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Education in socio-community

A value is that which gives meaning to life, directing it towards one path or another,
determining ethical principles. Likewise, it is the positive appreciation made of things,
ideas or people in relation to one's own culture and one's own life.

Values are largely the result of education, cultures, societies, economic conditions and
the distribution of power. They determine the behavioral norms of being and acting,
helping them grow in their dignity as a person in a given society. However, not all
cultures have the same values, in fact some values of some can be considered anti-
values by others. In this sense, socio-community values promote harmonious
coexistence between human beings, Mother Earth and the Cosmos, through the
practice of unity, equality, dignity, freedom, solidarity, reciprocity, respect,
complementarity, harmony, transparency, balance, equal opportunities, honesty,
peace, physical, cognitive and social inclusion in the family, the community and the
State, social and gender equity in participation, common well-being, responsibility,
social justice, distribution and redistribution of social products and goods. Likewise, the
symbolic representations of each value practice in societies are taken into account.

Currently, the values and meaning of life are being defined by commercial
relationships, where what predominates is individual interest and pure rational means-
end calculation. In this context, those who are more competitive and more successful
are more successful. efficient to achieve the purposes demanded by the market. The
uncritical deployment of these market values generates unintentional consequences
that affect life, causing the exclusion and poverty of large sectors of the population and
the deterioration of nature, which makes coexistence impossible and increases the
erosion of human and with nature.

How can education in socio-community values be recovered and transmitted to new

generations in Current Education?

Faced with this problem, education has to be the place to generate attitudes and
relationships of coexistence that put life as the center, rather than individual interest, a
criterion of life that we can learn from the original indigenous peoples based on socio-
community values. Socio-community values in the life experience of indigenous
peoples and nations are concrete life attitudes and practices that make harmonious,
balanced, supportive and complementary coexistence possible within the community.
These socio-community values cannot be taught as content (under a conventional
knowledge transmission scheme), but rather they are taught as concrete attitudes and
practices, through activities that develop in students and teachers the ability to provide
answers to everyday problems. , having as a criterion the reproduction of everyone's
life before individual interest

Promote the practice of socio-community, moral, ethical and civic values that allow for
the consolidation of reciprocal and complementary coexistence through the study and
application of the worldviews, knowledge and knowledge of indigenous, original
peasant, Afro-Bolivian and intercultural communities, which promote community health.
To live good.

Promote conditions to make training processes in socio-community values true

educational, productive, transformative and community work experiences.

Recover experiences on the comprehensive management of knowledge and

knowledge to propose changes in educational practice.

Productive socio-community education bases its political approaches on the

destructuring of colonialism and coloniality. Productive socio-community education in
the Bolivian Plurinational State is based on the Living Well paradigm.

Productive education is socio-community, because it is based on the values, the

organizational structures, the socio-culturally inhabited territories of the communities of
the Plurinational State, which geographically are the towns, zones, neighborhoods,
ayllus, markas, tentas, captaincies, cities, municipalities and other forms of territorial

The fundamental challenge of productive socio-community education is to respond to

the development of knowledge, wisdom and knowledge from the vision of the original
indigenous peasant peoples, in dialogue with the theories of knowledge supported from
the Western vision. In that sense, the epistemological foundations are understood as
theory and productive socio-community education is unique, diverse and flexible.

Through the development of socio-community projects productive in community values,

taking into account the dimensions and methodological guidelines.

Socialization of socio-community values, recovering the knowledge and wisdom of the

original indigenous peoples, e.g. The ayni.

Reflection on the area of knowledge Cosmos and thought and its articulating axis in
socio-community values taking into account the cosmos and Mother Earth, the context
and its relationship with reality, all educational experience based on ancestral
knowledge and knowledge.

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