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Assessment 3:

Subject: Communication strategies

Lecturer: Ms. Thu Huong

Name: Nguyen Chi Dang

ID: 22107067

Telenet: Disposable

The leading Belgian telecommunications provider, Telenet, commemorated its 20th

anniversary with a nationwide advertising campaign that encapsulates the fundamental
advancements in technology that have transpired during the previous two decades.
Central to this commemoration is the introduction of CamerApp, an evocative tribute to
the impermanent camera that not only captivates users but also serves as a poignant
reminder of Telenet's pivotal position in the ever-changing digital environment.

This analysis examines the complexities of Telenet's primary campaign, scrutinizing its
achievements through the lens of integrated marketing communications (IMC). Through
an examination of the campaign's execution, impact, and strategies, we intend to
uncover the concepts and methods that contributed to its award-winning status.
The objective of this analysis was to provide answers to critical enquiries
concerning the campaign's efficacy, its adherence to IMC principles, and possible
avenues for enhancement. By undertaking this endeavor, our intention is to extract
significant knowledge that may guide subsequent marketing efforts and enhance our
comprehension of the intricate relationship that exists among technology, brand
connection, nostalgia.

Strategic vision and creative execution made the Telenet campaign

award-winning. Telenet celebrated its 20th anniversary by emphasizing its technological
advancement. Telenet proved its growth and became a telecommunications sector
leader by comparing its digital TV, internet, mobile, and tablet services to technology
from 20 years ago. This strategy evoked nostalgia and showed the brand's commitment
to technical innovation.
The campaign's creative strategy also helped it succeed. Telenet touched
consumers by evoking nostalgia and highlighting the joy of analogue experiences like
snapping photos. The commercial encouraged users to reconsider their digital habits
and value analogue memories. This unique method renewed the importance of practical
technology experiences for younger populations, who are sometimes overwhelmed by
digital information. Telenet's campaign used creative storytelling and a deep
understanding of customer behavior to build a compelling story that stood out in the
telecommunications market. Telenet connected its messaging with customer attitudes
and capitalized on nostalgia for past technology to demonstrate its brand values and
establish market leadership.

Social media is now commonplace; even corporations, despite their scale, have
begun employing these platforms for advertising and self-promotion. Prominent brands
leverage social media platforms as a means to communicate their substantial presence
and positive relationships with customers. Prominent corporations such as IBM, Dell,
and Burger King have increased their social media usage(Saravanakumar &
Suganthalakshmi, 2012). As we examine the Telenet campaign study and week 6's
module techniques and points, it becomes evident that the campaign's success is built
on its ability to engage audiences and achieve extraordinary results using digital
platforms. By effectively using social media marketing, Telenet increased its reach,
message, and consumer engagements. Social media statistics show the campaign's 2.3
million user reach and huge Twitter trend. These accomplishments show the campaign's
potential to generate digital buzz and attention, which is congruent with our course
material. The campaign's dominance on Google Play and the App Store shows its
effectiveness in exploiting digital channels to boost brand awareness and engagement.
High engagement metrics, including 76% daily active users on the CamerApp, show
that the campaign connected with its target audience and built a loyal online community.
Through community management, influencer connections, and creative content
distribution, Telenet engaged viewers, sparked conversations, and achieved its
campaign goals on social media.
The Telenet campaign illustrates community growth, influencer marketing, and
social listening from this course. Telenet became a pioneer in leveraging social media to
build brand recognition and engagement by combining these factors and achieving
measurable success in digital marketing.

In addition to the strategies that have been shown to be effective in the past, I
would recommend introducing customized content that is tailored to specific audience
segments in order to achieve the goal of increased engagement. Increasing the effect of
a brand and attracting the attention of customers can be accomplished through the
installation of interactive experiences such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality
(AR) trials. These types of experiences help to capture the attention of consumers.
Additionally, the introduction of social commerce within the CamerApp has the
potential to streamline the user experience by making direct conversions easier to
accomplish. These changes would ultimately lead to an increase in the effectiveness of
the campaign, which would ultimately lead to a deeper degree of engagement. This
would be accomplished by the creation of brand experiences that are more immersive
and engaging, and that resonate with the audience that is being targeted.

Moreover, according to a few features mentioned in the module in week 7. Some

ways of alternative marketing should be forefront and new approaches after one year of
operating. Thus,Telenet's experiential marketing shows technology's 20-year progress
to attract younger consumers. Telenet uses experiential marketing to create brand
stories. A pop-up event may let visitors try out ancient gadgets, play vintage games, and
pursue Telenet's latest offers. Telenet offers unique and engaging experiences to
increase brand loyalty and engagement.
Telenet's branded entertainment strategy effectively combines its messaging into
engaging material, matching the campaign's emotional and technological elements.
Telenet may silently integrate their brand into entertaining films and web series with
popular content creators or influencers. Telenet can reach its target audience without
disrupting their viewing experience by working with acceptable entertainment platforms
and content formats. This method lets Telenet interact with customers honestly and
strengthen its brand without being obtrusive.

Finally, Telenet's 20th anniversary campaign shows how IMC improves brand
performance and engagement. Telenet uses immersive marketing and branded
entertainment to attract customers. Campaign data and strategies show Telenet
leveraged nostalgia and 20-year-old technology. Telenet created experiential marketing
and branded entertainment events. Brand loyalty, engagement, and sales reflect
campaign success. The company used inventive marketing to attract younger clients in
a crowded market. Hence, Telenet can test new IMC channels with this campaign.
Telenet can compete in future commercials by understanding market trends and
consumer preferences. Telenet's 20th anniversary campaign showcases marketers'
innovation, strategy, and flexibility. Integrated marketing communications help Telenet
lead telecoms and flourish.

Saravanakumar, M., & Suganthalakshmi, T. (2012). Social Media

Marketing. Life Science Journal, 9(4), 1097–8135.


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