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r / 2w - / d [' rD' p eu lv0zD {!ilr' raM? nrul / / : dull > : aunu o g n J $ stt
166I raqEecr(I'€'oN'g'loA
<df'cu'pau-nJezuf rursod@ Ipelus>'IIEquDI qce1,{q paypg'
gn3 No
proFepu"A ErnueulBs fq surBxa ecuBJlug ete1p3 ur qslltug 1s16 :61e8ud
freer3 llausc {e ..1umo1""rr;;i*urro B e{Bhr s.r{tD :el e'ed
pl€nelo{ s{oo1 9113:et a8vd
uoseqtrBl^l terg r+ $IopesuuoJ IeqcBaI turzrpuope[IeflI :pleavd
pusfielJct^{ IIeN,(q iplIoiA. aeN e^?Ig :71oted
JrO sBuIoqI ,h dsg uo ecrreJeJuoJ lsJld s.uBdef :11e8ed
fuoqtuy aclleme'I,(c eusel4l tl seog l€rlq1 :6eEBd
ue$Irg ueqleuof fe.
LnsurryS eA\ IIEqS :eated
lznlrrcf selJeq3 ,iq salnllnJ a^nelBduro3 :s e6ud
eNrHJVsf. flaIrzNILSIQ
raSelsmalq dnorg $eJetul ppedg 1uuoqeN
sJopJnpg,tnrearull pue ete11o3
i.- tqqreel aEentuel roJ uolleraossy ucduf eq;
designer, the ESP approach can be shown to
EsP.' Brave New lilorld? be iriappropriate to 6fi forms of English
educaliirn in Japan, but most especially to the
Dissenting opinion. teaching of college students.

ln order to pertinently view the ESP-oriented

Neil McClelland teacher from the standpoint of most Japanese
EFLlearners, itis important to consider the
Considering the laborious narure of foreign wider context of the typical employment
language learning, it is necessary to questlon conditions prevailing in Japan. The majority
the-teaChing methods we routinely inflicton of professional staffhave little control over
students. While there is clemly a need to even their geographical location, never mind
seek professional development through the nature of their work As a consequence,
experimentation with alternative app'roaches, incentives verge towards the extrinsic, and it
it is equally important to carefully weigh the seems likely that many EFL learners are
pros and cons of innovations before seeking diversion from their working lives
idopting them into our classroom repertoires. rather than some kind of incessant
Due to the vogue for short, intensive continuation. Even without regard to
language c,ourses, it seems apgopriate p _ tlrc crass insensitivity of teaching vocationally
evaTua6 the relevance of theinfluential E-SP specilic English to people who may have
paradigm of the mid-80s with regard to the failed to realise betterjobs, it appears
specific context of EFI- learning in Japan. fallacious to assume that motivation will be
enhanced through an occupation-restricted
It is important to clarify exactly what is meant focus on language. The interpretation by
by the t€rm ESP (English for Specific Hutchinson & Waters (1987), that course
Purposes) which is often used as an antonym design should be based on needs-analysis
to'general English'. At its most facetious questionnaires, proves equally unhe-lpful, as
level, ESP appeals to assumed voeational it seems inevitable learners will opt for
needs, and focuses exclusively on perceived conversation skills, leaving teachers back at
end-uses of foreign languages. This square-one teaching general English,
interpretation prescribes; "American Medical
English" (AME) for doctors, "Car Mechanic
Englisho (ClnIE) for car mechanics, and
Itseems inevitable learners
"Station Master English' (SME) for station will opt for conversation
masters. Such an Orwellian paradigm has
been criticised by Hulchinson & Waters
skills, leaving teachers back
(i987), who re-interpret ESP as a process at square-one teaching
rather than product approach to syllabus
design. In practical terms this involves general English.
starting with initial needs-analysis, followed
by negotiation of the syllabus and teaching In the same way that most Japanese comPany
methodology as the course progresses. employees are rypically faced with Hobson's
choice, college students have only very
Unfortunately, like so many other good limited options regarding their major on
ideas, the practice of ESP is often far matriculation, and parallels are inescapable.
removed from the theory, a prognosis that Further, students' expectations are naturally
seems particularly ineviable in the context of molded by realities of future work. For the
Japan. Whether viewed from the perspective vast majority, this means induction into a
of the learners, the teacher, or tlte syllabus company'and allocation of an occupation with

,{1pnsn leql uotssardxe,tep,{ra,re,e1durrs, st JoJ Sn eqt ot Eutllenen s.Iolcop 'pupr{ Jerpo
tl lBrR pu€ iAl1ncgltp WFn 1retunba aq pu uet eql uO 'uoquaru 01 aJBJ ena dtalru,r qs{8ug
.ftqeuuoy pqt rno tulod oq/$ '(886I ) qcudl ,{uu:o'qsgtug racryyo acrlod 'qqlEug lua8u
{, uosJapuv f,g pouoddns requnJ sl slqJ aterse q perlddp €q u"c luaun8rerepurF y
'sre>Jeads allleu-uou lsoul 'fpoq,{reaa Eururaur - sluaned pquapd roJ
ro; uapord rofeu aqt lou sI ll 'esn atunEuel weep puE aJII Jo Ja$uw eq AII$aosp plnoc
mq 'sJolrop 01 o^Isnlsxe lou sr a8en8uel
[?uou?co^ 01 leFuasso st,,fiepquco,r ptFqcal
alnll\ 'steursel JoJ Iscueualqord 1sotu sFIl luln qseSEns uoIttJUeJ s Juaruou
se,*,{.repqucon'pcnrqral u€ql JaqBI' Jerauet y 'uondFcserd pue srsou8ulp;o f.relnqero,r
puno; (6461) 'p le ueqo3'sasod:nd preads turpnlcur'santoprp tuepud-rolcop
ro; qsrpug Surpee: ol suel Jo seuoSeluc quesud pql esrnoc qs113ug fsJfpaur pc1dd1
'sraqrJeesrl dsg tuo{ e Suuaptsuoc iQ paurc8 oq uec uon"lsnlll
3o dpnrs E ul
saruoo ocuaplla Suruurup $olu stll't(1prruor1 InJasn V 'eureu Jarllou":epun qsrlEug
'rauEnep snqelpft aql Jo aseq e8pe1,ltou4 praueS selqwesar erotu tceJ ul pue '(186I )
eril ol lsesolc flqeurnsa:d $ qtrq/n scqstnEull sltlel& ?g uosuplctnH fq parcorrp'e qceordde
paqddu.yo ptp sr aaqradsrad p.I1ql eqJ dSA pelueuo ssacord eqt ol uorrcleJ ou
sleaq ll's1ql qlrlr 8uorm,{lpcrsurrlur tuqtou
'qsIEuA ,,1BIJeds,, Jo tuJo; sr aJeqt elrql6 'sl€Fepu Supreter luesuos
,{ue :eno sadap4s leuonusleAuor fupf:ala ,sluapnls aqt turureE ol lnc-uoqs eldurrs
;o ecu4-rodut Sutpu:a,ro aql [q paluor-luoc a se fuelnqmoa crgneds.uot1econJo uorsnlcut
ureEe ere e^r 'Joqteel tuppom aql .;o saf,a sql $ Illsneud"Jo Jo acuslsur qens 3uo
aqt qtnorqt 69g se qsrpug;o tuqcea aqt
Euraran fq 'abueg 'po,rtecsr $dut atentuel ',{euarpedxo ,tq pa:adrual aq sotuqeuros .{eur
aql"uqllm ecuauncco raq8rq f 1a,rqe1ar suorsnep i(ep-o1-,{ep rrcq1 l?ql ler$?u f,Iuo
u o1 enp,{ldturs uoq?3o^ Jreql;o frelnqeron snql sr 1r pue'$ueprus aql qll^\ a^I ol e^"q
pcruqrel aqr ureal {1e1q stuapqs tueS$p sJaqJE'aI 'spaeu feuorltrol aJnlnJ elqrssod
ssel ua^A '.{prus;1es q8norqt ,tplcads Jleql ol lus^s1er aq,(eu leqt fmlnqeco'r
uaro Jrsrll Jo ,{:elnqecorr eq1 ermbru o1 turureal uu daqt rseal p 1eq1 eldrcugd eqi
eldoad ;o,{cuepual le.lrueu eql tno Eunutod,tq uo suoqrsoddo aArlJoJJp errrof,Jelo (puqord
paJaunoo aq UBJ uoqsmpe praue8 ol slqt Jo IIt,r\ srerrJeel leqr s-padde,lrepuocas
acrrulelai oql Je^a^roq'eEre1 lu orlqnd aqt ot v 'suonnlrlsul pue sJosuoos Jo spu"uep eql
u"ql suolssoJo:d mpcrged go srauogqcerd o1 01 uon€l3jJoc lcorrpJo uoqraul" olerpormlll
luepodurr arour st {rupqmo^ FclugJel aql e^Bq slpueptu crSnads-uorlednvJo
go e8pa1llrou1pt11 ponEre 6q lq8nu tl 'qxeluoc peluauo,{l1euoqerol,{II,I8F1 ur
Eugron s:eqc"al Jo /rrerl Jo lurod aq1 ruo.rg
'uoffsa{ord 'qs g8ug puonusJeluoc lerauaE
paqsua\odtut u0 {o sarJ,lorrd :o3 slsanbar ul tlnsar flaqq roru gua sasfpue
spaeu sr Jo eJns eq rruc am 8ugt,{po
uorysanb 01. sn spoal aq1 'sra>1uads qsrlSug qtr/$ IBep,{lFntuana
tQaudofiry4 up s! ?sodmd ,(aqt plnoqs snDls lurcos errnbar o1f1e1t1
aJ€-lnq'serlJerceds ernlnJ apr'ap 01 1e,{ erreq
$lcadg oN to{ qsnSug turlJ Alqeu?Aur oq,!\ 'sluepnls l"slpelll s3 qJns
'ellla eql roJ erul ssel ou sr s.rq1 'qst18wg rog
'sen8ua11oe uecFaurv Jleql,{q s:aqruau sluaurarmbs: pel€rcosse aql Jou'slcsdso.Id
-rueal sE paldacce aq o1 are,{eq1 .;t qslfug qofarrunJ rtaql Jo uepl ou a^Bq quapnls
fepf:ona;o zfualseu e peeu lsotu ol [1o111 are a8alloc aseuedul s1 acuonbesuoc alduts
senbruqc4 crlnaderaql lslprcads ur tululell er.{I'suoqeullcul luuouad Jroqt ol preta: eplrl
c€uses the most signilicant comprehension
problems for second language speakers.
Thus it again becomes clear that ESP Teacher Connections
methodology can only have the single
outcome of emphasizing thal everydav
conversalional English is best, a conclusion Musings on fians-organizationai &
no less true for college students. while the trans-national links.
above discussion separates the viewpoints of
leamers, teachers, and syllabus designers, it Greg Matheson,
must be remembered that the interests of Soonchunhyang University,
these three groups are united by the single
goal of facilitating effective language Korea
learning. Analysis of the realities of the
situation, however, shows that such a goal is [futitorial rcte: This fall a nwnber of JALT
not necessarily facilitated by the coining of rnembers sailed or flew across the Japan
acronyms such as EST (English for Science Sea to participate in thz annual conference
and Technology), which may be of KATESOL. Greg Matlrcson, conference
counterproductive to good EFL practice. organizer, comments on thc upshot of such
crossfertilization. J
Indeed the generally held, but rather absurd,
notion that ENSP (English for No Specific i was asked to share a few words on
Purpose) is some kind of impropriety, can international connections among EFL/LSL
only lead us to question the priorities of an organizations representing teachers around
impoverished profession. Surely it is the the world and I think this means critiquing
very gtunmar, idiom, and literature which the activities of the small number of people in
the ESP paradigm seeks to eliminate, that these organizations who are trying to bring
represents the true value and interest of the groups together. What can I say? The
learning a foreign language. From a social, words "walking on water" are the first which
intellectual, and communicative perspective, come to rnind. With or without a constituency
the restriction of language to occupational these leaders represent their groups
criteria can only be seen as a disservice tn internationally, and their acts are miraculous.
Iearners. The irony behind original use of the The only response possible is laughter or
phrase uthe brave-new world oT ESP" incredulity. It's not whether things are done
(Hurchinson & Waters 1987:l) seems as well or not, but that people make the effort
poignant and relevant today as ten years ago. despite an apparently almost-complete lack of
interest or support from most teachers.
Like students in my classes who can't
Anderson & Lynch (1988). Listening, in C^N. Chandtin understand what I'm doing, we may scoff.
& H.G. Widdowson (eds), Ioryuage Teaching: A schame This would be amistake. How do teachers
Jor uacher e&&ation. Oxford: OUP. learn? The same way students do" from their
teachers. And snrdents are to teachers as
Cohen, A.D. , B. Glasman, P.R. Rosenbaum-Cohen, J.
teachers are to leaders of teachers'
Fen-ara & J. Fre (1979). Reading English for
organizations. Our leaders are crying in the
Specialized huposes: discowse analysis and the use
wilderness, perhaps, trylng to get teachers to
of studont irformants, TESOLQuarrcr$ 13, 551{4.
communicaie, but just as students must look
Hutchinson & Waters (l9fl7) English Jor Specifu outward, so must teachers stmt to think
Purposes. Cambridge: CUP.
globally. The world is getting smaller and the
global village is at hand.


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