The Leadership Model

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Lead like the Savior

The Leadership Pattern

y€ DiREeTlO/ The Leadership Pattern is a framework of 9 talents and 48
accompanying behaviors that helps the Church workforce
know how to do the Lord's work in the Lord's way. Created
LEAD at the request of the First Presidency, the pattern was
LIKE THE developed through interviews with General Authorities,

SAVIOR focus groups, and industry best practices. It brings together

the best of doctrine, principles, and application—guiding us
to a higher level of behavior and performance and helping
each of us to become more Christiike.
The Leadership Model was created under the direction
the First Presidency, the Presiding Bishopric and
members of the Quorum of the twelve Apostles. The
leadership provides a parameter for learning how
led the Savior, what outstanding leaders are like,
how they carry out their work and what it is about
leadership applied to Church operations.

The Leadership Model

The Leadership Model
Leaders in the Church strive to reach a higher and deeper spiritual level.
LEAD LIKE In this way they gain eyes to see, ears to hear, and the faith to act and
THE SAVIOR apply the leadership principles taught in church doctrine. They are brave
but humble and seek to act for themselves and not be acted upon. They
try to simplify the complex.

Leaders in the Church seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to think clearly
and ask the right questions regarding the Work. They are trustworthy as
ACT UNDER they always ask themselves “What does the Father want me to do?” and
THE LEAD OF they answer, “That's what I'll do.” Leaders believe in themselves and that
THE SPIRIT they will be guided by revelation in their work.

Leaders in the Church pay special attention to the direction the Church is
taking. They adjust to the parameters that are given to them and do not
ALIGN try to surpass them. Leaders are not limited to doing exclusively what
YOURSELF they were hired to do, but they always try to do what is best for the
WITH THE growth of the Work in the world.

9 Elements of the Leadership Model

DEFINE THE Leaders in the Church understand the true purpose of the Church and
ADDRESS What is this work about? They do not seek to build their own kingdom but
They ask “How can I strengthen the Church?” They have developed the
spiritual ability to anticipate the future and be prepared to face it.

Leaders in the Church align with the vision and strategy and make practical plans to
ORGANIZE achieve them. They are able to clearly define the most effective and
THE JOB efficient direction to follow and maximize the contribution of each
participant to the whole. They believe in the ability of each individual to
innovate and act on their own.

Leaders in the Church use counsel to ask the right question and receive
WORK the necessary revelation. They seek to know the opinion, perspective and
IN COUNCIL feelings of their collaborators, who feel safe to express themselves and
ask questions. They are willing to say what needs to be said but they do so
with care not to generate antagonism or resentment.

9 Elements of the Leadership Model

DEVELOP Leaders in the Church know that leading is teaching and that the Lord's
CAPABILITIES model for building is one-on-one. They use the gift of discernment to see
the good in each person and make the time to help make them even
better. They are diligent students and seek to learn from everyone regardless of the
position others occupy.

CARRY OUT Leaders in the Church always ask themselves, “Are we doing what we
THE JOB Is it really necessary and in the most efficient way?” They take the
initiative and find creative solutions to problems. They recognize when a
change needs to be made and guide others in the process.

YIELD Leaders in the Church obtain the results expected of them and measure
A REPORT the level of performance so that it increases. When they report their
results, they do not focus only on the positive or negative but rather seek
to share the truth.

9 Elements of the Leadership Model

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