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In ancient China about 500 years BC, the famous philosopher Confucius stood out, whose ideas formed the basis of

To achieve a position in the Chinese public administration was done at the cost of the sacrifice of a life dedicated to
study, accompanied by the investment of money that it demanded. When a State official committed a crime, the
only penalty applied was immediate and forcible removal from office.

Authors such as Chow, Confucius, Micius or Mo-ti founded schools whose principles seemed more like philosophical
studies than administrative principles, but at least it was a beginning in the country's administrative process.

The subsequent development of these first ideas was quite satisfactory and the solution to everyday social problems
could be considered an achievement.

Let's look at Chow's management rules:

1 - Organize the government before administering the people. It is important to organize the Government internally
before trying to manage the state.

2 - Define the functions. Clearly defining objectives saves time and creates improvements in productivity.

3 - Cooperate. Only through cooperation can excellent results be achieved.

4 - Efficient processes. Only with good processes can good results be achieved.

5 - Formality of human resources. Human beings are the fundamental tools of any organization, and therefore it is
very important that they carry out their duties with formality and correctness.

6 - Sanction. This is how errors are corrected and avoided.

Let's look at the rules of Confucius

1 - The rulers must study the problems to be able to make their judgment and to be able to find the best solution.

2 - Problems will be attacked through professional ethics, always objectively and impartially.

3 - In the face of economic problems, overcoming them comes hand in hand with collective effort and citizen

4 - May the brain of the one who governs not stop working. The ruler must have noble and non-profit conduct.


There are not many documents on the administration of the Roman Empire, but it is known that they were managed
by hierarchically ordered magisteriums, whose organization in Rome surely meant, in the long run, the famous
success of the long centuries of the Empire.

The republic was established in 509 BC. Citizens met in assemblies and each year new magistrates and new rulers
were elected to lead the country. There was also the presence of the senate, which was nothing other than the
ancient and wise magistrates, who were in charge of controlling both external and internal policy.

During the era of the Roman Empire and through the continuous conquests of new territories, new hordes of slaves
and new generations of workers in charge of the construction of buildings, cultivation of land, road infrastructure
and a whole host of activities were joining the Empire. This system lasted for several centuries and was one of the
keys to the great expansion of the empire, whose consular system had to be transformed into proconsular and try to
prolong the authority of the consul, so that he could benefit from the new conquered lands. and became a partner in
barbarism and could administer the new pieces of such a growing empire. The role of the consul was to receive a
part of the conquered territory and manage it under his own jurisdiction, either as consul or as Praetor.

Back in the Christian era, the Roman Empire led to a military autocracy established by the famous Julius Caesar and
centuries later it was up to Diocletian to reform it by eliminating the old regime of provincial governors and
establishing a true administrative system with different hierarchical degrees, from the Emperor , even a simple


For several centuries the Chinese had an orderly administrative system, with a well-developed civil service and a
fairly satisfactory appreciation of many of the modern problems of public administration. Confucius laid the first
foundations of government and established rules for better administration. It summarizes the administrative thought
of ancient China in its rules of public administration.

•Helped to bring about a system capable of administratively managing its internal affairs, A well-developed civil
service, An appreciation of many of the modern problems of public management.

•His administration was a success, he established reforms, Justice was administered impartially and crime was also

The rules of Confucius

1.The rulers must study the problems to be able to make their judgment and to be able to find the best solution.

2.Problems will be attacked through professional ethics, always objectively and impartially.

3. Faced with economic problems, overcoming them comes hand in hand with collective effort and citizen
collaboration. 4.May the brain of the one who governs not stop working. The ruler must have noble and non-profit
conduct. Chow's constitution, written around 1100 BC, is a catalog of all the emperor's civil servants, from the prime
minister to members of the household service. This regulation also described the powers of the prime minister, as
well as his duties and responsibilities. More than 3 thousand years ago, China had concepts that had a contemporary
nuance, about:




•Procedures necessary to achieve efficiency, and

•Various control techniques.

Chow's management rules

: 1.Organize the government before administering the people. It is important to organize the Government internally
before trying to manage the state. 2.

Define the functions. Clearly defining objectives saves time and creates improvements in productivity. 3.

Cooperate. Only through cooperation can excellent results be achieved. 4.

Efficient processes. Only with good processes can good results be achieved. 5.

Formality of human resources. Human beings are the fundamental tools of any organization, and therefore it is very
important that they carry out their duties with formality and correctness. 6.

Sanction. This is how errors are corrected and avoided. 7.

Miciuso Mo-ti (500 BC)

8.He founded a branch of the same school as Confucius, which differed in merely philosophical aspects.


ROMAN ADMINISTRATION: After several centuries of monarchy, exercised by Etruscan sovereigns, the republic is
established in 509 BC. J. c. From now on, all citizens form the populus romanus, which meets in assemblies, the
elections. Each year they elect magistrates in charge of governing the country: Quaestors (finance), aediles
(administration), and pretons (justice). At the top, two consuls hold executive power, direct the army and perform
the functions of heads of state. Accessing these different functions, one after another, constitutes the curus
honorum. Finally, all the former magistrates make up the senate, which controls internal policy and directs foreign
policy. Daring conquerors, prudent cultivators and merchants, the Romans handle the sword with equal zeal as the
plow. In this way they enlarge their territories and establish an administration in charge of promoting their
development. Each of the subjugated towns supplies them with a significant contingent of soldiers and slaves.
Citizens are progressively abandoning most of their tasks to the latter, who are becoming more numerous every day.
This system will subsist for several centuries and will allow the Romans to carry out a gigantic and multiple work
within the limits of their immense empire: construction of countless monuments, roads and aqueducts; exploitation
of mines and quarries, irrigation. But it will also take away the meaning of their struggle and effort, finally leaving
them unarmed in the face of the barbarian invasions, which will put an end to their power starting in the 4th century
AD. The spirit of administrative order that the Roman Empire had meant that, along with wars and conquests, the
organization of institutions was achieved in a satisfactory manner.


•Rome is located on the European continent in what is called the Italian Peninsula.

•Northern limits with the Alps mountain range. To the east with the Adriatic Sea, to the west with the Tyrrhenian
Sea and to the south with the island of Sicily.

Rome classifies companies into three:

Public: Those that carry out State activities. -Semi-public: Those that belong to unions. -Private: Those that were
managed by civilians.

Rome had three periods.-

1. The republic: Where activities were managed by the people and equal rights predominated.

2.- The monarchy: Where the government, high society, led and the people did not intervene.

3.- The fall of the Roman Empire: This period was characterized by disorganization.

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church did not accept profit and commerce as an activity Roman Administration:
The administrative order that the Roman Empire had meant that they were achieved, along with the wars and
conquests of the institutions, in a satisfactory manner Evolution of the Roman administration: The administration of
the Roman Empire evolved over time and was divided into two following a cultural division between east and west.
Roman trade:

It was the engine that led to the economy at the end of the republic and the beginning of the empire. The
Romanians were businessmen and the longevity (extension) of their empire was due to their trade.


The Greeks, like the Egyptians and the Chinese, already had knowledge of administrative acts, it is believed that they
were the best, since there are remains of writings, pamphlets and papyri that demonstrate the type of organization
that was applied when deciphering certain hieroglyphs and special writings. note that the administration was based
on beauty and the cult of the arts. The Greek administration excelled in carving, painting, sculpture, and manual
work where beauty stood out.

In this administration, all those people where nature gave them skill and good taste are rewarded.

Philosophers Arón Aristotle and Plato appear in Greek administration. People preferred to learn trades and manual
arts before any other profession and universities, they felt the need to understand that the government admired,
consented and paid for the work that was done for the benefit of its people, they preferred Bonico, Baroque, Persian
styles, etc. .

Greek democratic administration: The Greek government administration had four evolutionary steps, since its states





As ancient Greek philosophers described administration:

For Plato, ethics and politics were almost the same thing, except that one applied to man and the other to society.
When it comes to the individual, it has three parts: the rational soul, the irascible soul and the concupiscible soul.
The function of the first is to know and govern; the function of the other two is to act under the control of the first. If
this happens to an individual, we would say that it is fair. In the society that is like a large man, there are also three
parts: Rulers, soldiers and producers. The virtue of rulers is prudence; that of the soldiers is the

courage; that of the producers is moderation, if each sector fulfills its mission the State will be fair, there will be
social justice.

Plato in his book "The Republic" gives his views on the administration of public affairs and the principle of
specialization. Plato that within his great

contributions are:

1.- The classification of the forms of government that are divided into:

Aristocracy: Government of the nobility or upper class.

-Oligarchy: Government of a single social class.

Timarquia: Government of those who collected rents.

Democracy: Government of the people.

Tyranny: Government of a single person.

2.- Classification of social classes that are divided into:

Gold: They were the rulers.

Silver: The warriors and

Bronze: They were the artisans and merchants.

3.- His works: "Phaedrus", "The Symposium", "The Laws and the Republic".

ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC) C.):

According to Aristotle, being is defined as “that which can Exist or exists.” What can exist, but does not yet exist, is
called “possible being” and what exists is called “real being”, for example, the egg that has all the appropriate
conditions and favorable circumstances to give rise to a chicken, is a possible chicken. The originated chicken is a real
chicken, consequently the possible is possible, but it is not yet real; It is real when it goes from mere possibility to
In his book "Politics" he distinguishes three forms of public administration: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.
Aristotle: philosopher who classified public administration into:

a) Monarchy: Government of only one.

b) Aristocracy: Government of the upper class.

c) Democracy: Government of the people.

Apart from the great contributions that these philosophers made, there were more which were books and
universities that dealt with administration.

In Greece Socrates enunciates the universality of administration. (First management university founded in the
history of humanity). Plato in his book "The Republic" gives his views on the administration of public affairs and the
principle of specialization. Plato who among his great contributions are:

1.The classification of forms of government that are divided into:

2.Aristocracy: Government of the nobility or upper class.

3.Oligarchy: Government of a single social class.

4.Timarchy: Government of those who collected rents.

5.Democracy: Government of the people.

6.Tyranny: Government of a single person.

7.Classification of social classes that are divided into:

8.Gold: They were the rulers

9.Silver: The warriors and

10.Bronze: They were the artisans and merchants.

11.His works: "Phaedrus", "The Symposium", "The Laws and the Republic".

"We enjoy a political regime that does not imitate the laws of its neighbors; more than imitators of others, in fact,
we ourselves serve as a model for some. As for the name, since the administration is exercised in favor of the
majority, and not of a few, this regime has been called democracy; Regarding the laws, everyone enjoys equal rights
in the defense of their particular interests; Regarding honors, anyone who distinguishes themselves in some aspect
can access public positions, since they are chosen more for their merits than for their social category; nor does he
who is poor, for his part, be prevented by his obscure position from providing his services to the country, if he has
the possibility of doing so.

Our rule is to respect freedom, both in public affairs and in our daily rivalries with each other, without getting angry
with our neighbor when he acts spontaneously, nor externalizing our annoyance, since this, although harmless, is
unpleasant to witness. Although in private affairs we are indulgent, in public affairs, however, above all out of
respectful fear, we never act illegally, but rather obey those whose turn it is to command, and we abide by the laws,
particularly those dictated in favor of those who are victims of injustice, and those that, even if they are not written,
everyone considers it shameful to infringe".

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