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Group 10

1. Puti, Farhanna- Conscience (meaning and nature)

2. Rama's, Richelle- Russel's Contention of Conscience

3. Saban, Israfel- Butler's Contention of Conscience

4. Salilaguia, Roslina- Kinds of Conscience

Group 9.

1. Nimes, Adolfo Crisver- modifiers of human acts(ignorance and concupiscence)

2. Otong, Judily- continuation of modifiers of human acts ( fear violence and habit).

3. Parouk, Agalyn- Norms of human acts( law)

4. Piang, Siti Djalika- classification of norms of human acts

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Now let’s start with the definition of Conscience

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2.1 Meaning

• The word “conscience” is derived from the Latin Words cum (together) and scentia (to know).
Etymologically speaking, therefore, conscience can be translated as “to know together” or “to know

Also, the Latin phrase “cum alia Scientia” in English, would roughly translate to “man’s application of
knowledge” or “acting with knowledge”.

Meaning we can start acquiring or practicing conscience only if we are knowledgeable enough about the
world and the art of human existence.

Example of this is a child that has no knowledge yet on what is desirable to do and what is not desirable
to do as a person. The child has no capability yet to distinguish the two because they have no knowledge
yet about the universal law. And they do not have experiences enough neither, kasi bata pa sila. As we
all know, knowledge is a product of our learning and experiences.

So sabi pa dito the second definition, it is the conviction of moral philosophers that conscience is the
connecting link between law and individual acts.
Meaning to say, the moral philosophers firmly believed that conscience is the key, the one that connects
the existing laws to the person or individual’s acts. People will start to associate the laws that they know
to what they’re doing through the presence of their conscience.

This is the reason why conscience is properly called the means by which law is applied to the acts of the
individual persons. Again, si conscience yung way para tayo, as a human being, can apply the existing
laws that we acquired to our every action. Kasi diba, the moment na nagkaisip na tayo, at sa tulong ng
mga magulang natin, malalaman at malalaman natin kung ano ang bawal at hindi, at ano ang tama sa
mali. Kaya as we grow older, bago tayo gumawa ng mga bagay bagay, andyan si conscience para
ipapaala, tulungan tayo na mag think twice sa ating mga decision. Wether it is for our own good, or for
the sake of other people.

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Conscience is applicable both to the act per se and the consequence of the act. In itself, it is referred to
as the judgment of the morality goodness or badness – or acts done or about to be done. This is why
conscience is properly defined as an act of the practical judgment of reason deciding upon an individual
action as good and to be performed or as evil and to be avoided.

So now the question is, sa una lang ba natin mararamdaman ang conscience? Lagi ba tayong
napanunungnahan ng conscience bago natin isagawa ang isang bagay? the answer is no. I know that sa
age na meron tayo, we sometimes senses our conscience during the action, and worse, after the wrong
action has been done. Because we are human, we are full of emotions, and our emotions even changes
who are we for second, lalo na kung nasasaktan at nagagalit, tayo, minsan na ooverpower nun ang
konsensya natin. Kaya minsan, saka lang tayo dadapuan ng konsensya kapag nagawa na natin yung hindi
dapat gawin. For example, may bestfriend ka, and siniraan siya sayo ng iba, then nagalit ka and naniwala
agad instead na I confront muna, then bumawi ka and sinaktan mo din siya verbally, nung
nahimasmasan ka na, saka mo lang na realize na hindi niya kayang gawin yun, hindi ka niya kayang
saktan. But the damage has been done. Napangunahan ka na ng emotion mo, naisanatbai mo si moral
judgement, which is si conscience, but Your conscience will then, tell you to say sorry sa bestfriend mo
for reacting in a violent way.

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So preceding, The definition of conscience clearly indicates that conscience is a kin to man’s intellect. In
fact, as we mentioned a while ago, it is an act of practical judgment. In short, hindi lang puro puso ang
paiiralin, pati intellect, yung utak at puso mo, guguluhin yan ng konsesya mo. So take note that si
conscience, hindi lang siya basta basta andyan sa isip natin, ito din yung naghehelp satin na magkaroon
ng practical judgement. For example, yung common na nararanasan natin as a person na we have to
always choose between two things: yung mahal mo? Or yung mahal ka? For sure kapag selfishness ang
paiiralin mo, pipiliim mo yung mahal mo, because aanuhin mo ang taong hindi mo naman mahal diba?
But through the help of Conscience, magdadalawang isip ka pa, hindi ganun kadali mamili kasi alam
mong may masasaktan. And worse your conscience will even whisper na, be practical, yung mahal mo,
hindi ka mahal. Itong mahal ka, ginagawa ang lahat para sayo, nag invest na ng sobrs sobrs sayo, pag ni
reject mo without giving him a chance, baka magsisi ka. Ang unfair sakanya. So by then, you will not
immediately turn down who’s who, you will your knowledge to your advantage. And that’s how a
practical judgement works. So Wag masyado tayong madala kasi example lang yun. At wala din naman
kayong pagpipilian.

We also have to take note that As a judgment, conscience is not a judgment of facts, like for example
(e.g. that table is brown) hindi ang conscience mo ang magsasabi nun kundi ang brain and knowledge
mo na talaga. same goes to judgment of value (e.g. that painting is intricate, but beautiful), hindi mo na
kailangan ng conscience para I point out yun. Kung maganda ang isnag bagay, maganda talaga yun.
because perhaps, conscience is a judgment of moral values. Again, si conscience ay ang judgement na
kailangan natin para gumawa ng tama. And yes, again, It is, a judgment of the goodness and the badness
of acts. And when it finds the act good it imposes to the agent to do it, who are the agents? Tayo na mga
tao. Then if bad, it imposes to the agent to avoid doing it. Kasi nga, mali. At dapat iwasan ang mali kahit
gaano mo pa yun ka gustong gawin.

So ang pinaka main point dito is: An individual will be intellectually capable to decide whether or not he
or she should do the act because of his/her conscience.

So that’s all for my report, which is the definition of Conscience. Sana nakilala natin, at mas naging
visible satin ang presence ng conscience natin after my discussion, dahil madalas, anjan lang siya lagi,
hindi lang natin ma appreciate. that’s all. Thank you.

If conscience is a practical judgment of reason, the question is: Is conscience really that rational
(intellectual) or is it intuitive? Does the judgment of conscience undergo an intellectual reasonable
explanation? Or does its judgment employ a direct intuitive reasoning process? There are varied
answers to the question.

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