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Conductor Test Report Ver:01, Rev:00

PO No 902387 Sample No: 1

Check Date 07.02.22 Tested By: Adex Engineering Ltd.
Supplier: Megna Star

Sample Details:
Length 1000 mm Wire Gauge SWG 13
Conductor Diameter 2.34 mm Conductor Type Round Enamelled Cu Wire
Cross-sectional Area 4.29 mm Temperature 24 °C

Test Data: The following test were conducted as per IEC-60851-5:2008 standard.
Parameter At Ambient Temperature At 20 °C At 75 °C
4.1 4.035548 4.921763
1.7587E-05 1.73105E-05 2.1112E-05
(Ω-mm )
- 99.60 -

Insulation Breakdown Voltage (KV) Leakage Current (mA)

5 0.07

Parameter Required Actual
Conductor Size SWG 13 13
Conductor Diameter mm 2.337 2.34
Cross-sectional Area mm^2 4.289516293 4.290
Resistivity at 20°C Ω-mm N/A 1.731E-05
Conductivity % 99 99.60
Insulation Breakdown KV 5 5.0

Observation: Conductivity of this sample wire is within the standard value and Insulation Breakdown
Voltage is as per requirement.

Approved BY: HOD

Date: 01.03.2018 QC Engineer: Checked By:

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