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S/2020/6313 [1] Total Pages : 2

Sixth Semester
Cement Technology
Scheme July 2008
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : i) Attempt total six questions. Question No. 1 (Objective type) is compulsory. From the remaining questions
attempt any five.
Hw$b N>… àíZ hb H$s{OE & àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 1 (dñVw{Zð> àH$ma H$m) A{Zdm¶© h¡ & eof àíZm| ‘| go {H$Ýht nm±M H$mo
hb H$s{OE &
ii) In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xoh AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$ àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &
1. Choose the correct answer. 2 each
ghr CÎma H$m M¶Z H$s{OE&
i) Follow-up is one of the function of production planning and control department. its concerned with
(a) Routing (b) Loading
(c) Evaluating (d) Expediting
>CËnmXZ H$m¶©-¶moOZm Ed§ {Z¶§ÌU {d^mJ H$m H$m¶© AZwd©VZ H$aZm h¡& BgH$m g§~ÝY {H$g {H«$¶m go h¡?
(A) ‘mJ© {ZYm©aU (~) H$m¶©^ma {dVaU
(g) ‘yë¶m§H$Z (X) J{VerbVm bmZm
ii) Mental condition of a worker is an Indicator of:
(a) Moral (b) Motivation
(c) Frustration (d) Fatigue
H$‘©Mmar H$s ‘mZ{gH$ Xem H$m gyMH$ h¡&
(A) ‘Zmo~b (~) A{^àoaZm
(g) A§gVmof (X) WH$mdQ>
iii) Line organisation is more suitable for
(a) Mass production (b) Small scale Industry
(c) Co-operative store (d) Manufacture of variety of product
aoIr¶ g§JR>Z Cn¶moJr hmoVm h¡&
(a) A{YH$ CËnmXZ ‘o§ (b) N>moQ>o CÚmoJ ‘|
(c) ghH$mar ^ÊS>ma ‘o§ (d) H$B© CËnmX Ho$ CËnmXZ ‘oo§
iv) Selection of process for production is a part of which function of management?
(a) Planning (b) Organising
(c) Directing (d) Implementing
CËnmXZ à{H«$¶mAmo§ H$m M¶Z H$aZm à~§YZ Ho$ H$m¡Z go H$m¶© ‘§o AmVm h¡&
(A) ¶moOZm ~ZmZm (~) g§JR>Z H$m T>m±Mm V¡¶ma H$aZm
(g) {ZX©o{eV H$aZm (X) g§ñW{nV H$aZm
v) In PERT analysis the curve that gives fairly good result from distribution is known as
(a) Normal distribution (b) Beta distribution
(c) Gamma distribution (d) Bernoulli’s distribution
nQ>© {díbofU dH«$ ‘o§ g~go AÀN>m n[aUm‘ {H$g {dVaU go àmá hmoVm h¡&
(A) gm‘mݶ {dVaZ (~) ~rQ>m {dVaU
(g) Jm‘m {dVaU (X) ~Zm}br {dVaU
S/2020/6313 P.T.O.

2. a) What is a management, write the principle of management? 9

à~§YZ ³¶m h¡? VWm à~§YZ Ho$ {gÕm§V {b{IE&
b) What is a plant layout, and also write factor effecting plant layout? 9
ßbm§Q> boAmCQ> ³¶m h¡ VWm BgH$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$ H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z go h¡?
3. a) Compare different type’s of production system. 9
{d{^Þ àH$ma H$s CËnmXZ àUm{b¶mo| H$s VwbZm H$s{OE&
b) Draw a schematic diagram line organisation. 9
aoIm g§JR>Z H$m AmaoI ~ZmB¶o Am¡a CgHo$ bm^ hm{Z {b{IE&
4. a) State the element of system analysis and also write qualities of good supervisor. 9
àUmbr qMVZ Ho$ {d{^Þ Ad¶d ~VmBE Am¡a AÀN>o gwnadmBOa Ho$ JwUm§o H$mo ~VmBE&
b) Explain in brief about gantt chart and why are need of inventory control. 9
J¡ÊQ> MmQ>© Ho$ ~mao ‘| g§jon ‘o§ ~VmBE Am¡a BÝd|Q>ar {Z¶§ÌZ H$s Oê$aV ³¶m§o h¡ ~VmBE&
5 a) State different inventory control techniques and explain in detail Wilson model and Two Bin model. 9
g§J«h {Z¶§ÌZ H$s {d{^Þ VH$ZrHo$ {b{IE Ed§ {dñVma go {dëgZ ‘m°S>b Am¡a Qy>-{~Z ‘m°S>b H$m {ddaZ {b{IE&
b) Compare different type’s of production system. 9
{d{^Þ àH$ma H$s CËnmXZ àUm{b¶m| H$s VwbZm H$s{OE&
6. a) The following table gives the activities and their duration for a project. Draw the network, determine the
critical path and determine EST and L.S.T. for activity. 12
ZrMo Xr J¶r Vm{bH$m ‘§o EH$ n[a¶moOZm H$s {H«$¶mAm| Ed§ CZ‘o§ bJZo dmbm g‘¶ {X¶m h¡& ZoQ>d©H$ ~ZmBE& Ma‘ nW
{ZH$m{b¶o Ed§ {H«$¶mAmo§ H$m OëX àma§^ H$aZo d {dbå~ go àma§^ H$aZo H$m g‘¶ kmV H$s{OE&
Activity Duration Activity Duration
{H«$¶m g‘¶ ({XZmo ‘§o) {H«$¶m g‘¶ ({XZm| ‘o§)
1-2 3 3-7 4
2-3 4 4-7 3
2-7 4 5-6 8
2-5 7 6-7 9
3-4 2 7-8 8
b) When and why updating of network is essential? Give suitable example. 6
H$~ Am¡a ³¶mo§ ZoQ>d©H$ H$m AY>VZ Amdí¶H$ h¡? AZwHy$b CXmhaU Xr{OE&
7. a) What are value component? Explain the step of Darasiri method. 9
‘yë¶ KQ>H$ H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z-go h¡? Xmam{gar {d{Y Ho$ MaUm|o H$mo g‘PmBE&
b) Write the difference between strike and lock out and also write explain of strike. 9
hS>Vmb VWm Vmbm~§Xr ‘§o A§Va {b{IE Am¡a hS>Vmb Ho$ àH$mamo§ H$mo {b{IE&
8. Explain briefly any three of the following 18
a) Principle of oragnization b) C.P.M. any PERT
c) Moral and motivation d) E.O.Q.
e) A.B.C Analysis
{ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$Ýht VrZ H$mo g§jon ‘| {b{IE &
A) g§JR>Z Ho$ {gÕm§V ~)‘ VWm nQ>©
g) ‘Zmo~b Ed§ A{^àoaU X) B©.Amo.³¶y.
B) EZm{b{gg


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