Practical Case of Risk Assessment in A Company

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In this practical case, an evaluation of the safety risks of a dealership dedicated

to the sale of cars is carried out in which other operations aimed at repairing
vehicles are also carried out when they suffer alterations after their

For a better understanding of the assumption, it has been structured into

four large blocks:

1. Indication of the objective and subjective data of the company.

2. Justification of the selected risk assessment method.

3. Risk assessment of the company based on the analysis of the different

facilities, the processes and tasks developed, as well as the protection
and prevention measures adopted.

4. Finally, with the previous data, the corresponding assessment and

evaluation sheets for the security risks detected will be completed.

When carrying out adequate and correct prevention management, the

company's data that allows its identification must be taken into account:
address, activity carried out, staff and positions,
organization of prevention, work schedule, facilities, machinery used,
processes, tasks to be carried out and distribution of personnel, machinery and
exposure times.


The Prevention Plan that will be developed throughout the following

chapters will be for the company named: PREVYFORMA, SL

This is a dealership that is domiciled in the Industrial Park of Vega de Arriba,

s/n, in Mieres, Asturias.


The dealership is dedicated to the sale of automobiles, their equipment and

components, as well as operations aimed at restoring their normal conditions
when they suffer alterations after their manufacture, for which three branches
of activity are developed:

— Mechanical: Repair or replacement work on the vehicle's mechanical

system, including its supporting structures and equipment and elements

auxiliaries except electrical equipment.

— Electrical: Repair or replacement work on the automobile's electrical
equipment, both basic engine equipment and auxiliary lighting, signaling,
conditioning, and indication and control instruments.

— Bodywork and painting: Repair or replacement work on non-load-

bearing bodywork elements, saddlery and interior and exterior
conditioning of these, in addition to painting, coating and finishing work on

Staff and positions

There is a staff of 34 workers. The positions they hold are the following:

— 1 Industrial Technical Engineer as Manager. — 3 Storekeepers.

— 1 Economist. — 1 Workshop Manager.

— 2 administrative assistants. — 1 Mechanical team leader.

— 1 Sales Manager. — 1 Electrical team leader.

— 2 Sellers. — 1 Body and paint team


— 1 Receptionist. — 5 Mechanical Officers.

— 1 Warehouse Manager. — 2 mechanical assistants.

— 2 electrical assistants. — 1 Electrical Officer.

— 3 Plate Officers.
— 1 Treatment Officer
anticorrosive and tire repairs.

— 2 Sheet Metal Helpers. — 1 Assistant for loading and

unloader and delivery.
— 2 body painters.

Workers' representation

Due to the work activity of the company, and because it has a workforce
that does not exceed thirty-four workers, the constitution of a Health and
Safety Committee will not be mandatory.

The workers have chosen a staff delegate to carry out the position of
Prevention Delegate due to his skills and for having completed an intermediate
level course in Occupational Risk Prevention.
Taking into account the provisions of article 36, section 1 of the LPRL, the
Delegate will be responsible for:

—Collaborate with company management to improve preventive action.

—Promote and encourage the cooperation of workers in the execution of

regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

—Be consulted by the employer, prior to their execution, about the decisions
referred to in article 33 of the LPRL.

—Exercise surveillance and control over compliance with occupational risk

prevention regulations.

Because there is no Health and Safety Committee, the powers attributed to

it in article 39 of the LPRL will also be exercised by the Prevention Delegate.

The time spent by the Prevention Delegate to perform his duties will be
applied to the credit of paid monthly hours provided for in letter e) of article 68
of the Workers' Statute. However, effective working time will be considered to
be that corresponding to specific preventive functions or any other called by the
employer to deal with health and safety matters, as well as the time allocated
for planned visits by technicians in risk assessments. .

Prevention organization

According to article 16 of RD 39/1997, it is not mandatory for a company

with the characteristics of PREVYFORMA, SL to have its own Prevention Service,
so a mixed system has been chosen, that is, formed by a Prevention Service.
External prevention plus a senior technician in occupational risk prevention as a
designated worker for the safety specialty. Health surveillance has been
contracted to an external service.


All workers have a normal schedule from Monday to Friday that is

distributed as follows:

—Morning: from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

—Afternoons: from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Electrical installation
The energy is received at 220 V without a transformation center, as is
typical in companies of the type being studied.

There are three circuits:

—One of strength for the area in which mechanical tasks are carried out.

—Another power for the rest of the building.

—A single lighting circuit that will serve the entire building.

The facility has a general entrance panel equipped with the following

—A transformer with 220 V input and 24 V output for portable lamps.

—A high sensitivity differential switch, 0.03 A, for the lighting circuit.

—Four medium sensitivity differential switches, 0.3 A, for the power circuits.

—Six thermal magnet type automatic cut-off switches.

Compressed air installation

For the air intakes, an installation with metal air intakes has been chosen,
which runs parallel to the walls of the different sections. A drainage vessel is
placed every 25 meters.

To generate compressed air, there is a piston compressor and another screw

compressor. Both are connected to a 500 liter capacity accumulator that has a
drain cock with a ring pressure of 15 kg/cm2.

The last re-stamping date is April 14, 2000.

Vehicle paint installation

For painting tasks, there is: a cabin with a standard-made oven measuring
12 x 7 x 2.5 meters, and a self-built room used occasionally.

Air renewal in the standard installation is carried out with blowing from the
ceiling and extraction through the floor. To do this, it has a filtration system on
the roof and a metal grating and water bed on the floor.

However, in the self-built premises, the only air renewal available is that
achieved with an extractor fan placed 80 cm from the floor.
The drying temperature is around 75ºC and is carried out using an
individual burner fed by liquid fuel, located outside the cabin.

Fire installation

The fire fighting installation is made up of: thirty-nine portable equipment

placed on the walls and columns, fire hydrants, hose equipment and alarm
system and temperature detectors.

Maintenance facility

Since no tasks are carried out that involve handling large loads, only six
mobile cranes are available to facilitate removing and inserting engines into the
vehicles. The rest of the maintenance processes and tasks are carried out

Work under vehicles

On the floor of the warehouse there is a pit for vehicle inspection in the
mechanical section, which is generally covered because it is not used, as
hydraulic lifts have been installed in all sections of the workshop. The
distribution of these is as follows: ten in the mechanical section, two in
electrical repairs and two in bodywork and painting.

Due to tasks that they take carried out at the DEALER
PREVYFORMA, SL, the list of machinery used is the following:

— 10 Personal computers. — 1 Automatic mounter


— 14 hydraulic elevators: — 1 Optical aligner kit

of direction.

• 4 of 4 columns of 4.5 Tm. — 1 Wheel balancing


• 10 with 2 columns of 2.5 Tm. — 2 Templates for

vehicle templates.

— 5 portable lifting jacks: — 1 Braked meter.

• 4 hydraulics on 1.5 Tm rails. — 2 alternative saws.

• 1 10 HP compressor unit. — 2 Grinders with a disc

rougher and other for

— 3 Electric welding groups. — 1 Emery with a disc and a

polishing brush.

— 5 autogenous welding equipment. — 1 Measuring device


— 2 spot welding equipment. — Game of tools,

tools manuals,
electrical and pneumatic
complementary material.
— 2 air compressors. — 1 Diagnostic station.

— 2 mobile cranes of 1,000 kg. — 2 Lathes.

— 3 Column Drills.

Processes and tasks

All the tasks carried out in the company under study can be grouped by
processes, resulting in six groups, which include:

A) Administrative process.

B) Warehouse processes:
• Supply of parts.
C) Mechanical repair processes:

• Placement of pieces.

• Placement of accessories.

• Mechanical repairs.

D) Electrical repair process.

E) Anticorrosive treatment process.

F) Body repair process:

• Scrapping of the affected area.

• Reconstruction and assembly of the body.

• Sanding, filling, tuning and polished.

• Painted in the workshop.

• Painted in an independent room.

• Placement of accessories.

Distribution of personnel and machinery and exposure times

To carry out an indicative risk assessment, the machinery and tools used to
carry out these tasks must be taken into account, as well as the personnel
exposed to said risks and to what extent; For this you have to estimate an
exposure time.

The assignment of personnel and exposure time, as well as the machinery

used in each process and task, has been done as closely as possible to the
reality of the work carried out in the company.

Introduction.- There are innumerable risk assessment procedures, from the

most simplified, based on subjective considerations of the workers themselves,
to quantitative procedures, based on statistical methods for determining
frequencies, damage calculations and that are applicable in risk assessment.

By type of risk, risk assessment procedures can be classified into:

To apply the most appropriate risk assessment methodology, it will be

necessary to take into account:

— Installation type.
— Installation operational situations.

— Types of risks to consider.

Risk analysis.- It includes the phases of identifying the dangers and the
subsequent estimation of the risks, taking into account the probability and
consequences if they materialize.

It can be done by using a list that identifies the existing dangers: blows and
cuts, inadequate space, falls at the same level, falls at different levels, fires and
explosions, substances that can be inhaled, adequate thermal environment,
conditions of inadequate lighting.

There are several methods for estimating risk but, due to its simplicity, the
most used is the one called RMPP (Risk Management and Prevention Program),
which consists of determining the risk analysis matrix from the values assigned
to the probability and the consequences according to the criteria set out in the
following table.

Risk estimation with the RMPP method

Probability of damage occurring Severity of consequences

HIGH. It always or almost always HIGH. Extremely

happens. harmful
(amputations, very serious injuries)
HALF. It happens sometimes. HALF. Harmful (Burns,
minor fractures...)

LOW. It happens rarely sometimes. LOW. Slightly harmful (cuts,


Next, and with the intention of carrying out a more precise study, the analysis
of the most significant risks in the areas of Safety and Hygiene, respectively,
will be deepened.

Analysis of security risks

The consequences of the risks and the probability of them giving rise to
accidents are exposed, which allows their dangerousness to be assessed.

Exposure to the different risks is carried out based on the number of

workers exposed to each of them and taking into account the fraction of the day
in which said exposure occurs.

All of the above allows us to assess the preventive importance of each risk
through a new variable resulting from the product of the previous ones, which
determines the impact.
Risk Assessment

In view of the magnitude of the risk obtained in the previous stage,

different risk levels may be established that we can represent in the risk
analysis matrix:

Risk analysis matrix

Probability HIGH M Yo IN




Keys: T: Trivial. TO: Tolerable. M: Moderate. I: Important. IN: Intolerable.

Based on this risk classification, it is decided whether or not to adopt

measures and the degree of urgency in the application, as indicated in the
following table:

Adoption of preventive measures.

Risk Preventive action

TRIVIAL It is not required a specific action.

TOLERABLE Preventive actions do not need to be improved. Consider the

most cost-effective solutions.

MODERATE Efforts should be made to reduce risk by determining the

precise investments.

IMPORTANT Work should not begin until the risk has been reduced.

INTOLERABLE Work should not be started or continued until the risk is

reduced: stoppage of activity.


The risk assessment in the case of PREVYFORMA, SL is best carried out by
dividing it into:

— The study of risks arising from workshop facilities.

— The study of the risks that appear in the different processes and tasks.

This evaluation has been carried out according to the conditions found in

Risk assessment of fixed installations

There is no single method for the identification, estimation and assessment

of the risks caused by fixed installations.

In the case under study, depending on the facility to be evaluated, two

types of sheets have been used, which are shown at the end of the case:

—On the one hand, the files included in the work entitled Evaluation of
Working Conditions in Small and Medium Enterprises, National
Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work, Madrid, 1997.

—On the other hand, the files published by the National Institute of Safety
and Health on safety conditions in fixed facilities.

Depending on the characteristics of the different facilities in our workshop,

the sheets have been filled out and after answering the entire series of
questions, the result has been the following:

Electrical installation

—The differential switches available are of adequate sensitivity in each case

of lighting and power.

— There are no automatic overload cut-off devices, such as thermal fuses

or magnets, to protect the network against overload. It is advisable to
place these devices in the general box by specialized personnel.

—The cables and plugs are in good insulation conditions.

—Machines or tools that lack a grounding system have double insulation


—Maintenance work is carried out by trained and experienced personnel and

protection elements are available, complying with current regulations in
the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation.
Air installation for vehicle painting

A) Prefabricated cabin.

• The cabin has a sufficient air renewal flow rate for its volume.

• The ventilation system filters are renewed periodically.

• In the water extraction system there is a treatment

suitable of these.

• The cabin is not used as a warehouse. Only the quantity of

products used during the day is saved in it.

• Operators working in the cabin use:

— Self-filtering masks with chemical filtering cartridge and with

the corresponding certification marking.

— Gloves to avoid contact with the skin of harmful substances

through contact with the skin.

• The cabin is equipped with explosion-proof lighting.

B) Self-made cabin.

• Air renewal inside the cabin is poor.

• There is no localized extraction of polluting vapors.

• The air extractor is located far from the floor,

where the heavy vapors that are generated tend to be deposited,
so the ventilation does not remove the pollution from the worker's
respiratory tract because the direction of the air currents brings
the gases back up towards the extractor and makes them pass
through the vicinity of the worker's respiratory tract.

• The operators who use this cabin work with appropriate and
certified personal protective clothing.

• There is a risk of a spark and subsequent fire or explosion because

the cabin is not equipped with explosion-proof lighting equipment.

C) Painting work on the ship itself.

It is a task that, no matter how minimal, should not be carried out on the
ship; However, because it is a sporadic task, when it is done:

• The rest of the staff is signaled and informed of its execution.

• Workers who carry out this task must use appropriate and certified
personal protective equipment, since even though the ventilation
of the warehouse is good, it is insufficient for this type of work.

Compressed air installation

—There are no significant deficiencies in the air conduction line or in the

filtering and regulation equipment.

—The piston compressor can be a source of noise pollution, so it must be

insulated to eliminate the noise of said compressor, or place it in a shed
outside the warehouse.

—A non-return valve in good condition is placed between the air tank and
each compressor.

—The air accumulator has an opening for inspection and cleaning and there
is an adequate number of bleed cocks throughout the installation in
perfect operating condition.

—The safety valves, as well as the pressure and temperature measurement

devices, work correctly.

—The masses and conductive elements of the equipment are electrically

linked to each other and to the ground in order to avoid the accumulation
of electrostatic charges.

—The reviews Periodic inspections of the boiler are carried out as

required by
legislation every ten years, since the last re-stamping date was in 2002 (it
will be valid until 2012).

Fire installation

—The risk of fire of electrical origin is practically zero taking into account the
conditions of the electrical installation.

—There is an alarm against

fires, but not automatic systems of

—Laptop equipment fire protection are suitable for the

dimensions of the ship and are in good condition and reviewed according
to current regulations.

—The flammable substances that are worked with: oils, solvents, paints and
others, are stored in a separate room, well ventilated and away from
ignition sources. Only the quantities used each day for each task are
taken from this warehouse.

—The premises used to store flammable substances have at the entrance a

danger sign for flammable substances and a sign prohibiting smoking or
entering with flames.

—The storage location is also provided with explosion-proof electrical


—The cylinders containing welding gases are properly stored outside the
workshop, in a fenced area with a shed.

—The cylinder shed has a sign warning of explosion due to flammable gases
and another sign prohibiting smoking.

—There is adequate signage for exit and evacuation routes, as well as signs
prohibiting smoking in the work area.

—The exit or evacuation areas are accessible without obstacles, well

signposted and well located.

In all cases, cleaning is carried out after each shift and eating, drinking or
smoking is prohibited in the workplace.

On the other hand, we must mention that workers exposed to chemical

contaminants will undergo specific medical examinations.

Risk assessment by processes and tasks. Job positions

The set of information collected allows not only to study the risks in
isolation, but also to contemplate their joint impact within a certain process or

As has already been seen when talking about the production process, it can
be structured into certain processes and tasks with the knowledge of which it is
possible to determine the risk-generating agents, work methods followed,
existing technological levels, which will give a broad vision. of the activity and
will allow the evaluation of the risks involved in the jobs to be carried out
quickly and easily.

The analysis of these risks can be done by using a list in which the existing
dangers are identified: blows and cuts, inadequate space, falls at the same
level, falls at different levels, fires and explosions, substances that can be
inhaled, environment inadequate thermal and inadequate lighting conditions.

You can also use statistics for accidents with sick leave, which give an idea
of what the most important risks of work in a sector are, in the case study, in a
vehicle repair shop.
For the evaluation of risks by processes and tasks, some sheets have been
designed, which collect in a simple and clear way the assessment of the
different risks for each position according to the process and task, based on the
risk analysis matrix that has already been spoke previously and that
according to the presentations we can adjust the final evaluation by jobs.

These sheets have marked the probabilities, consequences and risk

estimates of those dangers that have been considered relevant, leaving the
boxes corresponding to dangers whose probability is remote or whose
consequences are insignificant. Therefore, it should not be understood that only
the marked risks have been evaluated, but rather that the evaluation includes,
in principle, the risks observed in the workplace, eliminating all possible ones.

Precautionary measures

The measures to be taken in each particular case, as well as their

implementation and monitoring, will depend on the result obtained from this

In the tables collected later, recommendations are given to eliminate or

reduce the risks detected and assessed as moderate, important or intolerable.
However, when it is deemed necessary, recommendations will be given at other
risk levels.

The period for carrying out the indicated corrective measure will be adapted
to the economic possibilities of the company, trying to eliminate or reduce the
most important risks as soon as possible.

Protection conditions

Conditions of collective protections

The use of collective protections will always prevail over the use of
individual protections. Both types of protection complement each other and are
never exclusive.

The collective protections will be reviewed by the Head of Security

periodically and will be changed when they are deteriorated to guarantee their
effectiveness. The means of collective protection must be reviewed before
starting work that may make use of them, removing and replacing or repairing
all those that do not meet the necessary requirements.

Protections against electrical contacts

Regardless of the means of personal protection available and the insulation

measures, magneto-thermal and differential switches will be installed that, in
the event of an overload of the line or branch, cause a supply cut.
Fire protections

The fire extinguishers, in accordance with the requirements of RD

1942/1993, which approves the Regulation of fire protection installations, will
be periodically reviewed.

The location of the extinguishers will allow them to be easily visible and
accessible, close to the points where the probability of starting a fire is greater
and, if possible, close to the evacuation exits. They will be appropriate
according to the characteristics of the fuel.

Protections for machinery safety

Safety devices for machinery will be kept in perfect condition, checking

them periodically.

It is expressly prohibited to override any type of safety device on machinery

or tools.


According to the STUDY CASE, on minimum Health and Safety provisions in

the workplace, the passage area, exit and circulation routes of the workplace
and, in particular, the exits and circulation routes planned for evacuation in
case emergency, they must remain free of obstacles.

The work areas will be cleaned periodically and whenever necessary to keep
them in adequate conditions at all times.

Remains of materials, parts, debris, oil or grease stains and other residual
products will be removed as quickly as possible.


Lighting must allow workers to have adequate vision conditions to be able to

move around the workplace and carry out their activities there without any risk.

The distribution of lighting levels will be as uniform as possible, following

what is established in the STUDY CASE.

Circulation and evacuation routes

RD 486/1997, in point 5 of Annex I, establishes:

—The circulation routes of workplaces must be able to be used easily and

safely for pedestrians, vehicles and workers.

-His number, location and dimensions have of fit the number

user potential.

—The minimum width of the exterior doors and the hallway will be 80 cm
and 1 m respectively.

—The minimum width of the roads on which means of transport and

pedestrians can circulate must allow their simultaneous passage with
sufficient safety separation.

—The layout of the traffic routes must be clearly marked. Vehicle circulation
areas will be limited by continuous stripes, preferably yellow or white.

Regarding evacuation routes and exits, according to the provisions of Annex

I, point 10, of RD 486/1997, regarding the company subject to


—Evacuation routes and exits must remain clear and lead as directly as
possible to the outside.

—Emergency doors must open to the outside and not be closed.

—In the event of a lighting failure, the evacuation routes and exits that
require lighting must be equipped with safety lighting of sufficient

—Evacuation routes and exits must be marked with panel signs, and must
be fixed in appropriate places.

—Evacuation routes and exits must not be obstructed by any object.

Conditions of personal protective equipment

All workers incorporated into the PREVYFORMA, SL workforce, once signed

your employment contract, receive the
teams of protection
individual, PPE, corresponding.

It will take a strict control of the delivery of the same, in which

The equipment with which the worker is provided and the latter's commitment
to good use and maintenance will appear.

All PPE will comply with the provisions of RD 1407/1992, which regulates its
conditions of marketing and free intra-community circulation, and its
subsequent modification by RD 159/1995, of February 3, and will have a CE
The PPE purchased by PREVYFORMA, SL, for the use and protection of its
workers, must have the CE marking, as a guarantee for the use for which they
are intended. The “CE” mark will be stamped in a visible, legible and indelible
manner for the foreseeable duration of said PPE.

Staff will be instructed on its use. Instruction manuals or documentation will

be available to workers.

The purchase of PPE requires:

—That the suppliers of such equipment have the corresponding certifications

(CE type examinations according to different certification categories) and
provide the company with the main protection characteristics of the
equipment, its conditions of use, duration of use or even some indication
that allows the user determine when the equipment is no longer effective.

—And that they meet the requirements established in any legal or

regulatory provision that applies to them, particularly with regard to
design and manufacturing.

Choice of PPE

PPE manufacturers make CE marked equipment available to buyers on the

market according to the following criteria:

—Category I: CE.

—Category II: CE.

—Category III: CEYYYY (where YYYY is the distinctive number of the Notified
Body that intervenes in the certification phase).

Before proceeding to choose the corresponding PPE, it is necessary to

assess whether the delivery of PPE or the provision of collective measures to
workers is appropriate, and to this end the following considerations will be
taken into account:

—That the alternative use is not incompatible with the hygienic conditions
and of health by the own nature of the PPE.
Therefore, they cannot be reused by another person: Plug-type hearing
protectors, disposable hearing protectors, latex gloves and masks.
PPE may be reused:

• When hygienic conditions allow it.

• When the nature of the PPE does not prevent it and it is in good

• As long as the cost of reuse does not exceed the purchase of a new

—Simultaneity of use.

—The frequency of exposure to risk. Thus, in sporadic tasks it will be

enough to have PPE available to all workers who can carry it out.

—The useful life of the PPE itself.

Use and cleaning of PPE

The use of PPE will comply with what is indicated in this regard in RD
773/1997, of May 30, on minimum health and safety provisions relating to the
use by workers of personal protective equipment.

The use, storage, cleaning and disinfection when appropriate, as well as the
repair of PPE, must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. As general rules:

—Woven work clothes should be washed often.

—Gloves that have cracks or holes should be rejected.

—Leather equipment should be dried away from heat sources.

—When not in use, the most expensive ones should remain in a waterproof,
solid, hermetically sealed box or envelope.

—PPE must be cleaned and/or disinfected if for any reason they have to
change users.

—When, due to work circumstances, more rapid deterioration occurs in a

certain item of clothing or equipment, it will be replaced, regardless of the
expected duration. This is what can happen with:

• Garments or equipment that have suffered extreme damage.

• Garments that, due to use, have acquired more looseness or

tolerance than those allowed by the manufacturer.

PPE for health and safety from PREVYFORMA, SL

There will be a reserve of this protective equipment so that supply is
guaranteed to all personnel who need it, without any shortage occurring.

Protection gloves

Gloves will act as protection when handling materials, objects and tools and
when carrying out activities that include work with welding equipment, electrical
contacts and even radiation. They will be free of holes, cracks or any
deformation, hole or imperfection that could reduce their properties. Several
types of gloves will be used: general use, latex, welding, leather.

The EN 420 standard establishes the minimum requirements that these

must meet to comply with RD 1407/1992 and, depending on the type, EN 374-
1: Terminology and performance requirements are also applicable to them; EN
374-2 and 3: Determination of resistance; EN 388: Protective gloves against
mechanical risks; EN 421: Protective gloves against ionizing radiation and
radioactive contamination, and EN 60903: Gloves and mittens made of
insulating material for electrical work.

Eye and face protection

Their mission is to protect against solid particles, caustic and corrosive

liquids, harmful radiation and polluting atmospheres.

The equipment intended for this task is:

— Face shields : To protect from high-velocity particles with high, medium

and low energy; liquid splashes; electric arcs and molten metal and hot

— Full-frame glasses : To protect from high-speed particles with medium

and low energy; coarse powder; gas and fine dust and molten metals and
hot solids.

— Universal frame glasses : To protect from high-speed particles with low


The personal protective equipment described in this section must have the
CE marking and be subjected to an examination in accordance with the
provisions of RD 1407/1992. The EN 166 standard, “Specification”, establishes
the field of uses for eye protectors, validating the different types of protection.
On the other hand, the EN 167 “Optical test methods” standards; EN 168 “Test
methods other than optical”; EN 169 “Filters for welding and related techniques,
transmission specifications and recommended use”; EN 170 “Ultraviolet filters,
transmission specifications and recommended uses”; EN 171 “Infrared filters,
transmission specifications and recommended uses”, and EN 172 “Daylight
filters for industrial and professional use, requirements relating to the
transmission factor and recommended uses”, establish the minimum
requirements that must be met by the different types of protectors.

Security shoes

The requirements established by RD 1407/1992 are the CE certificate issued

by a Notified Body, the CE declaration of conformity and an information

The applicable standard is EN 344: Requirements and test methods for

safety, protection and work footwear for professional use; EN 345:
Specifications for safety footwear; EN 346: Specifications for protective
footwear, and EN 347: Specifications for work footwear.

Conditions of use and conservation of machines, implements and tools

The provisions of RD 1435/1992, of November 27, on the free circulation of

intra-community products (machines) and the provisions of RD 1215/1997, of
July 18, which establishes the provisions, will be complied with. minimum
health and safety standards for the use of work equipment.

In any case, the entrepreneur must only use equipment that satisfies:

a) Any legal or regulatory provision that applies to you.

b) The general conditions provided for in this PRACTICAL CASE.

Summarizing the general conditions, work equipment belonging to the
company that is not mobile or lifting loads should be in compliance with the
regulations since August 27, 1998. However, mobile work or load lifting
equipment will have a maximum period of four years from the date of entry
into force on December 5, 1998 (until December 4, 2002).

Signage conditions

The signaling systems used at PREVYFORMA, SL comply with everything

specified in RD 485/1997, on minimum provisions regarding health and safety
signaling in the workplace.

Workers will be appropriately instructed on the meaning of the signals used

and the behaviors they must adopt based on them. Signage aimed at warning
workers of the presence of a risk, or reminding them of the existence of a
prohibition or obligation, will be carried out in the form of a panel in accordance
with what is established in the STUDY CASE.

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