Task #2 .1 Research Ideas and Problems

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Investigation methodology
Task #2.1
Research Ideas and Problems
Week #2

Eng. Isis Ordalia Suazo Arita.

Alvaro Adonis Espinoza Rosales



Tegucigalpa MDC October 21, 2019

I. Research Ideas

- Idea #1
Influence of social networks on the academic performance of first-year university
Source: Website.

- Idea #2
Promote the ethical use of technology to university students.

II. Research Problem

Social networks are a very fashionable topic today, this is because most students
use one or more social networks, although it should be noted that not all use them
for the purpose for which many of them were created. This is because social media
is both a means of social communication and entertainment.

The multiple facets that social networks can represent and their easy use and
interaction are factors that strongly attract the attention of a university student,
which leads to them easily losing interest in other activities that they used to do
before. A clear example of this is the time dedicated to studying, which on many
occasions results from or is evident in the student's academic performance.

Social networks are a powerful tool that can positively impact students, since, as
mentioned above, they are a means of communication, through which many
activities can be organized quickly and effectively, but at the same time they can
affect them directly and negatively. the behavior and even the performance not
only of students but of people in general in a society, since they create a
convenient environment for leisure.

Due to this, the positive and negative aspects of the use of social networks and the
influence they exert on the community of first-year university students at CEUTEC

Investigation methodology. 1
will be exposed in this research study, to be aware of both the positive and
negative effects of this innovative tool, in the same way so that consequently as
users we can apply our knowledge to use them correctly and practically for
professional development.

1. Goals.

a) General

- Investigate and find out what influence social networks have on the academic
performance of first-year university students at CEUTEC.

b) Specific

- Identify which social network is the most used by first-year university students

- Know for what purpose and/or purpose social networks are mostly used by
first-year university students at CEUTEC.

- Expose the positive and negative aspects of the use of social networks in the
academic area.

- To know the influence that social networks exert on the academic performance
of first-year university students at CEUTEC.

2. Research questions.

1) What social network is the most used by first-time university students at


Investigation methodology. 2
2) For what purpose and/or purpose are social networks mostly used by first-time
university students at CEUTEC?

3) What positive and negative aspects generate the use of social networks in the
academic area?

4) What is the type of influence that social networks exert on the academic
performance of first-year university students at CEUTEC?

3. Justification.

The primary objective of this research is to carry out an analysis or study on the
positive and negative aspects derived from the use of social networks and what
type of influence they exert on the academic performance of first-year university
students at CEUTEC; This with the expectation of achieving results that serve as a
guideline for future studies on the subject and that contribute to understanding or
perceiving how social networks are used by the students of this educational center.
This research is of vital importance to understand and intuit the behavior or actions
of first-year university students at CEUTEC in the academic aspect with respect to
social networks.

As a student and researcher, I consider it very important to carry out an

investigation of this type and to know, as far as possible, the impact, whether
positive or negative, that the use of social networks causes in first-year university
students in academic aspects. .

Investigation methodology. 3
4. Viability.

As any research study must be viable, the objective is to investigate the impact or
influence of social networks on first-year university students at CEUTEC, using the
appropriate tools to carry out said work.

In consideration of the above, the greatest source of information will be the

collection of surveys and likewise the reinforcement through web pages and thus
make its possible consequences known in a more feasible way; In this way, the
main objective will be obtained and developed, a complete research study on
social networks and their influence on the academic performance of first-year
university students, which can serve as a source of information for people who are
interested in the topic. .

Investigation methodology. 4
Flores Lagla, G. A., Chancusig Chisag, J. C., Cadena Moreano, J. A., Guaypatín
Pico, O. A., & Montaluisa Pulloquinga, R. H. (2017). La inflencia de las
redes sociales en los estudiantes universitarios. Universidad Técnica De
Cotopaxi, Latacunga.

Gómez, M. (2012). El uso académico de las redes sociales en universitarios. (Vol.

XIX). Andalucía, España: Grupo Comunicar.

Google. (2009). sites.google.com. Recuperado el 20 de Octubre de 2019, de


Line Branding. (2019). www.linebranding.com. Obtenido de


Mejia, K., & Salinas, A. (2018). www.ceutec.unitec.edu. Obtenido de


Investigation methodology. 5

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