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Taking into account that the term Elizabethan literature refers to all the works written in the
period of the reign of Elizabeth I, it can be said that these works have had a great influence
on English and world literature, for this reason it is vital to read them. These same. In order
to explain my point of view I will use the most representative author: William Shakespeare,
who in my opinion is one of the most important in Renaissance English literature.

Shakespeare's writings are more than plays, as we have seen throughout the two-month
period, each of his writings are influenced by the context of the time, that is, they do not
provide an idea of what Renaissance England was like and the events that occurred in it. On
the other hand, the stories told in the works are key to understanding the context of the time
because Shakespeare chose them because of the relationship they had with what was
happening around them. An example is the comedy “ The Merry Wives of Windsor” ,
where the author uses colloquial expressions that were used in the Middle Ages in England.

In a global context, it can be said that one of the most important movements worldwide
emerged at the time: The Renaissance. That is to say, authors like Shakespeare and Edmund
Spenser are characteristic of the Renaissance stage of England, therefore if you stopped
reading this literature you would be missing a part of the English and world Renaissance.
Returning to Shakespeare, we can say that most of his works are influenced by Greek and
Roman theater, that is, in addition to giving us a little of the English historical context, it
also gives us a little of Greco-Roman culture.

Both Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare in their writings try to highlight the
importance of poetry for human beings, in most of their writings they try to show how
poetry can survive after the death of its author, for this reason it is also vital continue
reading this literature. In conclusion, I would like to say that if this literature were lost, the
knowledge of English literature including the Renaissance era would be lost. In my
opinion, I think that not having that literature could be assimilated with the burning of the
Library of Alexandria in which cultural heritage was lost.

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