Descriptive Paragraph

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Types of Descriptive writing

We can classify descriptive writing as follows –

1. Description of a person
2. Description of a place or event
3. Description of an object

Weightage and marking scheme for class 9 English (Language and Literature)
1. Students must keep the following points in mind-
2. A perfect descriptive paragraph will be awarded 5 marks.
3. The student will be given two questions out of which the student has to attempt one.
4. The student will be judged on the basis of content, accuracy, organisation and
5. The word limit of a descriptive paragraph is 100-120 words.
Descriptive Writing Format
Here is the detailed format of a descriptive paragraph-

Introduction (Introduce your topic in an interesting way so that the reader will become
interested in reading the rest of your paragraph.)

Body (Dwell on the topic more by giving elaborate details.)

Conclusion (give an overall statement which ends your writing piece perfectly. Do not b abrupt
in the ending.)

Tips to score full marks in Descriptive paragraphs

Descriptive writing requires beautiful vocabulary and the author’s ability to create an image of
the person, place, object or event described in the reader’s mind. You can use the given tips
when describing –

1. First impression
2. Appearance (height, build, facial features, hair)
3. Personality (kind, charming) Keep it rather positive.
4. Mannerisms (greets people enthusiastically, loves to help others)
5. Hobbies (gardening, cooking, singing, painting)
6. Career (line of work, attitude towards their job i.e. whether they love their job)
7. Where and when the writer was introduced to the person

1. Name of event
2. Nature and aim of event
3. Place of event
4. Time and duration of event
5. Writer’s and other people’s experience
6. Aftermath (what happened after the event ended)
7. People involved

1. Nature of situation
2. Writer’s and other’s people’s experiences
3. Outcome of situation (aftermath)
4. Time, duration and place of situation
5. People involved
The following are some useful tips for descriptive writing:
1. Vocabulary (Wide vocabulary can impress the reader.)
2. Imagery (The descriptive paragraph should paint vivid images of the person, event or
situation so described.)
3. Literary devices (Use of literary devices like simile, alliteration, imagery can make the
writing sound more creative and beautiful.)
4. Do not exceed the word limit.
5. Make sure to avoid grammatical errors and maintain accuracy.
Q2. Your class teacher is leaving the school and moving to another country. The next
school day is their last school day. You made a card for them. Describe the card in
100-120 words.
Ans. Tomorrow is the last day when I would see my class teacher, Ms. Shalini Malhotra.
She is also my English teacher. So, I decided to write her a poem, and to decorate the
poem, like a card. Finally, I ended up with a small card containing a short but sweet
poem about me thanking her and reliving the fun memories we share together. The first
page of the card is designed by using watercolours. Ms. Shalini loves roses and the
colour blue. So, I drew roses on a blue shaded background made by using watercolours.
On the last page, I wished her good luck for the new journey ahead. I have also bought a
small bunch of multi-coloured roses that I plan to gift her tomorrow. She has enriched
my vocabulary with many new words and also made me an avid reader. I will always be
grateful to her. I hope she likes the card and she keeps it with her forever.
Q3. You went to Paris with your friends. Describe the place in 100-120 words.
Ans. Last month i.e. October, I went to France or Paris to be specific, with my friends
Jasmine, Maya, and Sarah. We had a blast exploring the city of lights. The weather was
appropriate for venturing out and so, we did a lot of sight-seeing. True to its name, the
streets of the city along with its most famous national monument, the Eiffel Tower, are
lit with beautiful, glittering and shimmering lights. Paris is also called the Fashion
Capital, and we could clearly see the evidence of that. The stores offered racks and racks
of the most trendy and latest designs and fabrics. We shopped to our hearts’ content.
The cuisine was unique and scrumptious. We also explored the history of France’s
capital by visiting Notre Dame. We shopped quiet a few things like dresses, fragrances
and souvenirs for our loved ones. I am waiting for another opportunity to visit the
splendid place.

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