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National University of Central Peru




The “DEL CENTRO” bakery covers the customers' need to feed themselves
with excellent quality products in terms of everything related to bakery and
pastry, a temptation with a healthy style.

The target market of the “DEL CENTRO” bakery and pastry shop is aimed
at men and women in general, of socioeconomic level (C and D). It is
located north of the city of Tarma (Pomachaca), the consumers will be
mostly the inhabitants of the neighborhood of Pomachaca, Hualhuas Chico
and Ninatambo.

It sells edible bakery and pastry products and a final line, which is the
snacks part.

Our business idea was born from the need for innovative products among
fast food, which satisfies the unsatisfied demand that exists in the Junín
region and at the same time counteracts the competition.

It will be founded in 2013 in the province of Tarma, department of Junín,

with six partners: Campos Chavez Christian, Estrella Parian Pedro, Lapa
Carrera Erickson, Leonardo Leon Nataly, Limaymanta Solano Melina,
Ramos Ibañez Iris, based on the food processing company sector. food.

Our Company is made up of partners, in which they are organized

hierarchically by function designation.

Organization chart of the BAKERY AND PASTRY “DEL CENTRO”

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National University of Central Peru

General Meeting of

General manager

Administration and Area of operations Quality control

finance area area

Production line Store

Commercialization Logistics

Sales Supervisor

Marketing Master baker


a) Business philosophy

 We work for the client and for the client.

b) Social Commitment and Values:

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To meet our challenge and the demands of the baking activity, those of
us who make up this organization have committed ourselves to values
that now guide our daily actions, these are:

 RESPONSIBILITY: We are a work team that meets the quality

standards and the orders that the client demands.
 HONESTY: We are a team that reflects transparency in all our work
and capabilities.
 RESPECT: Important in the fulfillment of our duty.
 HYGIENE: Food safety and the process are duly taken care of in
our production.
 VOCATION FOR WORK: We work for the client and for the client.
 LEADERSHIP: It is defined as the leadership or direction of a social
group towards the achievement of common objectives. Without
good leadership there is no direction in the production and
operation of the company.
 TEAMWORK: Very important in a system that needs a lot of
communication and integration between its bodies. It is a means to
achieve operational efficiency in various organizations in order to
improve competitiveness and achieve the objectives set.

c) Need that satisfies.

“DEL CENTRO” bakery and pastry shop is a company dedicated to the
manufacturing and marketing of healthy lines such as bread, cakes and
snacks. The company aims to improve the quality of life of people who
consume bread, since those who work in the sector only need to go to
the point of sale at any time and find a solution for any time of the day,
obtaining products of good quality and at a good price.
At this time, “DEL CENTRO” bakery and pastry shop handles breads
such as boyo bread, French bread, whole wheat bread, among other
bakery products. It has modern machinery that adjusts to the growth
and diversification of products to the extent of the requirements. The
products are popular and are advanced according to industry trends.

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“To become the leading company in the manufacture and sale of bakery and
pastry products through constant innovation of high-quality and healthy
products, processes and services, growing profitably and harmoniously,
achieving the satisfaction of our customers.”


“Satisfy the requirements of our customers by offering excellent quality bakery

and pastry products. Through continuous improvement; through teamwork,
commitment, optimization of resources, innovation and creativity of all our
human talent.”


a) General objective
 Design marketing strategies for the downtown bakery in 2013.

b) Specific objectives
 Carry out internal and external analysis of the company that allows us
to know the real problems.
 Conduct a strategic SWOT analysis of the company.
 Formulate tactical strategies and action plan.
 Prepare budgets to achieve objectives.

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 Provide quality products at a fair price.
 Offer personalized attention to our clients.
 That our client feels comfortable with our product.


 Technical knowledge regarding how  Lack of experience in the business
to prepare and cook baking products.  Limited economic solvency.
 Modern baking equipment  Location of the bakery (a little hidden
 Creativity and innovation by place)
administrators. (variety of offers)  Sales staff with low training.
 Gift of service ( the client is the reason for  Strategic point of sale.
being )
 High quality products.

 Deficiency of competition in the  Substitute products.
production and/or distribution of its  Uncertainty regarding the reception
products. that our products will have in the
 Possibility of creating new needs through potential market segment.
changing the traditional image of the  Entry of new competitors.
bakery.  Food culture of the population (they
 Increase in demand. do not value healthy products)
 Bread is a staple food

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alimento de primera

Entrada de nuevos
nuevas necesidades

de la población (no
Posibilidad de crear

Cultura alimentaria
a través del cambio
distribución de sus

Crecimiento de la
competencia en la

tendrán nuestros
Percepción que

productos en el
producción y/o
Deficiencia de la

tradicional de la


respecto a la
de la imagen

El pan es un


valoran los



Elaborar productos de calidad utilizando conocimientos
Conocimientos técnicos en cuanto a modo
tecnicos y equipos modernos por consiguiente distrubuir Elaborar productos de alta calidad e innovadores ,para lograr una
de preparación y cocción de los productos F1
con eficacia mediante la innovacion y la creatividad. buena imagen ante los consumidores .(A1;F3;F5)
de panificación.

Cambiar la imagen traicional de panederia innovando con Contrarestar la competencia actualizando nuestros conocimientos
Equipos modernos de panificación F2
productos saludables(O2 ; F3) de produccion y marketing para lanzar nuevos producto(A2; F1;F3)

Cambiar la cultura alimentaria del consumidor distribuyendo

Creatividad e innovación por partes de Abastecer la creciente demanda evaluando la capacidad de
F3 minirecetas saludables promoviendo en consumos de nuestros
los administradores.(variedad de ofertas ) los equipos, para una posible ampliacion (O3;F2)
producos .(A3; F3:F4)
Don de servicio (el cliente es muestra Ofrecer productos de calidad, con excelente Satisfacer la necesidad del cliente en cuanto a los productos
razón de ser ) servicio(O4;F4;F5) sustitutos implementando una fuente de soda .(A4; F4)
Alta calidad en los productos. F5

Distribuir los productos desde un punto estrategico, capacitar al personal constantemente en produccion y marqueting
Falta de experiencia en el negocio D1
abasteciendo mayor parte del mercado(O1;D3;D5) para optener la buena perspectiva del cliente.(A1;D1;D4)

Capacitar a nuestro personal de ventas psra el crecimiento Ubicar un punto estrategico de venta para contrarestar a nuestros
Limitada solvencia económica. D2
de nuestra demanda(O3; D4) posibles competidores.(A2;D3;D5)
Adquirir prestamos para satisfacer la creciente demanda y
Ubicación de la panadería (lugar un poco Conseguir fondos para la implementacion de una fuente de
D3 promover una eficiente produccion y
escondido) soda.(A4;D2)
Personal de venta con baja capacitación. D4

Punto de venta estratégico. D5

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a) Strengths – opportunities

 Produce quality products using technical knowledge and modern

equipment therefore distribute effectively through innovation and
 Change the traditional bakery image by innovating with healthy
 Supply the growing demand by evaluating the capacity of the
equipment, for a possible expansion.
 Offer quality products, with excellent service.

b) Strengths – threats

 Produce high-quality and innovative products to achieve a good

image among consumers.
 Counteract the competition by updating our production and
marketing knowledge to launch new products.
 Change the consumer's food culture by distributing healthy mini
recipes promoting consumption of our products.
 Satisfy customer need for substitute products by implementing a
soda fountain.

c) Weaknesses – opportunities

 Distribute products from a strategic point, supplying most of the

 Train our sales staff for the growth of our demand.
 Acquire loans to meet growing demand and promote efficient
production and distribution.

d) Weaknesses – threats

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 Constantly train staff in production and marketing to obtain a good

customer perspective.
 Locate a strategic point of sale to counteract our possible
 Obtain funds for the implementation of a soda fountain.


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a) Demography:

It is important that the bakery is located in a location where there is no

other bakery nearby and that the size of the population is interesting, that
is, there is a high concentration of consumers.

b) Legal political aspects.

Governments occupy a preferential place in the analysis of the

environment, motivated by several aspects, from their purchasing power,
through their legislative power and their ability to support new sectors
through subsidy policies, without forgetting the impact of their policies on
new investments. Therefore, it is important from the point of view of
environmental analysis to evaluate trends and their possible
consequences for the company in the short and medium term. To do this
we will break it down into the following sections:

c) Legislation.

Legislating new laws. At this point, the important thing is that the analyst
can analyze whether the legislative trend can affect the performance of
the company in the short or medium term.

d) Political stability.

The existence of political stability instills security in society in general and

the business sector in particular. Good stability will result in greater
security in both internal and external investments.

e) Economic policy

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Government economic policies can encourage or discourage

investments. At this point you should consider how economic policies
may affect your company or business.

f) Fiscal policy.

It directly affects the purchasing capacity of the population and the

profitability of the company.

g) Competence:

The strategies that companies follow are successful only to the extent
that they provide a competitive advantage over the strategies that rival
companies apply, which is why each bakery tries to specialize in a variety
of bread offerings and their substitutes. There are a large number of
companies in the industry and the size differences are small. It is the
structure closest to perfect competition where rivalry is very high.
Changes in a company's strategy are met through counteractions, such
as reducing prices, improving quality, adding features.

h) Socio-cultural aspect.

Its analysis has three objectives:

 First: Analyze the possible evolution and trends that may affect the
future of the company.
 Second: Diagnose what evolutions or trends are presented to us as
opportunities and threats.
 Third: Decide on the most appropriate actions to take advantage of
opportunities and defend ourselves against threats.

The factors to analyze are the following:

 Training level

The degree or level of training of the consumer significantly affects

the company. Currently there is a sustained increase in this level
that has repercussions:

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 In greater consumption of products related to culture.

 A higher level of information and, therefore, a greater selection
 A higher degree of demand in consumer behaviors.
 Greater appreciation of time in general and leisure time in

 Quality of life

The increase in economic resources, together with the increase in

training, leads to greater purchasing power and a higher cultural
level. Which produces new behaviors: since what is important is not
only quantity but also quality.

 Technology:

It is defined as the set of knowledge and techniques that, applied in

a logical and orderly manner, allow human beings to modify their
material or virtual environment to satisfy their needs. This is a
combined process of thought and action with the aim of creating
useful solutions.

 Economic conditions.

It consists of the factors that affect the purchasing power and

spending patterns of consumers. Purchasing power depends on
income, price, savings and current credit; Marketers must be aware
of major economic trends, both in income and changing consumer
spending patterns.


Demography YEAH The area where our business
is located is not a strategic
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point. Since the possible ones

are low.
Legal political NO Our business has political and
aspects economic stability.

Competence YEAH In the place where our

business is located there is no
bakery nearby, but delivery is
available. That would be our
main competitors.
Sociocultural YEAH The client is becoming more
aspects demanding, which is why our
business seeks to constantly
Technology NO Our business has modern,
efficient equipment and up-to-
date knowledge in the bakery
and pastry industry.
Economic YEAH They affect the purchasing
conditions power and spending patterns
of consumers


Internal analysis allows us to accurately determine the strengths and

weaknesses of the organization. Such analysis includes the identification of
the quantity and quality of resources available to the organization. These
are the activities that the organization can control and that it performs very
well or very poorly; these include the activities of general management,

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marketing, finance and accounting, production and operations, research

and development, and the computerized information system of a business.

a) Analysis of the microenvironment.

They are all the forces that a company can control and through which it
aims to achieve the desired change.

 Suppliers:
They are people or entities that offer goods and services that are
required by the company to produce or to provide a service to
customers. Our main supplier of raw materials (flour) and inputs is
the “El oso” shopping center located in Jr. Huánuco from the city of
 Customers:
An important component of organizations are those people and
groups with certain specific characteristics, toward which the
organization focuses and coordinates its productive and commercial
Define who they are, offer them what they want and analyze the
determinants of demand; against the competition,
The market segment that our business targets is class (C and D), to
subsequently expand the clientele and to maintain what is
achieved, we will always seek to satisfy the client, paying them
delicate attention and trying to improve the service.
 Facilitating intermediaries:
Financial condition is often considered the best isolated measure of
a company's competitive position and its overall attractiveness to
investors. A company's liquidity, leverage, working capital,
profitability, asset utilization, and shareholders' equity may prevent
some strategies from being feasible alternatives.
 Commercial intermediaries:

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It is related to the marketing and sales techniques that the company

uses to get the product to the customer.

b) Organizational capabilities.
The company's assets are classified as tangible and intangible, the latter
being the most relevant when integrated into business capabilities;
However, few organizations identify and value them properly, because in
accounting terms, investments in this class of assets that generate an
impact on the company's results in the long term are recorded as

 Tangible resources:
By breaking down the different types of resources, we find:

 Physical resources that refer to physical technology, plant and

equipment, geographic location, access to raw materials,
infrastructure in lots and buildings and other factors that affect
the cost of production.
For its proper functioning, the company requires an area for
sales, production and storage of supplies. The production area,
in turn, must take into account the appropriate location of the
oven, the machines (kneader, sobadora, cutter, fermentation
chamber, refrigerators, lathes, microwave oven), the equipment
(scale, carts), the tools and work utensils.
 Financial resources, considered as sources to finance the
company's investments, and coming from funds generated
internally, or from outside, such as capital contributions from the
owners and those granted by third parties in the form of credits.

 Intangible resources:
Among the intangible assets are:
 The brand, as a value and as the potential to expand income in
the areas of products or markets.

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 Reputation, in relation to customer relationships, product

quality, relationships with suppliers and other entities.
 Patents and intellectual property that support the legal
protection of knowledge and the generation of greater income,
among others.
 Human capital resources include the people who hold different
positions in the company and their competencies, among
others: their level of training, experience, way of reasoning and
making decisions, learning potential, openness to change, the
ability to adapt, teamwork skills, personal relationships,
leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, as well as psychological and
sociological aspects.

c) Internal records.

 Logistics cycle information:

Logistics is related to the management of the flow of goods and

services, from the acquisition of raw materials and inputs at their
point of origin, to the delivery of the finished product at the point of
consumption. Therefore it is necessary to control the inputs and
outputs under a register.

 Sales information:

Companies must budget their annual sales in such a way that

allows them to plan their manufacturing and financial projection
(investment). Having an estimate of the units and values to sell for
at least one year is a challenge that all companies must assume
and to do so it is necessary to have the best methodology to project
said sales.

Forecasts are necessary tools for microeconomic planning.

Companies must consider sales estimates and to do so they must
rely on historical information, which will allow them to have the

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sales trend of a certain product, in this way they can apply both
mathematical and econometric models to make future decisions.

In the same way, sales will predict profits and break-even point.


Our company is dedicated to the production of different baking products and

presents a wide variety of substitutes close to each other. Close substitutes
are tamales, cakes, snacks in general, snacks, among others.

a) Rivalry between Competing Companies

The strategies that companies follow are successful only to the extent
that they provide a competitive advantage over the strategies that rival
companies apply, which is why each bakery tries to specialize in a variety
of bread offerings and their substitutes. There are a large number of
companies in the industry and the size differences are small. It is the
structure closest to perfect competition where rivalry is very high.

Changes in a company's strategy are faced through contrary actions,

such as reducing prices, improving quality, adding characteristics, for
example in croissant bread that offers varieties with cheese, with
sandwich, with ham. , etc.

The intensity of rivalry between competing companies tends to increase

as the number of competitors increases, more bakeries open every day
and as competitors become similar in size and capacity, as the demand
for the industry's products decreases and as the price reduction becomes
common, on a block in a new neighborhood there may be two bakeries.
Rivalry increases because consumers change bakeries easily, because
the barriers to exit the market are not high, because fixed costs are not
high, in addition the product is perishable, rival bakeries have different
strategies, origins and culture, as well as Mergers and acquisitions are
common. As rivalry between competing firms becomes more intense,

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industry profits decline, in some cases to the extent that the industry itself
becomes unattractive.

In our position, direct competition is the delivery made by the “Tarazona”

and “Teodoro” bakeries, which are located in the Progreso neighborhood
of the province, whose supply is not sufficient for the evaluated areas. In
response to our competition, we aim to cover unsatisfied demand and
thus position ourselves in the market with our variety and effectiveness in

b) Potential Entry of New Competitors.

New companies easily enter a particular industry, the intensity of

competition between companies increases; However, among the barriers
to entry are the need to achieve economies quickly, the need to obtain
profits and specialized knowledge but the lack of experience, strong
customer loyalty, strong brand preferences, the requirement of large
capital, Government regulatory policies, lack of access to low-priced raw
materials, patent ownership, unattractive locations, docking by
established companies and potential market saturation cause many to go
bankrupt and close their businesses.

Despite various barriers to entry, some new companies enter industries

with excellent quality products, low prices, and important marketing
resources; Therefore, strategy work consists of identifying sectors that
have the possibility of capturing new markets, monitoring the strategies
of rival companies, counterattacking if necessary, and taking advantage
of existing strengths and opportunities.

Our company is unique in the market and therefore runs the risk of
having direct competition, if a new pastry bakery were to open in the

In this sense our strategies would be:

 Use our know how.

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 Product innovation (breads, with filling)

 Soda fountain installation.
 Delivery.

c) Potential Development of Substitute Products.

In this industry, bakeries compete closely with manufacturers of

substitute products from other industries. The presence of substitute
products places a cap on the price charged before consumers switch to a
substitute product. Due to the captive pressures that arise from substitute
products and that increase with the relative price of these products, many
bakeries have diversified their products and have included substitutes in
the product portfolio either because they are necessary or because they
are complementary.

Our products have as substitutes: cookies, tamales, fried yuccas,

sandwiches and as a strategy for this situation would be the installation
of a soda fountain where the substitute products are included to obtain
market loyalty.

d) Bargaining power of suppliers.

Wheat suppliers like bread producers must help each other with
reasonable prices, better quality, development of new services, on-time
delivery and reduced inventory costs to improve long-term profitability.

The bargaining power on the part of the consumer is vital for a good
agreement with the supplier, evaluating cost-benefit.

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1. Organic structure:
 The organization serves to plan and achieve its objectives.
 Promote communication, coordination and effective integration of
the areas.
 It helps us improve the way we divide, group and coordinate the
organization's activities.
 It provides the means by which the company's (SMEs) strategy is
implemented through integration and differentiation.

The bakery and pastry company “DEL CENTRO” has an organic structure
based on its objectives, its size, the situation it is going through and the
nature of the products it manufactures and this is the line – staff structure.
This type of structure has several advantages, which are:
 Ensures specialized and innovative advice, maintains the principle
of sole autonomy.

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 Staff organizations provide specialized services which is an

important factor in the area of specialization and competence.
 The staff relieves the line of specialized tasks, allowing it to
concentrate on its main activities and responsibilities.
 Joint and coordinated activity of the areas.
 The line bodies are responsible for the execution of the basic
activities of the organization (producing and selling) while the staff
bodies are responsible for the execution and advice of specialized
services such as financing, purchasing, managing human
resources, planning and controlling.

2. Labor Relations
It is a process that regulates the relationship with its employees, suppliers,
clients, advisors, and professionals. To obtain effective results we must
already know the benefits and principles of the next employees of our
On the other hand, we must also keep in mind the strategic alliances which
will help to strengthen our labor relations with other existing companies in
the local, regional and even national market.
Making strategic alliances helps us increase our positioning since we can
use outsourcing. The possible companies with which strategic alliances can
be made at the local level are:
 Mr. Pepe
 The enchanted
 Delicious bread
 The sweet cat

3. Process design
Carrying out a good process design allows us to be sustainable in the
future, the design leads to the best decision making, in order to design a
process we must have income and this will allow us to know and identify the

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financial administration area or the finance area as we commonly know it in

an organization.
Our company standardized its processes so that any collaborator can
produce products with the quality that characterizes the company.


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4.1. Target market

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A target market is a group of customers (people or companies) to

whom the marketer specifically directs their marketing efforts. Careful
choice and exact definition of target markets are essential for
developing an effective marketing mix.

Our target market is between the areas of Hualhuas Chico,

Pomachaca, Ninatambo.

4.2. Marketing mix.

a) Product
Our company is convinced that we must provide a quality product
which must have added value; In addition, we are guiding ourselves
that our products must be important in the market, distinctive,
superior, communicable, exclusive, affordable and profitable, which
is why we take the following strategies:

Tasting of the product to be offered: The taste of the product is the

main characteristic that the consumer looks for since it attracts
people to want to consume more for the same pleasure that is felt,
which is why they will be held at stands in the places most visited by
consumers. to be able to position ourselves in the consumer's mind.

Presentation of the product: As is well known, the consumer is

conquered by the physical attributes of the product since the
acceptability of the final product is perceived. The presentation of our
product will be through medium boxes with openings in the central
and upper part, a striking design referring to the product for its better

b) Price

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The price is very important for our consumers, which is why the
product is launched in cardboard boxes with 5 units with their chips,
creams in a sachet and to refresh themselves with a glass of iced
soda called the “Economic Combo” and in other presentations. to the
client's taste, (taking into account public suggestions)
Our price varies according to the segment we are targeting and the
added value it has.

c) Square.
Our target market is in the province of Tarma and subsequently the
entire Junín region, which is why we will begin with tasting and sales
campaigns in the main square on Thursdays and Sundays as they
are busiest days. To then acquire its own premises for the
manufacturing, distribution and sale of trout nuggets.

d) Promotion.
The promotions will be made under a more rigorous analysis of what
the client prefers since we think that giving a client a promotion is so
that he feels good and in some way satisfies some need he may

Promotion of recyclable packaging: Nowadays, with the search for an

ecological and sustainable balance, the use of recyclable or
biodegradable packaging is promoted, which is why we are
proposing the reuse of our “box” packaging.


a) Analysis of the sector.

We must collect all relevant information about our competitors,
whether they are businesses that sell products similar to ours (direct
competitors) or businesses that sell substitute products to ours
(indirect competitors). To do this, we can do:
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 Identify all competitors.

 Define the market.
 Define basic data for each company, such as:
 Who are the leaders or the main ones.
 Where they are located.
 What are your main strategies.
 What is your experience in the market.
 What is its capacity?
 What are your markets?
 What materials or inputs do they use for their products.
 Define your basic marketing elements, such as:
 What are your products and/or services?
 What are their prices.
 What are your advertising media?
 What are your sales channels.

b) Market characteristics.
 We don't have many direct competitors.
 The costs of this product are within reach of consumers.
 Our substitutes could be tamales, fried yuquitas.
 Our clients are the Tarmeña population, primarily the areas of
Hualhuas Chico, Ninatambo, Pomachaca.

c) Baking products.

 Bakery:
Bread is a basic food that is part of the traditional diet, our
company will produce diverse varieties such as:
 French bread
 boyo bread
 Shabbat bread
 Wholemeal bread

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 Cake shop:
It is the art of preparing or decorating cakes or other sweet
desserts such as biscuits, cakes or cakes.

 Snacks:
Will be produced:
 Empanadas
 rosquitas
 Cookies.
 Caramel cookie

5. The product.

Our main objective is to be a leading company in the production and

marketing of baking and pastry products, to seek the competitiveness and
positioning of this product in the local market and to obtain profitability that
allows us to expand the business throughout the region.

Our Action Plan is to offer our customers good quality products, fair prices
and contribute to the significant growth of the market based on the
consumption of a healthy product. Our product will be offered in our target
market located in the areas of Hualhuas Chico, Pomachaca, Ninatambo.


1. Business organization

The figure shows the structural organization chart and the areas that make
up the organization are described below:

General Meeting of

General manager

26 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

Administration and Area of operations Quality control
finance area area
National University of Central Peru

a) General meeting.

The general meeting of partners is the supreme body of the company.

The partners constituted in a duly convened general meeting, and with
the corresponding quorum, decide by the majority established by law the
matters within their competence. All partners, including dissidents and
those who did not participate in the meeting, are subject to the
agreements adopted by the general meeting. Unless otherwise provided
in the statute, the general meeting is chaired by the president of the
board of directors. The general manager acts as secretary in their
absence or impediment; such functions are performed by those present
that the board itself appoints.

27 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

b) General management

It is represented by the general manager. The manager is responsible

before the company, partners and third parties for the damages caused
by non-compliance with his obligations, embezzlement, abuse of powers
and gross negligence.


 Determine the business objectives and the benefits to be achieved

 Establish strategies for good service as well as the corresponding
budget required by the company.
 Control the execution of various company programs, ensuring that
the results obtained coincide with the established objectives.
 Control the different departments of the companies and comply with
their respective responsibilities and with adequate organization.
 Respond to the company, shareholders and third parties for
damages caused by non-compliance with their obligations, as legal
 Work as a team formulating strategies that can be implemented and
that allow the set objectives to be met (production levels, annual
sales, product quality).
 Celebrate and execute the ordinary acts and contracts corresponding
to the corporate purpose.

c) Administration and finance area.

It is the area in charge of financial resources. It is in charge of the

general manager.

This is responsible for carrying out programming, supervision and control

activities in the administrative, accounting and financial areas.

28 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

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There will be the service of a private accountant in charge of preparing

the accounting records, balance sheet, profit and loss statement and the
income tax return.

 Commercialization

In this area, sales plans and product marketing strategies will be

developed. You will be responsible for achieving sales estimates and
supervising the efficient distribution of the product in the target

 Logistics

He will be responsible for commercial affairs. You will be in charge of

planning, executing and supervising the company's marketing,
distribution and sales activities, in addition to maintaining a stock of
supplies and raw materials for the normal operation of the plant. The
head of sales and logistics will perform the following functions:

 Coordinate and negotiate with clients, in order to complete

 Prepare the business plan, staying informed about the national
market for products based on tropical fruits (nectar, jam and
frozen products).
 Coordinate, organize and carry out purchases of raw materials
and supplies for production tasks.
 Manage and control the intermediate product warehouse
 Make payment to suppliers.
d) Area of operations

You will be responsible for all production activities and the control of all
those actions necessary to maintain the quality of the intermediate
product throughout the process.

The functions to be performed by him are:

29 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

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 Prepare the production plan based on the orders placed by the

commercial area.
 Supervise production tasks in the plant.
 Recruit, select, train and hire personnel under your command.
 Will be in charge of planning and coordinating the proper
maintenance of equipment and machinery.

e) Master baker.
It is responsible for advising on the production of the products to be

f) Quality control area.

They will ensure that the raw materials meet the specifications for the
process to which they will be destined.
 Establish quality standards for raw materials, production process and
finished product, supervising compliance with them during
 Verify the quality of the raw material that enters the plant during
 Carry out the necessary analyzes of the intermediate product to
ensure that it meets the quality standards established by the
Peruvian Standard.
g) Warehouse manager
 You will be responsible for inventory management of raw materials
and intermediate products.
 Timely supply the necessary packaging materials to the packaging
h) Qualified personnel:
 Carry out selection, reception, processing, packaging, labeling,
storage, cleaning and other tasks within the plant.
 Directly in charge of production.
 Operate the equipment and machinery of the processing room,
packaging room after training.

30 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

 They must report any anomaly in the production process and will be
responsible for the good performance of the equipment.

2. New product development and life cycle strategy

“DEL CENTRO” bakery and pastry shop:

 New products for the world: New products create a whole new
 New product lines: they allow our company to enter an established
market for the first time.
 Composition of an innovation:
 The concept of an objective of our entity suitable to satisfy the need,
that is, the new idea.
 A primary ingredient (inputs) includes both a pre-existing body of
knowledge and available materials or technology that allows our
company to operate.

New product development process

Idea generation
Selection of an idea
development and

Business analysis
Commercialization Test the market Product

31 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

Life cycle strategies of our product in our company

The superiority of the product in relation to competitive products, that is: the
existence of distinctive qualities that allow the conception of our products for
the user.
Knowing how to do marketing in our company, or understanding the market,
the customer's purchasing process, the pace of adaptation of our products,
their duration and the size of the potential market.
 It is a good synergy between research and development, for our


The external factors that affect pricing decisions, market and demand are;
determination of prices in different types of markets, consumer perceptions
about value and price, analysis of the price-demand relationship. And it is
also the monetary value agreed upon between the seller and the buyer in
an exchange for the sale of the products offered.


A distribution channel is a set of interdependent organizations involved in

the process of making a product or service available to the consumer or
business user. Within the bakery and pastry company “DEL CENTRO” the
distribution channels help us ensure that our products are made in
compliance with all the processes appropriately so that at the same time
they can also reach our consumers effectively; By doing all this we will be
able to give added value to our distribution.

It is important to know that in order to have added value in our distribution

we must carry out an analysis of the service needs of our consumers;
Likewise, identify the main options we have and thus be able to have great
market coverage when performing these functions since we will be

32 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

effectively applying logistics administration. The bakery and pastry company

“DEL CENTRO” will use the intensive distribution strategy to achieve this
goal since we seek the greatest number of points of sale possible in order
to become known more quickly.


The bakery and pastry company “DEL CENTRO” will carry out retail sales
since we believe that there is a large market in the areas, although perhaps
it would be better for us to be retailers so that our products reach the
customer directly and at a reasonable price, and we can be free of
adulterations of both our products and our prices.


To have a good promotion mix, the bakery and pastry company “DEL
CENTRO” will combine advertising on both TV and radio, as well as
personalized sales and public relations, through this we will be able to
position ourselves quickly.

In order to have good communication we must follow the following stages:

 Awareness: Make our consumer recognize that there is a need.

 Knowledge: Provide our customers with the characteristics of our
 Pleasantness: Try to ensure that our customers have pleasant
feelings towards our products.
 Preference: We must ensure that our customers prefer our products
over other products.
 Conviction: Our customers must consider that our products are
superior to others, that there is no other like it.
 Purchase: Guide our consumers to take the final step, that is, make
the purchase.

33 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru


The bakery and pastry company “DEL CENTRO” is convinced that we

should not only limit ourselves to manufacturing products, we must inform
consumers about the benefits of our product in order to position ourselves
in the minds of our consumers. To fulfill this purpose we must comply with
the mix of promotion and communication in an effective way. On the other
hand, our employees in the sales area must also understand that they are a
salesperson, and this is the one who acts on behalf of a company. In this
case, they will act on behalf of our company. This person must perform the
functions of searching for potential clients. , communicate what the
company expects and wants to provide to its clients, provide good service
and collect the necessary information to provide feedback within the
company, and thus be able to provide what our clients truly want.

a) The promotion mix


Disposicion a la compra.
Valor unitario
Extension gegrafica
Nivel de
Tipo de cliente personalizacion
Concentracion del Servicio pre y post
mercado venta


Novedad Arbitrario
Conocimiento Porcentaje de ventas
Competencia Paridad competitiva
Ciclo de vida del Objetivos y tareas.


34 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

At first it may seem tedious, but everything is an opportunity to learn.

Growing even helps you in the future if you want to start a “real life”
business; you always learn and then what is tedious becomes easy. And
from there you learn new things, until you fulfill your dreams. The goal is to
grow, grow and grow. It is never too late for our company. Through market
potential indicators we have

 Demographic characteristics is the population of Tarma,

 Geographic characteristics is a dry climate, economic factors are
income distribution,
 Technological factors are essential for production and consumption
for the customer.
 Sociocultural factors such as lifestyle patterns; national goals and
plans are the infrastructure investment plans.
 Product: the right one for the goal. The product field is concerned
with creating the right “product” for the target market. The important
thing to remember is that the good should satisfy some of the
customers' needs.
 Promotion: information and sale to the client. It refers to informing the
target market regarding the "right" product.
 Personal selling involves direct spoken communication between
sellers and potential customers.
 Mass sale, communicating with a large number of customers at the
same time.

a) Initial investment costs

35 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru


Land 3600.00

Equipment and machinery 500.00

Office team 1000.00

Civil works (buildings) 2000.00

Subtotal 7100.00

Unforeseen events (5% of 300


TOTAL 7400

b) Production costs


TROUT KG 10,00 6,6 66,00
2. SUPPLIES 14,91
SALT KG 1,00 0,00
PEPPER KG 50,00 0,05 2,50
FISH FLOUR KG 3,80 1,5 5,70
E FLOUR KG 3,90 1,5 5,85
EGG KG 3,80 0,2 0,76
LEMON KG 2,00 0,05 0,10
container (475
ml) unit 0,30 40 12,00
Tags units 0,10 1 0,10

36 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

oil liters 4,00 1 4,00

paper units 0,40 1 0,40
4. LABOR 20,00
Qualified Workday (8
personnel Hours) 10,00 2 20,00
5. TEAM 2,50
kitchen (gas) hourly rental 1,00 1 1,00
light hourly rental 1,00 1 1,00
water liters 0,01 50 0,50

9. SUB TOTAL 119,91

10. UNFORESEEN 5% 5,9955
11. TOTAL 125,91


1 10 6,00 60,00 125,91 -65,91


It is an essential element that helps us to know the origin of labor

legislation, after the right to work is a bloody struggle that occurs in various
periods, reaching the time of the capitalist, occurring in the industrial
revolution, labor revolution. , revolution of knowledge until today.


Here he tells us that the workers had to make themselves respected

through bloody strikes because it was a time of too much labor exploitation.
To make themselves respected, they set three important points: eight hours
for work, eight for home, and eight hours for work. the dream and this is
where the worker enforces the laws, which is why in the bakery and pastry
company “DEL CENTRO”, we respect eight hours of work .

It is the agreement or agreements between people to achieve achievement
and development in our company, allowing us to formalize the mutual
relationships of the employer and the worker. It is not necessary for the
worker to demand a written contract, but it is advisable to verify its inclusion

37 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

in the employee's payroll. company, but normally in the company a part-

time employment contract is necessary.


In the bakery and pastry company “DEL CENTRO” it allows us to formalize

the mutual relations of the employer and the worker, in the case of
suspension the worker's obligation to provide their services temporarily
ceases for reasons previously stipulated in the law and they are not paid for
Not fulfilling your obligations is then a perfect suspension, but in the case of
termination it is understood as termination of the employment contract,
largely borne by the worker and the employer, since we must know the
benefits we have, such as when we reach retirement. which is mandatory
for the worker, the number of contributions sufficient to reach the maximum
pension is met and the employer is obliged to cover the difference in said
pension until he reaches 80% of his ordinary remuneration within the
company, and other points of the legislative decree.

Causes for suspension and termination of the employment contract:

Article 48.- The following are causes for suspension of the

employment contract:

a) Temporary disability.

b) The proven illness and accident.

c) Motherhood during pre- and post-natal rest.

d) Vacation rest.

e) The l license to hold civic office and to comply with Mandatory Military

f) Permission and license to hold union positions.

g) Disciplinary sanction.

h) The exercise of the right to strike.

i) The detention of the worker, except in the case of a custodial sentence.

j) Administrative or judicial disqualification for a period not exceeding three


k) The permit or license granted by the employer.

l) The fortuitous event and force majeure.

38 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

ll) Others established by express rule.

The suspension of the employment contract is regulated by the rules that

correspond to each cause and by the provisions of this Law.

Article 52.- The following are causes for termination of the

employment contract:

a) The death of the worker or the employer if he is a natural person.

b) The resignation or voluntary retirement of the worker.

c) The completion of the work or service, compliance with the resolutory

condition and the expiration of the term in contracts legally entered into
under modality.

d) Mutual dissent between worker and employer.

e) Permanent absolute disability.

f) Retirement.

g) Dismissal, in the cases and manner permitted by Law

h) The enforceable judicial sentence referred to in article 72.

i) Collective termination for objective reasons, in the cases and manner

permitted by this Law.

The just cause may be related to the capacity or conduct of the worker.

Demonstration of the cause corresponds to the employer within the judicial

process that the worker could file to challenge his dismissal.

Article 59.- Just causes for dismissal related to the worker's capacity are:

a) The detriment of physical or mental capacity or sudden ineptitude,

determining the performance of their tasks;

b) Poor performance in relation to the worker's capacity and average

performance in tasks and under similar conditions;

c) The unjustified refusal of the worker to undergo a medical examination

previously agreed upon or established by law, determining the employment
relationship, or to comply with the prophylactic or curative measures
prescribed by the doctor to avoid illnesses or accidents.

Article 60.- The following are just causes for dismissal related to the
worker's conduct:

a) The commission of serious misconduct;

39 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

National University of Central Peru

b) The criminal conviction for an intentional crime;

c) The disqualification of the worker.

40 “ Nuggitruchs ” business plan

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