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Title: Memory inside.

Author: Mario Halley Mora

Type of novel: sentimental.
Topic: the feelings of a young man wanting to study at college.

Author biography: Mario Halley Mora

(Coronel Oviedo, 1926 - Asunción, 2003) Paraguayan playwright,

novelist and journalist. He worked in his youth as a radio scriptwriter and later focused on
journalism: he was editor-in-chief of the newspaper Patria during the Stroessner dictatorship
and later director of La Unión.

Among his works, False Witness , The Game of Time , Magdalena Servín , Interrogante
and A Face for Ana , and others deserve mention.

Title: Winter Love.

Author: Mario Halley Mora.
Type of novel: Sentimental Novel.
Theme: love between two old people.

Author biography: (Coronel Oviedo, 1926 - Asunción, 2003) Paraguayan

playwright, novelist and journalist. He worked in his youth as a radio scriptwriter and later
focused on journalism: he was editor-in-chief of the newspaper Patria during the Stroessner
dictatorship and later director of La Unión.

Among his works, False Witness , The Game of Time , Magdalena Servín , Interrogante

and A Face for Ana , and others deserve mention.

Title: I the supreme

Author: Augusto Roa Bastos
Type of novel: historical novel.
Theme: the tyrannical rule of a dictator.

Author biography: Augusto Roa Bastos

(Asunción, 1917 -2005) Paraguayan narrator and poet, without a doubt the most important
writer of his country of the 20th century and one of the great novelists of Latin American
literature. He spent his childhood in the town of Iturbe, a place that served as inspiration for
many of his creations. In 1932 he ran away from home to join the army during the Chaco
War. Those years, during which he remained in the rear, were crucial in providing him with
anecdotes and experiences that would feed his literature.

Title: The girl I lost in the circus.

Author: Raquel Saguier.
Type of novel: Historical Novel.
Theme: the memories of a woman in her childhood.
Author biography: RAQUEL SAGUIER: Born in Asunción, Paraguay. Married and
mother of three children. He studied at the Santa Teresa de Jesús School, graduating with an
honors diploma.

Some of his works were: THE TRUE STORY OF PURIFICATION, THIS TITCH IS BUSY with this
work he won the "El Lector" Award for the best literary work of the year 1994. He also
obtained an Honorable Mention in the National Literature Award in 1995, LA POSTA DEL

He died in 2007.

Title: The passion of Lucrecia.

Author: Carlos Mateo Balmelli
Type of novel: Sentimental novel.
Theme: The love between the daughter of the dictator's favorite minister and an
undercover guerrilla.

Author biography: Carlos Quinto Mateo Balmelli ( Asunción , Paraguay ;

January 9 , 1961 ), is a Paraguayan lawyer and politician .
He was elected Senator of the Nation for the period 2003 - 2008 , also holding the
position of President of the Chamber of Senators and the Congress of the Nation for the
period 2003 - 2004 . Dr Carlos Mateo Balmelli fought the existing corruption in the
Itaipu Binacional and was the only president of the binational to declare his assets at the
beginning and end of his term.

Book publications
 Current constitutional discussions in Latin America : Year 1991 . Translated
into the German language : Zur gegenwärtigen Verfassungsdiskussion in
ausgewählten lateinamerikanischen Ländern: Chile , Paraguay , Argentina . Year
1992 .
 Institutional development : Year 1995 .
 Internal processes and globalization : Year 1997 .
 Democratic governance : Year 1998 .
 The institutional reform of the State and the quality of politics : Year 2001 .
 Various Publications Multiple articles published in specialized magazines
from : Argentina , Chile , Brazil , Uruguay , Venezuela , Ecuador , Germany and
others. Several articles have been translated into German , Portuguese and
English languages .
 Institutional development - corrected and expanded version : Year 2003 .
 Question of State : Year 2007 .
 The Passion of Lucrecia (novel) : Year 2013 .

Title: Gunter's Winter.

Author: Juan Manuel Marcos
Type of novel: Detective novel.
Topic: The investigation of the death of a man.
Author biography: Juan Manuel Marcos ( Asunción , June 1, 1950) is a Paraguayan
writer, poet, essayist, narrator, teacher and critic. One of the intellectuals with the most solid
training in current Paraguay.
He was born in Asunción on June 1, 1950 , the son of a Paraguayan teacher (Amanda Álvarez)
and a Spanish republican exile (José Marcos).

Most notable literary works

 Gunter's Winter.
 Poems and songs

Title: The woman who writes.

Author: Ella Duarte
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Topic: The story of twelve women.
Author biography: Ella Duarte, researcher in public
development policies; Business and Investments; and Host of
the SURBANA Radio Program on 107.7 FM Concert in

Asunción, Paraguay; He is also a teacher.

Title: Celina's men.

Author: Mario Halley Mora.
Type of novel: Sentimental novel.
Topic: Prostitution and abortion of a woman by a man.

Author biography: (Coronel Oviedo, 1926 - Asunción, 2003) Paraguayan

playwright, novelist and journalist. He worked in his youth as a radio scriptwriter and later
focused on journalism: he was editor-in-chief of the newspaper Patria during the Stroessner
dictatorship and later director of La Unión.
Among his works, False Witness , The Game of Time , Magdalena Servín , Interrogante

and A Face for Ana , and others deserve mention.

Title: Knight.
Author: Guido Rodríguez Alcalá.
Type of novel: Historical Novel.
Theme: The story of a man during and after the war against the triple alliance.
Author biography: (Asunción, Paraguay, 1946), poet, narrator,
historian, essayist, journalist and literary critic. Regular contributor to
various local and foreign newspapers.

Some of his works were: Artigas and the independence of Paraguay,

Residents, destined and traitors, Knight, The rector, Peaceful fire, City are
ambula, Dark wind and others.

Title: The knots of silence.

Author: Renée Ferrer.
Type of novel: Sentimental Novel.
Topic: The problems that occurred in a couple in Paris.
Author biography: Born in Asunción, she is a poet, novelist, short story
writer and doctor in history from the National University of Asunción.

He published his first poems in the International School magazine. His poems and
several of his stories have been translated into English, French, Portuguese and

Some of his works are: Furrows that do not fill, Voices without a reply, Casita de
nuez, Galope, vagos sin tierra, among others.

Title: Vagos without land.

Author: Renée Ferrer
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Theme: the move of a family to conquer lands.

Author biography: Born in Asunción, she is a poet, novelist, short story

writer and doctor in history from the National University of Asunción.
He published his first poems in the International School magazine. His poems and
several of his stories have been translated into English, French, Portuguese and

Some of his works are: Furrows that do not fill, Voices without a reply, Casita de
nuez, Galope, vagos sin tierra, among others.

Title: Were we so happy?

Author: Ruben Adolfo Sapena Brugada
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Topic: The return of a Paraguayan who was believed dead after thirty years to his


He was born in Asunción, Paraguay, on June 11, 1940, to parents also from
Asunción but with Spanish, French, Belgian ancestry and, surely, with some
mestizo or Guaraní blood.

He was married since 1972 to Lic. Julia Elena Bibolini, historian specialized in art history,
artist herself and manager of cultural events, with whom she shared, in addition to three
children and three grandchildren, her concerns about the management and dissemination of
universal culture and arts in Paraguay and those of the Paraguay abroad. Julia Elena died on
September 6, 2008, without even suspecting the existence of this novel, written by her
husband on the nights when they did not go out and she took her medication early and
disconnected from the world. Although he changed his activity so many times, he is currently
developing a task that fascinates him and he hopes it will last many more years: since 2005
he has been Executive Director of Cultural Extension at the Universidad del Norte, a function
that requires him to coordinate between the Opera , the Orchestra, the Ballet and the

Title: Mancuello and the partridge.

Author: Carlos Villagra Marsal.
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Theme: A man's lashing of anger at a corrupt person.
Author biography: Carlos Villagra Marsal ( Asunción , October 30, 1932-March 10,
2016) He was a Paraguayan poet, narrator, essayist and intellectual, who contributed to the
literature of his country, not only as a creator but also as an editor and promoter.
For many years, Villagra Marsal was director of the Tertulia Literaria Hispanoamericana of
Asunción. He was ambassador of Paraguay in Chile, then Ecuador. He was a professor of
Guaraní literature at the Catholic University and the National University Asunción for several
years. He was elected Minister of Language Policies in 2011, until 2013 inclusive.

From his poetic harvest, Villagra Marsal has published 'Antología minimum', 'Guarania
del desvelado', 'El júbilo difficult', in 1996; and 'Poesía congregada', in Mexico and
Spain, in the same year. "Mancuello and the partridge" were some of his works.

Title: The exiles.

Author: Gabriel Casaccia.
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Topic: The desperation of a pipeline to get money.
Author biography: Gabriel Casaccia ( Areguá , Paraguay , April 20 , 1907 - Buenos
Aires , Argentina , November 24 , 1980 ) was a Paraguayan writer .

Son of Benigno Casaccia and Margarita Bibolini, both of Italian nationality. He completed his
secondary studies at the National College of the Capital. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of
the National University of Asunción, he began in journalism - writing in “ El Liberal ” and “ El
Diario ” and in several Asunción magazines - and then turned entirely to narrative.

Works: Novels Mario Pareda (1939) - The Slug (1952) - The Wound (1963) -
The Exiles (1966). - The heirs (1975) - The Huertas (1981), published posthumously.

Stories : The Guajhú (1938) - The Well (1947) - The Life of a Drunkard (1953).

The Bandit Theater (1932).

title: Son of man.

Author: Augusto Roa Bastos.
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Theme: The escape of a couple from a dangerous and dark place for the future child
they are expecting.

Author biography: Augusto Roa Bastos

(Asunción, 1917 -2005) Paraguayan narrator and poet, without a doubt the most important
writer of his country of the 20th century and one of the great novelists of Latin American
literature. He spent his childhood in the town of Iturbe, a place that served as inspiration for
many of his creations. In 1932 he ran away from home to join the army during the Chaco
War. Those years, during which he remained in the rear, were crucial in providing him with
anecdotes and experiences that would feed his literature.

Title: The Lazarillo de Tormes.

Unknown author .

Type of novel: Historical novel.

Topic: The use of an orphaned child from his blind master.
Author biography: The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and his fortunes and adversities was published as an
anonymous novel.

At present, it is still unknown why its creator did not want to include his name in the edition. Some critics venture that he may
have preferred not to reveal his identity for fear of losing royal favor due to the content of the book, others believe that it was to
avoid possible problems with the Inquisition, which could have looked askance at certain Erasmian elements that appear in the
book. book, and there are those who point to the possible Jewish ancestry of its creator which, likewise, would have restricted his
freedom of expression, thus allowing him to express himself with greater independence.
Title: Appointment in San Roque.
Author: Mario Halley Mora.
Type of novel: Sentimental novel.
Topic: The thoughts and desires of a marginal man.

Author biography: (Coronel Oviedo, 1926 - Asunción, 2003) Paraguayan

playwright, novelist and journalist. He worked in his youth as a radio scriptwriter and later
focused on journalism: he was editor-in-chief of the newspaper Patria during the Stroessner
dictatorship and later director of La Unión.

Among his works, False Witness , The Game of Time , Magdalena Servín , Interrogante

and A Face for Ana , and others deserve mention.

Title: The lost century.
Author: Bernardo Neri Farina.
Type of novel: Detective novel.
Topic: The investigation of the death of a young homosexual.

Author biography: BERNARDO NERI FARINA: Journalist and writer. He

was born in Asunción on August 21, 1951.

He started in journalism in the 70s. He practiced his profession in various media.

He was editor-in-chief and director of newspapers, radio stations, weeklies,
magazines, and digital newspapers. He is also a scriptwriter for television
journalistic programs. He studied journalism at the UNA Faculty of Philosophy.

In 2003 he launched his first book, EL ÚLTIMO SUPREMO, with Editorial El Lector.

LUGO, THE FOURTH SHOT among others.
Title: The wound.
Author: Gabriel Casaccia.
Type of novel: Sentimental novel.
Topic: The love of a woman towards her friend's husband.
Author biography: Gabriel Casaccia ( Areguá , Paraguay , April 20 , 1907 - Buenos
Aires , Argentina , November 24 , 1980 ) was a Paraguayan writer .

Son of Benigno Casaccia and Margarita Bibolini, both of Italian nationality. He completed his
secondary studies at the National College of the Capital. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of
the National University of Asunción, he began in journalism - writing in “ El Liberal ” and “ El
Diario ” and in several Asunción magazines - and then turned entirely to narrative.

Works: Novels Mario Pareda (1939) - The Slug (1952) - The Wound (1963) -
The Exiles (1966). - The heirs (1975) - The Huertas (1981), published posthumously.

Stories : The Guajhú (1938) - The Well (1947) - The Life of a Drunkard (1953).

The Bandit Theater (1932).

Title: The Last Supreme.
Author: Bernardo Neri Farina .
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Topic: the mandate of the dictator Stroessner.

Author biography: BERNARDO NERI FARINA: Journalist and writer. He

was born in Asunción on August 21, 1951.

He started in journalism in the 70s. He practiced his profession in various media.

He was chief editor and director of newspapers, radio stations, weeklies,
magazines, and digital newspapers. He is also a scriptwriter for television
journalistic programs. He studied journalism at the UNA Faculty of Philosophy.

In 2003 he launched his first book, EL ÚLTIMO SUPREMO, with Editorial El Lector.

LUGO, THE FOURTH SHOT among others.
Title: The orchards.
Author: Gabriel Casaccia .
Type of novel: Sentimental novel.
Topic: The love and help that two brothers have when moving to another place.
Author biography: Gabriel Casaccia ( Areguá , Paraguay , April 20 , 1907 - Buenos
Aires , Argentina , November 24 , 1980 ) was a Paraguayan writer .

Son of Benigno Casaccia and Margarita Bibolini, both of Italian nationality. He completed his
secondary studies at the National College of the Capital. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of
the National University of Asunción, he began in journalism - writing in “ El Liberal ” and “ El
Diario ” and in several Asunción magazines - and then turned entirely to narrative.

Works: Novels Mario Pareda (1939) - The Slug (1952) - The Wound (1963) -
The Exiles (1966). - The heirs (1975) - The Huertas (1981), published posthumously.

Stories : The Guajhú (1938) - The Well (1947) - The Life of a Drunkard (1953).

El bandolero Theater (1932).

Title: The second horror.
Author: Augusto Casola .
Type of novel: Sentimental novel.
Theme: the love that two couples have for each other.

Author biography: CASOLA, AUGUSTO: Born in Asunción, in 1944.-

Published works:

· THE LABYRINTH (novel, 1972. First Prize in the PEN Club of Paraguay
and Paraguayan Book Chamber competition);

· 27 SILENCES, (poetry, 1975);

· THE SUMERGED CATHEDRAL (stories, 1984);

· NO MAN'S LAND-NIGUÉM (novel, 2000);

· SECOND HORROR (novel, 2001. First prize “Roque Gaona 2001”);

· TIME (poetry, 2002);


· FIRRACAS AND PANDORGAS (Stories, 2006).-

Augusto Casola has been a member of the PEN Club of Paraguay since 1973. He
held the positions of Treasurer, General Secretary and President of the Club,
between the years 2001/2007. He is also a founding member of the Paraguayan
Writers Society. He acted as a jury for several literary competitions.
Title: Admiral's Vigil .
Author: Augusto Roa Bastos .
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Theme: The journey of some men across the seas.

Author biography: Augusto Roa Bastos

(Asunción, 1917 -2005) Paraguayan narrator and poet, without a doubt the most important
writer of his country of the 20th century and one of the great novelists of Latin American
literature. He spent his childhood in the town of Iturbe, a place that served as inspiration for
many of his creations. In 1932 he ran away from home to join the army during the Chaco
War. Those years, during which he remained in the rear, were crucial in providing him with
anecdotes and experiences that would feed his literature.
Title: Yvypóra .
Author: Juan Bautista Rivarola Matto .
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Topic: the belief of some people about a ghost that walked during the war.
Author biography: He was born in the city of Asunción on November 12, 1933 when
the Chaco War was developing. Son of OctavianoRivarola Bogarin and Victoria Matto.

He was a student of first letters of the teacher Juan Pedro Escala. I study at the San Carlos
Seminary School. He continued his studies in Law and Philosophy at the University of Buenos

Some of his works were: When Carai played hide and seek, Diagonal de sangre, San la muerte,
El santo de guatambu, La isla sin mar, among others.

He died in Asunción on October 14, 1991 after having accomplished an exceptional work in

Paraguayan literature.
Title: Madame Lynch. A queen without a crown .
Author: Nelson Aguilera .
Type of novel: Historical novel.
Topic: The conflicts of a woman's life.
Author biography: Born in Asunción on July 10. He started in
literature at a very early age.

He did it around the brazier and in rounds of sweet mate with the stories
told by his mother on winter nights. Nelson began reciting poems from
the age of six in school. He wrote his first poems at the age of twelve and
his first plays at the age of fourteen.

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