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ADM Market Insight:

Driving Digital Transformation

with Modern Mobile Testing
Key Takeaways Introduction
Proper testing ensures that mobile
applications are high quality, user-
As we increasingly rely on our smartphones for day-
friendly, and fully functional before to-day activities, the rise of mobile applications has
deployment. However, accessing
physical devices for mobile testing is
accelerated digital transformation. Why wait to bank,
impractical. There are more devices shop, book flights, or file expense reports when we
and environments to test than ever
before, and many team members are do it all from our phones?
working remotely.

This article discusses the

shortcomings of traditional mobile
testing environments. You’ll also
learn how a remote digital testing
lab helps enterprise teams develop,
debug, test, monitor, and optimize Companies continue modernizing legacy usability, and consistency across different
mobile applications. applications to run on multiple devices as devices. Such tests include factory testing,
the connectivity demands rise and new unit testing, memory leakage testing,
technologies such as 5G enter the market. usability testing, load testing, security
Apps must work consistently across desktops, testing, and so on.
smartphones, tablets, and other devices with
various form factors, on different operating Developers and testers initially performed
systems, and in different environments. mobile testing manually, accessing the
supported devices for manual, exploratory,
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic further and automated testing. When most teams
accelerated digital transformation as remote worked in the office, it was easier to borrow
work became commonplace globally. More these devices for testing. However, as
than ever, users rely on mobile applications for more teams work remotely, testing physical
work as well as personal needs. devices has become even more impractical.

Proper testing practices ensure that mobile Coding from home is one thing. But providing
applications are high-quality, user-friendly, each geographically dispersed developer
and fully functional before deployment. and tester with a complete development and
Mobile testing generally involves examining testing environment is simply not feasible.
applications’ functionality, compatibility,

Shortcomings of a Traditional Mobile Testing Environment

In the past, companies purchased and stored Keep in mind that sometimes only one test can Also, password management for physical devices
a variety of devices for testing purposes, often run at a time with physical devices. If unattended can be hectic and costly. Testers struggle to
shared among relevant teams. continuous testing or other employees are using all gain access if devices are registered to a team
devices, testers sit idly on company time waiting to member’s email or if passwords are not readily
Manual tests allowed for feedback on matters run tests. available.
such as usability and user-friendliness. Getting

Robust mobile application

this feedback and performing scriptless ad-hoc Device availability is an even bigger obstacle with
testing proved manual testing’s usefulness. more teams working remotely. When developers
However, increased demand and modern mobile
app complexity make physical testing impractical
do not have devices at home, they are unable to
perform manual tests.
testing is critical. Teams
for several reasons.
Additionally, devices widely vary. They run
must have testing
Devices are expensive to buy and maintain. It’s on different operating systems (OS) that are resources they can rely
difficult to justify this cost considering the time constantly updated and connect to varying mobile
devices spend sitting idle, bringing no value. If you networks, such as WiFi, 2G, 3G, 5G, and so on. on. When a physical,
work in a company with many teams, you likely
experience the struggle of sharing devices. Conflict To prepare for actual user experiences, tests centralized lab is not
can arise from budget concerns, ego issues, or
fear that devices will not be returned on time.
must account for these variables. However, each
manual test is only representative of the specific
practical, there are other
If you are a tester, you may also feel frustrated OS and network connection of the physical options to explore.
finding devices uncharged when you need them for device used.
immediate testing.

Creating a Remote Digital Testing Lab

Remote developers and testers need In most cases, it’s more reliable and A typical device has gestures,
an environment that allows them cost-effective to access a readily sensors, and modes to simulate.
to manipulate devices and perform available digital testing lab than to For example, testers need to use
tests. This is where remote digital build your own. Using an existing lab GPS, device orientation (portrait or
testing labs come into play. A digital provides access to a ready-made landscape), the camera, and so on
testing lab is a virtual environment collection of test configurations. It as if they are physically holding the
where teams conduct controlled also expands available resources and device. Even with time or budget
experiments as if with their own reduces time spent in the testing constraints, foregoing testing these
hands. phase. variables risks the overall application
quality once deployed in the market.
You wouldn’t want consumers
finding bugs where you didn’t test.

The OpenText UFT Digital Lab Solution
When it comes to remote digital The UFT Digital Lab environment enables
testing environments, OpenText efficient functional and performance
UFT Digital Lab is the best choice. testing on different devices with
It’s a mobile device management and different versions of different OSs.
testing solution that integrates with
OpenText functional testing tools
(UFT One, UFT Developer, Service
Virtualization) and performance
UFT Digital Lab acts
engineering tools (the LoadRunner as a centralized,
Family). UFT Digital Lab’s digital omnipresent lab with
environment is available for hosting enterprise-quality
on premises or consumable from
remote access to
the cloud as software as a service
(SaaS). It provides centralized access develop, debug, test,
to locally hosted or as-a-service monitor, and optimize
physical devices (Android and iOS) mobile apps.
and device emulators, such as
Google SDK and Genymotion. UFT
Digital Lab helps you develop and Mobile applications often rely on testers can perform functional or the application through its APIs is not
run tests with open-source software service dependencies and APIs in performance testing immediately good enough for accurate testing.
test-automation frameworks, such as the backend that internal service and in parallel. Even if the real By allowing remote access to actual
Appium and Espresso. providers or third-party vendors services are unavailable or devices, UFT Digital Lab solves
supply. If those services are restricted, simulations grant the this issue. The remote testing lab
The solution facilitates structured, unavailable, teams can’t develop ability to test them. provides results that account for user
manual exploratory testing. Testers and test against them, leading to behavior, network carrier types, and
evaluate applications using common wait time and extra cycles. UFT Load testing helps identify network characteristics.
user behaviors to detect flaws and Digital Lab integrates with Service performance issues. When
give valuable feedback. UFT Digital Virtualization to remove these conducting physical tests internally, Testing load is critical for satisfying
Lab also features exceptional lab dependencies. Teams can replace access to applications from mobile users who expect snappy
management, allowing testers to them with virtual services that devices puts additional pressure performance. Otherwise, they will
access many different devices, are always available. Accurately on networks and overall system quickly abandon the application you
handle device groups, and prepare simulating the component or service performance. However, simulating worked so hard to build.
for device uncertainties. behavior means developers and load from mobile devices by driving

Improve Your Mobile Testing for
a Better User Experience
The demand for mobile applications is increasing
and so are user expectations. As a result,
competition has spiked. For almost every
application deployed, there is an alternative
that customers can choose. Making your mobile
application stand out in a crowded marketplace
requires more than just a stunning user interface.
It requires a seamless user experience. Good
mobile testing solutions are crucial for gaining a
competitive advantage.

UFT Digital Lab supports continuous testing.

It drives ongoing improvement and optimization
by analyzing mobile application availability
and performance via production monitoring.
Additionally, its centralized, remote mobile testing
lab increases team productivity and accelerates
production speed by reducing holdups. Plus,
teams can work more flexibly and efficiently
thanks to open-source automation. UFT Digital Lab
eliminates the need for hands-on physical devices,
which is important for working remotely. The
remote testing lab has all the benefits of testing
on local devices—without the costly limitations.

Want to improve your mobile testing for a better

user experience without wasting money on
physical devices? Ready to give your remote teams
easy access to necessary testing resources?
Request a demo of UFT Digital Lab to see how.

Learn More about UFT Digital Lab

© 2023 Open Text

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