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Questionnaire: An investigation of academic procrastination locus of control and emotional


Procrastination Section:
1. When faced with a deadline, I tend to:
a) Start working on it immediately
b) Wait until the last minute
c) Procrastinate and hope for the best

2. How often do you find yourself postponing tasks?

a) Rarely
b) Occasionally
c) Frequently

3. How do you feel when you procrastinate?

a) Anxious
b) Relieved temporarily
c) Guilty

4. Do you have difficulty prioritizing tasks?

a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Often

5. What usually triggers your procrastination?

a) Fear of failure
b) Lack of interest
c) Overwhelmed by the task

6. When procrastinating, what do you usually do instead of the task?

a) Engage in other productive activities
b) Distract myself with leisure activities
c) Avoid any form of activity

7. How do you feel after procrastinating and finally completing the task?
a) Relieved
b) Stressed
c) Regretful

8. Do you often underestimate the time it takes to complete a task?

a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Often

9. Do you feel in control of your procrastination habits?

a) Yes
b) Somewhat
c) No

10. What strategies do you use to overcome procrastination? (Select all that apply)
a) Breaking tasks into smaller steps
b) Setting deadlines for myself
c) Seeking accountability from others
d) Using time management techniques
e) Other (please specify): _______

locus of Control Section:

1. When things don’t go as planned, I tend to believe:
a) It’s due to my own actions
b) It’s due to external factors beyond my control
c) It’s a combination of both

2. How much control do you believe you have over your academic success?
a) Complete control
b) Little control
c) No control

3. If you fail an exam, what do you attribute it to?

a) Lack of preparation on my part
b) Unfair test questions or grading
c) Bad luck or circumstances beyond my control

4. How do you react to feedback on your work?

a) Take it as constructive criticism and try to improve
b) Feel discouraged and blame external factors
c) Ignore it or become defensive

5. How often do you seek help when facing academic challenges?

a) Frequently
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely
6. How much influence do you believe your effort has on your academic performance?
a) Significant influence
b) Minimal influence
c) No influence

7. When you achieve success academically, you attribute it to:

a) Hard work and effort
b) Luck or external factors
c) Other people’s help or support

8. How do you cope with academic setbacks?

a) Analyze what went wrong and make a plan to improve
b) Feel defeated and give up easily
c) Blame external factors and feel helpless

9. How much control do you believe you have over managing your time effectively?
a) Complete control
b) Some control
c) No control

10. How do you feel about your ability to influence your academic outcomes?
a) Confident
b) Uncertain
c) Pessimistic

Emotional Intelligence Section:

1. How well do you understand your own emotions?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Not very well

2. How effectively do you manage stress during academic challenges?

a) Very effectively
b) Moderately effectively
c) Not very effectively

3. How empathetic are you towards others’ academic struggles?

a) Very empathetic
b) Moderately empathetic
c) Not very empathetic

4. How well do you handle conflicts with peers or professors?

a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Not very well

5. How often do you practice self-reflection on your academic performance?

a) Regularly
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely

6. How well do you adapt to changes in academic environments or expectations?

a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Not very well

7. How effectively do you communicate your academic needs to others?

a) Very effectively
b) Moderately effectively
c) Not very effectively

8. How do you react to failure or setbacks in your academic pursuits?

a) Learn from them and move forward
b) Feel discouraged and give up easily
c) Blame others or external circumstances

9. How aware are you of the impact your emotions have on your academic performance?
a) Very aware
b) Moderately aware
c) Not very aware

10. How do you rate your overall emotional intelligence in an academic context?
a) High
b) Moderate
c) Low

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