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Nguyễn Việt.

ID: SE180672



pstree -np: This command displays a tree-like structure of processes, including their process IDs and
parent-child relationships. It can help you visualize the hierarchy of processes running on your system.

 Syntax: pstree -np

 Purpose: To visualize process hierarchy.
 Example 1: pstree -np - Displays a hierarchical list of all processes.

 Example 2: pstree -np 1508 - Displays the process tree for a specific process with ID 1508.
pkill: This command is used to send signals to processes based on their names.

 Syntax: pkill [options] pattern

 Purpose: To send signals to processes based on their names.

Ex1: pkill babi send signal to terminate all process with the name “babi”.
Ex2 : Pkill cupsd.
uptime: This command provides information about the system's uptime and load averages.

 Syntax: uptime
 Purpose: To display system uptime and load averages.
 Example 1: uptime - Displays uptime, current time, and system load averages.
Ex 2: uptime –p: Hiển thị ở dạng ngắn gọn.

free: This command shows information about the system's memory usage.
 Syntax: free [options]
 Purpose: To display information about memory usage.
 Example 1: free - Displays memory usage statistics.
 EX2: free-h: Displays memory usage in a human-readable format.

Explain the result: The pgrep -u root command is used to list the process IDs of all processes owned by
the "root" user. The result will be a list of process IDs corresponding to the processes running as the root

Task 3:

Command: syntax gnome-system-monitor to decribe tab same “Task manager”

Using GUI: We click show all applications and type System monitor to show the file same “Task

Task 4:

In command type gnome-software to open software.

Then we can update, add or remove software.

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