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Geographical spot:

1. La Reforma (caldera)

Is a Plio-Pleistocene caldera on the Baja California

Peninsula in Mexico. It is part of eleven volcanoes in Baja
California, which formed with the Gulf of California during
the Miocene, about ten million years ago.
2. The Arch of Cabo San Lucas
The distinctive landmark of Cabo San Lucas is the
rugged taffy-colored El Arco (The Arch) rock formation
that erupts from the sea at the tip of the Baja Peninsula,
where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez.

Historical spot:


Teotihuacan is known today as the site of many of the
most architecturally significant Mesoamerican (is a
historical region and area) pyramid built in the pre-
Columbian Americas, namely the Pyramid of the sun and
the Pyramid of the Moon.
3. Chichén Itzá
It often spelled Chichen Itza in English. It was a large
pre-Columbian city built by the Maya people of the
termainal classic period. The archeologic site is located in
Tinum Municipality, Yucatan State, Mexico.
4. Los Cabos
Los Cabos is the collective name for two towns found at the
southern end of Baja — Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del
Cabo. This was a remote, rural area until a few decades ago
when the Mexican government developed it for tourism. It’s
now one of the most popular places to visit in Mexico, famed
for its world-class beach resorts, excellent sport fishing, and
championship golf courses.
Natural scenery:
Old-growth forest

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