Solomán Test

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Professor Vanessa Carrasco Martínez.


Additional reading: “The Old Tree Rescuer”

Name Date_______________

Ideal score_____ Points ____ Score obtained: ___________ Note:


 Read all the questions very carefully and think before answering.
 Use graphite pencil.
 Work at your job without talking.
 Check carefully before delivering.

I.- Single Selection.

Read each question carefully and mark the correct answer with an X. (Two points each)

1. The main character of the book is: 2. Where had the superheroes first gone
A. Superman to look for poppies?
B. Angela A. To a flower shop
C. Soloman B. To field
D. A and B are correct C. To a pastry shop
D. None of the above
3. The Poppy was a flower: 4. Solomá n did not have:
A. From store A. superhero letter
B. Wild B. Supernatural powers
C. Artificial C. A motorcycle
D. A and B are correct D. None of the above

5. Why were the superheroes surprised 6. The name Solomá n means:

to learn that the president created A. just hero
Solomá n? B. Only man
A. Because he was a man C. Super Hero
without powers D. None of the above
B. Because he was thin and
weak, an ordinary man.
C. Because it was a shame
for the organization to
have a hero who was not
a hero.
D. All of the above

7. What happened when Solomá n 8. The girl who the superheroes had to
presented himself to the help was called?
superheroes? A. Alicia
A. Everyone remained in silence B. Andrea
B. The president began to ask C. Angela
for applause for Solomá n D. Ana
C. One of the superheroes made
fun of him because he was
wearing glasses
D. All of the above

9. What feat did Solomá n plan as a 10. Who did Solomá n fight against when
superhero competition? going to look for poppies?
A. I plan for everyone to go to A. Against a bull
fight and fight evil B. Against a wild monster
B. I plan for them to go fight big C. Against a wild horse
monsters. D. None of the above
C. Help search for those who ran
over Angela
D. Cheer up Angela by carrying a

11. Solomá n and the superheroes went 12. Who summoned all the film and
to the countryside in search of: television superheroes?
A. A luminous seed A. Organization X
B. Poppy B. The international
C. Pink organization of superhero
D. Flower cartoonists
C. The organization of
D. All of the above
13. Read the following excerpt then 14. What letter did Solomá n carry on his
answer: chest?
—He always does the same thing, this is A. A lowercase “s” from Solomá n
intolerable! It turns out that he is the one B. A lowercase “s” for superior
who C. A capital “S” for a superhero
we have given him powers; can fly D. None of the above
at the speed of light, and is always late for

Who is the character who is late?

A. Wonder Woman
B. Superman
C. Captain America
D. Flash-Gordon.
15. What attitude did Solomá n have 16. How did the other superheroes
when presenting himself to the other consider the challenge posed by
superheroes? Solomá n?

A. I was shy A. They thought it was an

B. I was arrogant entertaining adventure.
C. I was sad B. It seemed like a suspicious
D. A and B are correct adventure
C. It seemed like an absurd
D. None of the above

17. Read the following excerpt then 18. What did Solomá n travel on to find
answer: the poppy?
"If we hurry," Superman proposed, we'll
A. Flying
get to the Library.
B. By plane
C. on a motorcycle
Why do superheroes need to go to the D. In his super car

A. They need to learn more about

B. Did you want to request a book to
learn more about Solomá n?
C. They wanted to find an encyclopedia
to learn about the poppy
D. They wanted to order a book of super
19. Read the following excerpt then 20. In the countryside, what type of
answer: animals did the superheroes
If you came before us, ten guardians that
we just destroyed could have torn you to A. With a pack of dogs
pieces. B. With a herd of horses
C. With a herd of bulls
D. None of the above

Who were the ten guardians mentioned in

the fragment?

A. ten superheroes
B. Ten friends who came to the aid of
the superheroes
C. Ten scarecrows
D. ten shadows of ghosts
III. Answer the following questions. Two points for each correct answer.

a. Where did the superheroes have to take the poppy to complete their mission?

To the hospital where Angela was

b. Why did the superheroes go to the wheat field?

To look for a poppy

c. After reading the book, do you agree with Solomán's way of acting?

Mark your option with a X:

YEAWhy? Support
NO your answer

d. Now create your own superhero (Ten points). Remember to write legibly.

- Superhero name

- Physical characteristics

- Powers you possess

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