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This Prayer Book represents an effort to apply scientific methods to the truths of our Roman and
Catholic faith. By this means it is hoped to obtain more grace to better serve God. Particularly it is
hoped to extract Divine grace from this gigantic source of infinite Goodness and Mercy . For this is a
spring that has remained virtually unused and consists of Prophetic Revelations.

“In matters of Prophetic Revelations, the sovereign pontiff is the only judge!”

Pope Leo X (5th Lateran Council, 1513)

The Blessed Virgin has said: “ You, love me; and make others love me too. ”Of course, this revised
edition of the Devotionary of “La Pieta” is dedicated to You, Our Beloved Lady of Ephesus. It is an act
of love to honor Your Assumption into Heaven. “I belong entirely to You, O Queen and my Mother; and
all that is mine is Yours.”
Holy Scripture tells us this: “Pray without ceasing.” Also, Saint Paul of the Cross has written: “When we
neglect prayer, we embark on the broad path of perdition.” Dr. Alexis Carrel wrote the following: “If
you get used to prayer, your life will change profoundly.” Although he had been a scientist, the doctor
applied himself to prayer. He considered prayer to be the most sublime activity of man. Furthermore,
he always said that: “The art of arts is knowing how to converse with God.” We sincerely hope that this
“La Pieta” Devotionary is beneficial to souls. May it be a spiritual instrument for those who wish to
develop a daily prayer life. We ask the angels who moved the Holy House of Loreto with so much
love, to propagate this Devotionary. We ask that people who wish to pray a little more be introduced
after having prayed the Holy Rosary daily.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Edited under the sanction of the decree of November 15, 1966, published in
the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, volume 58, number 16, of December 29, 1966.

approved by Pope Pius IX
Magnificent promises transmitted to Saint Bridget of Sweden Regarding the Revelations of Saint
Bridget, Pope Benedict XV expressed himself as follows:

“The approval of these revelations implies nothing more than this: After slow and careful examination,
these revelations are permitted to be published for the spiritual good of all the faithful. And, although
the same degree of faith is not attributed to them, just as they are surrendered to the truths of religion
under penalty; however, they are allowed to believe with human faith. That is, according to the rules of
prudence, by which they are probable. Therefore, being already adequately affirmed and supported by
sufficient reasons, they can be piously believed.” “

(Les Petits Bollandistes, Volume XII)

On June 14, 1303, Saint Brigid was born. At that moment, the Priest of Rasbo, called Benito, was
praying for a happy birth for Mrs. Ingeborde. Suddenly, the priest found himself wrapped in a luminous
cloud and from which the Holy Virgin appeared to him, saying:
“A girl has been born in Birger and her voice will be heard throughout the world.” Sagli, die XXVI
Aprilis, 1903. Imprimatur
Sagii, given XXIV Aprilis 1903

F. J. GIRARD, V. g.
These prayers and these promises were copied from a book printed in Toulouse (France) in the year
1740. They were published by Father Adrien Parvilliers, of the Society of Jesus. Father Adrien was a
Jesuit, an apostolic missionary, in the Holy Land. This priest obtained the approval, permission and
recommendation that was required to spread these prayers.

Parents, teachers and teachers who teach these prayers to children, for at least a year, will be
rewarded by God. This promise applies equally to those who provide them to others. They are assured
the privilege of being preserved during their lives from any serious accident that could cause the loss of
any of their five senses.

Pope Pius IX declared knowledge of these prayers with the act of presenting the Prologue. In this way,
the Supreme Pontiff admitted the authenticity of these prayers for the good of souls; and signed the
approval on May 31, 1862.

This declaration of Holy Father Pius IX was confirmed with tangible and concrete acts. The promises
have already been made for all the people who have prayed these prayers. In addition, numerous
supernatural events have occurred. By this means, God has deigned to make known the rigorous
veracity of these prayers and promises. A collection of small books, including these prayers, was
approved by the Great Congress of Malines, on August 22, 1863.
Question — To obtain the PRIVILEGES, is it necessary to pray the prayers every day, and without

Answer — It should not be missed. If it is missing for ever, PRIVILEGES will be lost. One should start
over again by saying the prayers daily for the entire year. Assuming that during the entire year 5480
prayers are prayed. You must pray with devotion, concentrating on the words that are spoken.

Those who visit the Church of Saint Paul in Rome can still contemplate the Miraculous Crucifix, placed
above the Tabernacle, located in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. This Miraculous Crucifix was
sculpted by Pierre Cavallini. It is the same crucifix before which Saint Brigid was kneeling when she
received these 15 Prayers from Our Lord himself. Furthermore, in that same Church of Saint Paul there
is an inscription commemorating this event, in Latin: “Pendentis, Pendente Dei verba accepit aure
accipit et verbum corde Bigitta Deum. Anno Jubilei MCCCL.”

For a long time, Saint Brigid wanted to know how many lashes Our Lord had received in His Passion.
One day Jesus Christ appeared to him, saying: “I received in My Body five thousand, four hundred and
eighty lashes; There are 5,480 lashes. If you want to truly honor them, with some veneration, say the
Lord's Prayer 15 times; also 15 times the Hail Mary, with the following prayers, for a full year. At the
end of the year, you will have venerated each of My Wounds.” (Our Lord himself dictated the prayers
to the saint.) “

Then, Our Lord made the following PROMISES, to the people who dedicated themselves to praying
these prayers, for a whole year. Here are the PROMISES:

The promises
1. I will free 15 souls of your relatives or lineage from Purgatory.
2. 15 souls of your kindred or lineage will be preserved and confirmed in grace.
3. 15 sinners from his lineage will be converted.
The Fifteen Prayers
Revealed By Our Lord To
Saint Brigid of Sweden
In the Church of Saint Paul, in Rome

Edited under sanction of the decree of November 15, 1966, published in the Minutes
Apostolicae Sedis, volume 58, number 16, December 29, 1966.
approved by Pope Pius IX

Magnificent promises transmitted to Saint Brigid of Sweden Concerning the Revelations of

Saint Bridget, Pope Benedict XV expressed himself as follows:
“The approval of these revelations implies nothing more than this: After slow and careful examination,
these revelations are permitted to be published for the spiritual good of all the faithful. And, although
the same degree of faith is not attributed to them, just as they are surrendered to the truths of religion
under penalty; however, they are allowed to believe with human faith. That is, according to the rules of
prudence, by which they are probable. Therefore, being already adequately affirmed and supported by
sufficient reasons, they can be piously believed.”

(Les Petits Bollandistes, Volume XII)

On June 14, 1303, Saint Brigid was born. At that time, the Priest of Rasbo, called
Benito, I prayed for a happy birth for Mrs. Ingeborde. Suddenly, the priest was found
wrapped in a luminous cloud and from which the Holy Virgin appeared to her, saying:
“A girl has been born in Birger and her voice will be heard throughout the world.” Sagli, die
XXVIV Aprilis,
1903. Imprimatur
Sagii, given XXIV Aprilis 1903
F. J. GIRARD, V. g.

These prayers and these promises were copied from a book printed in Toulouse (France) in the
year 1740. They were published by Father Adrien Parvilliers, of the Society of Jesus. The father
Adrien was a Jesuit, an apostolic missionary, in the Holy Land. This priest obtained the
approval, permission and recommendation that were required to spread these prayers.

Parents, teachers and teachers who teach these prayers to children, for at least a year, will be rewarded by
God. This promise applies equally to those who provide them to others. They are assured the privilege of
being preserved during their lives from any serious accident that could cause the loss of any of their
five senses.

Pope Pius IX declared knowledge of these prayers with the act of presenting the Prologue. In this way,
the Supreme Pontiff admitted the authenticity of these prayers for the good of souls; and signed the
approval on May 31, 1862.

This declaration of Holy Father Pius IX was confirmed with tangible and concrete acts. The promises
have already been made for all the people who have prayed these prayers. In addition, numerous
supernatural events have occurred. By this means, God has deigned to make known the rigorous
veracity of these prayers and promises. A collection of small books, including these prayers, was
approved by the Great Congress of Malines, on August 22, 1863.

Question — To obtain the PRIVILEGES, is it necessary to pray the prayers every day, and without

Answer — It should not be missed. If it is missing for ever, PRIVILEGES will be lost. One should start
over again by saying the prayers daily for the entire year. Assuming that during the entire year 5480
prayers are prayed. You must pray with devotion, concentrating on the words that are spoken.

Those who visit the Church of Saint Paul in Rome can still contemplate the Miraculous Crucifix, placed
above the Tabernacle, located in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. This Miraculous Crucifix was
sculpted by Pierre Cavallini. It is the same crucifix before which Saint Brigid was kneeling when she
received these 15 Prayers from Our Lord himself. Furthermore, in that same Church of Saint Paul there
is an inscription commemorating this event, in Latin: “Pendentis, Pendente Dei verba accepit aure
accipit et verbum corde Bigitta Deum. Anno Jubilei MCCCL.”

For a long time, Saint Brigid wanted to know how many lashes Our Lord had received in His Passion.
One day Jesus Christ appeared to him, saying: “I received in My Body five thousand, four hundred and
eighty lashes; There are 5,480 lashes. If you want to truly honor them, with some veneration, say the
Lord's Prayer 15 times; also 15 times the Hail Mary, with the following prayers, for a full year. At the
end of the year, you will have venerated each of My Wounds.” (Our Lord himself dictated the prayers
to the saint.) “

Then, Our Lord made the following PROMISES, to the people who dedicated themselves to praying
these prayers, for a whole year. Here are the PROMISES:

The promises
1. I will free 15 souls of your relatives or lineage from Purgatory.
2. 15 souls of your kindred or lineage will be preserved and confirmed in grace.
3. 15 sinners from his lineage will be converted.
1. He who prays these prayers will reach the first degree of perfection.
2. 15 days before your death, I will give you the food of My Sacred Body so that you
escape from eternal hunger; and I will give you to drink of My Most Precious Blood so that you do
not suffer from thirst eternally.
3. 15 days before his death, he will feel deep contrition for all his sins, and will have
perfect knowledge of all his faults.
4. I will place the sign of My victorious Cross before him, so that it may be his protection and
defense against the attacks of his enemies.
5. Before his death, I will come to him with My dearest and beloved Mother.
6. I will kindly receive his soul, and lead him to eternal delights.
7. And having led this soul to the eternal mansions, there I will give it to drink from the Spring of
My Divinity; which I will not do with those who have not recited My prayers.
8. Let it be known that whoever has lived in a state of mortal sin for even 30 years, if he devoutly
prays these prayers, or if he has proposed to pray them, the Lord will forgive him all his sins.
9. I will defend you against serious temptations.
10. I will preserve and guard your 5 senses.

11. I will preserve him from sudden death.

12. His soul will be delivered from eternal death.
13. This soul will obtain everything it asks of God and the Blessed Virgin.
14. If you have lived doing your own will throughout your life and if you have to die the next day, I
will prolong your existence so that you can confess well.
15. Every time a soul prays these Prayers, it will gain 100 more days of indulgence.
16. He is assured that he will be placed next to the Supreme Choir of the Holy Angels.
17. Whoever teaches these Prayers to another person is assured of continued joy and lasting merit
for all eternity.
18. Wherever these Prayers are prayed, or if they are prayed at some future time, there God will be
present with His grace.

First sentence
Our Father – Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus Christ! You are the eternal sweetness of all those who love You; the joy that surpasses all joy
and desire; the salvation and hope of all sinners! You have stated that you have no greater desire than
to remain among men, on earth. You love them to the point of assuming human nature, in the fullness
of time, for love of them. Remember all the sufferings that You have endured since the moment of
Your Sacred Passion; just as it was decreed and ordained from all eternity, according to the divine

Remember, O Lord, that during the last supper with Your disciples You washed their feet; and then,
you gave them Your Most Sacred Body, and Your Most Precious Blood. Then, comforting them with
sweetness, You announced Your upcoming Passion.

Remember the sadness and bitterness that You have experienced in Your soul, as You Yourself
expressed it, saying: “My soul is sad until death.” “

Remember all the fears, anguish and pain that You have endured, in Your Sacred Body, before the
torture of crucifixion. After having prayed three times, all bathed in bloody sweat, you were betrayed
by Your disciple, Judas; captured by the inhabitants of a nation that you had chosen and exalted. You
were accused by false witnesses and unjustly tried by three judges; all of which happened in the flower
of Your maturity, and in the solemn Easter season.

Remember that you were stripped of Your own clothing, and clothed with a mantle of ridicule. They
covered your eyes and faces, inflicting slaps. Then, crowning You with thorns, they placed a reed in
Your hands. Finally, you were tied to the pillar, torn with stripes, and burdened with reproaches and

In memory of all these sorrows and pains that You have endured before Your Passion on the Cross,
grant me before dying, a true contrition, a sincere and complete confession, adequate satisfaction; and
the remission of all my sins. Amen.

Second Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, the true freedom of angels, and paradise of delights! Remember the horror and sadness
that you were oppressed, when Your enemies, like furious lions, surrounded You with thousands of
insults: spitting, slaps, lacerations, scratches and other unprecedented tortures. They tormented you
as they pleased. In consideration of these torments and slanderous words, I beseech You, O my
Savior, and Redeemer! May you free me from all my visible and invisible enemies and may, under Your
protection, cause me to achieve the perfection of eternal salvation. Amen.

Third Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus! Creator of Heaven and Earth, whom nothing can contain or limit! You encompass everything;
everything is sustained under Your loving power. Remember the very bitter pain that You suffered
when the Jews, with thick square nails, blow by blow, nailed Your Sacred Hands and Feet to the Cross.
And not seeing You in a state sufficiently pitiful to satisfy their fury, They enlarged Your Wounds, thy,
adding pain upon pain. With indescribable cruelty, they spread Your Body on the Cross. And with
violent pulls and stretches, in every direction, they dislocated Your Bones.

O Jesus, in memory of this holy pain that you have endured with so much love on the Cross, I beg you
to grant me the grace to fear and love you. Amen.

Fourth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, Clestial Physician, elevated on the Cross to heal our wounds with Yours! Remember that the
bruises and fainting that You have suffered in all Your Members; and that they were relaxed to such a
degree that there has been no pain similar to Yours. From the top of the head to the soles of the feet,
no part of Your Body was exempt from torment. However, forgetting all Your sufferings, You did not
stop praying for Your enemies, to Your Heavenly Father, saying to Him: “Father, forgive them, they do
not know what they do.”

For this immense mercy, and in memory of these sufferings, I make this request to You: grant that the
memory of Your very bitter Passion may grant us perfect contrition, and the remission of all our sins.

Fifth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, Mirror of Eternal Radiance! Remember the acute sadness you have felt as you contemplated
with anticipation the souls that were to be damned. In the light of Your Divinity, You have glimpsed the
predistinction of those who would be saved, through the merits of Your Sacred Passion. Simultaneously
you have sadly contemplated the immense multitude of reprobates who would be condemned for their
sins; and You have complained bitterly about those desperate, lost and unfortunate sinners.

For this abyss of compassion and pity, and mainly for the kindness you showed towards the good thief,
telling him: “Today you will be with me in Paradise,” I make this supplication, Sweet Jesus. I ask you
to have mercy on me at the hour of my death. Amen.

Our Father – Hail Mary.

O Jesus, King infinitely loved and desired! Remember the pain you suffered when, naked and like an
ordinary criminal, you were nailed and elevated to the Cross. Also, You were abandoned by all Your
relatives and friends with the exception of Your very beloved Mother. In Your agony, She remained

Sixth Prayer
faithful with You; Then, you entrusted her to Your faithful disciple, John, saying to Mary: “Woman, here
is your son!” And to Juan: “Here is your Mother!”

I beg you, O my Savior, by the sword of pain that then pierced the soul of Your Most Holy Mother, that
you have compassion on me. And in all my afflictions and tribulations, both bodily and spiritual, have
mercy on me. Assist me in all my trials, and especially in the hour of my death. Amen.

Seventh Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, inexhaustible Source of compassion, have mercy on me! In a profound gesture of love, you
exclaimed on the Cross: “I thirst!” He was thirsty for the salvation of mankind. O my Savior! I beg you
to inflame our hearts with the desire to direct us towards perfection, in all our works. Extinguish in us
carnal lust and the ardor of worldly appetites. Amen.

Eighth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, Sweetness of hearts and Delight of spirit! For the vinegar and the bitter gall that you have
tasted on the Cross, for the love of us, hear our prayers. Grant us the grace to worthily receive Your
Most Sacred Body and Most Precious Blood during our life, and also at the hour of death to serve as a
remedy and consolation for our souls. Amen.

Ninth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, Royal Virtue and Joy of soul! Remember the pain you have felt, immersed in an ocean of
bitterness, as death approached. Insulted and outraged by the Jews, you cried out loudly that you had
been abandoned by Your Heavenly Father, saying to him: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned

Because of this anguish, I beseech You, O my Savior, that You do not abandon me in the terrors and
pains of my death. Amen.

Tenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, Beginning and End of all things, You are Life and full Virtue! Remember that because of us
you were plunged into an abyss of sorrows, suffering pain from the soles of your Feet to the top of
your Head. In consideration of the enormity of Your Wounds, teach me to keep, out of pure love for
You, all Your Commandments; whose path of Your Divine Law is wide and pleasant for those who love
You. Amen.

Eleventh Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
Oh Jesus! Very deep abyss of Mercy! In memory of the Wounds that penetrated to the marrow of Your
Bones and Entrails, to attract me to You, I present this supplication. I, miserable sinner, deeply
immersed in my offenses, ask that you separate me from sin. Hide me from Your Face so justly
irritated against me. Hide me in the hollows of Your Wounds until Your anger and righteous indignation
have ceased. Amen.
Twelfth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, Mirror of Truth, Seal of Unity, and Bond of Charity! Remember the multitude of Wounds with
which you were wounded, from your Head to your Feet. Those Wounds were lacerated and reddened,
O sweet Jesus, by the effusion of Your adorable Blood. Oh, what great and full pain You have suffered
for love of us, in Your virginal Flesh! Sweet Jesus! What was there to do for us that you have not done?
Nothing is missing. You have accomplished everything! O kind and adorable Jesus! For the faithful
memory of Your Passion, may the meritorious Fruit of Your sufferings be renewed in my soul. And may
Your Love increase in my heart every day until I come to contemplate You in eternity. O Most Loving
Jesus! You are the Treasure of all true joy and happiness, which I ask You to grant me in Heaven.

Thirteenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, strong Lion, immortal and incensible King! Remember the immense pain that You have
suffered when, having exhausted all Your strength, both moral and physical, You bowed Your Head and
said: “It is all finished.”

Because of this anguish and pain, I beg you, Lord Jesus, to have mercy on me at the hour of my death
when my mind will be tremendously disturbed and my soul immersed in anguish. Amen.

Fourteenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, only Son of the Heavenly Father, splendor and likeness of His Essence! Remember the simple
and humble recommendation that You made of Your Soul, to Your Eternal Father, saying: “Father, into
Your Hands I entrust My Spirit!” Having torn Your Body, destroyed Your Heart, and opened the Entrails
of Your mercy to redeem us, You have expired. By Your Precious Death, I beseech You, O King of
saints, comfort me. Help me to resist the devil, the flesh and the world. So that, being dead to the
world, I may live only for You. And at the hour of my death, receive my pilgrim and banished soul that
returns to You. Amen.

Fifteenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus, true and fruitful Vine! Remember the abundant outpouring of Blood that You have so
generously shed from Your Sacred Body. Your precious Blood was spilled like the juice of the grape
under the winepress.

From Your Side pierced by a soldier, with the spear, Blood and water have flowed, until not a drop
remains on Your Body. Finally, like a bundle of myrrh, raised to the top of the Cross, Your very fine and
delicate Flesh was destroyed; the Substance of Your Body was withered; and dissected the marrow of
Your Bones.

For this bitter Passion, and for the outpouring of Your precious Blood, I beg You, O sweetest Jesus, to
receive my soul, when and when I am suffering in the agony of my death. Amen.

O Sweet Jesus! Wound my heart so that my tears of love and penance serve as bread for me, day and
night. Convert me entirely, O my Lord, to You. Make my heart Your perpetual habitation. And may my
conversation be pleasant. May the end of my life be of such a praiseworthy nature for You that after
my death I may deserve Your Paradise; and praise You forever in Heaven with all Your saints. Amen.

Promises to Those Who Sing “Ave Maris Stella”

During an uprising in Rome, a crowd came to the house where Saint Brigid was then staying.
Immediately, the head of the faction spoke violently of burning the saint alive. At that
moment, Saint Brigid turned to Our Lord, asking him if she should flee and take refuge in a
safer place. Jesus Christ advised her, saying that she should stay in that same place. Jesus
told him like this: “It doesn't matter what premeditated action they are preparing to
conspire against your life. My power will break the malice of your enemies. If My enemies
crucified Me, it is because I have allowed it.” Then, Our Blessed Mother added: “Gather
together as a group, and sing the Hymn, 'AVE MARIS STELLA'; and I will keep you from all
danger.” (This title means: “HAIL, STAR OF THE SEA”)
Ave Maris Stella Hail Starfish

Dei Mater alma, Atque

semper Virgo Felix coeli
Great Portal of heaven, You are always Virgin Mother of the Lord.
Pronouncing the Bird The mouth of Gabriel, Changes Eve's name, And
Summens illud Ave Gabrielis
founded us in peace.
ore, Funda nos in pace,
Mutans Evae nomen.

Solve vincla reis, Profer Release the captives.

lumen caecis, Mala nostra Enlighten the blind.
pelle, Bona cuncta posce. Say goodbye to our evils.
Monstra te esse Matrem, Give us full joy.
Sumat per te preces, Qui Show yourself to be a Mother, and offer our prayers to the Incarnate
pro nobis natus Word,
Tulit esse tuus. In your Virginal Breast.
Virgo singularis, Inter Chosen Virgin, Most
omnes mitis, Nos culpis benign Mother,
solutos Mites fac et Preserve us without
castos. guilt, Vituous and
Vitam praestapuram, peaceful. We ask for
Iter para tutum; pure life. The road
Ut seers Jesum, ensures.
Semper collaetemur. And see Jesus Christ,
Sit laus Deo Patri, In everlasting joy.
Summo Christo decus, Glory to God the
Spititui Sancto, Tribus Father; Glory to God
honor unus. the Son;
Amen. And to the Holy Spirit,
TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN God, One-and-Triune.
O my Lady, O my Mother, I offer myself entirely to You. And in proof of my filial affection, I consecrate
to you on this day my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart, in a word, my entire being. Since I am all
Yours, O Mother of goodness, keep and defend me as Your thing and possession. Amen. “500 days of
Ancient Prayer to Saint Joseph, More Than 1900 Years

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so powerful and effective before the throne of God, into
your hands I surrender all my interests and my desires. O Saint Joseph, assist me with your powerful
intercession. Obtain for me, from your Divine Son, Our Lord, all the spiritual blessings I need. So that,
having obtained, here on earth, the help of your heavenly power, I can offer my gratitude and homage
to the Most Loving Father. O Saint Joseph, I will never tire of contemplating you with the sleeping Child
Jesus in your arms. I dare not approach while the Child rests on your heart. Hold him tightly in my
name; and on my behalf, kiss her fine and delicate little head. Then, beg him to return that kiss to me
at the time of my last breath. Saint Joseph, patron of the dying, pray for us. Amen.

Pray it for nine consecutive mornings for what you want. Jamaz has rarely failed.

This prayer was discovered in the fiftieth year of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the 16th century, or in the
years 1500 AD, etc., the Pope sent this Prayer to the Emperor Charles. The emperor received this
prayer as he prepared to engage in battle.

Those who read this prayer will be rewarded. Likewise, rewards will be given to those who listened to it
when it was read or if they carried it on their person. All of these souls are promised that they will not
die suddenly; nor will they drown; nor will they be affected by the poison. They will not fall into the
hands of their enemies; nor will they be consumed in any fire; not even defeated in battle.

Make efforts to make this prayer known, and spread it everywhere.

Reverend. Jorge W Ahr
Bishop of Trenton
Glory to Jesus and Mary

The following is a letter written by the Blessed Virgin Mary, to greet the inhabitants of the City of
Messina. That is where the Apostle Saint Paul preached the Gospel. This letter was preserved in the
reliquary of the main altar, and reads as follows:

“I, Virgin Mary, Servant of God, Our Lord, and most humble Mother of Jesus Christ, Son of Almighty
and Eternal God, greet all those who live in Messina. I wish you all health and blessing in Our Lord. You
have already learned something from the ambassadors who have been sent to you, and you have
received the Gospel, recognizing that the Son of God became Man, and that He suffered His Passion
and death for the salvation of the world. You have also learned that He is the Christ and the true
Messiah. Make efforts to persevere, I beg you. And in the meantime, I promise you and all your
posterity, My assistance in the presence of My Son.”

“Mary, Virgin, most humble Servant of God”

(Great graces are granted to those who carry a copy of this letter.)

Prayer for Daily Negligences

Eternal Father, I offer You the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all His LOVE, all His SUFFERINGS, and all His

First – To atone for all the sins I have committed this day and throughout my life. Glory to the Father,
and to the Son…!

Second – To purify the good that I have done wrong this day and throughout my life. Glory to the
Father, and to the Son…!

Third – To supilr for the good that I should have done and that I have omitted this day, and throughout
my life. Glory to the Father, and to the Son…!

A recently dead Poor Clare nun appeared to her abbess or Mother Superior, while the abbess prayed for
the soul of the deceased. At that moment, the deceased spoke, saying: “I was admitted directly to
Heaven because, through this prayer that I prayed every night, all my debts were paid.”

(This prayer is NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE Confession.)

The Golden Hail Mary

Hail Mary, white lily of the glorious and ever-serene Trinity.

Hail brilliant Rose from the garden of heavenly delights: O You, from whom God wanted to be born in
this world, and from whose milk the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished! Feed our souls with the
outpourings of Divine Grace. Amen!

“To the souls who have greeted me with this prayer in life, I will appear with great radiance at the hour
of death. Furthermore, when the soul separates from the body, I will manifest myself with such
splendid beauty that the soul will feel great comfort. In that moment, you will experience something
similar to the delights of Paradise.”

Words of the Blessed Virgin Maria to Santa Gertrude to the Elderly.

(Of Revelations, Volume III, Chapter XVIII)
(The Mystical Stamp)

This little image of Our Lady was drawn by a mystic in Italy. The same Sma. Virgin deigned to guide
the hand of the mystic.

Every day a special blessing is granted to the person who carries this little card. Another blessing is
obtained every time the image is contemplated with love.


These prayers are very useful for the dying. They should be repeated frequently as an act of
supplication to God's mercy.

Many centuries ago, there lived a pope in Rome who had committed many mistakes, and he felt
overwhelmed by his guilt. On one occasion, it happened that God Our Lord allowed this pope to fall
seriously ill without remedy. When the patient felt that the terrible hour of death was approaching, he
sent for all the cardinals, bishops, and other well-educated people. Then, the dying pope spoke to them
like this: “My dear friends! What comfort can you give me now that I am going to die; and it seems
that I deserve eternal damnation for my many sins?” For a few moments, no one dared to answer this
question. Then one of those present, named John, replied to him, saying: “Father, why do you doubt
the mercy of God?” And the dying man answered him, saying: “What comfort can you give me at this
hour when I am about to die, and I fear being condemned for my sins?” And Juan answered him like
this: “I am going to read THREE PRAYERS for your benefit; I hope to God that this reading gives you
some comfort. I also hope that by this means, your soul will obtain the mercy of God.” The dying pope
could no longer speak. Then, Priest Juan knelt with everyone present and prayed the OUR FATHER,
adding the following prayers:

1st. Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ! Being the Son of God and also the Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you are God and
Man. Overwhelmed with great fear you have sweated Blood in the Garden of Olives, to give us peace.
We also know that you offered all Your sufferings to God, Your Heavenly Father, for us, and for the
salvation of this poor dying man... However, if because of his sins he deserves to be punished with
eternal damnation, We beg You to forgive all his sins . O Eternal Father, we ask this through Jesus
Christ Our Lord, Your very beloved Son, who lives and reigns with You and with the Holy Spirit now and
always. Amen.
2nd. Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ! Humbly dying on the Cross for us, you submitted Your Will completely to the Will of
Your Heavenly Father, to bring us peace. You have also offered Your holy death to the Eternal Father as
a ransom for…(this person)…and to hide from his sight the punishment deserved for his sins. O Eternal
Father! Listen to us and forgive him, we beg you. We ask this through Your only Son, Our Lord Jesus
Christ, who lives and reigns now and always with You, in unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever.
3rd. Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ! After having remained silent, you spoke through the mouths of the prophets, saying:
“I have drawn you to Me, through Eternal Love.” This same Love has brought you from Heaven to the
Virginal Bosom of the Most Holy Mary. Afterwards, you have come to this valley of tears, to the
destitute world. This same Love, my Jesus, detained You in this terrestrial world for 33 years.
Furthermore, to signify this tremendous Love, you have given Your Most Sacred Body as a true
delicacy, and Your Most Precious Blood as a true drink. Even, as if all this were not enough, my good
Jesus, You gave us other signs of Your great Love. That is to say, you have allowed yourselves to be
caught and taken prisoner. During Your sacred Passion You were dragged from court to court, and from
one judge to another. Furthermore, You have submitted Yourselves to be condemned to death, to die
on the Cross, and to be buried. You have done all this to demonstrate Your deep Love to us. Having
risen on the third day, you appeared to Your Most Holy Mother, and to all the holy apostles. Then,
manifesting Your immense Love, O sweet Savior, you have ascended to Heaven by virtue of Your
Heavenly Father, the Eternal God. Next, O Jesus, by demonstrating Your infinite Love, You have sent
the Holy Spirit to enkindle the hearts of the apostles; and of all those who believe and hope in You.
Through these signs of eternal Love, we confidently hope to obtain all kinds of grace from Your
goodness. O good Jesus, open Heaven today to this poor dying man... Forgive all his sins and take him
to the Kingdom of Your Heavenly Father to enjoy happily with You, now and always. Amen.

Meanwhile, the dying pope died. But the priest persevered praying these prayers until the third hour.
Suddenly, the soul of the deceased pope appeared in bodily form, before the eyes of the priest who
was still praying. The face of the apparition shone like the sun, and its clothing was as clean and white
as snow. Then, looking at the priest, the apparition uttered the following consoling words: “My dear
brother! Although I should have been a lost son and destined for damnation, now I am a happy son,
filled with joy and happiness. While you were praying the first prayer, many of my sins were erased
from my soul. They fell like raindrops falling from Heaven. Likewise, while you were praying the second
prayer, I was purified just as the silversmith purifies gold in a burning fire. The purification of my soul
continued while you prayed the third prayer. Then I saw how Heaven opened, and I could see Jesus
Christ, Our Lord, at the right hand of God the Father. At that moment, Our Good Jesus spoke to me,
saying: Come! All your sins are already forgiven. Enter and remain in the Kingdom of My Heavenly
Father forever. Amen!'

“With these words, my soul was separated from my body, and the angels of God led me to eternal

Hearing these words, the priest exclaimed: “O Holy Father! I won't be able to tell these things, because
no one will believe me! Immediately, the deceased answered him in this way: “Truly I tell you that the
Angel of God remains at my side and has written these prayers in GOLDEN LETTERS, for the
consolation of sinners. If it were possible for a person to commit all the sins in the world, there would
be hope for his soul under the following condition. That is, if these three prayers are prayed at his side
at the hour of death, and if the sinner feels true pain for his sins, all his sins will be forgiven.

And if he were destined to suffer for his faults until the day of the last judgment dawns, he would be
completely redeemed and freed from all those penalties. (The Sacraments should not be omitted.) “The
person who hears the reading of these three prayers will not die unhappily. The person in whose house
these three prayers are prayed will also be awarded. Therefore, take them to St. Peter's Basilica and
place them in the chapel named, THE AUSUNTION OF THE HOLY MARY. With this act consolation is
ensured. If someone is close to death, and if he hears or reads these three prayers, he will receive the
same wonderful grace as well. If the sick person can no longer read the prayers, let him listen to them.
In this way you will gain 400 days of indulgence. This indulgence or remission will compensate for the
days of suffering in Purgatory, due to guilt. Furthermore, it must be known that another very unique
grace will be added for those who read or hear the three prayers. The time of their death will be
revealed to these souls in advance. Amen!"


O my God, I am sorry with all my heart for having offended you; that for my sins I have deserved the
eternal punishments of hell. Above all, because I have offended You, my God, You are extremely good,
and You deserve all my love. I firmly propose with the help of Your grace, to confess my sins, do
penance, avoid the next occasion of sin, and amend my life. Amen.

Suggestions on Prayer

Your prayer is extremely powerful and effective during the Consecration of the Holy Mass. (That is,
when the priest raises the Holy Host and the Chalice.)

Also, every time we look up to contemplate the Blessed Sacrament, our place in Heaven is elevated a
little higher forever. (Revelation of Our Lord to Saint Gertrudes the Greater).

Prayer to Obtain the Grace of All Masses in the World

Eternal Father, we humbly offer you our poor presence, and that of all Humanity, from the beginning to
the end of the world. We wish to attend ALL the Masses that have already been celebrated in the world,
and all those that will be celebrated in the future. We offer you all the sorrows, sufferings, prayers, joys
and hours of rest in our lives. We offer everything in union with these same actions of Our sweet Jesus,
during his stay here on earth. We hope that all the most precious Blood of Christ, all His Wounds, and
all His agony will save us. We offer you this request through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of
Mary. Amen.

(Pray this prayer every day, and spread it everywhere.)

Dear Saint Philomena, pray for us. Obtain for us great purity of mind and heart. This purity will lead us
to the perfect Love of God.

We must constantly seek God; and the more one looks for it, the more one finds it. He who seeks God
always finds him. (Maimonides)

Thanks Obtained for Attending Holy Mass

1. The Mass is the continuation of Calvary.

2. Each Mass is worth as much as the life, sufferings and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, offered in
3. The Holy Mass is the most powerful act of reparation to atone for sins.
4. At the hour of death, the greatest consolation of the soul will consist of the Masses heard in life.
5. Each Mass well heard will accompany us to the Divine Court, begging for forgiveness.
6. In the Holy Mass, depending on the fervor with which one attends, the temporal punishment due
for sins can be reduced to a greater or lesser degree.
7. By devoutly attending the Holy Mass, the greatest tribute is paid to the Holy
Humanity of Our Lord.
8. In the Holy Mass, Our Lord Jesus Christ offers atonement and reparation for many
our omissions and negligence.
9. In the Holy Mass, Jesus Christ forgives venial sins that have not yet been confessed. Furthermore,
Satan's power over the soul is diminished.
10. By attending Holy Mass, the souls in Purgatory are provided with the greatest relief possible.
11. A Mass well heard during life will be of more benefit to the soul than many that were offered for
its repose after death.
12. By attending Mass, the soul is preserved from dangers, misfortunes and calamities that would
otherwise have occurred. Additionally, the duration of your Purgatory is shortened or reduced.
13. Each Mass heard well obtains for the soul a higher degree of glory in Heaven.
14. At Mass you receive the blessing of the priest that Our Lord ratifies in Heaven.
15. At Mass he kneels among a multitude of holy angels, who are present in an attitude of profound
reverence, during the adorable sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist.
16. In the Holy Mass blessings are received for all temporal goods and enterprises.

In Eternity, we will fully realize the great value of having attended Holy Mass daily.

Saint Bonaventure has said: “He who despises the Blessed Virgin will die in his sins and will be


Every time we receive Holy Communion, we are forgiven for venial sins.

To Saint Gertrude the Elder, Jesus Christ has revealed: “Every time a soul receives Holy Communion,
something beautiful happens to every soul in Heaven, on Earth, and in Purgatory.”

The Curé of Ars said: “A single well-received Communion is worth more than the sum of 20,000 NFF
that would be distributed to the poor.

Each time we receive Holy Communion, our place in Heaven is forever elevated, and our stay in
Purgatory is shortened.


Spiritual Communion
The value of a well-done spiritual communion is enormous. We can and should make spiritual
communion frequently. This act is very simple. It is done simply by thinking of Jesus, of His great Love
for us, and of our Love towards Him. Then, ask the Blessed Virgin to implore her Divine Son to come
into our hearts. These spiritual communions may be offered in the interests of the Sorrowful and
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our special intention is also added!

Our Lord has told us that after receiving Holy Communion, we must repeat the following ejaculation:
“Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may the whole world love You with ardent Love!” (NS Revelation to
Gabrielle Bossis in France).
A True Letter from Jesus Christ, Our Savior.

This is a copy of the letter containing the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was discovered in the Holy
Sepulcher of the Divine Savior in Jerusalem. The letter was preserved by the Supreme Pontiff in a small
silver box. Later, the emperors and empresses of the Christian faith also preserved it.

Saint Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with Saint Matilda and Saint Brigid, had the same great desire to
know something concerning the Passion of Jesus Christ. To this end, they prayed fervently, offering
special prayers. After a certain time, Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to them, speaking to them in the
following way:

“I have come down from Heaven to Earth to convert you.”

“In the past, people were more religious and their harvest was also more abundant. On the contrary,
currently, the harvest is more limited.

“If you want to enjoy an abundant harvest, you should not work on Sundays. On Sundays you must go
to Church and beg God to forgive your sins. He has given you six days to work and one day to rest;
apply yourself to devotion; help the poor and attend to the functions of the Church.

“Those people who mock My religion and despise this letter of Mine will be abandoned by Me.

“On the contrary, those who carry a copy of this letter on their person will not drown; nor will they die
suddenly. They will be free from all contagious diseases and will not be harmed by lightning and will
not die without the Sacrament of Penance or Confession. They will be delivered from their enemies,
and from unjust authority. They will also be free from all those who are their slanderers and from false

“Women who are in danger during childbirth will immediately overcome every difficulty if they carry on
their person a faithful copy of this prayer. Furthermore, forty days before dying, the Blessed Virgin will
appear to the person who carries this prayer.” This is what Saint Gregory tells us.

Jesus Christ promises: “All the faithful who recite two Our Fathers, two Hail Marys, and two times Glory
to the Father, etc. every day for three years in a row, in honor of the Drops of Blood that I have shed,
you will achieve the following five (5) graces:

1s Plenary indulgence and remission of your sins.

2nd They will be freed from the penalties of Purgatory.
3rd If they die before reaching three (3) years, it will be the same as if they had
4th At the hour of death, it will be for you the same as if you had poured out all
your blood for the holy faith.”
5th Coming down from Heaven, I will come to take your souls with me. I will also carry the souls
of your relatives, to the fourth generation with me.

“It is worth knowing that the armed soldiers who accompanied me to Calvary were one hundred and
fifty (150). Those who followed me when I was tied were 23. The executors of justice were 83. There
were one hundred and fifty (150) blows to the head; blows to the stomach, one hundred and eight,
(108); kicks to the shoulders, eighty (80). Twenty-four (24) times they dragged me and tied my hair
with ropes. They spat in my face one hundred and eighty (180) times; and They hit my Body (110). At
twelve at night I was rudely pushed. Immediately they picked me up by my hair and pricked me with
thorns. They pulled my hair twenty-three (23) times. I received twenty (20) injuries to the Head; Then,
They pricked Me seventy-two (72) times with thorn bushes. I received one hundred and ten (110)
thorn stings on my head; and three fatal wounds to the forehead. Afterwards, They whipped Me, and I
was dressed as 'King of Mock'. I received one thousand (1,000) Sores on My Body. The soldiers who
followed me to Calvary were six hundred and eight (608); and those who watched me until the end
were three (3). Those who mocked Me were one thousand and eight (1,008) people. The drops of
Blood shed during My Passion were in total twenty-eight thousand, four hundred and thirty (28,430).”

Benedetta DA SS; Pope Leo XIII, in Rome April 5, 1890.


O merciful Child Jesus! I know Your miraculous works in favor of the sick... Therefore, in view of the
innumerable graces and cures that You have... granted to those who venerate Your holy Childhood, I
turn to You. Particularly I make this supplication through the devotion represented by the statue of the
Holy Child of Prague...Behold, I come supplicant and with full confidence I exclaim: O Loving Child
Jesus, it is Your Will, You can heal me! Raise Your holy Little Hand, and with Your great power, free me
from all pain and all illness.


Devotion to the Child Jesus is as old as Christianity itself. This devotion always tends to keep vividly in
us the memory of the great mystery of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The special devotion to the Divine Child had its origin in a monastery of Carmelite religious, in the city
of Prague, in Bohemia. This case happened at the beginning of the 17th century. On the occasion of
her marriage, Princess Polyxenia of Lobkowitz received from her mother a statue of the Divine Child.
The land of Spain had been the origin of the statue. After the death of her husband, the princess
dedicated herself to charity work. In particular, the religious of the Carmelite Order in Prague received
generous assistance from this princess. In 1628, when war broke out in Prague, the monastery of the
monks was reduced to the extreme of poverty. In those days, Princess Polyxenia presented herself to
the door of the monastery with his statue, saying:

This offer from the princess was placed in the convent oratory, and the princess's words turned out to
be prophetic. Because, while the religious maintained their devotion to the Divine Infant of Prague,
they enjoyed prosperity. Later, in the confusion of the war, they had to flee the city and were unable to
take this miraculous statue with them. Meanwhile, the invaders arrived at the monastery, and threw
the miraculous statue into a pile of rubble. In the year 1635, everything calmed down, and there was
calm again. The Carmelites also returned to their convent in the city of Prague. One of the monks
named Father Cyril had received great spiritual help through his devotion to the Holy Child of Prague.
Now that they had returned, Father Cyril very diligently began to search for the miraculous statue. At
the end of a certain time, the father found her among the rubble where the invaders had thrown her.
Ecstatic with joy, Father Cyril placed the Holy Child back in his own place, in the oratory. One day,
while the father was praying devoutly, before the miraculous statue, he heard a voice that said to him:

Astonished to hear these words, Father Cyril examined the statue carefully. Removing the mantle that
covered the Divine Child, the father discovered that both Little Hands were broken. Shortly thereafter,
the statue's Little Hands were restored by a devotee of the Santo Niño. From that moment on,
everyone happily enjoyed peace and prosperity.

Devotion to the Divine Child has always been practiced by the religious of the Carmelite Order.
Because, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Mother, the Divine Child Jesus came into the world.
Saint Teresa of Jesus practiced a very particular devotion to the Divine Child. The Little Teresita, called
the “Little Flower of Jesus,” did the same. Therese venerated the Child Jesus with great fervor.

My offer of the day

OH! Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, work, joys and sufferings of
this day, in union with the Holy Sacrifice in the Mass that is celebrated in the world. I offer them for all
the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, the union of all
Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops, and of the apostolate of prayer and
particularly for those recommended for this month by the Holy Father.
Angel of God, My
dear Guardian,
Under whose
guardianship the
Lord placed
Daily Me- to the Guardian Angel
Enlighten me,
Guard me,
Rule and guide
me, On this day.
“Upon rising daily, one prays 7 times Glory to the Father, etc., in honor of the Guardian Angel.”

Prayer Before a Crucifix

Look at me, O my beloved and good Jesus, prostrate in Your most holy presence, I beg You with the
greatest fervor to impress in my heart living feelings of faith, hope and charity; true pain for my sins,
and a very firm intention to make amends; while I, with all the love and all the compassion of my soul,
am considering Your five Wounds; keeping in mind what the holy prophet David said about You: “They
have pierced My Hands and My Feet, and My Bones can be counted” (Psalm 21:17-18).

Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory to the Father, etc. for the intentions of the Holy Father.

Plenary indulgence when praying after Holy Communion. (S. Paen. Ap. Feb. 2, 1934).

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, intoxicate me.
Water from the Side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, comfort me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Your Wounds, hide me.
Do not allow me to separate from You.
From the evil enemy, defend me.
At the hour of my death, call me.
And command me to come to You.
So that with Your Saints I may praise You.
Forever and ever. Amen.
Indulgence of 300 days each time. Indul of 7 years if prayed after holy communion - Saint
Ignatius of Loyola.
You can pray on the beads of the Holy Rosary.
On the large beads it says: Eternal Father, I offer You the WOUNDS of Our Lord Jesus Christ – To heal
the wounds of our souls.

(300 days of indulgence, each time.)

On the small beads it says: My Jesus, forgiveness and mercy – For the merits of Your HOLY WOUNDS.

(300 days of indulgence, each time.)

The Sacred Penitentiary, January 15, 1924.

Our Lord taught these two invocations to the nun, Sister María Marta Chambon. She died in the
convent of the Visitation in Chambery, France, on March 21, 1907. Sister Maria Martha
received a "double Mission" of Our Mister.
He was ordered to invoke the HOLY WOUNDS constantly, and to revive this devotion throughout the
world. Promises of Our Lord To Sister María Marta.

“I will grant everything that is asked of Me through this invocation to My HOLY WOUNDS. Propagate
this devotion.”


O Divine Eternal Father, in union with Your Divine Son, and the Holy Spirit, and through the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg You to destroy the power of Your worst enemies: evil spirits.

Throw them into the deepest caverns of hell and chain them there forever! Take possession of Your
Kingdom; for it has been created by You Yourself, and very justly belongs to You.

Heavenly Father, grant us the reigning dominion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate
Heart of Mary.

With every beat of my heart and with every breath, I repeat this prayer out of pure Love for You.

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