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Although kinesiology covers all human fields, in this seminar we are going to
focus especially on the field of the mind, emotions and part of our soul.

Through emotional kinesiology we can quickly and easily find out where the
emotional and behavioral blocks, memories, fears, disabilities, limitations, as
well as the resources, potentials, abilities and securities of each person are.

With emotional kinesiology we can find out the why, when, how of conflicts, and sometimes
even all this information at the same time.

With emotional kinesiology we can unlock a process where the client cannot enter. We can
make sure if the corrections we want to propose are the most appropriate for him, or if there is
a better, faster and more effective way for his case. It also allows us to find out if it is prudent to
work on certain aspects or memories, if the client can be prepared to face such a process, or if
they have sufficient resources to move forward. It gives us the security of not causing an
unwanted result, and of not pushing the person beyond their current capabilities.

Although kinesiology covers all human fields, in this course we are going to focus especially on
the field of the mind, emotions, energy and, in part, our soul.

Through emotional kinesiology we can quickly and easily find out where the emotional and
behavioral blocks, memories, fears, disabilities, limitations, as well as the resources, potentials,
abilities and securities of each person are.

With emotional kinesiology we can find out the why, when, how of conflicts, and sometimes
even all this information at the same time.

With emotional kinesiology we can unlock a process where the client cannot enter. We can
make sure that the corrections we want to propose are the most appropriate for him, and be
sure not to cause an undesired result, and not to force the person beyond his current

It is an eminently practical course where the basic concepts must be acquired through
understanding from experience. Each of the aspects will be presented and debated, although
the basic purpose will be how to put it into practice in the most effective way for each person.

Since the essence of the course is the practical application of the program contents, during the
training months we will use a single flexible, holistic and complete work protocol.

We will basically use the Raphael Vans Asche Arm Reflex (AR) testing system. Even so, the
course is open to any kinesiologist who works from the strong indicator muscle (MFI).
To anyone interested in learning more about the processes of the mind and decision-making
processes, and how these have been linked to different physical and behavioral manifestations.

This course is an ideal space for those kinesiologists who need to expand and strengthen their
practice, especially if they work with emotional, mental and behavioral conflicts.

To any type of therapist who is trained in health, parasanitary techniques, complementary

specialties (such as naturopathy, Chinese medicine, osteopathy, homeopathy, manual
techniques, energy techniques, NLP, gestalt, coaching...), psychology, specialist in human
relations, social services … interested in having a tool to identify, deepen and offer changes and
solutions in the emotional, mental and behavioral aspects of human beings.

To anyone interested in knowing more about themselves, interested in looking for possible
changes and changing.

Previous knowledge of kinesiology is not necessary as the basics are taught in the course.

1. What is kinesiology?
2. How does kinesiology work?
3. Methods to test with kinesiology.
4. What is a kinesiology session like?
a. The pretest
b. Work protocol
5. Order for a kinesiology session.
a. The previous meeting: the interview.
i. Connection, transfer, interference.
ii. Rapport, sympathy without identification, Tao of change.
iii. Language use and language metamodels.
iv. The “photos”: identification and memorization of the body dynamics
neurologically associated with key words or emotions.
b. The beginning of the session: definition and prioritization of the objectives to be
i. Identification and clarification of the proposed situation.
ii. Assessment of work trends: solving “problems” or generating
iii. Go as far as the conscious allows to continue with kinesiology wherever
the unconscious proposes.
c. The “door” to the session.
i. In relation to what was determined during the interview.
ii. Looking for related gateways that have not emerged during the
iii. The use of “photos” that combine body dynamics with the information
revealed during the interview.
iv. Specifying the information proposed as a work objective.

d. Work preference and permit:

i. We will never work on anything for which the body does not
give explicit permission.
ii. We will not work against the intentions or requests established during
the interview.
iii. The will and purpose behind the requests and work proposals of the
interested person always govern.
iv. The gain from the illness, from the problem, from the limitation.
e. Report a line of work (see point 6 below).
f. Correct the different aspects of a line of work (see point 7 below).
g. Lines of work and kinesiology session.
h. The chaining of different lines of work.
i. Technical issues to improve kinesiological mechanisms to benefit the
initial objective, or the complementation of related objectives.
ii. Questioning about the changes achieved and more precise
identification of the nuances that still need to be improved.
iii. Opening of new work to “fix” unresolved aspects or address new
information that emerged during the session.
i. The end of the session: construction towards the positive.
1. We end every session (whenever possible) seeking to create a positive
space, a possibility to improve, the construction of a new attitude, to
change the vision of situations for another balancing and empowering
6. Information processes during a kinesiology session:
a. The use of any type of information: mudras, images, witnesses, memories,
physical postures, facial expressions...
b. Situation
(balance or enhance)
c. The representational system: levels and channels of access to information
d. Levels of need
e. Dr. Hamer's Biological Conflicts
f. Conflicts that leave their mark in childhood during the formation of the Self.
g. The filters of reality: from perception to belief
h. Robert Dilts Neurological Levels
i. Reasons for stress
j. Willpower
k. Reasons for things to go wrong and to get sick
l. Limiting beliefs
m. Values: the guides of our actions
n. Jungian Archetypes
o. Emotions and Emotions according to a purpose (from TCM)
p. Psychogenealogy: the problems of the psychogenealogical tree
q. age recession
r. Assertiveness (defending one's own dignity)
s. In addition, the information contained in the classic “fields” or “bodies” of
kinesiology can be used.
7. The correction processes during a kinesiology session:
a. The classics of traditional kinesiology:
i. switching
ii. Cross march
iii. cook anchor
iv. occipital frontal
v. Release of emotional stress
b. The classics of applied kinesiology:
i. Neurolymphatic
ii. Neuro vascular
iii. Neuro emotional
c. From Traditional Chinese Medicine:
i. Knot or hypothalamic points
ii. The anterior Mu points and the posterior Shu points
iii. Reflex points of the ears
iv. The usual acupuncture points.
v. Pulse points and circular muscles
d. From NLP, Gestalt, and Mythoself
i. Perceptual positions
ii. ocular access
iii. Change of representational system
iv. The line of life
v. The challenges of the language metamodel
vi. Reframing: new angle maintaining benefits
vii. Kinesthetic, auditory, visual anchors...
viii. Deconstruction of limiting beliefs
ix. Construction of empowering beliefs
x. The hypnosis process
xi. Trauma deconstruction
e. Myths, stories and metaphors.
i. Selection
ii. Method of telling or reading it (position, intention...)
f. Vibrational
i. Essences (of any system)
ii. Laying on of hands
iii. Techniques with color
iv. Techniques with sound
v. Techniques with smell (essential oils)
vi. Work with Chakras
g. Symbols
i. Plane geometry
ii. Ayurvedic tatwas
iii. angels
iv. Runes
v. Tarot cards
vi. Chinese trigrams and hexagrams
h. Sacred geometry
i. Platonic solids
j. . Other geometries
i. Bio magnetism
i. Polarity
ii. Use of magnets
j. Shamanic
i. Removal of foreign bodies
ii. Symbolic “operations”
iii. Work with energies
iv. Creating reality from the heart
v. Intention and desire
vi. The strength of forgiveness and gratitude: Ho'oponopono
vii. Family constellations
k. Psychomagic and Jodorowsky
i. Concept of psychomagical act
ii. The psychomagus
iii. Principles of action of the psychomagical act
iv. Building a psychomagical act
Francesc Marieges. Graduate in Holistic and Applied Kinesiology; Three in One Concepts;
Certificate of Proficiency by the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice;
Master in Neuro Linguistic Programming; Graduated in Evolutionary Psychology. Graduated in
Trad Medicine. China, specialist in the psychology and philosophy of TCM. He is the author of
the book “The Tao of Change”.

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