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Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes.

Power supply
Daniel de Jesús Gallegos Velazco – UP150455
Alexis Kesava Vidal Nava – UP150405
Gustavo Guel Hernández – UP150698
Juan Estanislao González Amador – UP150365
Carlos Ivan Colmenares López – UP150384
Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes

Summary - This document explains the creation of the magnitude and direction vary cyclically.
a direct current power supply with 2 outputs, one at DC.•
5V and another variable at 0-30V. As well as the Direct current refers to the continuous flow of
explanation of the purpose of each part of the circuit. electrical charge through a conductor between two
points of different potential, which does not change
I. INTRODUCTION direction over time.
To carry out this practice, an investigation was
carried out for the assembly of a power supply, [2]” POWER SUPPLY
subsequently its assembly and operation verification
was carried out. In electronics, the power supply or power source is
the device that converts alternating current (AC) into
II. GOALS: one or more direct currents (DC), which feed the
different circuits of the electronic device to which it
Carry out the manufacture of a power supply with a
is connected.
5 V output that remains fixed and a variable 0-30 V,
using part of the knowledge obtained in class as well
as research to complement said knowledge.


•Phenolic plate.
A transformer is an electrical device that allows the
•Resistors at 5w.
voltage in an alternating current electrical circuit to
•Capacitors at 50V.
be increased or decreased, while maintaining power.
•30 V transformer.
A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that
allows electric current to flow through it in only one

It is a passive device capable of storing energy by
•Soldering paste.
supporting an electric field.

LM317: It is an adjustable linear voltage regulator.
•Jumper wire.
LM7805: It is a 5v linear voltage regulator.
•Diode bridge.

Alternating current is the electric current in which
Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes. 2

A potentiometer is one of the two uses of
mechanical variable resistance or resistance.

In this practice we want to carry out both the design
and manufacture of a power supply that has a fixed
output of 5V and a variable output of 0. 30V (image 2)
To achieve this, the circuit was first designed,
having previously investigated its operation, giving
This stage is made up of diodes with the objective of
us the circuit that can be seen in image 1.
rectifying the signal coming from the transformer.
As you can see in image 3.

(image 1)

For this circuit to work correctly, the main objective

of a power supply had to be taken into account,
which is to provide an adequate voltage value for the
operation of any device.
The power supply is responsible for converting the
alternating voltage input from the network into a (image 3)
direct voltage and consists of several stages, which
are: Transformation, rectification, filtering and For this stage in the circuit used, a diode bridge was
regulation. used as can be seen in image 4.
This stage basically consists of a transformer whose main function is to
convert the alternating electrical energy of the network into
alternating energy of another voltage level, through the action of a
magnetic field.
For the circuit that was used, this is the first stage as can be seen in image

• FILTERING STAGE. (image 4)

In this stage, one or more capacitors are required

and are used to eliminate the alternating voltage
component that comes from the rectification stage.
The capacitors charge
at the maximum voltage value delivered by the
rectifier and discharge slowly when the
Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes. 3

pulsating signal disappears. Allowing you to achieve U1

the most continuous level of tension possible.
This can be seen in the graphs in image 5. LM7805C

■ D4
(image 5)

In the circuit used we use a total of 6 capacitors

to achieve this stage as can be seen in image 6. U2
Vin - ■ Vout

■ ADJ ■ ■

(image 7)

All these steps are reduced to a simple diagram for

our understanding and thus facilitate other future
work related to this type of circuits. The diagram can
be seen in image 8.

(image 6)

This stage consists of the use of one or more
integrated circuits that have the function of keeping
the characteristics of the system constant and have
the ability to maintain the state of the output
independently of the input.
In the case of the developed source, two integrated
circuits were used, an LM7805 that was used for the
fixed 5V and an LM317 for the variable. As can be
seen in image 7.

(image 8)

After going through the different stages of the
circuit, the output current is continuous and stable
thanks to the extra filtering provided by the
In images 9 and 10 you can see two different
measurements made at the variable output of the
Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes. 4

When making the source we discovered that we have
a great talent for burning things since we burned a
transformer twice and once a diode bridge, another
problem was that one of our colleagues almost lost
his eye for not using the appropriate safety
equipment Other than that we did not have any other
complications when carrying out this practice.


With the development of this power supply, it was

possible to reinforce the research capacity of the
students, as well as the different skills necessary for
the assembly and review of the correct operation of
(image 9)
the source.


In my opinion, voltage sources are one of the most
important tools for analyzing or creating circuits due
to their easy handling, apart from having a good
advantage when varying the voltage or current. –
Juan Estanislao González Amador

For experimentation purposes, it is important to have

a voltage source which provides a variable voltage
which allows us to more easily carry out the analysis
of DC test circuits. – Gustavo Guel Hernández.
(image 10)
This project has amazed me, surprised me, fallen in
love with it, the reason is that it has introduced me to
Image 11 shows the measurement obtained at the 5
the wonderful world of electronics and for that
V output.
reason alone I conclude that it is a great idea for
amateur projects. – Alexis Kesava Vidal Nava.

It was very useful work because we can use it in

other future projects, plus I learned how the source
works, that is, what each stage within the source
works for. – Carlos Iván Colmenares López.

I think it has been an interesting job, both the

research and the construction of the source, since it
helped us to start with what the race really includes.
In the end everything remains as an experience for
our future projects, plus now we have a tool that will
serve us throughout our career. – Daniel de Jesús

(image 11)
Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes. 5

Gallegos Velazco.

[1] Jean-Francois Machut. “Selection of components in electronics.” Marcombo, 2003. ISBN:842671336X,

[2] Jean-Francois Machut. “Selection of components in electronics.” Marcombo, 2003. ISBN:842671336X,


[3] Jean-Francois Machut. “Selection of components in electronics.” Marcombo, 2003. ISBN:842671336X,


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