PD French 6

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6th of E. Primary


1. PROJECT PRESENTATION ..................................................................................

1.1. CENTER PROFILE..........................................................................................................
1.2. SCHOOL AND COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES PROGRAM ..............................................
1.2.1. Measures planned to stimulate interest and the habit of reading and written and
oral comprehension: The Santillana Français Reading Plan...................................................
1.2.2. Reinforcement and Recovery Plan.............................................................................
1.2.3. Diversity Plan .............................................................................................................
1.3. THE SELECTED PEDAGOGICAL MATERIAL .....................................................................


FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES ............................................
2.1. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES AND EVALUATION CRITERIA .....................................................
2.2. KEY COMPETENCIES.....................................................................................................
2.3. METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................
2.4. EVALUATION AND EVALUABLE LEARNING STANDARDS ...............................................

3. CURRICULAR PROPOSAL WITH DÉFIS...........................................................

3.1. APPROACH .................................................................................................................
3.1.1. Public ......................................................................................................................
3.1.2. Goals........................................................................................................................
3.2. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES............................................................................................
3.3. METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................
3.4. COMPONENTS OF THE METHOD .................................................................................
3.4.1. Student's book ........................................................................................................
3.4.2. Structure of the units and pedagogical approach ...................................................
3.4.3. Activity book............................................................................................................
3.4.4. Teacher Resources...................................................................................................

4. CONTENT PROGRAMMING.................................................................................
Unit 0 ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 1 ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 2 ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 3 ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 4 ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 5 ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 6 ..................................................................................................................................
5. TIMING OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................

6. ASSESSMENT ...........................................................................................................
6.1. TOOLS FOR EVALUATION............................................................................................
6.2. SKILLS ASSESSMENT: INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENT .................................................





Each center and within the center each teacher, according to their class, will establish the
program they deem appropriate.
However, in the DÉFIS project at least three plans of fundamental pedagogical interest are

1.1.1. Measures planned to stimulate interest and the habit of reading and written and oral
comprehension: The Santillana Français Reading Plan.
Within the key linguistic competence, the understanding of written texts should not be limited
to reading the texts provided by the method, nor to the texts that the method invites to search
as documentation. Reading longer texts, works created to promote the pleasure of reading,
must be part of learning: on the one hand, reading “stories” will allow students to verify that
what they have learned has real meaning, outside the classroom, and will motivate them. . And
on the other hand, they will see that the foreign language is not only useful, but can be a
source of enjoyment.
As long as their level does not allow them to approach authentic texts of French-speaking
literature, we propose choosing titles from the LECTURES FACILES collection, a collection of
readings for children and pre-adolescents, accessible from the beginning of learning and
adapted to the progress of the DÉFIS method. Students can read them independently.
The readings are organized into two levels that cover level A1 of the Common European
Framework of Reference. Each level of the collection includes two grades corresponding to two
stages of the school year. Students have the possibility of choosing the reading mode:
traditional or interactive, listening to the audio, touching and discovering the interactive
elements, promoting the learning of new concepts while developing auditory and visual
attention through sounds and interactive images .
In parallel to DÉFIS level 2, we recommend:
- Who is this? (A1.1)
- Voyage in India (A1)
- The Christmas Day (A1.1)
- A night in a museum (A1)
- The Mysterious Island (A1)

1.1.2. Reinforcement and Recovery Plan

The second recommended plan is the one related to continuous and formative evaluation. At
any moment of learning, before any possible problem becomes entrenched and at least after
each evaluation, students should follow a plan to reinforce their skills, to “remediate” their
weak points: this can be built, individual or collective level, with the available resources of

1.1.3. Diversity Plan

Regardless of whether certain students in the class experience difficulties, and whether others

can adapt to a more sustained pace, it is advisable to propose different activities to the class (or
part of it).


DÉFIS is a two-level French method, developed by the editorial team of Santillana Français and
enriched by the suggestions of many teachers. It has a clear and reassuring structure but also:
• A fun approach to making learning an enjoyable experience:
- graphics adapted to young audiences (pictograms, illustrated tables, comics,
photos ...),
- varied situations, songs, rhythms, tongue twisters,
- activities and games where multiple intelligences are worked on,
- tasks that facilitate the integration of different learning profiles,
- a dynamic evaluation that invites students to overcome the proposed challenges
and become aware of their progress.

• A communicative approach where achievements are put at the service of

communication and action.
• A measured progression for the balanced development of skills .
• Learning strategies are highlighted .
• An awareness of the learning of French and Francophone language and culture, in a
transversal and interdisciplinary way .
• An unmatched digital offer at this level.

The Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality defines curriculum as the
regulation of the elements that determine the teaching and learning processes for each of the
Teachings. It also specifies that it will be made up of the following elements: objectives,
competencies, contents, evaluation criteria, evaluable learning standards and teaching
The objectives set for high school in the area of Second Foreign Language are translated into a
basic curriculum that, integrating all the aspects that make up linguistic communication, is
structured in four blocks corresponding to the different activities of the language, as described
in the CEFR: comprehension and production (expression and interaction) of oral and written
The planned contents are specified in evaluation criteria, which are specific references to
evaluate student learning. They describe what they want to value and what the students must
achieve, both in knowledge and skills; They respond to what you want to achieve in each
Regarding communicative competence, which constitutes the heart of the SECOND FOREIGN
LANGUAGE subject, the evaluation criteria for primary school (BOE of May 1, 2014) are the

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

Identify the general meaning, essential information or main points in very short and simple oral
texts in standard language, with simple structures and very frequently used lexis, articulated
clearly and slowly and transmitted by voice or by technical means, on topics habitual and
concrete related to one's own experiences, needs and interests in predictable everyday
contexts or related to areas of immediate need in the personal, public and Yiskeducative areas,
as long as the acoustic conditions are good and do not distort the message, the message can be
heard again. said or ask for confirmation and there is visual support or a clear contextual
Know and know how to apply the most appropriate basic strategies for understanding the
general meaning, the essential information or the main points of the text.
Identify basic, concrete and significant sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of everyday life
(habits, traditions, activities, celebrations), living conditions (housing), interpersonal
relationships (family, friendship, school), behavior (habitual gestures, use of voice , physical
contact) and social conventions (rules of courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired about
them to an adequate understanding of the text.
Distinguish the main communicative function or functions of the text (p. and. a demand for
information, an order, or an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most common exponents, as
well as the basic discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational beginning and closing, or the
points of a schematic narrative).
Recognize the most common meanings associated with the basic syntactic structures of oral
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-frequency oral vocabulary related to everyday situations
and habitual and concrete topics related to one's own experiences, needs and interests, and
use the indications of the context and the information contained in the text to get an idea of
the probable meanings of words and expressions that are unknown.

Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognize the general
meanings and communicative intentions related to them.

Block 2. Production of oral texts: expression and interaction

Construct very basic oral texts and participate in a very simple but understandable way in very
brief conversations that require a direct exchange of information in areas of immediate need or
on very familiar topics (oneself, the immediate environment, people, places, objects and
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or informal register, using simple and very
frequently used expressions and phrases, normally isolated or linked with basic connectors,
even if the pronunciation is not very clear, the pauses and hesitations are evident, and the
Repetition, paraphrasing and cooperation with the speaker to maintain communication.
Know and know how to apply the basic strategies to produce very brief and simple monologic
or dialogic oral texts, using, for example, formulas and prefabricated language or memorized
expressions, or supporting with gestures what you want to express.
Know basic, concrete and significant sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the
knowledge acquired about them to an oral production appropriate to the context, respecting
the most basic communicative conventions.
Fulfill the main communicative function of the text (p. and. a congratulation, an exchange of
information, or an offer), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents and basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. greetings for the beginning and farewell for the closing of the
conversation, or a schematic narrative developed in points).
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link words or groups of words with basic connectors
such as “and”, “then”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors continue to be systematically
made in, for example, verb tenses or agreement.
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-frequency oral vocabulary related to everyday
situations and common and specific topics related to one's own interests, experiences and
Articulate, in a generally understandable way but with evident influence from the first or other
languages, a very limited repertoire of basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns,
adapting them to the communicative function that is intended to be carried out.
Make yourself understood in short and simple interventions, although initial hesitations,
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to organize, correct or reformulate what you want to say are
evident and very frequent.
Interact in a basic way, using very simple, linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and. gestures
or physical contact) to start, maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Block 3: Comprehension of written texts

Identify the topic, the general meaning, the main ideas and some specific information in texts,
both in printed format and in digital format, very brief and simple, in standard language and
with a high-frequency lexicon, and in which the topic covered and the type of text are very
familiar, everyday or of immediate need, as long as you can reread what you have not
understood, you can consult a dictionary and you have visual and contextual support.
Know and know how to apply the most appropriate basic strategies for understanding the
general meaning, the essential information or the main points of the text.
Identify basic, concrete and significant sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of everyday life

(habits, schedules, activities, celebrations), living conditions (housing, environment ),
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, school) and conventions social norms (politeness
rules), and apply the knowledge acquired about them to an adequate understanding of the text.
Distinguish the main communicative function or functions of the text (p. and. a congratulation,
a demand for information, or an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most common exponents,
as well as the basic discursive patterns (e.g. and. beginning and closing of an email, or the points
of a schematic description).
Recognize the most common meanings associated with the basic syntactic structures of written
communication (p. and. interrogative structure to demand information).
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-frequency written lexicon related to everyday situations
and common and specific themes related to their experiences, needs and interests, and infer
from the context and the information contained in the text the probable meanings of unknown
words and expressions.
Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period, comma), as well as frequently used symbols (e.g.
and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify the meanings and general communicative intentions related to

Block 4: Production of written texts: expression and interaction

Construct, on paper or electronically, very short and simple texts, composed of isolated simple
sentences, in a neutral or informal register, using with reasonable correctness the basic spelling
conventions and the main punctuation marks, to talk about oneself, their most immediate
environment and aspects of their daily life, in very familiar and predictable situations.
Know and apply the basic strategies to produce very short and simple written texts, pe copying
very common words and phrases to carry out the communicative functions that are pursued.
Know concrete and significant basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects (p. and. the
conventions on the beginning and closing of an email to known people) and apply the
knowledge acquired about them to a written production appropriate to the context, respecting
the rules of courtesy and basic etiquette.
Fulfill the main communicative function of the written text (p. and. a congratulation, an
exchange of information, or an offer), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents
and basic discursive patterns (e.g. and. greetings for the beginning and farewell for the closing
of an email, or a schematic narrative developed in points).
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link words or groups of words with basic connectors
such as “and”, “then”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors continue to be systematically
made in, for example, verb tenses or agreement.
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-frequency written vocabulary related to everyday
situations and common and specific topics related to one's own interests, experiences and
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling conventions to write with reasonable correctness
words or short phrases that are normally used in speaking, but not necessarily with completely
normalized spelling.


The LOMCE recalls that the European Council meeting in Barcelona in 2002 included among its

conclusions the need to coordinate efforts in pursuit of a competitive economy based on
knowledge, and urges the Member States of the European Union to develop educational
actions leading to improvement mastery of key competences, in particular by teaching at least
two foreign languages from a very early age. In the same sense, and in relation to lifelong
learning, the Council of Europe points out that the purpose of linguistic education in today's
world should not be so much the mastery of one or more second languages taken in isolation as
the development of a multilingual and intercultural profile made up of diverse skills in different
languages and at different levels, depending on the changing interests and needs of the
individual. Thus, to encourage and facilitate the construction of a multilingual and intercultural
repertoire, the primary education curriculum specifically includes the subject of Second Foreign
Language. Following the descriptive system of the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR), the Second Foreign Language curriculum corresponding to this stage
includes the evaluation criteria and evaluable learning standards that will articulate the subject,
so that students can develop partial competencies in the second language they have chosen, to
understand, within their limitations, a command of the language even if it is limited, expanding
the plurilingual competence of the students.
So foreign language communication competence is in itself a key competence.
But, by its very nature, the foreign language subject allows, in a transversal way, to help the
development of other key competencies and contribute to the development of students as
people, students, citizens and professionals. The competencies will guarantee learning
throughout people's lives, the process of which should not stop at the mandatory stages of
their education.
According to the recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December
2006 on key competences for lifelong learning, the following competences have been
Linguistic communication
Communication in the mother tongue is the ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts,
feelings, facts and opinions both orally and in writing (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and
having appropriate and creative linguistic interactions in all life situations social and cultural; in
education and training at work, at home and at leisure.
For communication in a foreign language, the skills are generally the same as for
communication in the native language; They are based on the ability to understand, express
and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions, both orally and in writing
(listening, speaking, reading and writing), in various situations of life in society and in cultural
life ( education and training, work, home and leisure), according to the wishes and needs of
each one.
It goes without saying that linguistic communication is at the heart of the subject. It is also clear
that, given our audience, the intended competence will be exercised in the context of everyday
situations, which will be applied to the description and narration and not to the analysis of
concepts, in the private domain rather than in the public domain (family, school , familiar
Mathematical competence and basic skills in science and technology
Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical reasoning to solve
various problems. Based on a mastery of calculation, the emphasis is placed on reasoning,
activity and knowledge.
Basic competencies in science refer to the ability and willingness to use the knowledge and
methodologies used to explain the world of nature in order to ask questions and provide
informed answers.

Technology competence is perceived as the application of knowledge and methodologies to
satisfy human wants and needs.
Competencies in science and technology require an understanding of the changes caused by
human activity and the responsibility of each individual as a citizen.
These basic competencies may not seem to be of primary use in teaching a foreign language,
however, they are worked on in DÉFIS.
Of course, DÉFIS users learn to count in French, to make calculations useful in everyday life, in
class and outside, but above all they develop their logical spirit through all kinds of fun
deduction activities, and slowly learn to analyze grammatical phenomena.
Mathematical competence is also the topic of a specific double page spread in the
interdisciplinary section (lesson 4).
Regarding scientific and technological competences, DÉFIS makes students clearly aware of the
active observation of nature: they learn to describe the seasons, animals and natural
environments, to distinguish the climates in France and elsewhere; With the method, they
complete a sheet about their favorite animal, make a 3D rainbow, etc.
Digital competence
Digital competence implies the safe and critical use of information society technologies, at
work, in leisure and in communication. The prerequisite is mastery of ICT: the use of the
computer to obtain, evaluate, store, produce, present and exchange information, and to
communicate and participate through the Internet in collaborative networks.
For DÉFIS users, digital competence is essential first of all, especially if the teacher has good
technological equipment: students will be able to appreciate that the operation of many
elements of the method has been significantly improved thanks to the interactive whiteboard ,
in particular.
In addition, students are invited to consult the Internet on the topics presented in the
sociocultural sections and search for useful information to complete the final tasks proposed in
the « La petite fabrique » section.
Finally, both the fictional characters and the real people who are presented in the method are
users of communication technologies: the children talk on Skype with their cousin who lives in
the antipodes, the Plastics teacher has documented the trip to the museum in class blog, etc.
Learn to learn
Learning to learn is the ability to undertake and pursue learning, to organize one's own learning,
both individually and collectively. This competence involves knowing one's own learning
methods and needs, the offers available, and being able to overcome obstacles to successfully
complete the learning. This competence involves acquiring, processing and assimilating new
knowledge and skills, seeking and using advice... Motivation and confidence in one's own ability
are fundamental elements.
Developing the ability to learn to learn is one of the objectives of DÉFIS because it is the basis of
progress and the motivation that derives from it.
10-year-old preteens are not yet mature enough to draw thoughtful conclusions about their
learning (either about its results or how to achieve it), but they already like to know why they
are asked to do things and are receptive to everything. the recommendations and strategies
that will allow them to progress.
Awareness of pedagogical issues is, therefore, systematized in the initial pages of each unit and
reflection on these objectives, whether achieved or not, is favored by the self-assessment
proposed at the end of the course, independently of the summative evaluation.

Numerous strategies are offered, at the service of communication skills, and they are clearly
identifiable in the manual.
Social and civic skills
These include personal, interpersonal and intercultural competence and cover all forms of
behavior that prepare people to participate effectively and constructively in social and work life,
especially in increasingly diverse societies, and to resolve potential conflicts. .
Civic competencies allow the individual to participate fully in civic life through knowledge of
social and political concepts and structures and active and democratic civic participation.
A method like DÉFIS, intended for the school world and group learning, can only assess social
competence. The codes of conduct that must be respected in collective life in general must be
respected within the framework of the school and the class, in the group class and in the
subgroups. Throughout the year, students are asked to respect the rules of courtesy, to greet,
respect speaking turns, listen to others, respect everyone's efforts to make themselves
Throughout the texts and activities, they learn to respect the fundamental notions of the
individual, the group, the organization of work, equality between men and women and non-
discrimination, society and culture. The discovery of a reality different from their own, that of
the French-speaking world (in France and in other countries or regions) gives them the
opportunity to adopt an open and tolerant attitude. The comparison with their own experience
is the basis of the mediation capacity that they will gradually be able to develop, as
recommended in the recent CEFR update.
Social competence relates to personal and collective well-being, which requires understanding
how people can ensure optimal physical and mental health. The development of this
competence is an objective that DÉFIS defends in all texts related to physical and artistic
activities, individual or collective, that maintain health and strengthen the personality of the
group and individuals.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
The sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit means an individual's ability to move from
ideas to action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to schedule
and manage projects to achieve objectives.
Given their age, DÉFIS students are very far from the professional world, where they will have
to demonstrate this spirit, essential in the modern world. But it is not too early to encourage
the gradual development of an attitude favorable to this competence. With this objective,
group activities and, in particular, the final tasks of " La petite fabrique " are a privileged
context: they must negotiate to organize themselves in groups, to distribute roles and tasks, to
set the stages of the project and present it in front of others. This is an opportunity to
assertively assert themselves, each with their personality, but respecting the other to guarantee
the effectiveness of the group.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Cultural sensitivity and expression assume the appreciation of the importance of the creative
expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in various forms, including music, the arts,
literature and the visual arts.
DÉFIS is particularly concerned with the development of this strategic competence: in young
students, it constitutes both an end and a means. Spontaneously attracted by artistic
expression, they are predisposed to the discovery of creations in French or part of French
heritage; At the same time, the aesthetics of the documents presented, the creative expression,
the " jeu " that is more apparently free and far from reality positively affects the learning of

French in general, your sympathy for the language.
Therefore, this competence is developed every time an activity involves listening to music or a
song, the dramatization of a dialogue, or the presentation of a written work.
Furthermore, it is addressed directly at several points in the method, for example: the creation
of the class orchestra in " La petite fabrique " in unit 1, the creation of a work in the style of
Mondrian in unit 2, the discovery of a circus school in unit 4 of DÉFIS 1.

The basic curriculum proposed by the LOMCE, which includes the
recommendations of the COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF
REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES, is oriented towards action, that is, to
develop in students the ability to integrate and put into play attitudes, knowledge
and the skills that allow you to communicate in specific situations in the real
world. This capacity for effective communication in real contexts means, first of
all, considering language as something that is done and learned to do, rather than
as something that is studied and simply known. Communication in the real world
also requires approaching learning, teaching and evaluation from the text as a
unit, in which all the aspects that in a more theoretical analysis of the language
are usually treated separately and are materialized together. as isolated
components. Without the action-oriented approach at any time neglecting the
analysis, study and practice of the different skills that will enable students to
construct and decode texts, it should not be forgotten that they are the activities
of understanding and producing said texts, in certain contexts, which constitutes
the real linguistic communicative action. For all this, and so that students can use
the language that responds effectively to the communicative challenge, it is
convenient that both the analysis and reflection on the language as well as its
study and practice be derived from what the oral text or writing demands in each
case, and that both the work carried out in the classroom and in autonomous
learning have as reference the texts that the students will be able to understand
and produce, so that the pedagogical actions and learning tasks, Even though
they are diverse and motivating, they always have as a common characteristic the
contribution to the achievement of the specific objectives that establish the
evaluable learning standards for each set of linguistic activities at the respective
Methodological resources:

In accordance with LOE 2/2006, in its article 122 dedicated to resources, it tells us that
the centers will be equipped with the teaching, human and material resources necessary to
offer quality education and guarantee equal opportunities in access to education. education.
The selection and use of teaching materials and resources constitutes an essential
aspect of the methodology. Teachers must be involved in the development and design of
different types of materials, adapted to the different levels and the different learning styles and
rhythms of the students, in order to address diversity in the classroom and personalize the
learning processes. construction of learning. The use of a variety of materials and resources
should be promoted, especially considering the integration of Information and Communication
Technologies in the teaching-learning process that allows access to virtual resources such as the
digital whiteboard or access to laptops. that the center can provide.

The use of information and communication technologies enhances the use of language

for communicative purposes, favoring the acquisition of oral and written skills:
vocabulary, correct spelling, writing texts, appropriate presentations, interpersonal
relationships, etc. In this sense, it will be convenient to train students in computer
educational programs, management programs (word processors, email managers) and the
Internet, etc., since the resources that technology offers us are a means for the
construction of knowledge as well as motivating tools in the preparation of tasks and
projects of creation, research, analysis, selection and processing of information.

Below we present some practical examples of the incorporation of ICTs as

methodological resources in the area of second French language:
- Digital whiteboard, for carrying out interactive activities
- Explanatory videos
- School newspaper to encourage research and written expression.
- The blog as an instrument to encourage reading and writing
- Digital dictionaries for preparing vocabulary expansion exercises, synonym
- Virtual libraries as a resource for the design of educational activities
literary comprehension and creation
- Websites to work on reading comprehension
- Sound libraries for the development of oral comprehension
- Digital newspapers to work on understanding and critical commentary
- The Power Point presentation program for the development of expression


Evaluation is at the heart of the curriculum proposed by the LOMCE, as can be seen from the
typification of the content itself: each of the four blocks of content includes, for each set of
activities, the evaluation criteria and evaluable learning standards. between which there is a
non-univocal relationship due to the special nature of linguistic activity; This means that, to
evaluate the degree of acquisition of the various skills necessary to carry out the actions
included in each of the learning standards, each and every one of the evaluation criteria
described for the corresponding activity must be applied; In turn, the corresponding
competency contents (strategic, sociocultural and sociolinguistic, functional, syntactic-
discursive, lexical, phonetic-phonological, and orthographic) must be derived from the learning
standards, the degree of achievement of which will be evaluated by applying the respective
The LOMCE (article 2) defines evaluable learning standards as concretions of the evaluation
criteria that allow defining the learning results and specify through actions what the student
must know and know how to do in each subject. They must allow the performance or
achievement achieved to be graduated. They have to be observable, measurable and evaluable
since they contribute and facilitate the design of standardized and comparable tests.

Assessable learning standards:
Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts
1. It includes, in messages and public announcements, very simple information (for example,
numbers, prices, schedules), as long as it is articulated at slow speed and clearly, and there is no
interference that distorts the message.
2. Understands the general idea of what is said to him in normal transactions and procedures
in situations of immediate need.
3. Understands essential information in short, simple conversations involving familiar topics
such as self, family, school, free time, description of an object or place.
4. Understands the general meaning and distinguishes changes in the theme of television
programs or other audiovisual material within their area of interest (e.g. and. in which young
people or well-known people are interviewed about everyday topics, or in which information is
given about leisure activities).
Block 2. Production of oral texts: expression and interaction
5. He makes very brief and simple presentations, previously prepared and rehearsed, on
everyday topics or topics of interest (introduce himself and other people; give basic information
about himself, his family and his studies; indicate his hobbies and interests and the main
activities of your daily life; briefly and simply describe people or objects; say what you like and
don't like and give your opinion using elementary structures).
6. It operates in very basic situations in, for example, shops, restaurants or leisure spaces.
7. Participates in informal conversations face to face or by technical means (telephone, Skype)
in which social contact is established (saying thank you, greeting, saying goodbye, addressing
someone, apologizing, introducing yourself, being interested in someone's condition,
congratulating someone. someone); personal information and information about everyday
matters is exchanged; simple feelings and opinions are expressed, and instructions are given (p.
and. how to get to a place with the help of a map).

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

8. Understands, with visual support, the essentials of simple instructions and indications, and
basic information, in notes, signs and posters in streets, stores, means of transportation,
cinemas, museums, schools, and other services and public places.
9. Understands essential information and locates specific information in simple information
material such as, eg, menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists, advertisements, telephone
directories, advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or event programs.
10. Includes very short and simple correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards and cards) that
deals with topics that are well known to you, such as, for example, oneself, family, school, free
time, description of an object or a place , or the indication of the time and place of an
11. Understands the gist and main points of short news and magazine articles for young people
on topics that are familiar or of interest to them (sports, music groups, computer games,

Block 4. Production of written texts: expression and interaction

12. Writes short and simple personal correspondence (messages, notes, postcards, emails, or
SMS) in which you thank, congratulate someone, make an invitation, give instructions, or talk

about yourself and your immediate environment (family, friends , hobbies, daily activities,
objects, places) and asks questions related to these topics.


3.1.1. Public
DÉFIS is a two-level French method for beginner primary school students studying French as a
second foreign language, two sessions per week.
DÉFIS proposes a distribution of content spread over approximately 70 hours per level.
It covers the official program and level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages, which can be certified by DELF A1.

3.1.2. Goals
The objectives of DÉFIS are above all communicative and pragmatic: linguistic skills are at the
service of linguistic competences that always point to a practical objective, to solve a problem
or to carry out a meaningful action.
It is about developing in students the ability to integrate and implement attitudes, knowledge
and skills to communicate in specific real-world situations. This capacity assumes that language
is seen as a means of acting, a means that one acquires through learning rather than a subject
to study in order to know.
From this perspective, language is always presented in context, linguistic contents (lexical and
grammatical) are presented as tools associated with a need for communication, a speech act.
Furthermore, these contents and the methodology used to present them are adapted to the
target audience, children aged 10 to 12 who are beginning to study French at school.
These basic contents are presented in the most natural way possible, in informal situations that
are familiar to them; Given the degree of intellectual maturity of the students, the mechanisms
of language are not analyzed exhaustively, or even some are not really analyzed; They are
associated with communication and are explained as means to understand or express more
attractive documents.
These notions of French will be used from the beginning in the classroom as a means of
authentic communication, especially when carrying out collective tasks. Without resorting to
the mother tongue, French will gradually become an element of group cohesion, or even
mediation, as recommended in the recently published CEFR update.


In 1983, Howard Gardner of Harvard University wrote a theory of multiple intelligences. He
identified seven types of intelligence, located in specific sections of our brain. Gardner tells us
of his theory that "documents the concept of different types of minds that allow students to
learn, remember, and understand in different ways." (Gardner 1991). The author defends the
fact that these intelligences are not innate and that they can be developed through appropriate
learning strategies.
Based on Gardner's work, researchers identified eight types of intelligence, independent of
each other and each with its own learning style. This means that each individual has a unique
combination of these intelligences, some more developed than others. Therefore, one student

may be distinguished by his or her linguistic intelligence, while another will have highly
developed logical-mathematical reasoning.
Gardner said these differences challenge the educational system, which believes that anyone
can learn the same educational material in the same way and that a uniform, universal
measurement system is sufficient to evaluate the learning level of all students. The education
law that governs us aims to optimize students' skills and abilities so that they can respond
effectively to different personal and social situations. DÉFIS responds to this request and in the
Teacher's Book, activities that fall under a particular learning style are systematically identified.
These learning styles are:

• linguistic intelligence
It is the ability to use oral and written vocabulary effectively. It is the ability to use
language to inform and convince others and as a tool to acquire knowledge.
Students who have this well-developed intelligence have excellent listening skills, a
remarkable memory, and a great ability to communicate their ideas.

• Logical-mathematical intelligence
It consists of knowing how to handle abstraction, reason and calculate with figures.
Students with this intelligence have the ability to solve problems logically, perform
mathematical operations, and conduct scientific investigations.

• Kinesthetic intelligence
It is the ability to use the body to solve problems.
Students gifted with this intelligence have good coordination of movements and good
balance. They have good physical resistance, are flexible and fast. They are good at
sports, good at dancing, and are generally comfortable with their bodies.

• Visio-spatial intelligence
It is the ability to think in terms of physical space.
Students with a predominance of this intelligence like to present their ideas graphically,
using lines, shapes and colors. They study best from graphics, illustrations and
multimedia objects. They usually have a talent for drawing.

• musical intelligence
It is an innate sensitivity to rhythms and sounds.
Students with this intelligence easily decipher and love music. But they are also very
receptive to the natural sounds around them.

• Interpersonal intelligence
It is the ability to understand and interact with others.
Students with this highly developed intelligence learn through interaction. They show
great empathy and actively participate when working in groups. They adapt to the
social model in which they find themselves and often show leadership qualities.

• intrapersonal intelligence
It is the ability to understand oneself, to identify feelings and motivations.

Students who have developed this skill like to think, self-evaluate, be disciplined and
focus. They are very independent.

• naturalistic intelligence
It is the ability to interact with nature, to identify and classify species of plants, animals
and minerals.
Students who have this intelligence generally have a good sense of observation and like
experimentation. They are motivated by working the land and environmental issues.

DÉFIS implements the program provided for in the latest Education Law, which in turn explicitly
repeats the CEFR recommendations regarding:
- communication skills;
- the implementation of appropriate strategies for each of these competencies, as well as
the stimulation of students' multiple intelligences, at the service of learning;
- the awareness of a new competence linked to the previous ones, mediation, according
to the recent publication of the CEFR update: from the perspective of communication in
general, in an action-oriented approach, the study of language is not an objective in
itself, aims at the gradual integration of the student into a French-speaking
environment; The class is the first French-speaking context and French is an element of
group socialization;
- the integration of core competencies (described above);
- the differentiated evaluation of communication skills based on specific criteria that are
rigorous but improve progress;
- In general, value evaluation as an integral part of learning, during its various phases
through initial, formative and summative evaluations for successful pedagogy.
The learning objectives that are intended to be achieved with DÉFIS correspond to those of
level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Like the contents
and the criteria for the corresponding evaluation, they are classified into four blocks.

1. Oral comprehension
• Understand a conversation between third parties: it may include some words and
expressions that relate to him/her, his/her family, school, hobbies or environment, if
spoken slowly and clearly.
• Understand as a listener: you can understand the general outlines of very simple
information, given in a predictable situation, such as that of a tourist guide, as long as it
is expressed very slowly and clearly and with long pauses.
• Understand advertisements and instructions: May include instructions that are
Tackle slowly and carefully, and follow brief, simple instructions.
You can understand when someone slowly and clearly tells you where an object is, as
long as the object is in the immediate environment.
In a loudspeaker announcement, for example at the station or in a store, including
numbers, prices and times if pronounced slowly and clearly.
• Understand radio programs and recordings: You can find concrete information (for

example, about locations and times) in short recordings on familiar, everyday topics, as
long as the flow is slow and the language is clear.
2. Oral production
• A presentation (describing an experience) : You can describe yourself, describe what
you do and where you live.
You can describe everyday aspects of your daily life by using simple sentences, simple
words, or phrases as long as you can prepare in advance.
• A presentation (giving information) : You can simply describe an object or a picture you
show to others, using simple words, studied expressions, as long as they are rehearsed.
• Addressing an audience : You can read a very short and repetitive text, for example
introducing someone.
• Show interest : You can use simple words and non-verbal expressions to show interest
about an idea.
• Convey information : You can convey it if it is simple and predictable, of immediate
interest, in short and simple texts such as billboards, advertisements, posters,
programs, brochures, etc.
• Cooperate in a group and facilitate cooperation in peer-to-peer interactions : You can
ask participants to contribute to very simple tasks, expressing themselves in short,
simple sentences.
You can say that you have understood and ask others if they have understood.
• Cooperate to make sense : You can express an idea in very simple words and ask what
others think.

3. Written comprehension
• Understand correspondence: include short, simple messages on a postcard.
It can comprise simple, short messages sent via email or social media (such as a
meeting proposal, where, when and what to do).
• Read to orient yourself: you can recognize the most frequent names, words and
phrases in documents about the most common situations in everyday life.
Can understand information written in stores (what floor the department is on) and
directions (for example, the location of elevators).
You can understand basic information provided in hotels (or similar), such as meals.
You can find and understand important but simple information in advertisements,
event programs, brochures (e.g. What is offered, prices, date, location, departure
time, etc.).
• Read for information and debate: you can get an idea of the content of the
information quite easily, especially if it is accompanied by a visual document.
You can include short texts on topics of personal interest (for example, sports news,
music, travel or stories) if written in simple words and illustrated with images.
• Read instructions: You can follow simple and short instructions (e.g.
to get from one point to another).
• Reading for pleasure: may include short illustrated stories, about daily activities,
and written in simple words.
He can understand short illustrated stories, as long as the pictures help him guess
the content.

• Understand press material: You can recognize familiar words and phrases and
identify themes in headlines and news summaries and most advertisements, using
visual information and general knowledge.
• Recognize clues and make deductions (oral and written): You can deduce the
meaning of an unknown word with respect to a specific action or an object, as long
as the accompanying text is very simple and relates to a familiar, everyday topic.

4. Written production
• General Written Production: Can provide information on personal topics (e.g., likes and
dislikes, family, pets) using simple words and phrases.
Can write single words and simple sentences.
• Creative Writing: Can write simple sentences and phrases about himself and imaginary
characters, where they live and what they do.
It can very simply describe a room in a home.
You can use simple words and phrases to describe familiar objects (for example, the
color of a car, its size...)
Written interaction
• Correspondence: You can write messages and publications on the Internet, including a
series of very short sentences describing hobbies, preferences, actions, using a
You can write a short postcard.
• You can write a short and very simple message (for example, a text message) to friends
to give them information or ask them a question.
• Notes, messages and forms: you can write numbers and dates, name, nationality,
address, date of birth or arrival in the country, etc. on a card.
• Online Conversations and Discussion: You can write very simple online messages and
personal posts, about your hobbies, what you like or don't like, etc. with very short
sentences and using a translation tool.
You can use phrases and combinations of single words to react, online, positively or
negatively, to simple posts and their links and embedded video/audio, but you can
respond to comments by thanking or apologizing with standard expressions.
• Convey specific information in written texts: you can list names, numbers, prices and
very simple information of immediate interest, if the person says them very clearly and
with repetitions.


For students, the method consists of a livre de l'élève, a cahier d'activités and an audio CD.
3.4.1. Student's book
The student book consists of 6 main units, preceded by an awareness unit 0 (and review at level

- All units and as an extension of these, a predominantly sociocultural " Magazine "
section requests understanding and production, based on writing:

o This window to the French-speaking and francophone world opens even
more in the digital version thanks to accessible videos that illustrate the
o The written documents, highly illustrated, will be the pretext for a progressive
initiation to reading.
o Activities (often recordings) are intended to promote and check
o They result in an invitation to the student's personal reaction in relation to
the topic discussed: a verbal reaction in class or an Internet search for
additional information or similar elements, for example.
o A last wink, an informative "pill" or a brief question finally stimulates the
critical spirit of adolescents and sensitizes them to civic values.
- At the end of the student's book, 3 reference sections will promote autonomous
o Transcripts
- Lesson 1: The transcription of the dialogues of the opening section
is located below the large opening illustration, like in a comic strip
that makes it easier to understand and memorize.
- Lessons 2, 3 and 4: transcription of all audios of all activities, with
the corresponding track number, except in cases where the
transcription distorts the activity (for phonetics in particular) or
involves giving the answer.
o Grammatical summary illustrated and indicated by the learn to learn
competition icon.
o Illustrated dictionary in two parts:
" Mon dico " includes all the main illustrated vocabulary; This is also
available in the form of flash cards and recordings.
" Ma première encyclopédie " includes most of the more specific
vocabulary of the interdisciplinary lessons (4).

3.4.2. Structure of the units and pedagogical approach

LESSON 1: Oral examination
The first double page is an introduction that includes:
- The objectives of the unit, differentiated by competencies and presented in the form
of small challenges proposed by the character of the method, according to a
meaningful route that goes from the most "academic" to the most authentic.
- An illustrated table that announces the topic of the unit and actively places students
in context by presenting learning strategies through 3 simple systematic activities:
o Observation and preparation strategies for oral comprehension;
o Micro dialogue and training in global understanding.
o This table is also designed to facilitate spontaneous reuse of oral skills and
guided reorganization of previous unit content in writing in the activity

LESSON 2: Lexicon and phonetics

The second double page presents the basic vocabulary, in context, oral and written, to
communicate around the topic of the unit.
- This presentation corresponds to a first phase of communication and is always made
from authentic material.

- It is accompanied by:
or grammatical indications when they relate to the nature of the words (use of
articles, in particular);
or the corresponding strategies: invitation to contrastive observation,
memorization tricks provided by the " petite flamme " that embodies the
competence of learning to learn;
or in the " Le son ..." box, an introduction to pronunciation and, more humbly, an
awareness of spelling (at this level, especially to allow students to recognize the
written form of what they have heard).
- Concludes with:
or recreational activities for understanding and reuse.

LESSON 3: Grammar and communication

The third double page is a real staging of the speech acts related to the unit. It is done in two
stages and in two ways:
- An original comic, the favorite medium of young people, ensures the motivation of
students. Above all, it facilitates access to a small true story whose understanding is
largely based on the illustration, which complements or reinforces the text.
So much so that even before "dissecting" the characters' responses,
readers/listeners understand the story globally.
- A page of grammatical communication that is presented as an explanation of the
story and that begins precisely with comprehension questions forcing the crucial
answers to be located in the table.
o This method conveys an important message about the link between grammar
and communication: grammar does not have to be "scary", it serves to
better understand something interesting.
o The study of grammatical structures is not an end in itself, as the functional
titles and the shape of the boxes suggest.
o Structures help convey messages:
■ Observing these structures allows us to refine understanding;
■ The assimilation of the structures used in the messages read and
heard, thanks to the reuse activities, subsequently allows one to
express themselves freely, to talk about oneself.

LESSON 4: Interdisciplinary contents

The fourth double page should not lead to confusion: in DÉFIS, it is not really about "doing"
mathematics or natural sciences, much less following a "program", even if the topics were
chosen according to these, it is about to materialize the fact that French is not just a separate
"issue", but a way of talking about all kinds of "real" topics.
Given their age, DÉFIS students develop in two main areas: home and family, and school. In
lessons 1 to 3, DÉFIS invites them to talk about their familiar and close world while projecting
themselves into the family reality of French-speaking adolescents. In Lesson 4, you will talk in
French about another part of your daily life, non-linguistic topics in other subjects.
Communicating in French about the content of other subjects that are familiar to them is a way
to reinforce the authenticity of learning.
- The information provided in these lessons naturally takes the form of real
documents, very simple at first. It is the first opportunity to read small authentic
- The final task of each unit, " La petite fabrique ", has been designed around this
notion of usefulness, transversality and authentic communication.

- Carrying out these tasks is a privileged moment to develop in students a cooperative
attitude, which includes the competence of mediation.
- It is also a good way for the teacher to more or less "off the record" evaluate the
achievements and motivation of his class.

Review and Evaluation

This last double page closes the learning path of each unit, in the spirit that corresponds to a
positive pedagogy.
- «Joue en français! »: Allows you to review and reuse new content, through
of short recreational activities, to prepare the evaluation and allow better results.
- « Tes défis » : the evaluation page is also deliberately
"dedramatized"; the linguistic problems are simple and are directly related to the
contents presented in the unit; They are oral for greater dynamism, but they will be
completed in writing in the Activity Book. Represented by badges of different shapes
and colors, the contents to be evaluated are summarized using a simple formula to
memorize and "categorize" by skills.
3.4.3. Activity book
The Activity Book is intended for individual work and the systematization of the contents
presented in class. It facilitates the introduction to writing and completes the evaluation and
self-assessment process.
- To facilitate identification and work at home, its structure is parallel to that of the
Student Book.
o Lesson 1: from the contextualization table, the contents of the previous unit
are reviewed, then the understanding of the micro-dialogues is checked.
either Lesson 2: Consolidation of association vocabulary and practice
either Lesson 3: contextualization of speech acts, systematization of
grammatical structures in a communicative approach and playful reuse
o Lesson 4: interdisciplinary vocabulary integration exercises and activities
related to the final task of the Student Book.
o Evaluation: simple and fun activities to obtain encouraging results.

- A mind map per unit allows:

o review oral productions and grammatical content;
o classify and synthesize knowledge;
or customize them.

- At the end of the Activity Book, in parallel with the " Mon dico " section of the Book,
the student is invited to create his or her own bilingual dictionary.

- Also in the appendix, a " Carte de France " to complete will allow the student to
become familiar with the geography of France.

- The Activity Book is accompanied by an audio CD to reinforce the work of

comprehension and the transition from oral to written. The audio can also be
downloaded from the method's website.

- The activity book also contains a personal access code for DÉFIS digital games for a
playful internalization of vocabulary.

3.4.4. Teacher Resources
The teacher has: the teacher's book, CD Audio, the evaluation file and CD Audio, flash cards and
digital material with: interactive activities, a game generator, a bank of flash cards, videos and
the karaoke version of the songs.
- The teacher's book consists of an introduction that presents the method (audience
and levels, pedagogical foundations, structure and methodology).
- For each unit you can find:
or an "x-ray" of each lesson: the reproduction of the labeled Student Book
pages, activity by activity, to allow an at-a-glance review of the linguistic
elements of each one, as well as the basic competencies and multiple
intelligences developed; correspondences with the activities in the Activity
Book are systematically indicated;
o The step-by-step development of the lesson and the proposed pedagogical
process: detailed objectives for each activity, the necessary material,
exploitation suggestions, versions, transcription of the recordings, solutions
and, where appropriate, sociocultural information additional.

The Activity Book is reproduced in its entirety, with transcripts of the recordings and
solutions embedded on each page.

The evaluation book is offered separately for your convenience. It offers a wide
range of tools to diversify and strengthen the assessment process, which is an
integral part of learning.
Ready to use, on paper:
o with a placement test for a diagnostic evaluation at the beginning of the
o for each unit and for a formative evaluation:
o Evaluation
o a portfolio for self-assessment
o for all units, a final evaluation by competencies;
or at the end of the course, a final evaluation by competencies, which covers
all the contents seen during the year according to the DELF Prim A1 model.
In digital format, these same evaluations in PDF (for printing) and in Word, to modify
and personalize them according to the needs of the class in general or of the
students in particular.

Flashcards : they will be used to alternatively present the main vocabulary, to

manipulate it "physically", as children like to do it, to play in class, to help
memorization and personal creation (sentence construction). They include:
o the illustrated cards of " Mon dico ";
o the corresponding word cards, and their audio version;
o the numbers from 0 to 9, to play to create the tens;
or articles, to be combined with words or images, to internalize the notions of
gender and number.
These cards are also available in digital format, they can be projected and/or printed.
In this format, you will also find the words " Ma première encyclopédie ".
Digital resources : no element of the DÉFIS digital kit is essential for the
implementation of the method; but everyone brings extra motivation and
dynamism to the class.
The digital manual for the interactive whiteboard includes all the elements of the

method, allowing very easy navigation between one element and another and within
each of them.
o The Student Book is completely interactive:
■ It offers at least for each activity, direct access to recordings,
transcriptions, interactive and visual solutions.
■ For some sections, it includes stimulating animations:
• comics become caricatures;
• The magazines are complemented by embedded videos
and graphics that turn them into real documentaries.

o The activity book is also interactive:
■ The audio of the activity is accessible with a single click.
■ The exercises are self-corrective, which is of great pedagogical interest:
giving the solutions gradually, according to and tailored to the elements, the
format allows for dynamic correction sessions that allow remediation and
reinforcement of learning.
o Videos are integrated into the units but are also grouped separately, for easy
independent viewing.
o The digital flash cards are presented as a bank of resources, to be manipulated and
saved for later sessions.
o A game generator allows the creation of "memory" type games to resume vocabulary
at will, varying contexts and modalities.
o A bank of traditional songs will allow students to share part of the cultural heritage of
French children, while they work on their diction without complexes, thanks to the
karaoke version.
The use of information and communication technologies enhances the use of language for
communicative purposes, favoring the acquisition of oral and written skills: vocabulary, correct
spelling, writing texts, appropriate presentations, interpersonal relationships, etc. In this sense, it
will be convenient to train students in computer educational programs, management programs
(word processors, email managers) and the Internet, etc., since the resources that technology
offers us are a means for the construction of knowledge as well as motivating tools in the
preparation of tasks and projects of creation, research, analysis, selection and processing of
Below we present some practical examples of the incorporation of ICTs as methodological
resources in the area of the second French language.
- Digital whiteboard, for carrying out interactive activities
- Explanatory videos
- School newspaper to encourage research and written expression.
- The blog as an instrument to encourage reading and writing
- Digital dictionaries for preparing vocabulary expansion exercises, synonym dictionaries...
- Virtual libraries as a resource for the design of literary comprehension and creation
- Websites to work on reading comprehension
- Sound libraries for the development of oral comprehension
- Digital newspapers to work on understanding and critical commentary
- The Power Point presentation program for the development of expression

Unit 0


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Resume contact with French orally.
information essential either the announcements, very simple information - Practice understanding songs,
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), descriptions and class instructions.
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and - Exercise the ability to concentrate
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that auditory and visual.
simple structures and very frequently used distort he
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes changes in the theme of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
Comprehension strategies material within their area of interest (e.g. Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies
people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the
topics, or in which information is given
understanding the general meaning, essential - Mobilize memory and knowledge.
about leisure activities).
information or main points of the text. - Use comprehension strategies:
illustrations, transparent words or
- Involve the body in activities.
- Be willing to work in a group and
understand that together we learn better.
- Enjoy speaking and interacting in French.
- Understand that personal involvement
and spontaneous participation promote

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - Summer sports activities.

sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, - Back to school in France.
about life ,everyday - Meet your new classmates.
(habits, schedules, activities,
celebrations), conditions, of life
(living place, around), relations
interpersonal (family, friendship, school),
behavior (gestures
customs, use of voice, physical contact) and
conventions social (rules of
courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired
about the themselvesto
adequate understanding of the text.

Communicative functions Communicative functions
- Greet / Introduce yourself
Distinguish the function either functions - Say age, birthday
main communicative aspects of the text (p. and. a demand for - Describe yourself physically and the
information, an order, or an offer) and a limited repertoire of its clothes you are wearing
most common exponents, as well as the basic discursive patterns - Express your tastes and preferences
(e.g. and. conversational beginning and closing, or the points of a - Talk about your family
schematic narrative). - say the date
- Talk about sports
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings associated with the basic
syntactic structures of oral communication. - Hello! / Bonjour!
-Is there a girl or a garçon? —› C'est une
- Quel est son âge? —› Il / Elle a ... ans.
- What is the date of their anniversary?
—› They are anniversaire, c'est le 5 avril.
- Comment il / elle est ? Grand(e) or
petit(e)? —› Il / Elle est...
- Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
—› Il / elle est roux ...
- Qu'est-ce qu'il / elle porte aujourd'hui?
—› Il porte / elle porte un pull vert.
- Il/Elle a des frères et des sœurs? —› Il a
frère et deux sœurs.
- What color is your favorite? —› Your
favorite color is blue.
- Il/Elle a companion animal? — › Il/Elle
to a chat.
- Today, this is September 5!
-J'aime... / J'adore...
- Impératif, 2nd personne du singulier:
Regarde! Ecoute! Lisa!
- Verbe avoir et être au présent de
Impératif, 2o personne du pluriel:
Écoutez! Repétez! Watch! Cherchez!

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Recognize a limited repertoire of oral lexicon
high frequency relative to - Sports : Faire de l'escalade, faire du
everyday situations and ordinary and vélo, jouer au ballon, jouer au volley.
concrete topics related to one's own School supplies: a two-pack, a stylo, a
experiences, needs and interests, and use papier crayon, a colle bâton, a cahier, a
the indications of the context and the classeur, the tableau.
information contained in the text to get an - Adjectives of physical description:
idea of the probable meanings of words and grand(e) # petit(e)^hjond(e) # brun(e) #
expressions that are unknown. roux /rousse
- Clothes: (unité 6, Défis 1)
- The colors (unités 1 et 2, Défis 1)
- Family members (unit 4,
Defis 1)
- The months of the year (see unit 3,
Défis 1)
- Numbers 1-31 (unités 0 et unité 2,
Défis 1)
- The pets : le chien, le chat,

l'oiseau, le poisson rouge (unité 3, Défis 1)
- Class instructions: À toi! Ecoute! I
watched! Montre! Lève la main! Dis!
Repeat! LislijÉCris! Cherche! Complete!
Associate! Dessine! Joue! Ouvre/ferme le

Sound patterns Sound patterns

- Resume contact with the
Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic musicality and the sounds of French.
and intonation patterns and recognize the
general meanings and communicative
intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: production Communication: production
5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
Expression presentations, previously prepared and - Test the knowledge acquired in the
Construct very basic oral texts and participate rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of previous level, Défis 1.
in a very simple but understandable way in interest (introduce himself and other - Get used to expressing yourself in
very short conversations that require a direct people; give basic information about French continuously (LE, p.6-7).
exchange of information in areas of himself, his family and his studies; indicate - Pronounce the sounds and intonation of
immediate need or on very familiar topics his hobbies and interests and the main French.
(one same, he around activities of your daily life; briefly and
immediate, people, places, objects and simply describe people or objects; say what
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or you like and don't like and give your Interaction
informal register, using simple and very opinion using elementary structures). - Resume the habit of interacting in
frequently used expressions and phrases, French with classmates (LE, p.9).
usually isolated 6. It operates in very basic situations in,
either for example, shops, restaurants or leisure
linked with basic connectors, although the spaces.
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and
7. Participates in conversations
hesitations are evident, and repetition,
informal face-to-face or technical means
paraphrase and speaker-speaker
(telephone, Skype) in which social contact
cooperation are necessary to maintain is established (thank you, say hello, say
goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple
introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations,
someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to
someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you
information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent.
exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and know how to apply the basic
- Mobilize memory and knowledge.
strategies to produce oral texts
- Use comprehension strategies:
very brief and simple monologic or dialogic,
illustrations, transparent words or
using, for example, formulas and language
prefabricated eitherexpressions
- Involve the body in
memorized, or supporting with gestures what

what you want to express. activities.
- Be willing to work in a group and
understand that together we learn
- Enjoy speaking and interacting in
- Understand that personal involvement
and spontaneous participation promote

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - Summer sports activities.

basic, concrete and significant - Back to school in France.
sociolinguistics, and apply the knowledge - Meet your new classmates.
acquired about them to an oral production
appropriate to the context, respecting the
most basic communications.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
- Greet / Introduce yourself
Fulfill the main communicative function of the text (p. and. a - Say age, birthday
congratulation, an exchange of information, either - Describe yourself physically and the
a clothes you are wearing
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents - Express your tastes and preferences
and basic discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the beginning - Talk about your family
and farewell for the closing of the conversation, either a - say the date
narration - Talk about sports
schematic developed in points).

Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns

Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link
words or groups of words with connectors - Hello! / Bonjour!
basic as "and", - ^ C'est une filie ou un garcon? —>
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors C'est une filie...Ha;
continue to be systematically made in, for - Quel est son âge? —› Il / Elle a ... ans.
example, verb tenses or agreement. - What is the date of their anniversary?
—› They are anniversaire, c'est le 5 avril.
- Comment il / elle est ? Grand(e) or
petit(e)? —> II/Elle est ... J
- Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
—> II / elle est roux ...Jpj
- Qu'est-ce qu'il / elle porte aujourd'hui?
—> Il porte / elle porte un pull vert.JpJ -
Il/Elle a des frères et des sœurs? —› Il a
frere et deux sxurs.JpJ
- What color is your favorite? —› My
favorite color is blue.Jpj
- Il/Elle a companion animal? —
- Il/ Elle a chat.Jpj
- Today, this is September 5!
-^Jpaime... /J'adore...
- Impératif, 2nd personne du singulier:
Regarde! Ecoute! Lisa!
- Verbe avoir et être au présent de
Impératif, 2o personne du pluriel:
Écoutez! Repétez! Watch! Cherchez!

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency oral vocabulary related to everyday
situations and common and specific topics - Sports : Faire de l'escalade, faire du
related to one's own interests, experiences vélo, jouer au ballon, jouer au volley.
and needs. School supplies: a two-pack, a stylo, a
papier crayon, a colle bâton, a cahier, a
classeur, the tableau.
- Adjectives of physical description:
grand(e) #petit(e)^hjond(e) # brun(e) #
roux /rousse
- Clothes: (unité 6, Défis 1)
- The colors (unités 1 et 2, Défis 1)
- Family members (unité 4, Défis 1)
- The months of the year (see unit 3,
Défis 1)
- Numbers 1-31 (unités 0 et unité 2, Défis
- The mascots : the chien, the chat, the
oiseau, the red poisson (unité 3, Défis 1)
- Class instructions: À toi! Ecoute! I
watched! Montre! Lève la main! Dis!
Repeat! LislijÉCris! Cherche! Complete!
Associate! Dessine! Joue! Ouvre/ferme le

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Articulate, in a generally understandable way - Resume contact with the
but with evident influence from the first or musicality and the sounds of French.
other languages, a very limited repertoire of
sound patterns, accents, rhythmic
and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
8. Understands, with visual support, the - Understand the instructions in French.
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the essentials of simple instructions and - Go from oral to written:
main ideas and some specific information in indications, and basic information, in notes,
texts, both in printed format and in digital signs and posters in streets, stores, means
format, very brief and simple, in standard of transportation, cinemas, museums,
language and with a high-frequency lexicon, schools, and other services and public (LE, P.9) AND THE VOCABULARY (LE, P.7).
and in which the topic covered and the type places.
of text are very familiar, everyday or of
immediate need, as long as you can reread 9. Understand essential information and
what you have not understood, you can locate information specific in
consult a dictionary and you have visual and simple information material such as, eg,
contextual support. menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists,
advertisements, telephone directories,
Comprehension strategies advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or Comprehension strategies
event programs.
Know and know how to apply basic strategies
- Mobilize memory and knowledge.
further suitable for the 10. It includes very short and simple
correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards - Use comprehension strategies:
understanding the general meaning, essential
and cards) that deals with illustrations, transparent words or
information or points

main parts of the text. topics that are very familiar to you, such as
yourself, family, school, free time,
describing an object or place, or indicating Similar, ...
the time and place of an appointment. - Involve the body in activities.
- Be willing to work in a group and
11. Understands the gist and main points of understand that together we learn better.
short news and magazine articles for young - Enjoy speaking and interacting in French.
people that deal with topics that are - Understand that personal involvement
familiar or of interest to them (sports, and spontaneous participation promote
musical groups, computer games, comics). learning.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - Summer sports activities.

sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of - Back to school in France.
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, - Meet your new classmates.
living conditions (housing, environment),
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship,
school) and social conventions (rules of
courtesy), and apply knowledge acquired
about the
themselves to an adequate understanding of
the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Greet / Introduce yourself
functions - Say age, birthday
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Describe yourself physically and the
and. a congratulation, a clothes you are wearing
demand of - Express your tastes and preferences
information, or an offer) and a limited - Talk about your family
repertoire of its most common exponents, - say the date
So as the patterns - Talk about sports
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and closing
of an email, or the points of a schematic
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures - Hello! / Bonjour!
of written communication (p. and. structure - ^ C'est une filie ou un garcon? —> C'est
interrogative for une filie...Ha;
demand information). - Quel est son âge? —› Il / Elle a ... ans.
- What is the date of their anniversary?
—› They are anniversaire, c'est le 5 avril.
- Comment il / elle est ? Grand(e) or
petit(e)? —> II/Elle est ...Jpj
- Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
—> II / elle est roux ...Jp;
- Qu'est-ce qu'il / elle porte aujourd'hui?
—> Il porte / elle porte un pull vert.Jpj -
Il/Elle a des frères et des sœurs ? —› Il a
frere et deux sxurs.JpJ
- What color is your favorite? —› My
favorite color is blue.Jpj
- Il/Elle a companion animal? — > Il/Elle a
un chat.Jpj
- Today, this is September 5!
- pJ'aime... /J'adore...
- Impératif, 2nd personne du singulier:
Regarde! Ecoute! Lisa!

- Verbe avoir et être au présent de
Impératif, 2o personne du pluriel:
Écoutez! Repétez! Watch! Cherchez!
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to
everyday situations and common and specific - Sports : Faire de l'escalade, faire du
topics related with their vélo, jouer au ballon, jouer au volley.
experiences, needs and interests, and infer School supplies: a two-pack, a stylo, a
from the context and the information papier crayon, a colle bâton, a cahier, a
contained in the text the probable meanings classeur, the tableau.
of unknown words and expressions. - Adjectives of physical description:
grand(e) # petit(e)^hjond(e) # brun(e) #
roux /rousse
- Clothes: (unité 6, Défis 1)
- The colors (unités 1 et 2, Défis 1)
- Family members (unité 4, Défis 1)
- The months of the year (see unit 3,
Défis 1)
- Numbers 1-31 (unités 0 et unité 2, Défis
- The mascots : the chien, the chat, the
oiseau, the red poisson (unité 3, Défis 1)
- Class instructions: À toi! Ecoute! I
watched! Montre! Lève la main! Dis!
Repeat! LislijÉCris! Cherche! Complete!
Associate! Dessine! Joue! Ouvre/ferme le

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

- Resume the practice of associating
Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period, phoneme-graphy.
comma), as well as frequently used symbols
(e.g. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify the
meanings and intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
12. Write short and simple personal - Complete the activities in the workbook
build, in paper or in support correspondence (messages, notes, (CA, p.6-9).
electronic, very short and simple texts, postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you
composed of isolated simple sentences, in a thank, congratulate someone, make an
neutral or informal register, using with invitation, give instructions, or talk about
reasonable correctness the basic spelling yourself and your immediate environment
conventions and the main punctuation marks, (family , friends, hobbies, daily activities,
to talk about oneself, one's immediate objects, places) and asks questions related
surroundings and aspects of their daily lives, to these topics.
in very familiar and predictable situations.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and apply the basic strategies to
- Mobilize memory and knowledge.
produce very short written texts and

simple, but copying very common words and
phrases to carry out the communicative - Use comprehension strategies:
functions that are pursued. illustrations, transparent words or
- Involve the body in activities.
- Be willing to work in a group and
understand that together we learn
- Enjoy speaking and interacting in
- Understand that personal involvement
and spontaneous participation promote

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

- Summer sports activities.

Know aspects sociocultural and - Back to school in France.
sociolinguistic basic concrete and - Meet your new classmates.
significant (e.g. and. the conventions on the
beginning and closing of an email to known
people) and apply the knowledge acquired
about them to a written production
appropriate to the context, respecting the
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette.

Communicative functions Communicative functions

Fulfill the main communicative function of - Greet / Introduce yourself
the written text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Say age, birthday
exchange of information, either - Describe yourself physically and the
a clothes you are wearing
offering), using a limited repertoire of its - Express your tastes and preferences
most frequent exponents and basic - Talk about your family
discursive patterns (p. and. greetings for the - say the date
beginning and farewell for the closing of an - Talk about sports
email, or a schematic narrative developed in
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link words or groups of
words with connectors basic as "and", - Hello! / Bonjour!
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors continue to be - ^ C'est une filie ou un garcon? —>
systematically made in, for example, verb tenses or agreement. C'est une filie...Ha;
- Quel est son âge? —› Il / Elle a ... ans.
- What is the date of their anniversary?
—› They are anniversaire, c'est le 5 avril.
- Comment il / elle est ? Grand(e) or
petit(e)? —> II/Elle est ...Jpj
- Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
- > II / elle est roux ...Jp;
- Qu'est-ce qu'il / elle porte aujourd'hui?
—> Il porte / elle porte un pull vert.Jpj -
Il/Elle a des frères et des sœurs ? —› Il a
frere et deux sxurs.JpJ
- What color is your favorite? —› My
favorite color is blue.Jpj
- Il/Elle a companion animal? — > Il/Elle
a un chat.Jpj
- Today, this is September 5!
- ^Jlaime... /J'adore...
- Impératif, 2nd personne du singulier:
Regarde! Ecoute! Lisa!

- Verbe avoir et être au présent de
Impératif, 2o personne du pluriel:
Écoutez! Repétez! Watch! Cherchez!
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to
everyday situations and common and specific - Sports : Faire de l'escalade, faire du
topics related to one's own interests, vélo, jouer au ballon, jouer au volley.
experiences and needs. School supplies: a two-pack, a stylo, a
papier crayon, a colle bâton, a cahier, a
classeur, the tableau.
- Adjectives of physical description:
grand(e) #petit(e)^hjond(e) # brun(e) #
roux /rousse
- Clothes: (unité 6, Défis 1)
- The colors (unités 1 et 2, Défis 1)
- Family members (unité 4, Défis 1)
- The months of the year (see unit 3,
Défis 1)
- Numbers 1-31 (unités 0 et unité 2, Défis
- The mascots : the chien, the chat, the
oiseau, the red poisson (unité 3, Défis 1)
- Class instructions: À toi! Ecoute! I
watched! Montre! Lève la main! Dis!
Repeat! LislijÉCris! Cherche! Complete!
Associate! Dessine! Joue! Ouvre/ferme le

Sound patterns and spelling Sound patterns and spelling

- Resume the practice of associating
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling phoneme-graphy.
conventions to write with reasonable
correctness words or short phrases that are
normally used in speaking, but not necessarily
with completely normalized spelling.

Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
- Deduce a conjugation rule from observation.
Mathematical competence and basic skills in - Make deductions from visual clues.
science and technology - Identify a partner by signs.
Learn to learn - Exercise your ability to listen to concentration.
- Mobilize your memory and knowledge.
- Imagine the theme of a song from the lyrics.
- Exercise your listening and observation skills.
- Mobilize and reuse your knowledge orally.
- Rely on the illustrations to understand the song.
- Take care of your pronunciation.
- Orient yourself in the illustration.
- Play the specific interaction.
Social and civic skills - Listen to your partner.
- Play a proposed game.
- Overcome shyness and dare to express yourself in front of others.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Dare to sing in French in front of your classmates.
- Get involved in reviews.

Unit 1


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Exercise in understanding short texts:
information essential either the announcements, very simple information dialogues, vocabulary lists, tongue
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), twister,
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and recorded instructions.
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that - To exercise his ability of
simple structures and very frequently used distort he visual and auditory concentration.
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes changes in the theme of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
material within their area of interest (e.g.
Comprehension strategies Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the topics, or in which information is given - Develop mechanisms of
understanding the general meaning, essential about leisure activities). oral comprehension: observation of the
information or main points of the text. illustrations (comic), help of transparent
words, sound backgrounds, taking into
account the voices, the context.
- Have a reflective look at the
language of study and compare it with the
mother tongue, to promote learning,
whether due to the effect of opposition or
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Involve the body in learning.
- Practice mobilizing your immediate
memory and knowledge in the review and
self-assessment sections. - Train in the
observation and analysis of iconographic

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - Learn about the new

sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of technologies (LE, p.16-17).
daily life (time habits, activities, - Learn to use the Internet (LE, p.17).
celebrations), - Prevent the dangers of the Internet.
living conditions (housing, environment), - Work in pairs and groups.
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, - Know how to listen to your colleagues
schoolchildren), behavior and respect speaking turns.
(habitual gestures, use of voice, physical - Interact with your colleagues.
contact) and social conventions (rules of - Collaborate with classmates to
courtesy), and apply the knowledge complete a common task (LE, p.17).

acquired about the themselvesto
adequate understanding of the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Describe a house
functions - Introduce yourself and say where you
main communicative aspects of the text (p. live
and. a demand for information, an order, or - Talk about collective actions
an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most
common exponents, as well as the basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational
beginning and closing, or the points of a
schematic narrative).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures - Où est-ce que tu habites? —› J'habite au
of oral communication. numero...
- Où on met... ? —› On met the chaise
dans la cuisine.
- Subject personal pronouns, plural:
nous, vous, ils, elles
- The conjugation of verbs in - er (plural)
- The liaison

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Recognize a limited repertoire of oral lexicon
high frequency relative to - The rooms of the house: the kitchen,
everyday situations and ordinary and the living room, the chambre, the
concrete topics related to one's own bathroom.
experiences, needs and interests, and use the - The furniture: l'armoire, le lit, les
indications of the context and the information toilettes, you sink, the shower,
contained in the text to get an idea of the l'étagère, le canapé, le frigo, la table, le
probable meanings of words and expressions fauteuil, la chaise, le tapis, la table de
that are unknown. chevet.
- The exteriors of the house: the porte,
the fenêtre, the staircase, the balcony, the
wall, the toit.
- The decorative objects: a rideau, a
tapis, a coussin, a lampe, a miroir, a cadre
- The vocabulary of new technologies: a
tablet, a écran, cliquer, enregistrer, a
souris, a tablette, an computer, a clavier.
- Subject personal pronouns, singular.
- The conjugation of verbs in - eri
- Prepositions of place.
- Colors.
- Animals.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic - Identify the sound [ ɔ̃ ].

and intonation patterns and recognize the
meanings and general communicative
intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: production Communication: production
5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
presentations, previously prepared and - Train yourself to reproduce the
Expression rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of vocabulary of the unit in a clear and
Construct very basic oral texts and participate interest (introduce himself and other understandable way (LE, p.12-13,
in a very simple but understandable way in people; give basic information about 17), a
very short conversations that require a direct himself, his family and his studies; indicate tongue twisters (LE, p. 13), specific speech
exchange of information in areas of his hobbies and interests and the main acts, based on a model (LE, p. 15).
immediate need or on very familiar topics activities of your daily life; briefly and - Train yourself in the reproduction of the
(one same, he around simply describe people or objects; say what sound [ɔ̃] (LE, p.13).
immediate, people, places, objects and you like and don't like and give your
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or opinion using elementary structures).
informal register, using simple and very Interaction
frequently used expressions and phrases, 6. It operates in very basic situations in, - Train in the reproduction of dialogues
usually isolated for example, shops, restaurants or leisure and communicative situations of the unit
either spaces. (LE, p.13).
linked with basic connectors, although the 7. Participates in conversations - Work out in participate in
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and informal face-to-face or technical means simple verbal interactions in the section «
hesitations are evident, and repetition, (telephone, Skype) in which social contact Joue en français ! » (LE, p.16).
paraphrase and interlocutor cooperation are is established (thank you, say hello, say
necessary to maintain communication. goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations, someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent. exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and know how to apply the basic - Develop mechanisms of
strategies to produce oral texts oral production: help of transparent
very brief and simple monologic or dialogic, words, context.
using, for example, formulas and language - Have a reflective look at the
prefabricated eitherexpressions language of study and compare it with the
memorized, or supporting with gestures what mother tongue, to promote learning,
you want to express. whether due to the effect of opposition or
- Know the meaning of the pictograms
to better understand and handle the
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Practice mobilizing your immediate
memory and knowledge in the review and
self-assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - Learn about the new

basic, concrete and significant technologies (LE, p.16-17).
sociolinguistics, and apply the knowledge - Learn to use the Internet (LE, p.17).
acquired about them to an oral production - Prevent the dangers of the Internet.
appropriate to the context, respecting the - Work in pairs and groups.
conventions - Know how to listen to your colleagues
most basic communications. and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with colleagues to
complete a common task (LE, p.17).

Communicative functions Communicative functions

Fulfill the main communicative function of - Describe a house
the text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Introduce yourself and say where you
exchange of information, either live
a - Talk about collective actions
offering), using a limited repertoire of its
most frequent exponents and basic
discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the
beginning and farewell for the closing of the
conversation, either a
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link
words or groups of words with connectors - Où est-ce que tu habites? —› J'habite
basic as "and", au numero...
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors - Où on met... ? —› On met the chaise
continue to be systematically made in, for dans la cuisine.
example, verb tenses or agreement. - Subject personal pronouns, plural:
nous, vous, ils, elles
- The conjugation of verbs in - er (plural)
- The liaison

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency oral vocabulary related to - The rooms of the house: the kitchen,
everyday situations and common and specific the living room, the chambre, the
topics related to one's own interests, bathroom.
experiences and needs. - The furniture: l'armoire, le lit, les
toilettes, you sink, the shower,
l'étagère, le canapé, le frigo, la table, le
fauteuil, la chaise, le tapis, la table de
- The exteriors of the house: the porte,
the fenêtre, the staircase, the balcony,
the wall, the toit.
- The decorative objects: a rideau, a
tapis, a coussin, a lampe, a miroir, a
cadre photo.
- The vocabulary of new technologies:
a tablet, a écran, cliquer, enregistrer, a
souris, a tablette, an computer, a clavier.
- Subject personal pronouns, singular.
- The conjugation of verbs in - eri
- Prepositions of place.
- Colors.
- Animals.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Articulate, generally - Practice the sound [ ɔ̃ ].

understandable but with evident influence of - Play a tongue twister with rhythm.
the first or other languages, a very limited
repertoire of sound patterns, accents,
rhythmic and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
8. Understands, with visual support, the - Train yourself in understanding short
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the essentials of simple instructions and texts: questionnaires, comics,
main ideas and some specific information in indications, and basic information, in notes, instructions, visual indications, advice
texts, both in printed format and in digital signs and posters in streets, stores, means from the Petite Flamme (LE, p.15).
format, very brief and simple, in standard of transportation, cinemas, museums, - Go from oral to written: follow a
language and with a high-frequency lexicon, schools, and other services and public dialogue by reading its transcription (LE,
and in which the topic covered and the type places. p.14); identify vocabulary in writing (LE,
of text are very familiar, everyday or of p.12-13).
immediate need, as long as you can reread 9. Understand essential information and
what you have not understood, you can locate information specific in
consult a dictionary and you have visual and simple information material such as, eg,
contextual support. menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists,
advertisements, telephone directories,
Comprehension strategies advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or Comprehension strategies
event programs.
Know and know how to apply basic strategies - Develop mechanisms of
further suitable for the 10. Includes very short and simple written comprehension: observation of
understanding the general meaning, essential correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards the illustrations (comic), help of
information or main points of the text. and cards) that deals with topics that are transparent words, sound backgrounds,
well known to you, such as, for example, context.
oneself, family, school, free time, - Have a reflective look at the
description of an object or a place , or the language of study and compare it with the
indication of the time and place of an mother tongue, to promote learning,
appointment. whether due to the effect of opposition or
11. Understands the gist and main points of mimicry.
short news and magazine articles for young - Know the meaning of the pictograms
people on topics that are familiar or of to better understand and handle the
interest to them (sports, music groups, book.
computer games, comics). - Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Practice mobilizing your immediate
memory and knowledge in the review and
self-assessment sections. - Train in the
observation and analysis of iconographic
- Refer to the reference document if
- Look at the first letter of the words
pair grasp he
apostrophe mechanism.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - Learn about the new

sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of technologies (LE, p.16-17).
daily life (habits, - Learn to use the Internet (LE, p.17).

schedules, activities, celebrations), - Prevent the dangers of the Internet.
living conditions (housing, environment), - Work in pairs and groups.
interpersonal relationships (family, - Know how to listen to your colleagues
friendship, school) and social conventions and respect speaking turns.
(rules of courtesy), and apply knowledge - Interact with your colleagues.
acquired about the - Collaborate with colleagues to
themselves to an adequate understanding of complete a common task (LE, p.17).
the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Describe a house
functions - Introduce yourself and say where you
main communicative aspects of the text (p. live
and. a congratulation, a - Talk about collective actions
demand of
information, or an offer) and a limited
repertoire of its most common exponents,
So as the patterns
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and
closing of an email, or the points of a
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures - Où est-ce que tu habites? —› J'habite
of written communication (p. and. structure au numero...
interrogative for - Où on met... ? —› On met the chaise
demand information). dans la cuisine.
- Subject personal pronouns, plural:
nous, vous, ils, elles
- The conjugation of verbs in - er (plural)
- The liaison

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - The rooms of the house: the kitchen,
everyday situations and common and specific the living room, the chambre, the
topics related with their bathroom.
experiences, needs and interests, and infer - The furniture: l'armoire, le lit, les
from the context and the information toilettes, you sink, the shower,
contained in the text the probable meanings l'étagère, le canapé, le frigo, la table, le
of unknown words and expressions. fauteuil, la chaise, le tapis, la table de
- The exteriors of the house: the porte,
the fenêtre, the staircase, the balcony,
the wall, the toit.
- The decorative objects: a rideau, a
tapis, a coussin, a lampe, a miroir, a
cadre photo.
- The vocabulary of new technologies:
a tablet, a écran, cliquer, enregistrer, a
souris, a tablette, an computer, a clavier.
- Subject personal pronouns, singular.
- The conjugation of verbs in - eri
- Prepositions of place.
- Colors.
- Animals.

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period, comma), as well as - Recognize the spelling of the sound [
symbols of ɔ̃ ]> /on/.

frequent use (eg. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify themeaningsand intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
12. Write short and simple personal - Write affirmative and negative
build, in paper or in support correspondence (messages, notes, sentences as preparation for the rules of
electronic, very short and simple texts, postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you Internet use.
composed of isolated simple sentences, in a thank, congratulate someone, make an - Complete the activities in the workbook
neutral or informal register, using with invitation, give instructions, or talk about (CA, p.10-19, 70, 76).
reasonable correctness the basic spelling yourself and your immediate environment
conventions and the main punctuation marks, (family , friends, hobbies, daily activities,
to talk about oneself, one's immediate objects, places) and asks questions related
surroundings and aspects of their daily lives, to these topics.
in very familiar and predictable situations.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and apply the basic strategies to
produce very short and simple written texts, - Develop written production: help from
pe copying very common words and phrases transparent words.
to carry out the communicative functions that - Have a reflective look at the language of
are pursued. study and compare it with the mother
tongue, to promote learning, whether due
to the effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms to
better understand and handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done with
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Practice mobilizing your immediate
memory and knowledge in the review and
self-assessment sections. - Train in the
observation and analysis of iconographic

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - Learn about the new

sociolinguistic basic concrete and technologies (LE, p.16-17).
significant (e.g. and. the conventions on the - Learn to use the Internet (LE, p.17).
beginning and closing of an email to known - Prevent the dangers of the Internet.
people) and apply the knowledge acquired - Work in pairs and groups.
about them to a written production - Know how to listen to your colleagues
appropriate to the context, respecting the and respect speaking turns.
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette. - Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with classmates to
complete a common task (LE, p.17).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Fulfill the main communicative function of the - Describe a house
written text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Introduce yourself and say where you
exchange of information, either live
a - Talk about collective actions
offering), using a repertoire

limited of its most frequent exponents and
basic discursive patterns (p. and. greetings for
the beginning and farewell for the closing of
an email, or a schematic narrative developed
in points).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link
words or groups of words with connectors - Où est-ce que tu habites? —› J'habite au
basic as "and", numero...
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors - Où on met... ? —› On met the chaise
continue to be systematically made in, for dans la cuisine.
example, verb tenses or agreement. - Subject personal pronouns, plural:
nous, vous, ils, elles
- The conjugation of verbs in - er (plural)
- The liaison

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - The rooms of the house: the kitchen,
everyday situations and common and specific the living room, the chambre, the
topics related to one's own interests, bathroom.
experiences and needs. - The furniture: l'armoire, le lit, les
toilettes, you sink, the shower,
l'étagère, le canapé, le frigo, la table, le
fauteuil, la chaise, le tapis, la table de
- The exteriors of the house: the porte,
the fenêtre, the staircase, the balcony, the
wall, the toit.
- The decorative objects: a rideau, a
tapis, a coussin, a lampe, a miroir, a cadre
- The vocabulary of new technologies: a
tablet, a écran, cliquer, enregistrer, a
souris, a tablette, an computer, a clavier.
- Subject personal pronouns, singular.
- The conjugation of verbs in - eri
- Prepositions of place.
- Colors.
- Animals.

Sound patterns and spelling Sound patterns and spelling

- Strengthen the spelling of the sound [ ɔ̃ ]
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling > /on/.
conventions to write with reasonable
correctness words or short phrases that are
normally used in speaking, but not necessarily
with completely normalized spelling.

Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
Mathematical competence and basic skills in - Identify the type of document from a series of indexes.
science and technology - Reason and use logic to deduce a grammar rule.
- Apply the conjugation rules in a context: les verbes en - er , au pluriel.
- Use reasoning to deduce the meaning and use of on.
- Apply a grammar rule in context.

- Understand a 3D plan.
- Use logic to make deductions.
- Use logic to conjugate verbs based on the subject, to associate elements and to
Digital competence
- Identify a tablet.
- Identify the tool represented: a digital application.
- Use a digital application and understand how it works.
- Master the functionalities of a digital tool: the tablet.
- Expand the transversal vocabulary related to computing and new technologies.
Learn to learn

- Use comprehension strategies: transparent words, illustrations.

- Exercise your listening and observation skills.
- Associate words and images.
- Orient yourself in an illustration.
- Mobilize acquired knowledge: vétements et couleurs .^j
- Exercise your ability to listen and observe simultaneously.
- Develop strategies to associate sound and visual elements.
- Mobilize your immediate memory.
- Mobilize the acquired knowledge: the family; les animaux; the localization
- Take care of your pronunciation.
- Go from oral to written: recognize the words heard in writing.
- Reproduce the specific communication scheme.
- Mobilize acquired knowledge: les couleurs; le verbe être .
- Acquire specific structures.
- Mobilize knowledge in the process of acquisition.
- Get used to playing with your tongue.
- Understand that to pronounce a sound correctly, you must first listen to it well.
- Acquire the habit of relating a sound to its spelling(s).
- Reproduce specific interactions orally, based on a model.
- Orient yourself in the comic.
- Reproduce the expected communication pattern, taking care of pronunciation.
- Interpret an iconographic document.
- Mobilize the acquired knowledge: les meubles de la maison; les couleurs .^j
- Orient yourself on a three-dimensional map.
- Identify yourself in the drawings.
- Get involved in the task and enjoy doing it.
- Make sure you do a good job.
- Orient yourself simultaneously in the three illustrations to discriminate the
specific elements.
- Locate yourself in space: mentally represent the room to be able to describe it;
Draw a room based on precise landmarks.
- Mobilize the acquired knowledge: terminaisons des verbes en -er au présent;
subject pronoms.
- Take care of intonation and pronunciation.
- Make an assessment of your learning.
- Understand that evaluation is a useful tool in the learning process.
Social and civic skills - Collaborate with your colleagues to facilitate the development of the game.
- Listen to your classmates and participate in the proposed repetition activity.
- Learn to make useful and reasonable use of the Internet.
- Reflect on the dangers of the Internet.
- Collaborate in collective activities.
- Respect the rules of the challenge.
- Collaborate with your peers in the context of various challenges.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Dare to speak up and get involved in learning.
- Dare to speak.
- Develop self-confidence.
- Dare to speak in front of the class group and participate.
- Make suggestions in the group, participate in collective reflections.
- Get involved in your evaluation.

Cultural awareness and expression - Awaken interest in outdoor activities and games.
- Stimulate the creativity and artistic skill of students.

Unit 2


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Exercise in understanding short texts:
information essential either the announcements, very simple information dialogues, vocabulary lists, tongue
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), twister,
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and instructions engraved, a
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that mathematical puzzle.
simple structures and very frequently used distort he - To exercise his ability of
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message. visual and auditory concentration.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes changes in the theme of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
material within their area of interest (e.g.
Comprehension strategies Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the topics, or in which information is given - Develop mechanisms of
understanding the general meaning, essential about leisure activities). oral comprehension: observation of the
information or main points of the text. illustrations, help of transparent words,
sound backgrounds, voices, context.
- Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Learn to orient yourself in the book
to find he vocabulary and the
structures you need to carry out an
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Take advantage of the advice of the
Petite Flamme.
- Mobilize immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - The treatment of you and of you in
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of France (LE, p.25).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, - Enjoy playing with numbers, solving
celebrations), enigmas and take
living conditions (housing, environment), awareness of potential of the
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, mathematics (LE, p.27).
schoolchildren), behavior - Work in pairs and groups.
(habitual gestures, use of voice, contact - Know how to listen to your colleagues

physical) and social conventions (rules of Respect turns to speak.
courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired - Interact with your colleagues.
about the themselvesto - Collaborate with classmates to
adequate understanding of the text. complete a common task (LE, p.27).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Talk about school: school and subjects.
functions - Describe the schedule.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Situate yourself at school.
and. a demand for information, an order, or - Tell the time.
an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most - Count from 30 to 60.
common exponents, as well as the basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational
beginning and closing, or the points of a
schematic narrative).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures - What materials do you sometimes
of oral communication. have?—› Nous avons...^EpJ
- Où you are?—› Je suis en salle
- Quelle heure il est?—› Il est...
- Plural possessive adjectives : mes, tes,
- The conjugation of the verbs être and
avoir : nous, vous, ils, elles^pj
- The contraction of articles with the
preposition "a" : au, a la, a l', aux.^pj -
Prepositions of place : dans, sur, en.
The liaison in the expressions to tell the
time : Il est dix heures; Il est trois heures
et quart.

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Recognize a limited repertoire of oral lexicon - The school facilities : the classroom,
high frequency relative to the CDI, the recreation court, the toilets,
everyday situations and common and specific the self, the multimedia room, the
topics related to one's own experiences, parking à vélo, the gymnase, the sports
needs and interests, and use the indications field, the secretariat, the infirmerie.
of the context and the information contained - School subjects : French, l'histoire-
in the text to get an idea of the probable géographie,
meanings of words and expressions that are l'espagnol, l'anglais, la technologie,
unknown. l'éducation musical, them
mathématiques, l' enseignement moral
et civique, la physique-chimie, les arts
plastics, allemand, les Sciences et Vie de
la Terre (SVT), l'Éducation Physique et
Sportive (EPS).
- The vocabulary to express the hours:
Il est dix heures ...^^nq, dix, et quart,
et demie, ^ !" est
heures^imoins vingt, moins le quart,
moins dix. Il est midi.
- Vocabulary related to mathematics:
+ : plus^-it moins ^ x" fois / multiplié par
... + : divisé par ... ^ =J égale
- Possessive adjectives in singular :
mon/ton/son; ma/ta/sa.
- Express the date : ^ —>On est
-Accentify objects : skQu'est-ce qu'il and

a dans ton college?—› Dans mon college,
il ya...
- Express your preferences: What are
your favorite materials?—› Mes préférées
matières sont...
Sound patterns Sound patterns
- Identify the sound [ɑ̃].
Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic
and intonation patterns and recognize the
general meanings and communicative
intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: production Communication: production
5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
presentations, previously prepared and - Train yourself in the clear and
Expression rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of understandable reproduction of the
Construct very basic oral texts and participate interest (introduce himself and other vocabulary of the unit (LE, p.22, 23, 26), of
in a very simple but understandable way in people; give basic information about a tongue twister (LE, p.23), the speech
very short conversations that require a direct himself, his family and his studies; indicate acts of the unit based on a model (LE,
exchange of information in areas of his hobbies and interests and the main p.25).
immediate need or on very familiar topics activities of your daily life; briefly and -Train in the reproduction of the sound [ɑ̃]
(one same, he around simply describe people or objects; say what (LE, p.23).
immediate, people, places, objects and you like and don't like and give your
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or opinion using elementary structures). Interaction
informal register, using simple and very - Train in the reproduction of the unit's
frequently used expressions and phrases, 6. It operates in very basic situations in, dialogues and communication situations
usually isolated for example, shops, restaurants or leisure based on a model (LE, p.23, 25).
either spaces.
linked with basic connectors, although the 7. Participates in conversations
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and informal face-to-face or technical means
hesitations are evident, and repetition, (telephone, Skype) in which social contact
paraphrase and interlocutor cooperation are is established (thank you, say hello, say
necessary to maintain communication. goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations, someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent. exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and know how to apply the basic
strategies to produce oral texts - Develop mechanisms of
very brief and simple monologic or dialogic, oral production: help of transparent
using, for example, formulas and language words, context.
prefabricated eitherexpressions - Reflect on the language of study and
memorized, or supporting with gestures what compare it with the mother tongue, to
you want to express. promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.

- Know the meaning of the pictograms
to better understand and handle the
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Practice mobilizing your immediate
memory and knowledge in the review
and self-assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - The treatment of you and of you in

basic, concrete and significant France (LE, p.25).
sociolinguistics, and apply the knowledge - Enjoy playing with numbers, solving
acquired about them to an oral production enigmas and take
appropriate to the context, respecting the awareness of potential of the
conventions mathematics (LE, p.27).
most basic communications. - Work in pairs and groups.
- Know how to listen to your colleagues
and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with colleagues to
complete a common task (LE, p.27).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
- Talk about school: school and subjects.
Fulfill the main communicative function of the text (p. and. a - Describe the schedule.
congratulation, an exchange of information, either - Situate yourself at school.
a - Tell the time.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents - Count from 30 to 60.
and basic discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the beginning
and farewell for the closing of the conversation, either a
schematic developed in points).

Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns

Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link
words or groups of words with connectors - What materials do you sometimes
basic as "and", have?—› Nous avons...^EpJ
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors - Où you are?—› Je suis en salle
continue to be systematically made in, for multimedia
example, verb tenses or agreement. - Quelle heure il est?—› Il est...
- Plural possessive adjectives : mes, tes,
- The conjugation of the verbs être and
avoir : nous, vous, ils, elles.
- The contraction of articles with the
preposition « à » : au, à la, à l', aux.
- Prepositions of place : dans, sur, en.
The liaison in the expressions to tell the
time : Il est dix heures; Il est trois heures
et quart.

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

- The school facilities : the classroom,
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-frequency oral the CDI, the recreation court, the toilets,
vocabulary related to everyday situations and common and specific the self, the multimedia room, the
topics related to one's own interests, experiences and needs. parking à vélo, the gymnase, the sports
field, the secretariat, the infirmerie.

- School subjects : French, l'histoire-
l'espagnol, l'anglais, la technologie,
l'éducation musical, them
mathématiques, l' enseignement moral et
civique, la physique-chimie, les arts
plastics, allemand, les Sciences et Vie de
la Terre (SVT), l'Éducation Physique et
Sportive (EPS).
- The vocabulary to express the hours:
Il est dix heures ...cinq, dix, et quart, et
demie,il its T eleven
heures^imoins vingt, moins le quart,
moins dix. Il est midi.
- Vocabulary related to mathematics: +
: plus- : moins : fois / multiplié par ... ÷ :
divisé par ...= égale Review
- Possessive adjectives in singular :
mon/ton/son; ma/ta/sa.
- Express the date : —› On est mardi.
- Identify objects: What is it already in
college? —› Dans mon
college, il ya...
- Express your preferences: What are
your favorite materials?—› Mes préférées
matières sont...

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Articulate, in a generally understandable way - Practice the sound [ɑ̃].
but with evident influence from the first or
other languages, a very limited repertoire of
sound patterns, accents, rhythmic
and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
8. Understands, with visual support, the - Train in text comprehension short:
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the essentials of simple instructions and instructions,
main ideas and some specific information in indications, and basic information, in notes, questionnaires, comics, indications
texts, both in printed format and in digital signs and posters in streets, stores, means visuals, tips of the Petite
format, very brief and simple, in standard of transportation, cinemas, museums, Flamme (LE, p.25), issues
language and with a high-frequency lexicon, schools, and other services and public mathematicians (LE, p.26-27).
and in which the topic covered and the type places. - Go from oral to written: listen to a
of text are very familiar, everyday or of dialogue by reading its transcription (LE,
immediate need, as long as you can reread 9. Understand essential information and p.24). Identify written vocabulary (LE,
what you have not understood, you can locate information specific in p.22, 23, 26).
consult a dictionary and you have visual and simple information material such as, eg,
contextual support. menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists,
advertisements, telephone directories,
Comprehension strategies advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or Comprehension strategies
event programs.
Know and know how to apply basic strategies - Develop mechanisms of
further suitable for the 10. It includes very short and simple written comprehension: observation of
understanding the general meaning, essential correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards the illustrations (comic), help with
information or points and cards) that deals with transparent words, backgrounds

main parts of the text. topics that are very familiar to you, such as
yourself, family, school, free time, sounds, the context.
describing an object or place, or indicating - Reflect on the language of study and
the time and place of an appointment. compare it with the mother tongue, to
11. Understands the gist and main points of promote learning, whether due to the
short news and magazine articles for young effect of opposition or mimicry.
people that deal with topics that are - Know the meaning of the pictograms
familiar or of interest to them (sports, to better understand and handle the
musical groups, computer games, comics). book.
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and taking
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Practice mobilizing your immediate
memory and knowledge in the review and
self-assessment sections. - Train in the
observation and analysis of iconographic
documents. - Use the reference document
if necessary.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - The treatment of you and of you in
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of France (LE, p.25).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, - Enjoy playing with numbers, solving
celebrations), enigmas and take
living conditions (housing, environment), awareness of potential of the
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, mathematics (LE, p.27).
school) and social conventions (rules of - Work in pairs and groups.
courtesy), and apply knowledge acquired - Know how to listen to your colleagues
about the and respect speaking turns.
themselves to an adequate understanding of - Interact with your colleagues.
the text. - Collaborate with colleagues to
complete a common task (LE, p.27).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Talk about school: school and subjects.
functions - Describe the schedule.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Situate yourself at school.
and. a congratulation, a - Tell the time.
demand of - Count from 30 to 60.
information, or an offer) and a limited
repertoire of its most common exponents,
So as the patterns
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and closing
of an email, or the points of a schematic
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures - What materials do you sometimes have?
of written communication (p. and. structure —› Nous avons...
interrogative for - Où you are?—› Je suis en salle
demand information). multimedia
- Quelle heure il est?—› Il est...
- Plural possessive adjectives : mes, tes,
- The conjugation of the verbs être and
avoir : nous, vous, ils, elles
- The contraction of articles with the
preposition « à » : au, à la, à l', aux.
- Prepositions of place : dans, sur, en.

The liaison in the expressions to tell the
time : Il est dix heures; Il est trois heures
et quart.
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - The school facilities : the class room,
everyday situations and common and specific the CDI, the recreation court, the toilets,
topics related with their the self, the multimedia room, the parking
experiences, needs and interests, and infer à vélo, the gymnase, the sports field, the
from the context and the information secretariat, the infirmerie.
contained in the text the probable meanings - School subjects : French, l'histoire-
of unknown words and expressions. géographie,
l'espagnol, l'anglais, la technologie,
l'éducation musical, them
mathématiques, l' enseignement moral et
civique, la physique-chimie, les arts
plastics, allemand, les Sciences et Vie de
la Terre (SVT), l'Éducation Physique et
Sportive (EPS).
- The vocabulary to express the hours: Il
est dix heures ...^^nq, dix, et quart, et
demie,^Ü;' its T eleven
heures^imoins vingt, moins le quart,
moins dix. Il est midi.
- Vocabulary related to mathematics: + :
plus^-it moins ^ x' fois / multiplié par ...
+ : divisé par ...^¡>j égale
- Possessive adjectives in singular :
mon/ton/son; ma/ta/sa.
- Express the date : ^ —>On est mardi.
-Accentify objects : What is it already in
college?—› Dans mon college, il ya...
- Express your preferences: What are
your favorite materials?—› Mes préférées
matières sont...

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

- Recognize the spellings of the sound [ɑ̃]
Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period, > /en/, /an/.
comma), as well as frequently used symbols
(e.g. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify the
meanings and intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
build, in paper or in support 12. Write short and simple personal - Prepare to write the presentation for
electronic, very short and simple texts, correspondence (messages, notes, your assignment.
composed of isolated simple sentences, in a postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you - Complete the activities in the workbook
neutral or informal register, using with thank, congratulate someone, make an (CA, p.20-29, 71, 76).
reasonable correctness the basic spelling invitation, give instructions, or talk about
conventions and the main punctuation marks, yourself and your immediate environment
to talk about oneself, one's immediate (family , friends, hobbies, daily activities,
surroundings and aspects of their daily lives, objects, places) and does
in very difficult situations

familiar and predictable. questions related to these topics.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and apply the basic strategies to
produce very short and simple written texts, - Develop written production: help from
pe copying very common words and phrases transparent words.
to carry out the communicative functions that - Reflect on the language of study and
are pursued. compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms to
better understand and handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done with
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis of
iconographic documents.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - The treatment of you and of you in

sociolinguistic basic concrete and France (LE, p.25).
significant (e.g. and. the conventions on the - Enjoy playing with numbers, solving
beginning and closing of an email to known enigmas and take
people) and apply the knowledge acquired awareness of potential of the
about them to a written production mathematics (LE, p.27).
appropriate to the context, respecting the - Work in pairs and groups.
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette. - Know how to listen to your colleagues
and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with colleagues to
complete a common task (LE, p.27).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Fulfill the main communicative function of the - Talk about school: school and subjects.
written text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Describe the schedule.
exchange of information, either - Situate yourself at school.
a - Tell the time.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most - Count from 30 to 60.
frequent exponents and basic discursive
patterns (p. and. greetings for the beginning
and farewell for the closing of an email, or a
schematic narrative developed in points).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link - What materials do you sometimes have?
words or groups of words with connectors —› Nous avons...gfpi
basic as "and", - Où you are?—› Je suis en salle
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors multimedia
continue to be systematically made in, for - Quelle heure il est?—› Il est...
example, verb tenses or agreement. - Plural possessive adjectives : mes, tes,
- The conjugation of the verbs être and
avoir : nous, vous, ils, elles
- The contraction of articles with the
preposition « à » : au, à la, à l', aux.

- Prepositions of place : dans, sur, en.
The liaison in the expressions to tell the
time : Il est dix heures; Il est trois heures
et quart.
Frequently used vocabulary
Frequently used vocabulary - The school facilities : the classroom,
Know and use a limited repertoire of high- the CDI, the recreation court, the toilets,
frequency written vocabulary related to the self, the multimedia room, the
everyday situations and common and parking à vélo, the gymnase, the sports
specific topics related to one's own field, the secretariat, the infirmerie.
interests, experiences and needs. - School subjects : French,
l'espagnol, l'anglais, la technologie,
l'éducation musicale, them
mathématiques, l' enseignement moral
et civique, la physique-chimie, les arts
plastics, allemand, les Sciences et Vie de
la Terre (SVT), l'Éducation Physique et
Sportive (EPS).
- The vocabulary to express the
hours: Il est dix heures ...^Csfnq, dix, et
quart, et demie,^Ü;' est eleven
heures^imoins vingt, moins le quart,
moins dix. Il est midi.
- Vocabulary related to
mathematics: + : plus^-': moins ^ x'
fois / multiplié par ... + : divisé par ...^¡>j
- Possessive adjectives in singular :
mon/ton/son; ma/ta/sa.
- Express the date : ^ —>On est
-Accentify objects : What is it already in
college?—› Dans mon college, il ya...
- Express your preferences: What
are your favorite materials?—› Mes
préférées matières sont...
Sound patterns and spelling
Sound patterns and spelling - Strengthen the spellings of the
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling sound [ɑ̃] > /en/, /an/.
conventions to write with reasonable
correctness words or short phrases that are
normally used in speaking, but not
necessarily with completely normalized
Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
Mathematical competence and basic skills in - Know how to read the time.
science and technology - Make deductions: associate the time in words with the time in figures.
- Deduce a phonetic rule.
- Apply logic to represent a sequence of numbers.
- Use reasoning and logic to make deductions.
- Mobilize your mathematical knowledge: even, odd numbers, add, subtract,
multiply, divide.
- Reason, perform a series of simple mathematical operations, in a chain to make

- Chain together several basic mathematical operations, without losing track.
- Reason and use logic to deduce the expected verbal form and the phrase to
- Reason to deduce the logic of the operation of a numerical sequence.
- Count backwards, perform basic chain calculations.
- Apply grammar rules in context.
Learn to learn

- Know and become aware of the challenges of the unit.

- Use comprehension strategies: transparent words, illustrations, familiar words.
- Exercise your listening, observation and discrimination skills.
- Mobilize your acquired knowledge: demander / dire l'adresse ; the names; il ya
- Rely on the illustration to make deductions.
- Orient yourself in the photographs.
- Go from oral to written: recognize the written form of the words heard orally.
- Mobilize your immediate memory.
- Reproduce the specific oral interaction following a model: Qu'est-ce qu'il ya dans
ton collège? —› Dans mon college, il ya...
- Reactivate and mobilize the knowledge acquired.
- Reflect on the functioning of the language of study.
- Compare the language of study with the mother tongue.
- Take care of your pronunciation.
- Get used to playing with your tongue.
- Acquire the habit of relating a sound to its spelling(s).
- Reproduce the specific oral interaction following a model: Et toi, quelles sont tes
préférées matières? —› «Mes most preferred matières sont...».
- Exercise the ability to concentrate auditory and visual.
- Develop comprehension techniques.
- Mobilize your auditory and visual memory and orient yourself in the comic to do
a specific search.
- Take care of pronunciation and intonation.
- Get involved in the task, enjoy doing it.
- Reinvest your skills in oral presentation of the task: Talk about your schedule
(saying times and subjects).
- Make sure you do a good job.
- Reflect on learning.
- Understand that evaluation is a useful tool in the learning process.
Social and civic skills - Listen to colleagues.
- Collaborate with your colleagues.
- Lend yourself to the proposed activity.
- Collaborate in collective activities.
- Respect the rules of the challenges.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Get involved in your learning.
- Persevere until you get the correct answer.
- Make suggestions to the group, participate in collective reflections.
- Get involved in your evaluation.
Cultural awareness and expression - Discover the differences between French education and that of your country.
- School subjects in France.
- Learn about the use of courtesy rules in France.
- Acquire the rules of courtesy.
- Compare the rules of courtesy in France with those in your country.
- Awaken interest in logic and enigmas.
- Stimulate the creativity and artistic talent of students.

Unit 3


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Exercise in understanding short texts:
information essential either the announcements, very simple information dialogues, vocabulary lists, descriptions,
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), affirmations, tongue twister,
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and recorded instructions.
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that - To exercise his ability of
simple structures and very frequently used distort he visual and auditory concentration.
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes changes in the theme of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
material within their area of interest (e.g.
Comprehension strategies Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the topics, or in which information is given
understanding the general meaning, essential about leisure activities). - Develop mechanisms of
information or main points of the text. comprehension: observation of the
illustrations; help of transparent words,
sound backgrounds, context, voices.
- Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Learn to orient yourself in the book
to find he vocabulary and the
useful structures to carry out an activity.
- Enjoy group work and become aware
that collaboration helps facilitate learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge.
- Acquire the tips and strategies of the
Petite Flamme .
- Train yourself in the mobilization of
your knowledge, especially in the context
of the activities of
review, Joue en français and in the
evaluation of Tes défis!

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant

- Enrich your knowledge about nutrition
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of
(LE, p.34, 38).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities,
- Reflect on your diet (LE, p.39).

living conditions (housing, environment), - Learn to eat well (LE, p.39).
interpersonal relationships (family, - Discover the painter Giuseppe
friendship, schoolchildren), behavior Arcimboldo and his compositions
(habitual gestures, use of voice, physical pictorial (LE, p.39).
contact) and social conventions (rules of - Work in pairs and groups.
courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired - Know how to listen to your colleagues
about the themselvesto and respect speaking turns.
adequate understanding of the text. - Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with classmates to
complete a common task (LE, p.39).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Name foods.
functions - Express your tastes in food.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Describe the composition of a dish.
and. a demand for information, an order, or - Order food.
an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most
common exponents, as well as the basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational
beginning and closing, or the points of a
schematic narrative).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings Qu'est-ce qu'il already dans la salade
associated with the basic syntactic structures composée
of oral communication. - Dans la salade composée, il ya…
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes? n'aimes pas?
do you love? do you detest?
- J'aime… / Je n'aime pas…
- J'adore… / Je déteste…
What is it that you learn?
- Je prends… / Je voudrais…
Hey mange, hey bois...
C'est bon! C'est délicieux!
- La conjugaison du verbe prendre au
- The articles partitifs: d u, de la, de l',
- Les articles partitifs à la forme
négative: structure ne… pas de
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of oral lexicon
high frequency relative to - The names of the foods:
everyday situations and common and specific Fruits and vegetables
topics related to one's own experiences, le maïs, la pomme, la poire, le raisin, la
needs and interests, and use the indications carotte, le poireau, le chou-fleur,
of the context and the information contained l'orange, le radis, la salade, la fraise, la
in the text to get an idea of the probable cerise, le haricot vert, le poivron, la
meanings of words and expressions that are courgette, le melon, tomato, olive,
unknown. avocat, épinards.
Viande, poisson et œufs:
le saucisson, le jambon, le poulet, l'œuf,
le steak, le saumon, le poisson Féculents
the pain, the céréales, the lentilles, the
pâtes, the crêpe, the pizza…
The sweet products
le gâteau aux pommes/au chocolat, le
jus de fruits, la confiture de fraise, la
tarte auxfraises, la compote.
Products Laitiers
Le lait, le yaourt.
Food families

the latest products; la viande, le poisson,
les œufs; les matières grasses; les
boissons ; the sweet products; fruits and
vegetables; les féculents, pain et céréales.
The reviews of the day
Le petit-déjeuner; le déjeuner ; le diner.
The names of the platforms constituting
a review: L'entrée; the main plat; le
The sensations
Avoir faim / froid
The seasons of the year, the numbers, the

Sound patterns Sound patterns

- Identify the sound [s].
Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic
and intonation patterns and recognize the
general meanings and communicative
intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: production Communication: production
5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
presentations, previously prepared and - Practice reproducing the vocabulary of
Expression rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of the unit in a clear and understandable
Construct very basic oral texts and participate interest (introduce himself and other way (LE, p.34), a tongue twister (LE, p.35),
in a very simple but understandable way in people; give basic information about the required speech acts, based on a
very short conversations that require a direct himself, his family and his studies; indicate model (LE, p. 38, 39, task).
exchange of information in areas of his hobbies and interests and the main - Train yourself in the reproduction of
immediate need or on very familiar topics activities of your daily life; briefly and the sound [s] (LE, p.35).
(one same, he around simply describe people or objects; say what
immediate, people, places, objects and you like and don't like and give your
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or opinion using elementary structures). Interaction
informal register, using simple and very - Exercise in the production of dialogues
frequently used expressions and phrases, 6. It operates in very basic situations in, and communicative situations of the unit,
usually isolated for example, shops, restaurants or leisure
following a model (LE, p.35, 37).
either spaces.
linked with basic connectors, although the 7. Participates in conversations
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and informal face-to-face or technical means
hesitations are evident, and repetition, (telephone, Skype) in which social contact
paraphrase and interlocutor cooperation are is established (thank you, say hello, say
necessary to maintain communication. goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations, someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent. exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies
Know and know how to apply the basic
strategies to produce oral texts - Develop mechanisms of
very brief and simple monologic or dialogic, oral production: help of transparent
using, for example, formulas and language words, context.
prefabricated eitherexpressions - Reflect on the language of study
memorized, or supporting with gestures and compare it with the mother tongue,
what you want to express. to promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the
pictograms to better understand and
handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural

and - Enrich your knowledge about nutrition
basic, concrete and significant (LE, p.34, 38).
sociolinguistics, and apply the knowledge - Reflect on your diet (LE, p.39).
acquired about them to an oral production - Learn to eat well (LE, p.39).
appropriate to the context, respecting the - Discover the painter Giuseppe
conventions Arcimboldo and his compositions
most basic communications. pictorial (LE, p.39).
- Work in pairs and groups.
- Know how to listen to your colleagues
and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with classmates to
complete a common task (LE, p.39).

Communicative functions Communicative functions

- Name foods.
Fulfill the main communicative function of the text (p. and. a - Express your tastes in food.
congratulation, an exchange of information, either - Describe the composition of a dish.
a - Order food.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents
and basic discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the beginning
and farewell for the closing of the conversation, either a
schematic developed in points).

Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns

Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link Qu'est-ce qu'il already dans la salade
words or groups of words with connectors composée
basic as "and", - Dans la salade composée, il ya…
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors Qu'est-ce que tu aimes? n'aimes pas?
continue to be systematically made in, for do you love? do you detest?
example, verb tenses or agreement. - J'aime… / Je n'aime pas…
- J'adore… / Je déteste…
What is it that you learn?
- Je prends… / Je voudrais…
Hey mange, hey bois...
C'est bon! C'est délicieux!

- La conjugaison du verbe prendre au
- The articles partitifs: d u, de la, de l', des.
- Les articles partitifs à la forme négative:
structure ne… pas de

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency oral vocabulary related to everyday - The names of the foods:
situations and common and specific topics Fruits and vegetables
related to one's own interests, experiences le maïs, la pomme, la poire, le raisin, la
and needs. carotte, le poireau, le chou-fleur, l'orange,
le radis, la salade, la fraise, la cerise, le
haricot vert, le poivron, la courgette, le
melon, tomato, olive, avocat, épinards.
Viande, poisson et œufs:
le saucisson, le jambon, le poulet, l'œuf, le
steak, le saumon, le poisson Féculents
the pain, the céréales, the lentilles, the
pâtes, the crêpe, the pizza…
The sweet products
le gâteau aux pommes/au chocolat, le jus
de fruits, la confiture de fraise, la tarte
auxfraises, la compote.
Products Laitiers
Le lait, le yaourt.
Food families
the latest products; la viande, le poisson,
les œufs; les matières grasses; les
boissons ; the sweet products; fruits and
vegetables; les féculents, pain et céréales.
The reviews of the day
Le petit-déjeuner; le déjeuner ; le diner.
The names of the platforms constituting
a review: L'entrée; the main plat; le
The sensations
Avoir faim / froid
The seasons of the year, the numbers, the

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Articulate, in a generally understandable way - Play the sound [s].
but with evident influence from the first or
other languages, a very limited repertoire of
sound patterns, accents, rhythmic
and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the 8. Understand, with visual support, the - Train yourself in understanding short
main ideas and some information essentials of instructions and indications texts: instructions,

specific in texts, both in printed format and in simple, and basic information, in notes,
digital format, very brief and simple, in signs and posters in streets, stores, means questionnaires, comic, visual indications
standard language and with a high frequency of transport, cinemas, museums, schools, (LE, p.37), advice from the Petite Flamme
lexicon, and in which the topic discussed and and other services and public places. (LE, p.37), advice from the science teacher
the type of text are very familiar, everyday or
9. Understand essential information and on nutrition (LE, p. 39).
of immediate need , as long as you can reread
locate information specific in - Go from oral to written:
what you have not understood, you can
simple information material such as, eg, - Follow a dialogue by reading its
consult a dictionary and you have visual and transcription (LE, p.36).
menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists,
contextual support. - Identify the written form of the
advertisements, telephone directories,
advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or vocabulary heard (LE, p.34, 35, 38).
event programs.
Comprehension strategies 10. Includes very short and simple Comprehension strategies
Know and know how to apply basic strategies correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards
further suitable for the and cards) that deals with topics that are
understanding the general meaning, essential well known to you, such as, for example, - Develop mechanisms of
information or main points of the text. oneself, family, school, free time, written comprehension: observation of
description of an object or a place , or the the illustrations (comic), help of
indication of the time and place of an transparent words, similar words, context.
appointment. - Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
11. Understands the gist and main points of
promote learning, whether due to the
short news and magazine articles for young
effect of opposition or mimicry.
people on topics that are familiar or of
- Know the meaning of the pictograms
interest to them (sports, music groups,
to better understand and handle the
computer games, comics).
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis
of iconographic documents. - Use the
reference document if necessary.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant

sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of - Enrich your knowledge about nutrition
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, (LE, p.34, 38).
celebrations), - Reflect on your diet (LE, p.39).
living conditions (housing, environment), - Learn to eat well (LE, p.39).
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, - Discover the painter Giuseppe
school) and social conventions (rules of Arcimboldo and his compositions
courtesy), and apply knowledge acquired pictorial (LE, p.39).
about the - Work in pairs and groups.
themselves to an adequate understanding of - Know how to listen to your colleagues
the text. and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with classmates to complete
a common task (LE, p.39).

Communicative functions Communicative functions

Distinguish the function either
functions - Name foods.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Express your tastes in food.
and. a congratulation, a - Describe the composition of a dish.
demand of - Order food.
information, or an offer) and a limited

usual, So as the patterns
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and closing
of an email, or the points of a schematic
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings Qu'est-ce qu'il already dans la salade
associated with the basic syntactic structures composée
of written communication (p. and. structure - Dans la salade composée, il ya…
interrogative for Qu'est-ce que tu aimes? n'aimes pas? do
demand information). you love? do you detest?
- J'aime… / Je n'aime pas…
- J'adore… / Je déteste…
What is it that you learn?
- Je prends… / Je voudrais…
Hey mange, hey bois...
C'est bon! C'est délicieux!
- La conjugaison du verbe prendre au
- The articles partitifs: d u, de la, de l',
- Les articles partitifs à la forme
négative: structure ne… pas de
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - The names of the foods:
everyday situations and common and specific Fruits and vegetables
topics related with their le maïs, la pomme, la poire, le raisin, la
experiences, needs and interests, and infer carotte, le poireau, le chou-fleur, l'orange,
from the context and the information le radis, la salade, la fraise, la cerise, le
contained in the text the probable meanings haricot vert, le poivron, la courgette, le
of unknown words and expressions. melon, tomato, olive, avocat, épinards.
Viande, poisson et œufs:
le saucisson, le jambon, le poulet, l'œuf, le
steak, le saumon, le poisson Féculents
the pain, the céréales, the lentilles, the
pâtes, the crêpe, the pizza…
The sweet products
le gâteau aux pommes/au chocolat, le jus
de fruits, la confiture de fraise, la tarte
auxfraises, la compote.
Products Laitiers
Le lait, le yaourt.
Food families
the latest products; la viande, le poisson,
les œufs; les matières grasses; les
boissons ; the sweet products; fruits and
vegetables; les féculents, pain et céréales.
The reviews of the day
Le petit-déjeuner; le déjeuner ; le diner.
The names of the platforms constituting
a review: L'entrée; the main plat; le
The sensations
Avoir faim / froid
The seasons of the year, the numbers, the

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

Recognize basic spelling signs - Recognize the spellings of sound
(p. and. period, comma), as well as symbols of [s]> /s/, /c/, /ç/, /ss/ .
frequent use (eg. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify themeaningsand intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
12. Write short and simple personal - Prepare your intervention to present
build, in paper or in support correspondence (messages, notes, your painting, done in the manner of
electronic, very short and simple texts, postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you Arcimboldo (LE, p.40) - Complete the
composed of isolated simple sentences, in a thank, congratulate someone, make an activities in the exercise book (CA, p.30-
neutral or informal register, using with invitation, give instructions, or talk about 39, 72, 76).
reasonable correctness the basic spelling yourself and your immediate environment
conventions and the main punctuation marks, (family , friends, hobbies, daily activities,
to talk about oneself, one's immediate objects, places) and asks questions related
surroundings and aspects of their daily lives, to these topics.
in very familiar and predictable situations.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and apply the basic strategies to
produce very short and simple written texts,
pe copying very common words and phrases - Develop written production: help from
to carry out the communicative functions that transparent words and similar.
are pursued. - Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms to
better understand and handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done with
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis of
iconographic documents.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Knowing aspects sociocultural and

sociolinguistic basic concrete and - Enrich your knowledge about nutrition
significant (e.g. and. the conventions on the (LE, p.34, 38).
beginning and closing of an email to known - Reflect on your diet (LE, p.39).
people) and apply the knowledge acquired - Learn to eat well (LE, p.39).
about them to a written production - Discover the painter Giuseppe
appropriate to the context, respecting the Arcimboldo and his compositions
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette. pictorial (LE, p.39).
- Work in pairs and groups.
- Know how to listen to your colleagues
and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with colleagues to

complete a common task (LE, p.39).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Fulfill the main communicative function of the - Name foods.
written text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Express your tastes in food.
exchange of information, either - Describe the composition of a dish.
a - Order food.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most
frequent exponents and basic discursive
patterns (p. and. greetings for the beginning
and farewell for the closing of an email, or a
schematic narrative developed in points).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link Qu'est-ce qu'il already dans la salade
words or groups of words with connectors composée
basic as "and", - Dans la salade composée, il ya…
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors Qu'est-ce que tu aimes? n'aimes pas? do
continue to be systematically made in, for you love? do you detest?
example, verb tenses or agreement. - J'aime… / Je n'aime pas…
- J'adore… / Je déteste…
What is it that you learn?
- Je prends… / Je voudrais…
Hey mange, hey bois...
C'est bon! C'est délicieux!
- La conjugaison du verbe prendre au
- The articles partitifs: d u, de la, de l',
- Les articles partitifs à la forme
négative: structure ne… pas de
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - The names of the foods:
everyday situations and common and specific Fruits and vegetables
topics related to one's own interests, le maïs, la pomme, la poire, le raisin, la
experiences and needs. carotte, le poireau, le chou-fleur, l'orange,
le radis, la salade, la fraise, la cerise, le
haricot vert, le poivron, la courgette, le
melon, tomato, olive, avocat, épinards.
Viande, poisson et œufs:
le saucisson, le jambon, le poulet, l'œuf, le
steak, le saumon, le poisson Féculents
the pain, the céréales, the lentilles, the
pâtes, the crêpe, the pizza…
The sweet products
le gâteau aux pommes/au chocolat, le jus
de fruits, la confiture de fraise, la tarte
auxfraises, la compote.
Products Laitiers
Le lait, le yaourt.
Food families
the latest products; la viande, le poisson,
les œufs; les matières grasses; les
boissons ; the sweet products; fruits and
vegetables; les féculents, pain et céréales.
The reviews of the day
Le petit-déjeuner; le déjeuner ; le diner.
The names of the platforms constituting
a review:

L'entrée ; the main plat; le dessert.
The sensations
Avoir faim / froid
The seasons of the year, the numbers, the

Sound patterns and spelling Sound patterns and spelling

- Strengthen the spellings of the sound [s]
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling > /s/, /c/, /ç/, /ss/ .
conventions to write with reasonable
correctness words or short phrases that are
normally used in speaking, but not necessarily
with completely normalized spelling.

Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
Mathematical competence and basic skills in
science and technology - Learn about fruits and seasonal vegetables.
- Make deductions from the illustration.
- Classify foods by categories.
- Use logic to understand the rules of grammar, conjugation and phonetics.
- Apply the rules in a context.
- Mobilize your calculation knowledge to count the chosen meals.
- Understand and apply the established color code to associate each petal with its
- Know the classification of foods.
- Enrich your knowledge about food.
- Reflect on your diet.
- Learn to eat healthy.
- Associate a food with its group.
- Apply the teacher's recommendations regarding nutrition.
Digital competence - Recognize a digital application.
Learn to learn

- Apply comprehension strategies: words similar to the mother tongue, context,

transparent words, false friends.
- Exercise your listening and observation skills.
- Mobilize your knowledge: pièces de la maison; moments of the day…
- Mobilize your knowledge: Il ya…
- Orient yourself in an illustration.
- Mobilize your immediate memory.
- Develop deduction strategies to associate characters and responses (voices,
gender of the characters).
- Mobilize your knowledge: les saisons de l'année.
- Go from oral to written: identify the written form of the words heard.
- Take care of your pronunciation and intonation.
- Mobilize your knowledge: les couleurs .
- Apply the Petite Flamme mnemonics to learn better.
- Reuse the C'est expression orally.
- Mobilize your knowledge: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes / n'aimes pas? (Defis 1, unit 3).
- Rely on illustrations to understand.
- Interpret the emoticons.
- Reproduce the proposed communication pattern following a model.
- Mobilize your knowledge: les aliments .
- Mobilize your knowledge: Qu'est-ce qu'il ya dans…? 9 Il ya… (unité 1) ; la
nourriture (leçon 2)
- Mobilize your memory or orient yourself in the comic to do a specific search.
- Mobilize your knowledge: la nourriture (leçon 2).

- Reflect on the functioning of the language of study.
- Involving the body in learning: comic staging.
- Reuse the provided response start.
- Apply the color code presented in the activity to understand the texts.
- Use the photographs to deduce the meaning of the new words.
- Enjoy doing a job well done.
- Reuse your knowledge to present your task orally: Il ya…, noms des fruits et
légumes, les parties du visage .
- Become aware, through practical collective activity, of the value of
- Interpret emoticons and their designs.
- Take stock of your learning.
- Understand that evaluation is a key tool in the learning process.
Social and civic skills - Listen to colleagues and collaborate.
- Respect the rules of the challenges.
- Collaborate with colleagues on challenges.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Dare to speak up and get involved in class activities.
- Make proposals to the group.
- Get involved in your own evaluation.
- Get involved in the task.
- Participate in collective reflections and make suggestions.
- Get involved in review activities.
- Get involved in the evaluation.
Cultural awareness and expression - Discover Vivaldi's four seasons.
- Learn about how canteens work in French schools.
- Awaken interest in art, specifically painting.

Unit 4


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Train yourself in understanding short
information essential either the announcements, very simple information texts: dialogues, vocabulary lists,
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), affirmations,
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and tongue twisters, recorded instructions.
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that - To exercise the ability of
simple structures and very frequently used distort he visual and auditory concentration.
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes changes in the theme of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
material within their area of interest (e.g.
Comprehension strategies Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the topics, or in which information is given
understanding the general meaning, essential about leisure activities). - Develop mechanisms of
information or main points of the text. comprehension: observation of
illustrations (comic); use of words
transparent, effects
sound, take into account the voices.
- Develop a reflective and comparative
vision of the language of study.
- Enjoy group work and become aware
that collaboration facilitates learning.
- Learn to navigate the book to find
useful linguistic tools to carry out an
- Train in the mobilization of
immediate memory.
- Involve the body in learning.
- Apply the tips and strategies of the
Petite Flamme.
- Train yourself to use what you have
already learned in the revision activities «
Joue en français » and self-assessment «
Tes défis » .

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant

- The social sciences: managing your pay
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of
(LE, p.48-49).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities,
- Become aware of the units of value of
money: euro, cents (LE, p.48-49).
living conditions (housing, environment),
- Count money (LE, p.48).
interpersonal relationships (family,

friendship, schoolchildren), behavior
(habitual gestures, use of voice, physical
contact) and social conventions (rules of
courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired
about the themselvesto
adequate understanding of the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Talk about your city, your neighborhood.
functions - Ask/say some directions.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Count from 60 to 100.
and. a demand for information, an order, or - Talk about money management.
an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most - Ask/tell where they are going.
common exponents, as well as the basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational
beginning and closing, or the points of a
schematic narrative).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures Qu'est-ce qu'il ya ton quartier?
of oral communication. - Dans mon quartier, il ya…
Pour aller à la pharmacie?
- You continue tout droit, you tournes
à gauche et c'est tout près.
When you are a cadeau, do you prefer to
choose or make a personnel object?
- Moi, I prefer…
Comment tu dépenses ton argent ?
- Je fais des cadeaux.
- J'achète des petites choses pour
- Je ne dépense pas d'argent.
Combien ça coûte / fait ?
Cost/fait 15 euros.
- La conjugaison du verbe aller au
- Les verbes en -ER, 2nd personne du
singulier (rebrassage)
- Prépositions de localization dans
l'espace: à droite, à gauche, tout droit,
loin, tout près, à côté.
- Contracted articles with the
preposition « à »: au, à la, à l', aux
- Contracted articles with the
preposition "de": du, de la, de l', des.

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Recognize a limited repertoire of oral lexicon
high frequency relative to - Names of shops: La boulangerie,
everyday situations and common and specific l'épicerie, la librairie-papeterie, le
topics related to one's own experiences, magasin de chaussures, le magasin de
needs and interests, and use the indications vêtements, la pharmacie, la bibliothèque,
of the context and the information contained le cinéma, le restaurant, le parc, l'hôtel, la
in the text to get an idea of the probable rue, le trottoir.
meanings of words and expressions that are - Numbers 60-100
unknown. - Specific vocabulary for purchasing
situations: acheter, dépenser,
économiser, la monnaie, coûter, une
tirelire, un euro, un centime.
- Family members (Défis 1)

- Food (Défis 2, U3)
- Talk about your preferences (Défis 1)
- Basic mathematical operations : plus,
moins, fois, multtiplié par, égal. (Defis 2,
- The liaison of [z] in the nominal group.
Sound patterns Sound patterns
- Identify the sound [z].
Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic - Identify the liaison in /s/ and /x/.
and intonation patterns and recognize the
general meanings and communicative
intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: production Communication: production
5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
presentations, previously prepared and - Train yourself in the clear and
Expression rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of understandable reproduction of the unit's
Construct very basic oral texts and participate interest (introduce himself and other vocabulary (LE, p.44, 45, 48), of a
in a very simple but understandable way in people; give basic information about tongue twisters (LE, p.45), of specific
very short conversations that require a direct himself, his family and his studies; indicate speech acts based on a model (LE, p.47).
exchange of information in areas of his hobbies and interests and the main - Train yourself to reproduce the sound [
immediate need or on very familiar topics activities of your daily life; briefly and z ] (LE, p.45).
(one same, he around simply describe people or objects; say what
immediate, people, places, objects and you like and don't like and give your Interaction
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or opinion using elementary structures). - Train in the repetition of the unit's
informal register, using simple and very dialogues and communication situations,
frequently used expressions and phrases, 6. It operates in very basic situations in, according to a model (LE, p.45, 49).
usually isolated for example, shops, restaurants or leisure
either spaces.
linked with basic connectors, although the 7. Participates in conversations
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and informal face-to-face or technical means
hesitations are evident, and repetition, (telephone, Skype) in which social contact
paraphrase and interlocutor cooperation are is established (thank you, say hello, say
necessary to maintain communication. goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations, someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent. exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and know how to apply the basic - Develop mechanisms of
strategies to produce oral texts oral production: help of transparent
very brief and simple monologic or dialogic, words, context.
using, for example, formulas and language - Reflect on the language of study and
prefabricated eitherexpressions compare it with the mother tongue, to
memorized, or supporting with gestures what promote learning, whether due to the
you want to express. effect of opposition or of

- Know the meaning of the pictograms
to better understand and handle the
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - The social sciences: managing your pay
basic, concrete and significant (LE, p.48-49).
sociolinguistics, and apply the knowledge - Become aware of the units of value of
acquired about them to an oral production money: euro, cents (LE, p.48-49).
appropriate to the context, respecting the - Count money (LE, p.48).
most basic communications.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
- Talk about your city, your
Fulfill the main communicative function of the text (p. and. a neighborhood.
congratulation, an exchange of information, either - Ask/say some directions.
a - Count from 60 to 100.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents - Talk about money management.
and basic discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the beginning - Ask/tell where they are going.
and farewell for the closing of the conversation, either a
schematic developed in points).

Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns

Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link
words or groups of words with connectors Qu'est-ce qu'il ya ton quartier?
basic as "and", - Dans mon quartier, il ya…
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors Pour aller à la pharmacie?
continue to be systematically made in, for - You continue tout droit, you tournes
example, verb tenses or agreement. à gauche et c'est tout près.
When you are a cadeau, do you prefer
to choose or make a personnel object?
- Moi, I prefer…
Comment tu dépenses ton argent ?
- Je fais des cadeaux.
- J'achète des petites choses pour
- Je ne dépense pas d'argent.
Combien ça coûte / fait ?
Cost/fait 15 euros.
- La conjugaison du verbe aller au
- Les verbes en -ER, 2nd personne du
singulier (rebrassage)
- Prépositions de localization dans
l'espace: à droite, à gauche, tout droit,
loin, tout près, à côté.
- Contracted articles with the
preposition « à »: au, à la, à l', aux
- Contracted articles with the
preposition "de": du, de la, de l', des.

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency oral vocabulary related to everyday - Names of shops: La boulangerie,
situations and common and specific topics l'épicerie, la librairie-papeterie, le
related to one's own interests, experiences magasin de chaussures, le magasin de
and needs. vêtements, la pharmacie, la bibliothèque,
le cinéma, le restaurant, le parc, l'hôtel, la
rue, le trottoir .
- Numbers 60-100
- Specific vocabulary for purchasing
situations: acheter, dépenser,
économiser, la monnaie, coûter, une
tirelire, un euro, un centime.
- Family members (Défis 1)
- Food (Défis 2, U3)
- Talk about your preferences (Défis 1)
- Basic mathematical operations : plus,
moins, fois, multtiplié par, égal. (Defis 2,
- The liaison of [z] in the nominal group.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

- Play the sound [ z ].
Articulate, in a generally understandable way
- Play the liaison on /s/ and /x/.
but with evident influence from the first or
other languages, a very limited repertoire of
sound patterns, accents, rhythmic
and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
8. Understands, with visual support, the
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the essentials of simple instructions and - Train in text comprehension
main ideas and some specific information in indications, and basic information, in notes, short: instructions,
texts, both in printed format and in digital signs and posters in streets, stores, means questionnaires, comic, instructions
format, very brief and simple, in standard of transportation, cinemas, museums, illustrated, advice from the Petite Flamme
language and with a high-frequency lexicon, schools, and other services and public (LE, p.45), testimonies (LE, p.49).
and in which the topic covered and the type places. - Go from oral to written:
of text are very familiar, everyday or of - Follow a dialogue from its
immediate need, as long as you can reread 9. Understand essential information and transcription (LE, p. 46)
what you have not understood, you can locate information specific in - Identify by written he
consult a dictionary and you have visual and simple information material such as, eg, vocabulary they have heard (LE,
contextual support. menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists, p.44, 45).
advertisements, telephone directories,
Comprehension strategies advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or Comprehension strategies
event programs.
Know and know how to apply basic strategies
further suitable for the 10. Includes very short and simple - Develop mechanisms of
understanding the general meaning, essential correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards written comprehension: observation of
information or main points of the text. and cards) that deals with topics that are the illustrations (comic), help of
well known to you, such as, for example, transparent words, similar words, context.
oneself, family, school, free time, - Reflect on the language of study and
description of an object or a place , or the compare it with the mother tongue, to
indication promote learning, whether

of the time and place of an appointment. due to the effect of opposition or
11. Understands the gist and main points of mimicry.
short news and magazine articles for young - Know the meaning of the pictograms
people that deal with topics that are to better understand and handle the
familiar or of interest to them (sports, book.
musical groups, computer games, comics). - Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis of
iconographic documents.
- Refer to the reference document if

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - The social sciences: managing your pay
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of (LE, p.48-49).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, - Become aware of the units of value of
celebrations), money: euro, cents (LE, p.48-49).
living conditions (housing, environment), - Count money (LE, p.48).
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship,
school) and social conventions (rules of
courtesy), and apply knowledge acquired
about the
themselves to an adequate understanding of
the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Talk about your city, your neighborhood.
functions - Ask/say some directions.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Count from 60 to 100.
and. a congratulation, a - Talk about money management.
demand of - Ask/tell where they are going.
information, or an offer) and a limited
repertoire of its most common exponents,
So as the patterns
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and closing
of an email, or the points of a schematic
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures Qu'est-ce qu'il ya ton quartier?
of written communication (p. and. structure - Dans mon quartier, il ya…
interrogative for Pour aller à la pharmacie?
demand information). - You continue tout droit, you tournes
à gauche et c'est tout près.
When you are a cadeau, do you prefer to
choose or make a personnel object?
- Moi, I prefer…
Comment tu dépenses ton argent ?
- Je fais des cadeaux.
- J'achète des petites choses pour
- Je ne dépense pas d'argent.
Combien ça coûte / fait ?
Cost/fait 15 euros.
- La conjugaison du verbe aller au

- Les verbes en -ER, 2nd personne du
singulier (rebrassage)
- Prépositions de localization dans
l'espace: à droite, à gauche, tout droit,
loin, tout près, à côté.
- Contracted articles with the preposition
« à »: au, à la, à l', aux
- Contracted articles with the preposition
- de »: du, de la, de l', des.
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - Names of shops: La boulangerie,
everyday situations and common and specific l'épicerie, la librairie-papeterie, le
topics related with their magasin de chaussures, le magasin de
experiences, needs and interests, and infer vêtements, la pharmacie, la bibliothèque,
from the context and the information le cinéma, le restaurant, le parc, l'hôtel, la
contained in the text the probable meanings rue, le trottoir .
of unknown words and expressions. - Numbers 60-100
- Specific vocabulary for purchasing
situations: acheter, dépenser,
économiser, la monnaie, coûter, une
tirelire, un euro, un centime.
- Family members (Défis 1)
- Food (Défis 2, U3)
- Talk about your preferences (Défis 1)
- Basic mathematical operations : plus,
moins, fois, multtiplié par, égal. (Defis 2,
- The liaison of [z] in the nominal group.

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

- Recognize the spellings of the sound [ z
Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period,
]> /z/, /s/.
comma), as well as frequently used symbols
(e.g. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify the
meanings and intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
12. Write short and simple personal - Poster preparation.
build, in paper or in support correspondence (messages, notes, - Complete the activities in the workbook
electronic, very short and simple texts, postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you (CA, p.40-49, 73, 77).
composed of isolated simple sentences, in a thank, congratulate someone, make an
neutral or informal register, using with invitation, give instructions, or talk about
reasonable correctness the basic spelling yourself and your immediate environment
conventions and the main punctuation marks, (family , friends, hobbies, daily activities,
to talk about oneself, one's immediate objects, places) and asks questions related
surroundings and aspects of their daily lives, to these topics.
in very familiar and predictable situations.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and apply the basic strategies to
- Develop written production: help from
produce very short and simple written texts,
transparent words and similar.
pe copying words and phrases

very common to carry out the communicative functions that are
pursued. - Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms to
better understand and handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done with
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis of
iconographic documents.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

- The social sciences: managing your pay

Knowing aspects sociocultural and (LE, p.48-49).
sociolinguistic basic concrete and - Become aware of the units of value of
significant (e.g. and. the conventions on the money: euro, cents (LE, p.48-49).
beginning and closing of an email to known - Count money (LE, p.48).
people) and apply the knowledge acquired
about them to a written production
appropriate to the context, respecting the
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette.

Communicative functions Communicative functions

- Talk about your city, your
Fulfill the main communicative function of the written text (p. and. neighborhood.
- Ask/say some directions.
a congratulation, an exchange of information, either
- Count from 60 to 100.
- Talk about money management.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most frequent exponents
- Ask/tell where they are going.
and basic discursive patterns (p. and. greetings for the beginning
and farewell for the closing of an email, or a schematic narrative
developed in points).

Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns

Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link words or groups of
words with connectors basic as "and", Qu'est-ce qu'il ya ton quartier?
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors continue to be - Dans mon quartier, il ya…
systematically made in, for example, verb tenses or agreement. Pour aller à la pharmacie?
- You continue tout droit, you tournes
à gauche et c'est tout près.
When you are a cadeau, do you prefer
to choose or make a personnel object?
- Moi, I prefer…
Comment tu dépenses ton argent ?
- Je fais des cadeaux.
- J'achète des petites choses pour
- Je ne dépense pas d'argent.
Combien ça coûte / fait ?
Cost/fait 15 euros.
- La conjugaison du verbe aller au
- Verbs in -ER, 2nd personne du

singulier (rebrassage)
- Prépositions de localization dans
l'espace: à droite, à gauche, tout droit,
loin, tout près, à côté.
- Contracted articles with the
« à »: au, à la, à l', aux
- Contracted articles with the
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to - Names of shops: La boulangerie,
everyday situations and common and specific l'épicerie, la librairie-papeterie, le
topics related to one's own interests, magasin de chaussures, le magasin de
experiences and needs. vêtements, la pharmacie, la bibliothèque,
le cinéma, le restaurant, le parc, l'hôtel, la
rue, le trottoir .
- Numbers 60-100
- Specific vocabulary for purchasing
situations: acheter, dépenser,
économiser, la monnaie, coûter, une
tirelire, un euro, un centime.
- Family members (Défis 1)
- Food (Défis 2, U3)
- Talk about your preferences (Défis 1)
- Basic mathematical operations : plus,
moins, fois, multtiplié par, égal. (Defis 2,
- The liaison of [z] in the nominal group.

Sound patterns and spelling Sound patterns and spelling

- Strengthen the spellings of the sound [ z
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling
] > /z/, /s/.
conventions to write with reasonable
correctness words or short phrases that are
normally used in speaking, but not necessarily
with completely normalized spelling.

Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
Mathematical competence and basic skills in
science and technology
- Use their knowledge of numbers in French and how they work to deduce the
number they have to look for.
- Rely on the illustrations to make deductions.
- Use logic to understand a grammatical rule.
- Reason, use logic to deduce grammatical rules: articles contratés de l', des.
- Orient yourself on a map; know how to follow an itinerary.
- Reason, use logic to deduce the formation of the tens 70 and 90: 70=60+10;
- Reason, use logic to deduce the formation of some numbers: 71 79, 91-99.
- Reason and use logic to deduce the mathematical operation necessary to find
the result.
- Perform a basic mathematical operation: multiplication, subtraction.
- Perform basic chain calculations.
- Count with decimals.
- Make logical deductions from visual clues.
- Apply grammatical rules in a context: the contracted articles with “à”.

- Apply a code.
- Orient yourself in a numerical sequence.
- Count by 5s.
Learn to learn

- Exercise your listening and observation skills.

- Mobilize your knowledge: le nom des aliments et des vêtements .
- Orient yourself in the illustration.
- Mobilize immediate memory.
- Develop deduction strategies to associate characters and responses (the voices
and gender of the characters).
- Use comprehension strategies: transparent words, words similar to the mother
- Mobilize the acquired knowledge (lesson 1).
- Identify yourself in the photographs.
- Exercise your ability to concentrate.
- Mobilizing knowledge in the process of acquisition: nom des commerces.
- Get used to comparing the language of study with the mother tongue.
- Get your bearings on the city map.
- Mobilize your acquired knowledge: Il ya…
- Orally reproduce the specific interaction following a model: Qu'est-ce qu'il ya
dans ta rue? Dans ton quartier? 9 Dans ma rue, dans mon quartier, il ya…
- Take care of your pronunciation.
- Get used to playing with your tongue.
- Get into the habit of associating phoneme with grapheme.
- Orient yourself in a comic.
- Use the verb aller orally.
- Reflect on the functioning of the language of study and compare it with the
mother tongue.
- Deduce the meaning of words from pictograms.
- Mobilize your acquired knowledge: articles contractés avec « de » - de la, du-
Défis 1, unité 4 ; conjugaisons of verbes in -ER.
- Work in pairs.
- Take care of the rhythm and intonation.
- Use examples to express yourself orally.
- Play the specific communication pattern.
- Enjoy playing with numbers.
- Become aware of the action value of communication through practical collective
- Mobilize your acquired knowledge: the vocabulary from previous units.
- Take stock of your learning.
- Understand that evaluation is a key tool in the learning process.
Social and civic skills - Collaborate with your classmates in group activities.
- Listen to your colleagues and collaborate.
- Listen to your colleagues and collaborate to promote the development of the
- Reflect on pay management.
- Know how to count money and know the values.
- Pay attention to a proposed oral production game.
- Respect the rules of the challenges.
- Collaborate with your peers on challenges.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Dare to speak up and talk about yourself.
- Get involved in the task.
- Get involved in the evaluation.
Cultural awareness and expression - Mobilize artistic skills.
- Learn about a custom of French schools: the organization of raffles.
- Awaken interest in logic games.

Unit 5


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Train yourself to understand short
information essential either the announcements, very simple information texts: dialogues, vocabulary lists, pictorial
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), expressions, tongue twisters, text
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and descriptive, instructions
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that recorded.
simple structures and very frequently used distort he - To exercise the ability of
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message. visual and auditory concentration.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes changes in the theme of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
material within their area of interest (e.g.
Comprehension strategies Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the topics, or in which information is given - Develop mechanisms of
understanding the general meaning, essential about leisure activities). comprehension: observation of
information or main points of the text. illustrations (comics); consideration of
context; resort to transparent words,
sounds, Have on
count the voices.
- Develop a reflective look at the
language of study and compare it with the
mother tongue.
- Learn to navigate the book in order
to find the vocabulary and structures
useful to carry out an activity.
- Enjoy working in a group and
become aware that collaboration helps
you learn better.
- Train yourself to put immediate
memory into action.
- Adopt the advice and strategies of
the « Petite Flamme » .
- Put into practice the knowledge
acquired within the framework of the
activities of review and
self appraisal.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - Discover a trend in modern art: Land art
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of (LE, p.61).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, - Discover an ecosystem: the forest
celebrations), (LE, p.60)
- Work in pairs and groups.
living conditions (housing, environment),
- Know how to listen to your colleagues
interpersonal relationships (family,

friendship, schoolchildren), behavior Respect turns to speak.
(habitual gestures, use of voice, physical - Interact with your colleagues.
contact) and social conventions (rules of - Collaborate with colleagues to
courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired complete a common task (LE, p.61).
about the themselvesto
adequate understanding of the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Name animals on the farm.
functions - Describe the character of a person.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Express the cause.
and. a demand for information, an order, or
an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most
common exponents, as well as the basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational
beginning and closing, or the points of a
schematic narrative).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings - Comment il / elle est ? 9 Il / Elle es…
associated with the basic syntactic structures - Pourquoi? Seem like …
of oral communication. - The woman of irréguliers adjectives:
-eur > -euse.
-eux > -euse
-if > -ive
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency oral vocabulary related to everyday
situations and common and specific topics
related to one's own experiences, needs and - Adjectives to describe character:
interests, and use the indications of the gourmand, obéssant, têtu, joueur,
context and the information contained in the curieux, inventif, bavard, râleur, marrant,
text to get an idea of the meanings probable patient, courageux, étourdi, attentif.
words and expressions that are unknown. - Farm animals: l'âne, le cochon, le
mouton, l'agneau, la vache, le veau, l'oie,
le poussin, la poule, le lapin.
- The flora and fauna of the forests of
Europe: Le vautour, l'écureuil, la noisette,
la feuille, la chenille, l'oiseau, le bois, la
larve d'insecte, le hérisson, le ver blanc, la
racine, des cailloux, des plumes, des
brindilles, des graines, des dried fruits.
- Metaphorical expressions: Courir
comme un lapin. Manger eats a cochon.
Être tetu like an âne. Être bete comme
une oie. Être doux like an agneau. Avoir
un appétit d'oiseau.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

- Identify the sounds [ ʃ ] and [ʒ].
Discriminate basic sound, accent, rhythmic
and intonation patterns and recognize the
general meanings and communicative
intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: production Communication: production

5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
presentations, previously prepared and - Train yourself for the clear and
Expression rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of understandable reproduction of the unit's
Construct very basic oral texts and participate interest (introduce himself and other vocabulary (LE, p.56), a tongue twister
in a very simple but understandable way in people; give basic information about (LE, p.57), specific speech acts from
very short conversations that require a direct himself, his family and his studies; indicate previous units as part of the task (LE,
exchange of information in areas of his hobbies and interests and the main p.61)
immediate need or on very familiar topics activities of your daily life; briefly and - Train yourself to reproduce the sounds [
(one same, he around simply describe people or objects; say what ʃ ] and *ʒ+ (LE, p.57), and the French
immediate, people, places, objects and you like and don't like and give your melody (LE, p.57).
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or opinion using elementary structures).
informal register, using simple and very
frequently used expressions and phrases, 6. It operates in very basic situations in, Interaction
usually isolated for example, shops, restaurants or leisure
- Train yourself to reproduce the
either spaces.
dialogues and the situations of
linked with basic connectors, although the 7. Participates in conversations communication of the unit, based on a
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and informal face-to-face or technical means model (LE, p.59, 61).
hesitations are evident, and repetition, (telephone, Skype) in which social contact
paraphrase and interlocutor cooperation are is established (thank you, say hello, say
necessary to maintain communication. goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations, someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent. exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and know how to apply the basic
strategies to produce oral texts - Develop mechanisms of
very brief and simple monologues or dialogs, oral production: help of transparent
using, for example, formulas and language words, context.
prefabricated eitherexpressions - Reflect on the language of study and
memorized, or supporting with gestures what compare it with the mother tongue, to
you want to express. promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms
to better understand and handle the
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - Discover a trend in modern art: Land art
basic, concrete and significant sociolinguistics, (LE, p.61).
and apply the knowledge acquired about - Discover an ecosystem: the forest (LE,
them to an oral production appropriate to the p.60)
context, - Work in pairs and groups.

respecting the conventions - Know how to listen to your colleagues
most basic communications. and respect speaking turns.
- Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with classmates to
complete a common task (LE, p.61).
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Fulfill the main communicative function of - Name animals on the farm.
the text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Describe the character of a person.
exchange of information, either - Express the cause.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its
most frequent exponents and basic
discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the
beginning and farewell for the closing of the
conversation, either a
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
- Comment il / elle est ? 9 Il / Elle es…
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link - Pourquoi? Seem like …
words or groups of words with connectors - The woman of irréguliers adjectives:
basic as "and", -eur > -euse.
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors -eux > -euse
continue to be systematically made in, for -if > -ive
example, verb tenses or agreement.

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency oral vocabulary related to
everyday situations and common and specific - Adjectives to describe character:
topics related to one's own interests, gourmand, obéssant, têtu, joueur,
experiences and needs. curieux, inventif, bavard, râleur,
marrant, patient, courageux, étourdi,
- Farm animals: l'âne, le cochon, le
mouton, l'agneau, la vache, le veau,
l'oie, le poussin, la poule, le lapin.
- The flora and fauna of the forests of
Europe: Le vautour, l'écureuil, la
noisette, la feuille, la chenille, l'oiseau, le
bois, la larve d'insecte, le hérisson, le ver
blanc, la racine, des cailloux, des plumes,
des brindilles, des graines, des dried
- Metaphorical expressions: Courir
comme un lapin. Manger eats a cochon.
Être tetu like an âne. Être bete comme
une oie. Être doux like an agneau. Avoir
un appétit d'oiseau.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Articulate, in a generally understandable way - Play the sounds [ ʃ ] and [ʒ].
but with evident influence from the first or
other languages, a very limited repertoire of
sound patterns, accents, rhythmic
and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.

Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
8. Understands, with visual support, the - Train yourself to understand short texts:
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the essentials of simple instructions and instructions, questionnaires, comics,
main ideas and some specific information in indications, and basic information, in notes, illustrated instructions, tips from the “
texts, both in printed format and in digital signs and posters in streets, stores, means Petite Flamme” (LE, p.59).
format, very brief and simple, in standard of transportation, cinemas, museums, - Go from oral to written:
language and with a high-frequency lexicon, schools, and other services and public - Continue a dialogue with the
and in which the topic covered and the type places. transcription (LE, p.58).
of text are very familiar, everyday or of - Identify in writing the
immediate need, as long as you can reread 9. Understand essential information and heard vocabulary (LE, p.56, 60).
what you have not understood, you can locate information specific in
consult a dictionary and you have visual and simple information material such as, eg,
contextual support. menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists,
advertisements, telephone directories,
Comprehension strategies advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or Comprehension strategies
event programs.
Know and know how to apply basic strategies
further suitable for the 10. Includes very short and simple
understanding the general meaning, essential correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards - Develop mechanisms of
information or main points of the text. and cards) that deals with topics that are written comprehension: observation of
well known to you, such as, for example, the illustrations (comic), help of
oneself, family, school, free time, transparent words, similar words, context.
description of an object or a place , or the - Reflect on the language of study and
indication of the time and place of an compare it with the mother tongue, to
appointment. promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
11. Understands the gist and main points of
- Know the meaning of the pictograms
short news and magazine articles for young
to better understand and handle the
people on topics that are familiar or of
interest to them (sports, music groups,
- Get used to presenting work done
computer games, comics).
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis
of iconographic documents. - Use the
reference document if necessary.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - Discover a trend in modern art: Land art
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of (LE, p.61).
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, - Discover an ecosystem: the forest (LE,
celebrations), p.60)
living conditions (housing, environment), - Work in pairs and groups.
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, - Know how to listen to your colleagues
school) and social conventions (rules of and respect speaking turns.
courtesy), and apply knowledge acquired - Interact with your colleagues.
about the - Collaborate with classmates to complete
themselves to an adequate understanding of a common task (LE, p.61).
the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Name animals on the farm.

main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Describe the character of a person.
and. a congratulation, a - Express the cause.
demand of
information, or an offer) and a limited
repertoire of its most common exponents,
So as the patterns
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and closing
of an email, or the points of a schematic
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings - Comment il / elle est ? 9 Il / Elle es…
associated with the basic syntactic structures - Pourquoi? Seem like …
of written communication (p. and. structure - The woman of irréguliers adjectives:
interrogative for -eur > -euse.
demand information). -eux > -euse
-if > -ive
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to
everyday situations and common and specific
topics related with their - Adjectives to describe character:
experiences, needs and interests, and infer gourmand, obéssant, têtu, joueur,
from the context and the information curieux, inventif, bavard, râleur, marrant,
contained in the text the probable meanings patient, courageux, étourdi, attentif.
of unknown words and expressions. - Farm animals: l'âne, le cochon, le
mouton, l'agneau, la vache, le veau, l'oie,
le poussin, la poule, le lapin.
- The flora and fauna of the forests of
Europe: Le vautour, l'écureuil, la noisette,
la feuille, la chenille, l'oiseau, le bois, la
larve d'insecte, le hérisson, le ver blanc, la
racine, des cailloux, des plumes, des
brindilles, des graines, des dried fruits.
- Metaphorical expressions: Courir
comme un lapin. Manger eats a cochon.
Être tetu like an âne. Être bete comme
une oie. Être doux like an agneau. Avoir
un appétit d'oiseau.

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

- Identify the spellings of the sounds [ ʃ ] >
Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period, /ch/ and *ʒ+ > /j/, /g/
comma), as well as frequently used symbols
(e.g. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify the
meanings and intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
build, in paper or in support 12. Write short and simple personal - Prepare the intervention for
electronic, very short and simple texts, correspondence (messages, notes, present the task orally.
composed of simple isolated phrases, in a postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you - Complete the activities in the
neutral or informal register, using with thank, congratulate someone, make an workbook (CA, p.50-59, 74, 77).
reasonable correctness the basic spelling invitation, give instructions, or talk about
conventions and the main signs yourself and your immediate environment

of punctuation, to talk about himself, his (family, friends, hobbies, daily activities,
immediate surroundings and aspects of his objects, places) and asks questions related
daily life, in very familiar and predictable to these topics.
Production strategies Production strategies
Know and apply the basic strategies to
produce very short and simple written texts,
pe copying very common words and phrases - Develop written production: help from
to carry out the communicative functions that transparent words and similar.
are pursued. - Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms to
better understand and handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done with
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis of
iconographic documents.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and - Discover a trend in modern art: Land art
sociolinguistic basic concrete and (LE, p.61).
significant (eg. and. the conventions on the - Discover an ecosystem: the forest
beginning and closing of an email to known (LE, p.60)
people) and apply the knowledge acquired - Work in pairs and groups.
about them to a written production - Know how to listen to your colleagues
appropriate to the context, respecting the and respect speaking turns.
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette. - Interact with your colleagues.
- Collaborate with classmates to complete
a common task (LE, p.61).

Communicative functions Communicative functions

Fulfill the main communicative function of the - Name animals on the farm.
written text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Describe the character of a person.
exchange of information, either - Express the cause.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its most
frequent exponents and basic discursive
patterns (p. and. greetings for the beginning
and farewell for the closing of an email, or a
schematic narrative developed in points).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
- Comment il / elle est ? 9 Il / Elle es…
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link - Pourquoi? Seem like …
words or groups of words with connectors - The woman of irréguliers adjectives:
basic as "and", -eur > -euse.
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors -eux > -euse
continue to be systematically made in, for -if > -ive
example, verb tenses or agreement.

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Know and use a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to
everyday situations and common and specific
topics related to one's own interests, - Adjectives to describe character:
experiences and needs. gourmand, obéssant, têtu, joueur,
curieux, inventif, bavard, râleur, marrant,
patient, courageux, étourdi, attentif.
- Farm animals: l'âne, le cochon, le
mouton, l'agneau, la vache, le veau, l'oie,
le poussin, la poule, le lapin.
- The flora and fauna of the forests of
Europe: Le vautour, l'écureuil, la noisette,
la feuille, la chenille, l'oiseau, le bois, la
larve d'insecte, le hérisson, le ver blanc, la
racine, des cailloux, des plumes, des
brindilles, des graines, des dried fruits.
- Metaphorical expressions: Courir
comme un lapin.
Manger eats a cochon. Être tetu like an
âne. Être bete comme une oie. Être doux
like an agneau. Avoir un appétit d'oiseau.

Sound patterns and spelling Sound patterns and spelling

- Strengthen the spellings of the sounds [
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling ʃ ] > /ch/ and *ʒ+ > /j/, /g/
conventions to write with reasonable
correctness words or short phrases that are
normally used in speaking, but not necessarily
with completely normalized spelling.

Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
Mathematical competence and basic skills in
science and technology
- Learn about farm animals and their babies.
- Identify animals by their sound.
- Associate animals with their babies.
- Reason, use logic to deduce the operation of grammatical rules.
- Apply a grammatical rule in context: le féminin des adjectifs .
- Understand the concept of ecosystem.
- Understand the concept of the food chain.
- Mobilize your knowledge of natural sciences: the feeding of birds of prey.
- Apply a syntax rule in context.
Learn to learn
- Exercise your listening and observation skills.
- Mobilize your acquired knowledge.
- Orient yourself in the illustration.
- Use comprehension strategies: words similar to the mother tongue, transparent
words, interjections, context, voices, illustrations, background noise.
- Mobilize your immediate memory.
- Develop deduction strategies to associate characters and answers (the age of the
- Go from oral to written: recognize the written form of the words they have
- Orient yourself in the photographs to carry out a specific search.
- Compare the metaphorical expressions available in the mother tongue.
- Take care of pronunciation and intonation.
- Get used to playing with your tongue.

- Get into the habit of associating phonemes with spellings.
- Exercise your auditory and visual concentration skills.
- Observe and describe an iconographic document: a comic.
- Reflect on the functioning of the language of study.
- Play the specific communication pattern.
- Interpret a scheme.
- Carry out an orderly job.
- Reuse your knowledge to present your task orally: C'est, les adjectifs possessifs,
les parties du corps .
- Through practical collective activity, become aware of the active value of
- Understand that reviews are a useful tool in learning.
- Take stock of learning.
- Understand that evaluation is a key tool in the learning process.
Social and civic skills - Listen to your colleagues, collaborate.
- Listen to your classmates and listen to the proposed repetition activity.
- Respect the rules of the challenges.
- Collaborate with colleagues on challenges.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Dare to sing in French in front of your classmates.
- Get involved in the task.
- Participate in collective reflections and make suggestions.
- Get involved in review activities.
- Get involved in the evaluation.
Cultural awareness and expression - Discover metaphorical expressions in French.
- Awaken interest in art.
- Discover a trend in contemporary art: Land art.
- Discover the artistic potential of nature.

Unit 6


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents
Communication: oral comprehension Communication: oral comprehension
Identify he sense general, the 1. Includes, in messages and public - Practice understanding short texts:
information essential either the announcements, very simple information dialogues (LE, p.65, 68), vocabulary lists
points (for example, numbers, prices, schedules), (LE, p.66, 70), texts
main in very short and simple oral texts in as long as it is articulated at slow speed and descriptive (YOU, p.67, 70),
language standard, with clearly, and there is no interference that recorded instructions.
simple structures and very frequently used distort he - Apply the ability to concentrate visually
lexicon, articulated clearly and slowly and message. and auditorily.
transmitted by voice or by media 2. Understands the general idea of what is
technicians, About topics said to him in normal transactions and
usual and specific aspects related to one's procedures in situations of immediate
own experiences, needs and need.
interests in contexts everyday
predictable or related to areas of immediate 3. Understands essential information in
need in the personal, public and educational short, simple conversations involving
spheres, as long as the acoustic conditions are familiar topics such as self, family, school,
good and do not distort the message, what free time, description of an object or place.
was said can be heard again or asked for 4. Understands the general meaning and
confirmation and there is visual support or a distinguishes the topic changes of
clear contextual reference. television programs or other audiovisual
material within their area of interest (e.g.
Comprehension strategies Comprehension strategies
and. in which young people or well-known
Know and know how to apply basic strategies people are interviewed about everyday
further suitable for the topics, or in which information is given - Develop mechanisms that
understanding the general meaning, essential about leisure activities). They promote the understanding of
information or main points of the text. meanings: look at the illustrations; resort
to transparent words, sounds, take into
account voices, context.
- Develop a reflective vision about the
language of study and compare it with the
mother tongue.
- Learn to use the book to find he
vocabulary and the
useful structures to carry out an activity.
- Enjoy working in groups and be
aware of the fact that collaboration helps
you learn better.
- Practice immediate memory.
- Involve the body in learning.
- Adopt the tips and strategies of the
Petite Flamme .
- Exercise in the use of what has been
learned, particularly within the framework
of the " Joue en français" review activities
and the " Tes défis" evaluation.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant

- The world of work: professions related
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of
to animation, their environment of
daily life (habits, schedules, activities,
activity and the
associated professional skills (LE, p.70).
living conditions (housing, environment),
- The world of work: professions
interpersonal relationships (family,

friendship, schoolchildren), behavior current (LE, p.71)
(habitual gestures, use of voice, physical
contact) and social conventions (rules of
courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired
about the themselvesto
adequate understanding of the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Talk about water activities.
functions - Talk about jobs.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Describe leisure activities.
and. a demand for information, an order, or - Say what you know how to do.
an offer) and a limited repertoire of its most
common exponents, as well as the basic
discursive patterns (e.g. and. conversational
beginning and closing, or the points of a
schematic narrative).
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings -Qu'est-ce que tu sais faire dans l'eau? 9
associated with the basic syntactic structures Je sais + infinitif.
of oral communication. -What are your holidays during the
holidays? 9 New faisons…
- Le verbe savoir .
-Le verbe faire , aux personnes du
- The pronoms toniques.
- Sensibilization to the formation of
feminin des noms de métier:
-ier > -ière.
-teur > -trice
-e > -e
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Recognize a limited repertoire of oral lexicon
high frequency relative to
everyday situations and common and specific
topics related to one's own experiences, -Equipment for the pool: a maillot de
needs and interests, and use the indications bain, des lunettes, un bonnet de bain,
of the context and the information contained une serviette, un masque, un plongeoir,
in the text to get an idea of the probable des flotteurs, des palmes, une échelle.
meanings of words and expressions that are -Aquatic activities: plonger, sauter,
unknown. nager la brasse, nager sous l'eau, faire la
planche, danser au fond de la piscine.
- Recreational activities
Doing sports: faire du pédalo, de la
planche à voile, de l'équitation (révision).
Do manual work : faire du dessin, de la
peinture, des châteaux de sable.
Traveling: with parents, in vacation
-The animation professions: an
animateur, an infirmier, a directeur, a
secrétaire, a jardinier, a cuisinier.
-Current occupations: an architect, an
astronaut, a cinéaste, a fleuriste, a
gendarme, a journalist, a médecin, a
peintre, a photographer, a pilot.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Discriminate sound patterns, accents, - Identify the sounds [ɔ̃] and [ɑ̃].

basic rhythmic and intonation patterns and
recognize the general meanings and
communicative intentions related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: production Communication: production
5. He makes very brief and simple Expression
presentations, previously prepared and - Train yourself in reproducing in a clear
Construct very basic oral texts and participate
rehearsed, on everyday topics or topics of and understandable way the vocabulary
in a very simple but understandable way in
interest (introduce himself and other of the unit (LE, p.66, 67, 70), a tongue
very short conversations that require a direct
people; give basic information about twister (LE, p.67), and the indicated
exchange of information in areas of
himself, his family and his studies; indicate language acts, based on a model (LE , p.
immediate need or on very familiar topics
his hobbies and interests and the main 67, 69, 71).
(one same, he around
activities of your daily life; briefly and - Practice reproducing the sounds [ɔ̃] and
immediate, people, places, objects and
simply describe people or objects; say what [ɑ̃] (LE, p.67).
activities, tastes and opinions), in a neutral or
you like and don't like and give your
informal register, using simple and very
opinion using elementary structures).
frequently used expressions and phrases, Interaction
usually isolated 6. It operates in very basic situations in, - Practice reproducing the unit's
either for example, shops, restaurants or leisure dialogues and communication situations,
linked with basic connectors, although the spaces. following a model (LE, p. 67, 69).
pronunciation is not very clear, pauses and
hesitations are evident, and repetition, 7. Participates in conversations
paraphrase and speaker-speaker informal face-to-face or technical means
(telephone, Skype) in which social contact
cooperation are necessary to maintain
is established (thank you, say hello, say
goodbye, address someone, apologize,
Make yourself understood in short and simple
introduce yourself, show interest in
interventions, although initial hesitations,
someone's condition, congratulate
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to
someone); personal information and
organize, correct or reformulate what you
information about everyday matters is
want to say are evident and very frequent.
exchanged; feelings and opinions are
expressed simple, and HE give
instructions (p. and. how to get to a place
Interaction with the help of a map).
Interact in a basic way, using very simple,
linguistic or non-verbal techniques (e.g. and.
gestures or physical contact) to start,
maintain or conclude a brief conversation.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and know how to apply the basic
strategies to produce oral texts - Develop mechanisms of
very brief and simple monologic or dialogic, oral production: help of transparent
using, for example, formulas and language words, context.
prefabricated eitherexpressions - Reflect on the language of study and
memorized, or supporting with gestures what compare it with the mother tongue, to
you want to express. promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms
to better understand and handle the
- Get used to presenting work done
with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.

- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and

- The world of work: professions related
basic, concrete and significant
to animation, their environment of
sociolinguistics, and apply the knowledge
activity and the
acquired about them to an oral production
associated professional skills (LE, p.70).
appropriate to the context, respecting the
- The world of work: current professions
(LE, p.71)
most basic communications.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Fulfill the main communicative function of - Talk about water activities.
the text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Talk about jobs.
exchange of information, either - Describe leisure activities.
a - Say what you know how to do.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its
most frequent exponents and basic
discursive patterns (p. and. Greetings for the
beginning and farewell for the closing of the
conversation, either a
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link -Qu'est-ce que tu sais faire dans l'eau? 9
words or groups of words with connectors Je sais + infinitif.
basic as "and", -What are your holidays during the
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors holidays? 9 New faisons…
continue to be systematically made in, for - Le verbe savoir .
example, verb tenses or agreement. -Le verbe faire , aux personnes du
- The pronoms toniques.
- Sensibilization to the formation of
feminin des noms de métier:
-ier > -ière.
-teur > -trice
-e > -e
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-frequency oral
vocabulary related to everyday situations and common and specific
topics related to one's own interests, experiences and needs. -Equipment for the pool: a maillot de
bain, des lunettes, un bonnet de bain,
une serviette, un masque, un plongeoir,
des flotteurs, des palmes, une échelle.
-Aquatic activities: plonger, sauter,
nager la brasse, nager sous l'eau, faire la
planche, danser au fond de la piscine.
- Recreational activities
Doing sports: faire du pédalo, de la
planche à voile, de l'équitation (révision).
Do manual work : faire du dessin, de la
peinture, des châteaux de sable.
Traveling: with parents, in vacation
-The animation professions: an
animateur, an infirmier, a directeur, a
secrétaire, a jardinier, a cuisinier.

- Current occupations: an architect, an
astronaut, a cinéaste, a fleuriste, a
gendarme, a journalist, a médecin, a
peintre, a photographer, a pilot.

Sound patterns Sound patterns

Articulate, in a generally understandable way - Play the sounds [ɔ̃] and [ɑ̃].
but with evident influence from the first or
other languages, a very limited repertoire of
sound patterns, accents, rhythmic
and of
basic intonation, adapting them to the
communicative function that you want to
carry out.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: understanding Communication: understanding
8. Understands, with visual support, the - Practice understanding short texts:
Identify the topic, the general meaning, the essentials of simple instructions and instructions, questionnaires,
main ideas and some specific information in indications, and basic information, in notes, comic, instructions illustrated,
texts, both in printed format and in digital signs and posters in streets, stores, means advice from the “ Petite Flamme” (LE,
format, very brief and simple, in standard of transportation, cinemas, museums, p.69).
language and with a high-frequency lexicon, schools, and other services and public - Go from oral to written:
and in which the topic covered and the type places. - Follow a dialogue with his
of text are very familiar, everyday or of transcription (LE, p.68).
immediate need, as long as you can reread 9. Understand essential information and - Identify by written
what you have not understood, you can locate information specific in
vocabulary already heard (LE,
consult a dictionary and you have visual and simple information material such as, eg, p.66, 70).
contextual support. menus, schedules, catalogues, price lists,
advertisements, telephone directories,
Comprehension strategies advertising, tourist brochures, cultural or Comprehension strategies
event programs.
Know and know how to apply basic strategies
further suitable for the 10. Includes very short and simple
understanding the general meaning, essential correspondence (SMS, emails, postcards - Develop mechanisms of
information or main points of the text. and cards) that deals with topics that are written comprehension: observation of
well known to you, such as, for example, the illustrations (comic), help of
oneself, family, school, free time, transparent words, similar words, context.
description of an object or a place , or the - Reflect on the language of study and
indication of the time and place of an compare it with the mother tongue, to
appointment. promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
11. Understands the gist and main points of - Know the meaning of the pictograms
short news and magazine articles for young to better understand and handle the
people on topics that are familiar or of book.
interest to them (sports, music groups, - Get used to presenting work done
computer games, comics). with care.
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory
and knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis
of iconographic documents. - Use the
reference document if necessary.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Identify basic, concrete and significant - The world of work: professions related
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of to animation, their environment of
daily life (time habits, activities, activity and the
celebrations), associated professional skills (LE, p.70).
living conditions (housing, environment), - The world of work: current professions
interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, (LE, p.71)
school) and social conventions (rules of
courtesy), and apply knowledge acquired
about the
themselves to an adequate understanding of
the text.
Communicative functions Communicative functions
Distinguish the function either - Talk about water activities.
functions - Talk about jobs.
main communicative aspects of the text (p. - Describe leisure activities.
and. a congratulation, a - Say what you know how to do.
demand of
information, or an offer) and a limited
repertoire of its most common exponents,
So as the patterns
basic discursive (p. and. beginning and closing
of an email, or the points of a schematic
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Recognize the most common meanings
associated with the basic syntactic structures - Qu'est-ce que tu sais faire dans l'eau? 9
of written communication (p. and. structure Je sais + infinitif.
interrogative for - What are your holidays during the
demand information). holidays? 9 New faisons…
- Le verbe savoir .
- Le verbe faire , aux personnes du pluriel.
- The pronoms toniques.
- Sensibilization to the formation of
feminin des noms de métier:
-ier > -ière.
-teur > -trice
-e > -e

Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary

Recognize a limited repertoire of high-
frequency written vocabulary related to
everyday situations and common and specific - Equipment for the pool: a maillot de
topics related with their bain, des lunettes, un bonnet de bain, une
experiences, needs and interests, and infer serviette, un masque, un plongeoir, des
from the context and the information flotteurs, des palmes, une échelle.
contained in the text the probable meanings - Aquatic activities: plonger, sauter,
of unknown words and expressions. nager la brasse, nager sous l'eau, faire la
planche, danser au fond de la piscine.
- Recreational activities
Doing sports: faire du pédalo, de la
planche à voile, de l'équitation (révision).
Do manual work : faire du dessin, de la
peinture, des châteaux de sable.
Traveling: with parents, in vacation
- The animation professions: an
animateur, an infirmier, a directeur,

a secretary, a gardener, a cuisinier.
- Current occupations: an architect, an
astronaut, a cinéaste, a fleuriste, a
gendarme, a journalist, a médecin, a
peintre, a photographer, a pilot.

Sound and spelling patterns Sound patterns and spelling

- Associate the spelling with the sounds
Recognize basic spelling signs (p. and. period, [ɔ̃] > /on/ and [ɑ̃]> /en/, /an/, /em/.
comma), as well as frequently used symbols
(e.g. and. ☺ , @, ₤), and identify the
meanings and intentions
general communications related to them.


Evaluation criteria Learning standards Contents

Communication: Expression Communication: Expression
12. Write short and simple personal - Describe photographs (LE, p.67).
build, in paper or in support correspondence (messages, notes, - Prepare an intervention to present the
electronic, very short and simple texts, postcards, emails, or SMS) in which you task orally.
composed of isolated simple sentences, in a thank, congratulate someone, make an - Complete the activities in the workbook
neutral or informal register, using with invitation, give instructions, or talk about (CA, p.60-69, 75, 77).
reasonable correctness the basic spelling yourself and your immediate environment
conventions and the main punctuation marks, (family , friends, hobbies, daily activities,
to talk about oneself, one's immediate objects, places) and asks questions related
surroundings and aspects of their daily lives, to these topics.
in very familiar and predictable situations.

Production strategies Production strategies

Know and apply the basic strategies to
produce very short and simple written texts,
pe copying very common words and phrases - Develop written production: help from
to carry out the communicative functions that transparent words and similar.
are pursued. - Reflect on the language of study and
compare it with the mother tongue, to
promote learning, whether due to the
effect of opposition or mimicry.
- Know the meaning of the pictograms to
better understand and handle the book.
- Get used to presenting work done with
- Enjoy working in a group and take
awareness of that the
Collaboration helps learning.
- Mobilize your immediate memory and
knowledge in the review and self-
assessment sections.
- Train in the observation and analysis of
iconographic documents.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

Know aspects sociocultural and

- The world of work: professions related
sociolinguistic basic concrete and
to animation, their environment of
significant (e.g. and. the conventions about
activity and the
starting and closing an email to people you
associated professional skills (LE, p.70).
know) and apply the knowledge

- The world of work: current professions
acquired on them to a written production (LE, p.71)
appropriate to the context, respecting the
rules of courtesy and basic etiquette.

Communicative functions Communicative functions

Fulfill the main communicative function of - Talk about water activities.
the written text (p. and. a congratulation, an - Talk about jobs.
exchange of information, either - Describe leisure activities.
a - Say what you know how to do.
offering), using a limited repertoire of its
most frequent exponents and basic
discursive patterns (p. and. greetings for the
beginning and farewell for the closing of an
email, or a schematic narrative developed in
Syntactic and discursive patterns Syntactic and discursive patterns
Handle basic syntactic structures (p. and. link -Qu'est-ce que tu sais faire dans l'eau? 9
words or groups of words with connectors Je sais + infinitif.
basic as "and", -What are your holidays during the
“so”, “but”, “because”), although basic errors holidays? 9 New faisons…
continue to be systematically made in, for - Le verbe savoir .
example, verb tenses or agreement. -Le verbe faire , aux personnes du
- The pronoms toniques.
- Sensibilization to the formation of
feminin des noms de métier:
-ier > -ière.
-teur > -trice
-e > -e
Frequently used vocabulary Frequently used vocabulary
Know and use a limited repertoire of high-frequency written
vocabulary related to everyday situations and common and specific
topics related to one's own interests, experiences and needs.
-Equipment for the pool: a maillot de
bain, des lunettes, un bonnet de bain,
une serviette, un masque, un plongeoir,
des flotteurs, des palmes, une échelle.
-Aquatic activities: plonger, sauter,
nager la brasse, nager sous l'eau, faire la
planche, danser au fond de la piscine.
- Recreational activities
Doing sports: faire du pédalo, de la
planche à voile, de l'équitation (révision).
Do manual work : faire du dessin, de la
peinture, des châteaux de sable.
Traveling: with parents, in vacation
-The animation professions: an
animateur, an infirmier, a directeur, a
secrétaire, a jardinier, a cuisinier.
-Current occupations: an architect, an
astronaut, a cinéaste, a fleuriste, a
gendarme, a journalist, a médecin, a
peintre, a photographer, a pilot.

Sound patterns and spelling Sound patterns and spelling

- Strengthen the spelling with the sounds
Apply graphic patterns and basic spelling conventions to write with
[ɔ̃] > /on/ and [ɑ̃] > /en/, /an/, /em/.

reasonable correction of words or short
phrases that are normally used in speaking,
but not necessarily with completely
standardized spelling.

Competencies (in addition to linguistic Contents
Mathematical competence and basic skills in
science and technology - Make deductions from visual clues.
- Reason, use logic to deduce the operation of grammatical and conjugation rules.
- Apply grammar and conjugation rules in context.
Learn to learn

- Exercise listening and observation skills.

- Mobilize the knowledge acquired.
- Orient yourself in an illustration.
- Mobilize immediate memory.
- Develop deduction strategies to associate characters and answers.
- Use strategies for understanding meaning: transparent and similar words,
illustrations, context.
- Go from oral to written: identify the written form of the words heard.
- Mobilize knowledge in the process of acquisition.
- Reproduce the specific interaction orally from a model: Qu'estce que tu aimes
faire à la piscine? 9 À la piscine, j'aime plonger.
- Take care of your pronunciation.
- Get used to playing with your tongue.
- Get into the habit of associating phoneme and spelling.
- Exercise the ability to concentrate auditory and visual.
- Mobilize auditory memory or orient yourself in the comic to look for specific
- Reflect on the functioning of the language of study.
- Play the specific communication pattern.
- Reuse your knowledge.
- Exercise the ability to observe and listen simultaneously.
- Orient yourself in photographs to relate images with words.
- Reflect on the functioning of the language of study.
- Make sure you do a good job.
- Understand that reviews are a useful tool in the learning process.
- Take stock of learning.
- Understand that evaluation is a key tool in the learning process.
Social and civic skills - Collaborate with your colleagues.
- Listen to your classmates and play a game.
- Pay attention to the proposed repetition activity.
- Collaborate in collective activities.
- Respect the rules of the challenges.
- Collaborate with colleagues on challenges.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit - Dare to mime in front of your classmates.
- Daring to speak in front of your classmates in the language of study.
- Make suggestions in groups, participate in reflections, within the framework of a
collective task.
- Get involved in review activities.
- Get involved in the evaluation.
Cultural awareness and expression - Awaken interest in aquatic activities.
- Awaken interest in the world of work.
- Increase interest in certain professions and make them want to know them
- Stimulate the creativity and artistic talent of students.

DÉFIS 2 is planned to cover approximately 70 hours/sessions, taught at a frequency of 2 hours
per week.
Therefore, a “standard” distribution of its contents throughout the course could be the

1st trimester Minimum: 21 hours Maximum: 26 hours

Unit 0 3 4
Unit 1 9 11
Unit 2 9 11

2ND QUARTER Minimum: 18 hours Maximum: 22 hours

Unit 3 9 11
Unit 4 9 11

3rd QUARTER Minimum: 18 hours Maximum: 22 hours

Unit 5 9 11
Unit 6 9 11

This proposal, obviously, may be modified by the teacher, both depending on the characteristics
of his/her group-class and the school calendar itself:
- We suggest for the first quarter the study of two units in addition to unit 0 of awareness,
although the start of the course requires a special slow pace, which will need time to unite
the group when faced with a new subject, and which will possibly be used to motivate
students to independent material from the book.
- In certain classes, students may go faster, and in others slower, if the teacher has absolute
beginners and if he prefers to approach the language with more pause at the beginning
(stopping more in unit 0 of “awareness” or/and incorporating elements external to the
method, for example).
- It may also be adapted, depending on the length of the second trimester, which varies from
one course to another, depending on the date of Holy Week and vacations.

- If you go ahead with the proposed programming for the third quarter, you can choose to
develop a project focused on reading and the organization of a Reading Day, with EASY
On the other hand, the difference of two hours that we consider for each unit reflects our
awareness that, like any method, DÉFIS distributes the least accessible points of the language
throughout the entire program, without concentrating the difficulties; But there may always be
some grammatical categories, some skills, that present certain complications, on which special
emphasis will have to be placed.
Thus, the teacher can choose the number of sessions for each unit, according to the profile of his
or her students and their performance.
Finally, the time that needs to be dedicated to reviewing and correcting the tests will be taken
into account; These periods must be included in the “remaining” hours to reach the total of 70
hours projected for the school year.

The evaluation in this project not only responds to the academic or administrative need to
achieve a qualification, to certify a certain level: it is part of the methodology itself. It is a means
to learn more and better, being aware of it at all times.
Evaluation of the teaching process and teaching practice:
For the analysis of the teaching process and teaching practice we distinguish five areas:
1) Motivation on the part of the teacher towards student learning.
2) Teaching programming planning
3) Structure and cohesion in the teaching/learning process
4) Monitoring of the teaching/learning process
5) Process evaluation.



Indicators Rating (0 to Improvement proposals

Initial motivation of students:
1. I present a work plan at the beginning of each
session, explaining its purpose.
2. Comment on the importance of the topic for the
student's skills and training

3. I design introductory situations prior to the topic to

be discussed (work, dialogues, readings...)
4. I relate the topics of the area/subject with current

Motivation during the process
5. I maintain the interest of the students based on their
experiences, with clear and adapted language...
6. I provide information on the progress achieved as
well as the difficulties encountered.
7. I regularly relate the contents and activities to the
interests and prior knowledge of my students.

8. I encourage the participation of students in the

debates and arguments of the teaching process
Presentation of the contents
9. I reflect on whether the contents are appropriate for
the student.
10. I structure and organize the contents giving an
overview of each topic (scripts, concept maps,


Indicators Rating (0 to Improvement proposals

Components of Didactic Programming:
I have established that each didactic program is
structured by Didactic Units
I carry out the didactic programming of my area having
as a reference the Curricular Concretion of the Center.

I design the teaching unit based on the skills that

students must acquire
I formulate the teaching objectives in a way that clearly
expresses the skills that my students must achieve as a
reflection and manifestation of the educational
I select and sequence the contents of my classroom
programming with the appropriate sequencing to the
characteristics of each group of students.
I analyze and design the necessary competencies for
the area within the didactic programming.
I plan my educational activity in coordination with the
rest of the teaching staff (cycle, educational team and
support teacher).
I explicitly establish the criteria, procedures and
evaluation instruments that allow monitoring the
progress of the students and checking the degree to
which they achieve learning.

I comply with the planning established in the teaching


Teaching coordination
I adopt strategies and techniques programming
activities based on the teaching objectives, based on the
skills, based on the different types of content and based
on the characteristics of the students.

I am putting into practice the cycle agreements to

evaluate the basic competencies as well as the
evaluation criteria of the areas or subjects.


Indicators Rating (0 to Improvement proposals

Activities in the process
I design activities that ensure the acquisition of the
planned teaching objectives and basic instrumental
skills and techniques.
I propose various activities to my students
(introduction, motivation, development, synthesis,
consolidation, recapitulation, extension and
I facilitate the acquisition of new content through
various methodologies (master class, cooperative work,
individual work)

Classroom structure and organization

I distribute the time appropriately: (brief presentation
time and the rest of it for the activities that the students
carry out in class).
I adopt different groupings depending on the moment,
the task to be performed, the resources to use... etc.,
always controlling the appropriate work environment.

I use various teaching resources (audiovisual,

computer, learning-to-learn techniques...), both for the
presentation of the contents and for the students'
practice, encouraging their autonomous use.

Cohesion with the teaching/learning process

I check, in different ways, that the students have
understood the task they have to perform: asking
questions, having them verbalize the process,...

I facilitate learning strategies: how to ask for help, how

to look for sources of information, steps to resolve
issues, problems, I encourage and ensure everyone's


Indicators Rating (0 to Improvement proposals

Monitoring of the teaching-learning process:
I frequently review and correct the contents, proposed
activities - inside and outside the classroom, adaptation
of the times, groupings and materials used.

I provide information to the student about the execution

of the tasks and how they can improve them, and I
promote processes of self appraisal and
In case of insufficiently achieved objectives, I propose
new activities that facilitate their acquisition.

In case of objectives sufficiently achieved, in a short

period of time, I propose new activities that facilitate a
greater degree of acquisition.

Contextualization of the process

I take into account the skill level of the students, their
rhythms of learnings, the
possibilities of attention, the degree of motivation, etc.,
and depending on them, I adapt the different moments
of the teaching-learning process (motivation, contents,
I coordinate with other professionals (support teachers,
PT, AL, Educational and Psychopedagogical Guidance
Teams, Guidance Departments), to modify and/or adapt
contents, activities, methodology, resources...

I adapt the teaching material and resources to the

characteristics and needs of the students, carrying out
individualized work and different types of activities
and exercises.
I look for and encourage interactions between the
teacher and the student. The students feel responsible
in carrying out the activities. I propose group work to
analyze the interactions between the students.


Indicators Rating (0 to Improvement proposals

initial evaluation
I carry out an initial evaluation at the beginning of the
course, to adjust the programming, in which I take into
account the final report of the previous tutor, that of
other teachers and that of the Educational Guidance

and Psychopedagogical.
Evaluation criteria:
I apply the evaluation criteria in accordance with the
guidelines of the Curricular Concretion
Each teaching unit has clearly established evaluation
Each teaching unit has clearly established evaluation
indicators that address the evaluation of the different
contents and competencies in a balanced manner.

Evaluation instruments
I systematically use various instruments for collecting
information (observation log, student folder,
monitoring sheet, class diary...)

I correct and explain the students' work and activities

and give guidelines to improve their learning.

I use group co-assessment strategies that encourage

student participation in the evaluation.

I use different evaluation techniques depending on the

diversity of students, the different areas/subjects, the
UD, the contents...
I use different evaluation instruments (oral and/or
written tests, portfolios, rubrics, direct observation...) to
know their academic performance.
I use different means to inform parents, teachers and
students (evaluation sessions, information bulletin,
meetings collective,
individual interviews, class assemblies...) of the
evaluation results.
I use the evaluation results to modify the teaching
procedures carried out and improve my teaching
I make different observation records to carry out the
evaluation (notes in the teacher's notebook, file, data
record, anecdotal record...)


As we have seen in this programming, evaluation strategies are diverse and DÉFIS responds by
offering the corresponding tools:



Unit 0 Unit 0 "You fichier
d'évaluation» :
Diagnostic test
« La petite fabrique » (to « Evaluation » (at Portfolio Criteria of
evaluate the the endof each observation for each
(for the
achievements and unit) activity.
self appraisal)
motivation of the
« Tes défis » criteria of
(At the end of each unit assessment and
of the Student Book) standards of
learning for
each activity.
« Évaluation » (for
each unit)
« Evaluation pair
competencies »
(for each unit and a
« Evaluation
communication »
(each two
« Evaluation DELF
Prim white »

(at the end of the



To help the teacher qualify the evaluation of the levels of competency performance achieved by
the students, we propose in this programming the achievement indicators for the four skills.
These achievement indicators include ranges aimed at evaluating performance, which take into
account the principle of attention to diversity.

BLOCK 1: Comprehension of Oral Texts


In the process of acquisition Acquired Advanced Excellent

1. Understands, in messages and Has difficulty understanding Understands messages and Understand messages Understand messages
public announcements, very messages and advertisements public, without difficulty and without difficulty and
simple (by example, advertisements very simple information, advertisements advertisements
numbers, prices, schedules), public, always that this public, very simple public, very simple
as long as it is articulated at slow very simple information, articulated at slow speed and information, as long as it is information,
speed and clearly, and there are no even if it is articulated at clearly, and there are no articulated at slow speed and although this
interferences that distort the speed slow and interferences that distort the clearly, and there are no articulated to speed
message. clearly, and there is no message. interferences that distort the medium and clearly, and the
interference that message. message is slightly distorted.
distort the message.
2. Understands the general idea of Understands the general idea
No understands the Without difficulty
what is said in transactions and of what is said to him in Understands the general idea
idea understands the general idea
procedures usual in normal transactions and and some details of what is
general of what is said in of what is said to him in
situations of need CCL procedures in situations of said in normal transactions
normal transactions and normal transactions and
immediate. immediate need. and procedures in situations
procedures in situations of procedures in situations of
of immediate need.
immediate need. immediate need.
Has difficulty understanding Understands essential Understands Understand essential
3. Understands the
essential information in information in short, simple completely the information and details in
short and simple conversations in which he essential information in short, simple conversations
essential in conversations
conversations in the participates that deal with short, simple conversations in the that
short and simple ones in which you CCL -
that familiar topics. in the that participate that deal with
participate that deal with familiar CAA
participate that deal with participate that deal with family issues.
topics such as, for example, oneself,
family issues. family issues.
family, school, free time, the
description of an object or a place.

4. Understands the general Has difficulty understanding Understands he sense Understands he sense Adequately understands the
meaning and distinguishes changes the general meaning of general of television general and distinguishes the general meaning and easily
in the theme of television programs television programs or other programs or other changes of issue of distinguishes changes in the
or other audiovisual material within audiovisual material within audiovisual material within television programs or other topic of television programs
their area of interest (p. and. in their area of interest. your area of interest. audiovisual material within or other audiovisual material
which interview To CCL your area of interest. within their area of interest.
young either
characters acquaintances
everyday topics, or in which
information is provided on leisure

BLOCK 2: Oral Text Production: Expression and Interaction

In the process of
Acquired Advanced Excellent
Presents many Makes very short Makes very short HE unwraps
5. He makes very brief presentations
difficulties to the do presentations and presentations and properly in the
and simple, previously
presentations even if they are simple, simple, very brief and simple
prepared and rehearsed, on everyday
very brief and simple, and previously prepared and previously prepared and presentations, previously
topics or topics of interest (introduce
have been previously prepared rehearsed, on everyday rehearsed, on everyday prepared and rehearsed, on
yourself and other people; give basic
and rehearsed. topics or of interest using topics or topics of interest, everyday topics or his
information about yourself, your
structures correctly using the interest wearing
family and your studies; indicate your CLC -
elementals. elementary structures. correctly the
hobbies and interests and
CSC elementary structures.
the main
day-to-day activities; briefly and
simply describe people or objects; say
what you like and don't like and give
your opinion wearing
6. Performs in very basic situations in, HE unwraps with HE unwraps in HE unwraps HE unwraps
for example, shops, restaurants or difficulty in situations very basic situations in, p. without properly and
leisure spaces. very basic in, eg, stores, and., stores, difficulty in very basic without
CCL restaurantseither restaurants or leisure situations in, eg, stores, difficulty in very basic
leisure spaces. spaces. restaurants situations in, eg, stores,
either restaurants
leisure spaces. either
7. Engage in informal conversations Participates very little and with Participates in Actively participate in Participates active
CCL and
face to face or over difficulty in conversations conversations informal conversations
properly in

informal face-to-face or informal face-to-face or face to face or through informal conversations face
technical means (telephone, Skype)
technical means in which through technical means in technical means in which to face or through technical
in which social contact is established
social contact is established, which contact is established social contact is established, means in which social contact
(thank you, greet, say goodbye,
personal information and social, HE personal information and is established, personal
address someone, ask apologies,
information about everyday exchanges personal information about everyday information and information
introduce oneself,
matters are exchanged; simple information and matters is exchanged; simple about everyday matters are
take an interest in someone's
feelings and opinions are information about everyday feelings and opinions are exchanged; HE express
condition, congratulate someone);
expressed, and HE give matters; simple feelings and expressed, and HE give simple feelings and opinions,
personal information is exchanged
instructions. opinions are expressed, and instructions. and HE give
and affairs everyday; HE
HE give instructions.
They express simple feelings and
opinions, and give each other
instructions (p. and. how to get to a
place with the help of a map).

Block 3: Comprehension of written texts

In the process of
Acquired Advanced Excellent
8. Understand, with visual support, Has great difficulty Understand, with visual Understands Understand without difficulty,
the essentials of understanding, even with support, the essentials of properly, with with support visual, it
instructions visual support, the essentials instructions visual support, essential essential and some details of
and of instructions instructions instructions
indications simple, and and and
and indications simple, and simple directions, and basic and simple instructions and
basic information, in notes, signs and information basic, in information, in notes, signs simple instructions and information basic, in
posters in streets, stores, means of notes, signs and posters in and posters in streets, information basic, in notes, signs and posters in
transport, cinemas, museums, streets, shops, means of stores, media notes, signs and posters in streets, shops, means of
schools, and other services and public transport, cinemas, museums, transport, streets, stores, media transport, cinemas, museums,
places. schools, and other services cinemas, transport, schools, and other services
and public places. museums, schools, and cinemas, and public places.
Understands with a lot Understand essential Understands without Understand adequately and
9. Understands essential information difficulty the information information and locate difficulty all the without
and locates specific information in essential and No locate specific information on information difficulty all the
simple information materials such as, specific information on material informative essential and locate some information essential and
eg, menus, schedules, catalogues, CCL material informative simple. specific information in locate all the specific
price lists, advertisements, telephone simple. material informative information in material
directories, advertising, brochures simple. simple informative.
tourism, cultural or event programs.

10. Understands correspondence Understands with a lot Includes correspondence Understands correspondence You can easily understand
(SMS, mail electronics, difficulty correspondence very without difficulty very short, simple correspondence
CCL very brief and simple that short and simple that deals short and simple that deals that deals with topics that are
postcards and cards) very short and
simple that deals with topics that are deals with topics that are very with topics that you with topics that you very familiar to you.
very familiar to you such as, for familiar to you. They are very well known. They are very well known.
example, oneself, family,

school, he time free, the
description of an object or place, or
the indication of the time and place
of an appointment.
11. Understands the gist and main Understands the essentials of Understand the essentials Understands the gist and Understand the essentials and
points of short news and youth short news and magazine and some points main points of short news main points without difficulty
magazine articles on topics familiar or articles for young people on short news headlines and stories and youth magazine of news
of interest to you (sports, groups topics familiar or of interest to youth magazine articles on articles on topics familiar or brief and articles of
musicals, CCL them. topics you are familiar with of interest to you. magazines for young people
computer games, comics). or of interest to. that deal with topics that are
familiar or of interest to

BLOCK 4: Production of Written Texts: Expression and Interaction


In the process of
Acquired Advanced Excellent
12. Writes correspondence Writes with many He writes with almost no Writes correspondence Writes correctly
short and simple personal message mistakes short, simple errors, short and simple short and simple personal brief and simple personal
(messages, notes, postcards, emails, CCL - personal correspondence in personal correspondence in message in which you say correspondence in which he
or SMS) in which you thank, CAA which you say thank you, which he gives the thank you, congratulate gives the thank you,
congratulate someone, make an congratulate someone, thank you,congratulate someone, make an invitation, congratulate to
invitation, give instructions, or talk make a invitation, gives to gives someone, does a
about yourself and your immediate instructions, or talks about someone, does a instructions, or talks about invitation, gives
environment (family, friends, himself and his immediate invitation, himself and his immediate instructions, or talks about
hobbies, activities environment. surroundings and does himself and his immediate
everyday life, objects, places) and gives questions related to these surroundings and does
asks questions related to these instructions, or talks about topics. questions suitable and
topics. himself and his immediate related to these topics.
accordance with the provisions of Instruction 10/2020, of June 15, 2020, regarding the educational measures to be adopted at the beginning of the course in
the centers that teach General Regime teachings, it is necessary to reflect the schedule planned for the exceptional situation of telematic teaching following
the criteria set in said instructions.
To this end, during the first weeks, priority will be given to training and updating the center's staff and students, in relation to the use of platforms
intended for the use of telematic teaching and holding videoconferences with students and their families (Zoom , Classroom, Moodle,…)

In the event that the health situation forces us into a new exceptional situation of telematic teaching, daily videoconferences will be established from
each tutoring session with the students of each educational level. An attempt will be made to maintain, as far as possible, the official subject
schedule. elaborated, prioritizing the instrumental areas, without neglecting the other areas, being able to establish areas of knowledge.

Adaptation of the teaching schedule to make it compatible with the new teaching framework established in point 10 of the center's Covid-19

Schedule Teaching activity

9:00 to 11:00 • Conducting videoconferences with each tutorial in which the

general core subjects: explanation and correction of the different tasks from the previous
• Resolution of doubts, queries and difficulties raised.

11:00 to 11:30 Rest

11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

• Completion of tasks by students proposed in the videoconference session.
• Videoconferences of the rest of the areas taught by the specialist teaching staff.
• Resolution of doubts and queries raised by students, with special attention to
students with NEAE.
Afternoon • Individual work by students and correction of tasks by teachers.
• Design of tasks and activities for teachers, as well as preparation of resources
necessary for the delivery of telematic teaching.
• Teaching coordination
• Tutoring with families (Monday)

A virtual class for this area has been created, both in Moodle and Classroom, which will include the planned activities and
videoconference sessions with students for the development of the curriculum.

To facilitate student evaluation, form-type activities that encourage student feedback will be prioritized. These activities will be
designed taking into account the essential learning of the area.


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