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For guidance purposes, we present in the following table a traffic light that includes the
sexual behaviors that can be observed in children under 6 years of age 1 . In the green
column, the behaviors that show that the boy or girl's sexual development is progressing as
expected appear. In the yellow column are the behaviors that merit a response from
caregivers to ensure that what the child does contributes to his or her well-being. The red
column includes behaviors that require the intervention of a professional to assess the extent
to which they are evidence that the comprehensive development of the boy or girl is at risk.


It self-stimulates occasionally, He stimulates himself in public.
Self-stimulatory behavior is
generally in times of boredom
repetitive and compulsive; he
and tiredness or before going to
dedicates most of his time to this
activity, which keeps him
isolated and prevents him from
doing other activities.
Expresses interest in having a The interest in having a baby
baby. does not decrease. She spends Expresses fear or anger toward
several days/weeks pretending babies, the birth of babies, or the
she has a baby. reproductive process.
Uses obscene words to refer to Continues to use obscene words
the genitals and their functions. even though adults have told him The use of obscene words is
what the appropriate terms are. becoming more frequent even
though caregivers have
repeatedly and consistently
expressed their disapproval.

Talk about sexual differences, Has explicitly sexual

the birth of babies and In his conversations about sexual conversations in which it is
reproduction with children your topics he reveals that he has evident that he or she has more
age. distorted information that information than is appropriate
requires correction. for a child.
Finkelhor, D. & Browne, A. (1986). Initial and long term effects: A conceptual framework. In: D. Finkelhor
et al., A sourcebook on child sexual abuse . Newbury Park: Sage publications.
Johnson, T.C. (without date). Understanding sexual behaviors in childhood. What is natural and healthy .
California: CSW
Meyer-Bahlburg, HFL, Dolezal, CL, Wasserman, GA & Jaramillo, B.M. (1999). Prepubertal boys' sexual
behavior and behavior problems. AIDS Education and Prevention , 11, 2 , 174 – 187.
Paolucci, E.O., Genuis, M.L. & Violeta, C. (2001). A meta-analysis of the publishing research on the effects of
child sexual abuse. The journal of Psychology , 135, 1, 17-36.
Schoentjes, E., Deboutte, D. & Friedrich, W. (1999). Child Sexual Behavior Inventory: A Dutch-speaking
Normative Sample. Pediatrics , 104 , 4 , 885-893.
of his age and that the language
he uses is that of an adult.
Shows curiosity about urine and He plays with his urine and He continues playing with his
excrement. droppings more than once. excrement after several weeks
and despite the fact that the
caregivers have expressed their
dissatisfaction and disapproval
of the behavior.
Explore the bodies of others The interest in getting involved He forces his classmates to play
through games like “mom and in sexual exploration games is and take off their clothes.
dad,” “the doctor,” or “show me greater than that expressed in He insists on the importance of
yours and I'll show you mine.” other games. keeping what they are doing a
Try pulling down a boy's pants or His interest in the naked body is
lifting a girl's skirt. insistent, he hides to see photos
He insists on observing naked of naked people in magazines
Expresses interest in the bodies adults, even after having seen and on television.
of other children and particularly them on occasion.
the naked bodies of adults (tries
to surprise them while dressing
or bathing, looks under the door
when they are in the bathroom,
lies down to see women wearing
skirts when they pass by).
He tries to insert his finger or He uses objects that cause pain
some objects (a pencil, a stick, a when introduced into his
pea) into his own genitals or genitals, he uses force and
rectum or into those of his Continues to insert objects into coercion to introduce objects
companions. his own genitals or rectum or into the genitals of his
into those of his companions playmates.
even though doing so has caused
pain or has been told that he may
hurt himself or the other person.
Touches the genitals of his
With their playmates they playmates without their
engage in mutual stimulation permission. Forces his playmates to engage
activities of the genitals. in mutual stimulation activities.
Simulates sexual relations with Simulate sexual relations with Simulates sexual relations with
dolls. dolls, animals and other children other naked children.
with their clothes on.
He imitates with dolls the He imitates with dolls , animals
He simulates sexual intercourse
affectionate and erotic and other boys and girls (with
without clothes on, stimulates his
expressions he observes among their clothes on) the affective
playmates' genitals with his
adults (kissing, hugging, and erotic expressions he
mouth or demands that his own
climbing on top of each other). observes among adults.
be stimulated with his mouth.

Vargas Trujillo, E. (2006/2009). Sexuality is also a thing for boys and girls.
Manual for Socializing Educational Agents – AES . Bogota Colombia:
ICBF. Available in

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