all, he values bodily life, health, pleasure, passions,
violence, victory, success... the virtues he loves are physical strength,
power, the rebellion of the strong and the powerful.
• Overcoming : Above all, overcoming traditional Christian morality. It is not
subject to any moral precept, because it is situated above good and evil.
His consciousness is the consciousness of nature: what favors nature is
good and what harms it is bad. The superman is the maximum possibility
of the human being.
• Superior : The superman is a superior being who says yes to hierarchies
between men: equality only leads to the morality of the herd, of slaves.
The superman must practice the morality of the lords, who dominate by
force and violence.
• Values : The superman has broken with the traditional hierarchy of
values; It has changed not only the values, but the very way of valuing,
that is, the way of living. He laughs at traditional values.
• Earth : Live fidelity to the earth, far from the metaphysical transcendence
of philosophers, far from the idea of God. He is faithful to what is earthly,
to what he steps on, forgetting spiritual musings. It is the more here that
worries you until you live it with total intensity.
• Power : The superman lives the will to power that is the consequence of
the desire to live. The will to power is the will to dominate and recreate
the world and its values. You must let yourself be carried away by the
desire to dominate, to be a lord and not a slave.
• Return : It is the being that lives the eternal return: wanting the future is
wanting the past again; everything has already existed. The superman is
like a being tied to a ferris wheel that spins endlessly in an endless life.

This new man will only be possible with a new morality, individualistic and based
on aesthetic and sensitive values, which will emerge from the generalized
transmutation of all current values. The moral notions of “Good” and “Evil” as
objective and opposite points of reference are overwhelmed by the new reality.
The old rational and supersensible values are replaced by vital and sensible
values. The superman defends inequality, hierarchy, change, experiment and
risk against equality, security, which would be values typical of the morality of
the “herd”, a slave morality, fundamentally represented by Christianity.

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