Andean Chess

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Armando Estevez

Jair Lopez
Juan Sebastian Obando
General objective
• Yes, general objective: to relate topological aspects in the game of fox and chickens, in order to
internalize the game and generate new propositions to mathematically formalize its style of play,
in addition to being a small introduction for future research.
Specific objectives
• Generate new propositions for future research.
• Animate the gameplay in an animation to give viewers a better view of the gameplay

• In order to attract the general public to the world of mathematics, we think that something typical of our
culture, provides the viewer with a certain curiosity and much more if it is related to diverse and complex
topics, with the sole purpose of awakening the curiosity of the younger population and provide new tools
for future research.
Charming streets • Using a graphic diagram of the neighborhood, we will imagine a
• Urbanism studies the structure and planning of starting point A and an arrival point B. We consider that each
cities; Within urban planning it is necessary to block of houses measures one unit.
consider order and rationality. What is the distance between point A and point B?
• Focusing on the structure of the El Ensanche
neighborhood designed by Ildefonso Cerda,
we will give an introductory example.

• We usually think of a right triangle, where applying the

Pythagorean Theorem we obtain:
V 42 + 22 = 20 = 4.47 units
• Knowing that the previous distance is misleading,
we can obtain several trajectories in order to find
the fastest one.
• According to the scheme there can only be 15
possibilities with routes of 6 units. Possible paths:
• The expression that provides us with the number of possible
paths considers, n movements upwards, m movements to
the same side (permutations with
repetition) is:
(n + m)!

• For this example we obtain the following:

■ (4+2)!
PR4,2 = A, = — =15 possible paths.
1 ■ The ■
Taxi-Distance or Minkowski Distance
• The Euclidean distance is derived from the
of Pythagoras, and establishes the distance
two points , P = (x1y), Q = (X2,Y2) is ,

d(P, 0) = /(x2-x,)2+(2-y)2

Minkowski distance
• The minimum distance that measures the
actual displacement is defined as:

Any distance between two points (P and Q)

must meet the following conditions: 1.
dQP,^>0 • According to the previous example, the
2. dQP,^ = 0 ^P = Q Minkowsky distance is:
3. d(P,^ = d(Q > P)
4. d(P,^<d{P,^ + d{R l ^ d T {A,^) = 10 — 21 + 15 — 11 =6 units
How does the fox hunt?
The fox in the game houses diagonally or laterally when
There is a space that the fox can reach.
Let X be the set of squares on a cross board.
We name Xi with i=1,…,5 to the set of cells in a subboard.
The fox describes its movement at the usual distance;
d(x, y) = |x - y|, x: start of movement, y: end of movement

The ball that is created is

Bz(a,1)={x EX; d(x,a)<1}
Relationship between lady and fox according to their movement
The queen being from chess describes a move in the usual distance.
The ball that is created is
a: center of the ball
x: box number {1,…,8}
r: steps taken {1,…,8}
With which the fox describes the same movement in the usual distance, only changing
the ball that is generated.


Minkowsky's Fox-Chicken Problem
Indications: Propositions:
• Let it be a 3x3 matrix where: • A X1 : start and exit points have capture and do not
0 is an empty position, remain in the matrix .
1 It's a filled position. • A X2 : two perpendicular paths have 3 captures and
• With this we can obtain the determinant equal to do not remain in the matrix .
1 according to the position.

• Prove for k=3 and complying with the proposed axioms
• ------, starting point entry with exit. then its determinant is equal to 1.
• ------, starting point entry with no exit.
• , road 2 (dead end).
• , path 1 (with entrance and exit).
• For k=4 and k=5 whether it works or not. From
K=5 onwards its determinant is 0 and no more
than 3 can be captured.
Case K=2 .
Vk = v2 = (_2 = 72 positions
k 2_ —9 = 36
a — positio
s V =9 -n —9 ns
! 21*(92)!
e k positi
K = ons 2 positions
= V Rotation
1 9 -
= 1
4 positions

4 positions
Both the red and blue
3!*(9-3) C Axi (X)
paths have an exit.
a 9 A X2 : (X)
s V !
= 504
e k position
Both the red road has
= ( s = 84
= K positio A xl : (^) two exits.
V 9
3 9 - ns A X2 : (X)
. Ax: (V)
= 3
A, : (V) • The entrances have
no exit.
t !
A xl : (X) • The red path
h Ag:() captures 2.
e ^ x2 : (X)
A,: (X), red path
There are two
Aga: (X) entrances with exit.
Ag1:(V) Ax2: (V),
Ax2 : (X)
Ax: (X) A2: (x),
Ax: (X), red path (4)
• AB with m = 5 and n = 5 we have (5 (5 + ^)\
Like,i =this
M,----=- = 252 Peculiarities of the fox on the board
5! * 5!
for: • All possible taxi distances in the set X of squares on
k(k =
= 45 k the board can be formed with x > 4 , and the
k = 6 • where to determinant equal to 0 Euclidean distance k > 2.
k=7 k
• It is estimated that
they are: k
92 cases
• No cases have been ruled out for analysis;
Generalizing, it is very possible that for k=5
onwards, the value of its determinant is 0.
• So: Possible paths:
C = 50, to analyze.
p R n,m = (n+m)
V = 202 n!*m! '

Eade, J., & Ediciones, P. S. TO. (2012). Chess for Dummies. For Dummies.

2. Lorente, F. c. (s. F.). The second topology is not that difficult (3. to ed., Vol. 1).

3. GARDNER, M. (1999). Chess Queens and Maximum Unattacked Cells. Mathematical

Association of America, 7(2), 12-16.

4. Joan Gómez (2010) When surfaces become curved “Non-Euclidean geometries”. Chapter
1: A taxi ride.

5. The fox and the chickens game. (2015, June 30). Barbel Art.

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