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Application software is software that

makes the computer cooperate with
the user in carrying out typically
human tasks, such as managing
accounting or writing a text.


* The difference between application programs and system programs is that system
programs help the user to interact with the computer and make more use of it,
while application programs are programs that cooperate with the user to carry out
of the aforementioned activities.
* Application programmers, unlike system programmers, do not need to know in-
depth how the hardware works internally.
* It is enough for them to know the information needs of their applications and how to
use the operating system to satisfy these needs.

Its programs must be independent of the specific hardware used and must be transported
without major adaptation problems to other computers and other operating

Within the application programs, a distinction may be useful between vertical

applications, with a specific purpose for a very limited type of users (doctors, lawyers,
architects...), and horizontal applications, useful for a very wide range of users of any type.

Application software has been written in order to perform almost any task imaginable.
There are literally thousands of these programs to be applied to different tasks, from
word processing to how to select a college.

Application software categories:

* Business applications - The most common applications are word processors,

spreadsheet software and database systems. That is, all the programs that are used
to manage the finances of a business.
* Utilities - Utilities, which make up the second category of software applications,
help you manage and maintain your computer.
* Personal applications.- These programs allow you to keep an address book and
appointment calendar, do banking without having to leave your home, send email
to any part of the world and also connect to computer services that offer large
databases. of valuable information .
* Entertainment applications.- Gallery video games, flight simulators, interactive
mystery games and difficult-to-solve puzzles. Many educational programs can be
considered entertainment software. These programs can be excellent tools for
* Productivity applications: This type of software (word processor, spreadsheet,
etc.) serves to facilitate many “office” type tasks. For example, the word processor
makes it easier to prepare jobs or reports.
* Education or reference applications: Education software is software that, as its
name says, is used for education or learning. This includes electronic
encyclopedias, interactive programs to learn mathematics, physics, anatomy, etc.,
programs that help you learn the use of a particular type of software, etc.


• Quality control departments

• Research on the usefulness of the product.
• Some very capable and experienced programmers.
• (For the enterprise) Proprietary software designed for very specific applications that
does not exist anywhere other than with the company that produces it .

• How proprietary software works is a secret jealously guarded by the company that
produces it.
• Technical support is insufficient
• If someone has an innovative idea regarding a proprietary application, they have to
choose between selling the idea to the company that owns the application or writing their
own version of an equivalent application from scratch.


More and more developers are making software that runs on the Web. This implies great
benefits for users and at the same time great challenges for IT professionals.

Examples of application software

Text processors. (Memo pad).

* Spreadsheets. (MS Excel).
* Editors. (PhotoShop for Graphic Design).
* Database management systems. (MySQL).
* Communications programs. (MSN Messenger).
* Integrated packages. (Office automation: Word, Excel, PowerPoint...).
- Computer-aided design programs. (AutoCAD)

Among the most used and well-known we have:

Word Processors: They are used to write letters, memos and other documents. The user
types a series of letters or paragraphs, and they are displayed on the screen. The user can
easily add, erase and change text until the document is exactly as desired. Some advanced
features that we currently find in word processors are: spell checker, thesaurus, preview
of the text before printing. Examples of word processors: Word, Write.

Spreadsheets. A Spreadsheet is a tool for calculating and evaluating numbers. It also

offers capabilities to create reports and presentations to communicate what the analyzes

The user enters the data and the formulas that will be used to obtain the results; Then the
program applies the formulas to the data and thus obtains the results; One of its most
important features is the ability to ask (Conditional) "what if" "WHAT WOULD HAPPEN
IF?", changing the data and quickly recalculating the new results.

Most Spreadsheets also have the possibility of graphing these results in different graph
styles (Bars, Lines, Pie, etc.). Examples of Spreadsheets: Excel, Calc

* VERGARA Kervin, Application Software: Definition, concept and examples, [online]

see at:
application.php [Consultation date: 2010-11-15]
* JARAMILLO P., OJEDA K., MEDINA P., ROJAS E., Application Software, [online]
see at: /software-de-
aplicacion-presentation [Date of query: 2010-11-15]
* DEL CORSO Tomas, Types of application software, [online] see at: [Date of
consultation: 2010-11-15]

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