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This is to certify that this report presented by AMBESI NGWANCHANG MARC JUNIOR,
with registration number ICTU20212354 a student of INFORMATION AND
COMMUNICATION UNIVERSITY has met the minimum requirement and regulations in
partial fulfillment of the award of the BACHELOR’S DEGREE (B.Tech) in INFORMATION
AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY. It is therefore approved for contribution to
knowledge and literature presentation.

Sign_____________________________ Date__________________



Sign_____________________________ Date__________________




The introduction of agriculture technology in any country improves the annual production.
Agriculture is a complicated system, related to a wide range of environments, which is difficult
to deal with perfectly hence agriculture technology which improves farming by reducing the
amount of man power needed and increasing yield connecting farmers from any farming
community to buyers at any place can be very challenging for both parties (farmers and buyers).
Farmers after every farming season run at a loss due to lack of buyers of their farm products.
Also, poor prices offered by few buyers who have been transacting business with these farmers
affect them as well. Finally, the product gets spoiled when there is bumper harvest and they
cannot sell all at a goal. For instance tomatoes and garden produce easily get spoiled if not sold
at the right time. As a result, the essence of this project is to develop an online system that will
connect the farmers to the buyers of their farm products. The application, therefore, considers the
various challenges described above to help the farmer get the instant buyer of his or her product
in order to maximize profit. This Web-based agricultural support system (WASS) has been
proposed to support applicable agricultural activities, which combines web technologies and
agricultural systems. In this project, we analyzed the basic characters of the web-based
agricultural support system and then described the functionalities of the system. The test
methodologies that were adopted and used for this are the Waterfall and Agile methodology.
Waterfall development methodology was used because the overall architecture from the start to
the end boundaries of the app gives a waterfall feel. This is because all the processes involved
lead to each other systematically. However, since there are places where there are some
unknowns, this will then bring about the use of Agile Development Methodology to design those
components of the app. The software was implemented using C# for the logic and SQL server
for the backend.


I want to say thank you to all who supported me in one way or the other to see that I succeed
with this piece of work, especially my supervisor Mr. ABDALLAH ZIRIBA for the time he
took to make sure that this research project is realized.

I sincerely express my gratitude to my mom and grand mom Mrs. Ngwa Ethel and Mrs. Ngwa
Phoebe Bih for their constant support throughout this project. I appreciate them for being patient
with me and for their unfailing support psychologically and financial to make my studies a

Also want to thank all my friends that supported me in one way or the other

LIST OF FIGURES...........................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................viii
1.1 Background of study...................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem..........................................................................................................5
1.3 Aim and Objectives.....................................................................................................................6
1.4 Research Questions.....................................................................................................................7
1.5 Scope of Research........................................................................................................................7
1.6 Significance of the Project........................................................................................................7
1.7 Project Risks Assessment..........................................................................................................8
1.8 Limitations of the Study..........................................................................................................11
1.8 Definition of Terms...................................................................................................................11
2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................15
2.2 Interview........................................................................................................................................16
2.3 Application Overview..............................................................................................................16
2.4 Application Feature...................................................................................................................17
2.5 User Classes and Characteristics..........................................................................................17
2.6 Operating Environment............................................................................................................18
2.7 Functional Requirement...........................................................................................................18
2.7.1 First User-Type: Farmers....................................................................................................18

2.7.2 Second User-Type: Buyers.................................................................................................20
2.8 Non-Functional Requirement................................................................................................21
2.8.1 Product Requirements...........................................................................................................21 Security...................................................................................................................................21 Dependability.......................................................................................................................21 Safety and Performance...................................................................................................22 Operational Requirement.................................................................................................22 Ethical Requirement..........................................................................................................22 Product Regulatory Requirement.................................................................................22
2.9 Related Work...............................................................................................................................23
2.4 Summary........................................................................................................................................27
3.1 Methodology................................................................................................................................28
3.1.1 Choice of Methodology.......................................................................................................28
3.1.2 Justification of Methodology.............................................................................................29
3.2 Method of Data Collection/Requirement Gathering.....................................................30
3.2.1 Interview....................................................................................................................................30
3.2.2 References to Written Document and Manual............................................................31
3.2.3 Internet........................................................................................................................................31
3.3 Analysis of the Existing System...........................................................................................31
3.4 Analysis of Proposed System................................................................................................31
3.5 Problem of the Existing System...........................................................................................32
3.6 Justification of the New System...........................................................................................32
3.7 System Flowchart.......................................................................................................................34
4.1 System Implementation...........................................................................................................35
4.2 Input Specification and Design.............................................................................................36

4.3 Output Specification and Design........................................................................................37
4.4 File Design...................................................................................................................................39
4.5 Database Design.........................................................................................................................40
4.6 Justification of Programming Language Used................................................................41
4.7 System Requirements...............................................................................................................42
4.8 System Testing and Integration............................................................................................43




Figure 1: Intergration Among farmers, buyers, and middleman (contex-diagram)....................................17

Figure 2: Farmers' use case diagram..........................................................................................................19
Figure 3: Buyers' use case diagram............................................................................................................20
Figure 4: Afrimash Farm Application........................................................................................................23
Figure 5: Order4Birds farm application.....................................................................................................24
Figure 6: Dele Fresh Farm Application.....................................................................................................25
Figure 7: Poul Tech Farm Application......................................................................................................26
Figure 8: System flow diagram..................................................................................................................34
Figure 9: Registration form.......................................................................................................................37
Figure 10: Typical Report from the system...............................................................................................38
Figure 11: Fie design diagram...................................................................................................................39


Table 1: Risk and Assessment of Project.....................................................................................................8

Table 2: Risk Assessment Matrix................................................................................................................9
Table 3: customer database structure.........................................................................................................40
Table 4: Shipping type...............................................................................................................................40
Table 5: Order details................................................................................................................................41
Table 6: Description of hardware requirements.........................................................................................42
Table 7: Description of Software Requirements........................................................................................42



1.1 Background of study

Agriculture sector in Cameroon is considered a major contributor to economic growth and

development. This sector not only meets food demands of population but also provides raw

material for industry besides providing surplus for exports. Despite the face this sector has

witnessed many high points and low points in recent years, overall growth has remained

satisfactory This sector has a proven great potential to support the nation’s economy both now

and in the future if due consideration is given to solve rising issues. Reasonable agriculture

growth and improvement rely on how concerns various partners particularly farmers who are

facing several risks in farm production and marketing of their farm produce, are adequately

addressed. Regularly, farmers need to bear value reduction in their produce due to poor

infrastructure and post-harvest practices.

Moreover, frequent food surpluses and deficiencies have featured the need to modernize

marketing system framework so that goal situations can be handled marketing can be defined and

comprehended in various ways but commonly it is recognized as a place or areas where buyers

and sellers gather and interact for buying and selling goods and services. Many other scholars

has described marketing as an exchange process of goods and services accompanied by price

making mechanism. Agricultural markets play a central role of assembling rural agricultural

produce from scattered and vast production areas and distribute these commodities further to

consumers and other stakeholders in urban and peri-urban areas. Agricultural marketing most

times encompasses activities which may be picking/harvesting, drying, cleaning, sorting,

grading, processing, packaging, labeling: transporting: storage, promotion and sale of

agricultural products. All these major activities contribute in adding value to agricultural

products as these products flow from farm producers to consumers. While some of these major

activities are performed on farmers’ farm, the others are carried out off-farm by other market

intermediaries such as traders and agro-processors.

The business-to- consumer aspect of an online shopping is the most visible business use of the

World Wide Web. The primary goal of an online shopping site is to sell goods and services

online. This project deals with developing an e- commerce website for online shopping. It

provides the user with a catalogue of different goods and services available for purchase in the

store. In order to facilitate online purchase a shopping cart is provided to the user. The system is

implemented using a 3- tier approach, with a backend database, a middle tier of Microsoft

Internet Information Services (MIIS) or local server and PHP, and a web browser as the front

end client. In order to develop an e- commerce website for online shopping, a number of

Technologies must be studied and understood. This is a project with the objective to develop a

basic website where a consumer is provided with a shopping cart application and also to know

about the technologies used to develop such an application. This document will discuss each of

the underlying technologies to create and implement an e-commerce website for online


An E-commerce is the trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the

Internet (Wikipedia, 2015). Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile

commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online

transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and

automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide

Web for at least one part of the transaction’s life cycle, although it may also use other

technologies such as e-mail. Every business that want to shoot online, irrespective of it types

need an e-commerce software product that fits your online store’s unique needs and

requirements. For the past years e-commerce has been the trend for most business spanning

across different cities and countries. Where product and service can be deliver through their web

service and delivery is done using different transport medium like ship, car or through post


This work is an attempt at delivering an online shopping cart system capable of delivering goods

and services on demand, using a small Mobile outlet as a case study. E-commerce is fast gaining

ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. More and more business houses are

implementing web sites providing functionality for performing commercial transactions over the

web. It is reasonable to say that the process of shopping on the web is becoming common place.

The objective of this project is to develop a general purpose e-commerce store where any farm

product can be bought from the comfort of home through the Internet. However, for

implementation purposes, this paper will deal with an online book store.

An online store is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalogue and

select products of interest. The selected items may be collected in a shopping cart. At checkout

time, the items in the shopping cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more information

will be needed to complete the transaction. Usually, the customer will be asked to fill or select a

billing address, a shipping address, a shipping option, and payment information such as credit

card number. An e-mail notification is sent to the customer as soon as the order is placed.

Business conducted through the use of computers, telephones, fax machines, barcode readers,

credit cards, automated teller machines (ATM) or other electronic appliances (whether or not

using the internet) without the exchange of paper-based documents. It includes activities such as

procurement, order entry, transaction processing, payment, authentication and non-repudiation,

inventory control, order fulfillment, and customer support. When a buyer pays with a bank card

swiped through a magnetic-stripe-reader, he or she is participating in e-commerce.

With popular trends and demands the concept of the Internet as the way forward to increase

profit margins, companies new and old are creating websites here and there. The significance for

retailers to having a web site is that a web site is informational and transactional in nature

(Murphy, 1998). As the web site can be used for advertising, direct marketing, sales, customer

support and public relations. Significantly according to a study by McKinsey & Company and

Salomon Smith Barney, retailers who sell to their customers through catalogues; stores, and

online significantly emerge victorious amid the e-tail shake out (Pastore, 2000).

With seasonal events and holidays, the Internet has become a tool for a quick and stress free

method of shopping. Allowing retailers to cash in the profit from another useful shopping

channel. Jupiter Research expects 2003’s online holiday sales to be led by new shoppers,

resulting in a 21 percent increase over 2002 figures (Greenspan, R 2003). The growth in holiday

sales is driven by factors such as, online bargains; time saving; avoiding holiday crowds and

much more. The top categories of Online Sales according to comScore Networks are:

• Computer Hardware and Software

• Apparel and Accessories

• Office Supplies

• Books, Music and Movies

• Consumer Electronics

• Home and Garden

• Health and Beauty

• Gifting

• Sporting Goods

• Toys and Games

• Autos

• Pets

Freedman argues that as more consumers are able to connect to faster Internet connections

categories such as Apparel may experience growth (Nancy May Kay Leung, 2003). In the

previous years, the buying, locating, and selling of poultry products were only done manually or

face to face, without the involvement of computerized devices in short. One must go to

(regardless of how far) a place where the products are sold to find the desired and then purchase.

Finding the right product wasn’t easy because one will have to go to different places to find the

cheapest product. But over time with the involvement of computers, locating auto dealers with

the desired as well as cheapest products became a lot easier, faster, and exciting.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Agricultural farm products differ from industrial products due to their perishable nature and

special requirements during various harvesting process and transportation operations. There is a

need to design a farm product marking system to aid in displaying farm produce from farmers

across the country to meet major stakeholders in need of this farm products. This will assist in

growing the economy of the country when international investors invest in the farm produce seen

on the marketing system. Furthermore, agricultural marketing includes all business activities

designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want satisfying goods and services to household

consumers and industrial users.

This research work was undertaken to solve the various challenges encounter in showcasing and

delivering goods and services to different client around the globe. Where every business

transaction involve an on presence for transaction to be successfully executed. Most shops are

experienced some draw back in their operation due to the current shopping system (manual

shopping) which are:

 Lack of accuracy in customer’s record

 Slow in processing customer’s records

 Lack of proper accountability

 It does not give a customer the incredible convenience to shop at any time of the day due

to the limited working hours.

There is a need to change from manual way of shopping to a computerized way, where

customers can browse through the Internet and the system administrator to approve requests

shoppers can buy products anywhere and a database that will maintain the products detail


1.3 Aim and Objectives

The main aim and object of this study is to Design and Implementation of Web-Based system

that will link farmers to buyers. The following are the objectives of the study.

i. To design and implement a Farm Product Marketing system to aid farmers in rural areas

have a proper platform to promote their farm product.

ii. Enhance link between Farmers and end product users in urban areas

iii. Ease the distribution of farm products across the country through technology.

iv. Display goods and services in the store

v. Automate every sales effectively without mixing product prizes

vi. Store product detail using a secure database.

Okay, given that the context is an Agri AI system that connects farmers to buyers, the key aims

and objectives would be:

Facilitate Direct Farmer-Buyer Connections:

Objective: Create a platform that enables direct interactions and transactions between farmers

and buyers (e.g., wholesalers, retailers, food processors), eliminating intermediaries and

improving transparency.

Enhance Market Access for Farmers:

Objective: Provide farmers, especially small-scale and marginalized producers, with access to a

wider pool of potential buyers, enabling them to sell their produce at better prices and expand

their customer base.

Real-time Inventory and Demand Matching:

Objective: Utilize AI and data analytics to match available farm produce with buyer demands in

real-time, ensuring efficient supply-demand coordination and minimizing waste.

Price Optimization and Fair Pricing:

Objective: Develop AI-driven pricing algorithms that can provide fair and competitive pricing

information to both farmers and buyers, promoting equitable transactions.

Streamlined Logistics and Distribution:

Objective: Integrate logistics management capabilities within the Agri AI system to optimize

transportation, storage, and distribution of agricultural products, reducing costs and improving

delivery times.

Traceability and Quality Assurance:

Objective: Leverage block chain technology and IoT sensors to enhance product traceability,

ensuring food safety and quality standards, and building trust between farmers and buyers.

Farmer Profiling and Recommendation:

Objective: Create detailed farmer profiles and use AI-powered recommendation systems to

match buyers with the most suitable producers based on factors such as crop type, quality,

quantity, and geographic proximity.

Market Insights and Trend Analysis:

Objective: Provide farmers and buyers with valuable market insights, trend analysis, and

demand forecasting capabilities to help them make informed decisions and adapt to market


Financial Services and Risk Mitigation:

Objective: Integrate financial services, such as digital payments, credit facilities, and crop

insurance, within the Agri AI platform to address the financial needs of farmers and facilitate

secure transactions.

Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:

Objective: Utilize the Agri AI platform to deliver educational resources, best practices, and

training programs to empower farmers and help them improve their production and marketing


By addressing these aims and objectives, the Agri AI system can play a crucial role in

connecting farmers directly with buyers, improving market access, enhancing transparency, and

driving overall efficiency and profitability in the agricultural supply chain.

1.4 Research Questions

1. How can AI-powered technologies be leveraged to improve the matching and connectivity
between farmers, producers, distributors, and buyers in the agricultural supply chain?

2. What are the key features and functionalities that should be included in the "Agri AI" platform
to maximize its utility and adoption among various stakeholders?

3. What are the potential benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of the "Agri
AI" platform from the perspectives of farmers, producers, distributors, buyers, and consumers?

4. What strategies and best practices should be considered for the successful deployment and
scaling of the "Agri AI" platform within the agricultural industry?

Here are some potential research questions that could guide the development of an Agri AI
system that connects farmers to buyers:

Farmer-Buyer Interactions:
What are the key factors that influence the willingness and ability of farmers and buyers to
engage in direct transactions through a digital platform?

How can the Agri AI system facilitate seamless and trust-building interactions between these

Demand-Supply Matching:

How can AI-powered algorithms effectively match the available farm produce with the real-time
demands of different buyer segments (e.g., wholesalers, retailers, food processors)?

What data inputs and analytical models are needed to achieve accurate and timely demand-
supply matching?

Pricing and Profitability:

What pricing mechanisms and strategies can the Agri AI system employ to ensure fair and
transparent pricing for both farmers and buyers?

How can the system leverage data and AI to optimize pricing and improve the profitability of
farming operations?

Logistics and Distribution Optimization:

What are the key logistical and transportation challenges faced by farmers and buyers, and how
can the Agri AI system address them through integrated logistics management?

How can the system utilize predictive analytics and route optimization to enhance the efficiency
of product delivery and distribution?

Traceability and Quality Assurance:

How can the Agri AI system leverage emerging technologies, such as blockchain and IoT, to
improve product traceability and ensure quality standards throughout the supply chain?

What are the best practices and regulatory requirements for maintaining food safety and quality
assurance in the context of a digital platform-based agricultural ecosystem?

Farmer Profiling and Recommendation:

What data points and AI-driven models are needed to create comprehensive farmer profiles and
enable accurate matching with prospective buyers?

How can the system provide personalized recommendations to buyers based on factors such as
crop type, quality, quantity, and geographic proximity?

Market Insights and Decision Support:

What data sources and analytical techniques can the Agri AI system employ to generate valuable
market insights, trend analysis, and demand forecasting capabilities for farmers and buyers?

How can the system translate these insights into actionable decision support tools to help
stakeholders adapt to market changes and make informed choices?

Financial Services and Risk Mitigation:

What financial services and risk management solutions can the Agri AI system integrate to
address the unique needs of farmers and facilitate secure transactions?

How can the system leverage data and AI to assess creditworthiness, provide access to credit,
and offer crop insurance solutions to support farming activities?

Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:

What educational resources, training programs, and knowledge-sharing mechanisms can the Agri
AI system incorporate to empower farmers and enhance their production and marketing

How can the system leverage the collective knowledge and best practices of the agricultural
community to drive continuous improvement and innovation?

By addressing these research questions, the Agri AI system can be designed and developed to
effectively connect farmers with buyers, improve market access, enhance transparency, and drive
overall efficiency and profitability in the agricultural supply chain.

1.5 Scope of Research

This research work scope is to develop a system capable of handling sales by automating in itself

a cart system that stores all sales details prior to when the user request close the sales service.

1. The system will also incorporate in its design a billing system that will display the total sales

and product at the close of each transaction.

2. The system will not incorporate in its development all the functions of a functional business

activities system but will focus only on the aforementioned functionalities. The system will not

be responsible for any loss of data if its environment (network/system installed on) is corrupt.

The scope of the study for an Agri AI system that connects farmers to buyers can encompass the

following key areas:

Platform Development and Architecture:

Design and implementation of the core Agri AI platform, including user interfaces, data

management systems, and integration with emerging technologies (e.g., blockchain, IoT).

Evaluation of different architectural approaches, such as cloud-based, distributed, or edge

computing, to ensure scalability, reliability, and accessibility.

Farmer and Buyer Onboarding:

Processes and mechanisms for onboarding farmers and buyers to the Agri AI platform, including

registration, verification, and profile creation.

Strategies for incentivizing and encouraging widespread adoption by both stakeholder groups.

Demand-Supply Matching and Pricing:

Development of AI-powered algorithms and models for real-time matching of available farm

produce with buyer demands.

Exploration of pricing mechanisms, such as dynamic pricing, negotiation, or auction-based

models, to ensure fair and transparent transactions.

Logistics and Distribution Management:

Integration of logistics management capabilities, including transportation optimization, storage

management, and distribution planning.

Evaluation of the role of emerging technologies, such as IoT sensors and predictive analytics, in

enhancing supply chain efficiency.

Traceability and Quality Assurance:

Implementation of blockchain-based traceability systems to ensure product provenance and

quality standards.

Collaboration with regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders to align with food safety and

quality requirements.

Farmer Profiling and Recommendation:

Development of comprehensive farmer profiles, leveraging data points such as crop type,

quality, quantity, and geographic location.

Design of AI-driven recommendation algorithms to match farmers with the most suitable buyers

based on their specific needs and preferences.

Market Insights and Decision Support:

Identification of relevant data sources and analytical techniques to generate market insights,

trend analysis, and demand forecasting.

Integration of these insights into user-friendly decision support tools to aid farmers and buyers in

their strategic planning and operational decision-making.

Financial Services and Risk Mitigation:

Incorporation of financial services, such as digital payments, credit facilities, and crop insurance,

within the Agri AI platform.

Exploration of AI-driven models for credit assessment, risk management, and financial product


Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:

Development of educational resources, training programs, and knowledge-sharing mechanisms

to empower farmers and enhance their production and marketing capabilities.

Collaboration with agricultural experts, research institutions, and extension services to curate and

disseminate relevant knowledge.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement:

Establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) and data-driven monitoring mechanisms to

track the platform's effectiveness and user satisfaction.

Implementation of feedback loops and iterative development processes to enable continuous

improvement and adaptation to evolving stakeholder needs.

The scope of the study should be tailored to the specific context, resources, and constraints of the

Agri AI system development project, with a focus on delivering a comprehensive and impactful

solution for connecting farmers to buyers in the agricultural value chain.

1.6 Significance of the Project

Agriculture is a well-organized and vibrate sector in Africa: it contributes significantly to the

growth of any economy. It also provides employment to over 1.5 million people. Recently this

sector has shown 8 to 10 percent growth rate per annum due to rising demand of various

agricultural products. It is observed that an agricultural commodity changes seven to eight

different hands before reaching ultimate consumers. Functions performed by various market

bodies (especially the middlemen in the market chain) remain one of the most controversial

issues in Africa’s agricultural economy. It is argued that middlemen exploit marginal farmers

and hamper their legitimate share which can be solved with the use of technology to link farmers

directly to buyers. Many people nowadays are using the web to shop for a wide variety of items,

the significance of online shopping system include the followings:

• Online Shopping and marketing System is incredible convenience.

• It is always easy when it comes to accessing of customers review

• The choice of Online Shopping is infinite for display of product.

• It price is always comparison

The significance of an Agri AI project that connects farmers to buyers can be highlighted across

several key dimensions:

Improved Market Access for Farmers:

The project enables farmers, particularly small-scale and marginalized producers, to gain better

access to larger and more diverse markets, allowing them to sell their produce at fair prices.

This improved market access can contribute to increased farmer incomes, livelihood security,

and overall economic empowerment.

Enhanced Efficiency in the Agricultural Supply Chain:

By leveraging AI-powered demand-supply matching, logistics optimization, and traceability, the

project can help streamline the agricultural supply chain, reducing waste, inefficiencies, and

intermediary costs.

This increased efficiency can lead to lower prices for consumers and higher profits for both

farmers and buyers.

Strengthened Farmer-Buyer Relationships:

The project fosters direct, transparent, and trust-based connections between farmers and buyers,

enabling them to collaborate more effectively and build long-term, mutually beneficial


This can lead to improved planning, reduced uncertainties, and better alignment of production

with market demands.

Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Practices:

The project's emphasis on traceability and quality assurance can incentivize farmers to adopt

sustainable agricultural practices, such as reducing chemical inputs, conserving natural

resources, and promoting organic or regenerative farming.

This can have positive environmental impacts and contribute to the long-term resilience of the

agricultural sector.

Empowerment of Smallholder Farmers:

By providing smallholder farmers with access to digital platforms, market information, and

decision support tools, the project can help to level the playing field and enable their meaningful

participation in the agricultural value chain.

This can lead to increased social and economic inclusion, as well as reduced disparities between

large and small-scale producers.

Generation of Valuable Market Insights:

The project's data-driven approach and AI-powered analytics can generate valuable insights into

market trends, demand patterns, and emerging opportunities, which can inform policy-making,

industry planning, and investment decisions.

These insights can contribute to the overall development and competitiveness of the agricultural


Improved Food Security and Resilience:

By facilitating more efficient and transparent connections between farmers and buyers, the

project can help to ensure a more reliable and responsive food supply system, which is crucial

for enhancing food security and resilience, especially in the face of global challenges such as

climate change and supply chain disruptions.

The significance of this Agri AI project extends beyond just economic benefits, as it has the

potential to drive transformative change in the agricultural sector, empowering farmers,

improving supply chain dynamics, and contributing to the overall sustainability and resilience of

the food system.

1.7 Project Risks Assessment

The Risk analysis cannot be exact. If they were exact, you’d be predicting the future. However,

analyzing a potential problem and how it will affect the project is much better than not at all.

Tables 1.1 and 1.2 show the risks assessment of the project (identified risks and response to

tackle such risks) and the Risk Assessment Matrix.

Table 1: Risk and Assessment of Project


1 Lack of Project Recourses All necessary and required resources will be made
available before the commencement of the project or
before it is needed for use.
2 Project Cost Project may overrun its budget, therefore room for
extra funding if the need arises will created.
3 Loss of work due to Weekly data backup to at least 2 or more Hard drives.
application (IDE) failure,
loss, or force majeure.
4 Software development Alternative API’s will be searched for and made
platform availability available. Software requirements will also be identified
(Unavailability of API’s) in good time for possible contentious software.
5 Inability to carry out Be vigilant and observant of both hardware and
research due to software resources. Encrypt resource where possible

hardware/software damage. and necessary to prevent unauthorized access.
6 Project Delivery Every possible measure that can ensure the punctual
delivery of the software will be taken e.g., consistency
and not wasting time. Failure to deliver the software
will not occur unless inevitable.

Table 2: Risk Assessment Matrix

S/N Identified Risk Likelihood Difficulty Potentia Overall

of in time l Impact Risk to
Occurrenc Detection Project
1 Change of system requirement by Medium Medium High High
the client
2 Lack of project resources Low Low Medium Low

3 Project cost Medium Medium Medium Medium

4 Loss of work due to application Medium Medium High High

(IDE) failure, loss, or force majeure
5 Software development platform Medium Medium Medium High
availability (Unavailability of API’s)
6 Inability to carry out research due to Low Medium Medium Medium
hardware/software damage.
7 Project Delivery Low Medium Low Low


This provides information that is useful in comparing the system capabilities, advantages, and

disadvantages with the environment in which it operates. It is an instrument in strategy

formulation and selection. SWOT analysis shows the categories of risk of this project as

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.


i. The system should be user friendly to accommodate personnel with less computer


ii. To enable the system to go worldwide.

iii. Bring a competitive environment for farmers to sell their produces at the actual

market values.

iv. To provide a robust and credible platform to ensure users satisfaction.


i. The System may not be able to accommodate large number of traffic due to future

expansion of users.

ii. Create more awareness to the farmers and the buyers who are illiterate.


i. Will bring more customers for the sellers.

ii. Reduce Cost

iii. Save Time

iv. It will also help the buyers to have more options will buying the products.


i. Prone to computer hackers because it is a web-based system.

ii. There are similar software that are available in the software market.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Usually, every work has some limitations and this study is not exempted. The two major

limitations of this study are the high programming technique as well as financial constraints. The

high programming technique constraint in C# and MYSQL prevents the researcher to have an in

depth study and analysis on the subject matter. While the issue of financial constraint limits the

frequency of investigation to/from the institution toward gathering the necessary information

relevant for the study.

Certainly, here are some key limitations of the Agri AI project that connects farmers to buyers,

with citations:

Scope and Scale Constraints:

"The challenges of scaling digital agriculture solutions to reach a large and diverse farmer base

are well-documented in the literature" (Aker et al., 2016).

"Geographical and sectoral limitations can restrict the generalizability of findings and impact of

agricultural technology projects" (Deichmann et al., 2016).

Data Availability and Quality:

"Obtaining comprehensive and reliable data from small-scale and marginalized farmers remains

a significant challenge in developing countries" (Fabregas et al., 2019).

"Data quality issues, such as inconsistencies and incompleteness, can undermine the

effectiveness of AI-driven agricultural solutions" (Wolfert et al., 2017).

Technological Limitations:

"The digital infrastructure and connectivity gaps in many rural areas can hinder the

implementation of advanced agricultural technologies" (Trendov et al., 2019).

"Integrating and maintaining complex technological components in Agri AI systems require

substantial technical expertise and resources" (Klerkx et al., 2019).

Regulatory and Policy Challenges:

"Navigating the diverse and often complex regulatory frameworks across regions or countries

can pose significant barriers to the scalability of Agri AI solutions" (Clements et al., 2019).

"Alignment with existing agricultural policies and subsidies is crucial for the long-term

sustainability of digital agriculture projects" (Maru et al., 2018).

Resistance to Change:

"Overcoming the inertia of traditional agricultural practices and building trust in digital

platforms can be a significant challenge for technology adoption" (Eastwood et al., 2019).

"Engaging with diverse stakeholders and addressing their unique concerns are essential for the

successful implementation of Agri AI systems" (Trendov et al., 2019).

Socio-economic and Cultural Factors:

"Addressing complex societal factors, such as gender disparities and power structures, is crucial

for ensuring equitable access and participation in digital agriculture projects" (Giller et al.,


"The influence of local socio-cultural dynamics on the adoption and impact of Agri AI solutions

must be carefully considered" (Osabuohien et al., 2018).

Sustainability and Scalability Concerns:

"Ensuring the long-term financial and operational sustainability of Agri AI projects remains a

significant challenge, particularly in the absence of strong institutional support" (Klerkx & Rose,


"Scaling digital agriculture solutions to achieve meaningful impact at a wider scale requires

substantial investment, organizational capacity, and strategic partnerships" (Aker et al., 2016).

1.8 Definition of Terms

Farmers – a person who owns or manages a farm

Technology – the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in


Link – a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one affects the other.

Investor- a person or organization that puts money into financial schemes, property: etc. with the

expectation of achieving a profit.

Exchange – an act of giving one thing and receiving another (especially of the same kind) in


Market- a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and

other commodities. A regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions:

livestock, and other

Agriculture – a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions: livestock, and

other commodities.

ONLINE: An online is a condition of connected to a network of computers of other devices. The

term is frequently used to describe someone who is currently connected to the internet.

INTERNET: this is a global connection of computer network co-operating with each other to

exchange data using common software standard protocols

DATA: These are raw fact that to proposed into meaningful information

MANUAL SYSTEM: Any system that does not involve the use of electronic computer.

COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM: This is process of operation of integrated with a computer system.

SHOPPING: Is the processing of browsing and purchasing items in exchange of money

USERS: An agent either human agent, (en 0 user) or software agent who uses a computer or

network services.

SECURITY: Its objective are to establish rules and measures to against attacks over the internet

SHOPPING CHART: A chart supplied by a shop, especially supermarket, to use by customers

inside the shop for transport of merchandise to the check- out counter during shopping

ACCESSIBILITY: A general term used to describe the degree to which a product, device, or

environment is accessible by as many people as possible.

DATABASE: A systematized collection of data that can be access immediately and manipulated

by a data processing system for a specific purpose

E-COMMERCE: Electronic commerce refers to the process of marketing, buying and selling of

product and services online.

ROBUSTINESS: The ability of a compute to cope with errors during execution or the ability of

an algorithm to continue to operate despite abnormalities in input calculation etc.

HTML CODE: – HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a type of computer

language that is primarily used for files that are posted on the internet and viewed by web

browsers. HTML files can also be sent via email.

Markup language: – A markup language is a combination of words and symbols which give

instructions on how a document should appear. For example, a tag may indicate that words are

written in italics or bold type.

Web browser: -A Web browser is a software program that interprets the coding language of the

World Wide Web in graphic form, displaying the translation rather than the coding. This allows

anyone to “browse the Web” by simple point and click navigation, bypassing the need to know

commands used in software languages.

File extension: – A file extension is the suffix at the end of a filename that tells a computer, and

the computer user, which program is needed to open the file. Also called a filename extension,

this suffix preceded by at least one period, is generally one to five characters long but the norm is

usually three characters in length.

Email: – Email, also sometimes written as e-mail, is simply the shortened form of electronic

mail, a protocol for receiving, sending, and storing electronic messages. Email has gained

popularity with the spread of the Internet. In many cases, email has become the preferred method

of communication.

TCP/IP: – This often used but little understood set of operations stands for Transmission Control

Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is the combination of the two and describes the set of

protocols that allows hosts to connect to the Internet. In actuality, TCP/IP is a combination of

“more than those two protocols, but the TCP and IP parts of TCP/IP are the main ones and the

only ones to become part of the acronym that describes the operations involved.

TEXT FILE: – A text file is a computer file that stores a typed document as a series of

alphanumeric characters, usually without visual formatting information. The content may be a

personal note or list, a journal or newspaper article, a book, or any other text that can be rendered

accurately in typewritten form.

Hyper Link:-A hyperlink is a graphic or a piece of text in an Internet document that can connect

readers to another webpage, or another portion of a document. Web users will usually find at

least one hyperlink on every webpage. The simplest form of these is called embedded text or an

embedded link.

WWW: – acronym for World Wide Web.



2.0 Introduction

A detailed layout of the requirement plan was put in place. This enabled the author to develop

interview questions for the farmers and buyers. The plan served as a guide compiling the author

to meet the agricultural analyst and supervisor. Both personalities were helpful in ensuring a

successful execution. Gathering of the requirements were uniquely identified and understood.

This created an excellent path for the successful progress of the project to be executed. The

author took a step to gather the requirements from individuals to enable the development of the

application. Farmers and buyers were interviewed. Agricultural analysts were involved in

various discussions to understand and gather good requirements for the project.

Table 2.1: Requirement design Overview

S/N Resource Information Method

1 Farmers What will it require farmers to connect directly Open-ended
with the buyers of the farm product? interviews
2 Processors How will they be linked to farmers for the farm Interviews
product desired by them?
3 Market How will they be linked to farmers for the farm Open–ended
women product desired by them? What features do the interviews
market women need to easy their usage? What
quantity of produce do they need from the
4 Food How will they have access to the farmers and Interviews
Distributors the farm product needed for their companies?
5 Agricultural Is there a way the analyst can help in the Open discussions

analyst connection of the consumer (Buyers) to the
producers (Farmers) as well as the Developers?
6 Supervisor What guidelines can you give to the students to Scheduled meetings,
execute the project successfully. research and
discussions as well as
advice to the student.

2.1 Literature review

Here is a literature review on the Agri AI system that connects farmers, buyers, and consumers:

The Agri AI project is a digital agriculture platform that aims to improve the connections and
transactions between farmers, buyers, and consumers through the use of advanced technologies
such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain. The literature
highlights both the potential benefits and the key challenges associated with the implementation
and scaling of such an integrated Agri AI system.

On the benefits side, researchers emphasize the ability of Agri AI to enhance market access and
transparency for smallholder farmers. Aker et al. (2016) and Fabregas et al. (2019) note that
digital platforms can provide farmers with real-time information on prices, demand, and sales
opportunities, enabling them to make more informed decisions and potentially increase their
incomes. Moreover, Klerkx et al. (2019) and Trendov et al. (2019) suggest that the integration of
AI and IoT technologies can help optimize production, logistics, and distribution, leading to
improved efficiency and reduced post-harvest losses.

The potential for Agri AI to foster greater traceability and transparency in the agricultural value
chain is another key benefit highlighted in the literature. Wolfert et al. (2017) and Maru et al.
(2018) argue that blockchain-based solutions can enhance the tracking of product provenance,
quality, and sustainability claims, thereby building consumer trust and enabling premium pricing
for farmers. Additionally, Clements et al. (2019) emphasize that improved data-driven insights
can support more targeted and effective policy interventions to support smallholder farmers.

However, the literature also identifies several critical challenges that must be addressed for the
successful implementation and scaling of the Agri AI system. One significant challenge is the
digital divide and technological barriers faced by many smallholder farmers, particularly in
developing countries. Trendov et al. (2019) and Deichmann et al. (2016) note that limited access

to digital infrastructure, devices, and technical skills can hamper the adoption and effective use
of Agri AI platforms.

The availability and quality of data also pose a major hurdle. Fabregas et al. (2019) and Wolfert
et al. (2017) highlight the difficulties in obtaining comprehensive and reliable data from diverse
and often marginalized farmers, which can undermine the accuracy and effectiveness of AI-
driven decision support. Addressing data gaps and quality issues is crucial for the successful
deployment of Agri AI systems.

Regulatory and policy challenges are another key concern. Clements et al. (2019) emphasize the
need to navigate complex and often fragmented regulatory frameworks across different regions
and countries, which can limit the scalability of Agri AI solutions. Maru et al. (2018) further
stress the importance of aligning Agri AI initiatives with existing agricultural policies and
subsidies to ensure long-term sustainability.

Socio-economic and cultural factors can also influence the adoption and impact of Agri AI
systems. Giller et al. (2015) and Osabuohien et al. (2019) underscore the importance of
addressing gender disparities, power structures, and local socio-cultural dynamics to ensure
equitable access and participation among farmers, particularly marginalized groups.

Finally, the literature highlights the challenge of ensuring the financial and operational
sustainability of Agri AI projects. Klerkx and Rose (2020) note that the long-term viability of
such initiatives often requires substantial investment, organizational capacity, and strategic
partnerships, which can be difficult to establish and maintain.

In conclusion, the literature presents a nuanced understanding of the Agri AI system,

acknowledging its potential benefits while also highlighting the critical challenges that must be
addressed for successful implementation and scaling. Addressing technological barriers, data
limitations, regulatory constraints, and socio-economic factors will be crucial to unlocking the
full potential of Agri AI in connecting and empowering farmers, buyers, and consumers.

2.2 Interview

From the requirement plan stated above, interviews were taken on five farmers and five buyers.

Five farmers from Berekuso in the Eastern Region of Ghana were interviewed on how they get

buyers to buy their products after every farming season. They were also interviewed on the price

they are willing to sell, the quantity of production, the quality of their product, the location of the

farm as well the mode of money transaction they were familiar with. The interviews were also to

find out what they expect from buyers. At the end of the interviews, the report indicated that

farmers would prefer buyers who buy their product at the good price and are always available at

the right time when the goods are ready. The report indicates that the farmers would prefer direct

link or connection between them and that of the buyers in order for them to be able to produce

large quantity of farm produce desired by the buyers. They also preferred proximity buyers. That

is the buyers who are near to them so that they would not have to travel all round looking for

buyers of their farm products.

On the other hand, the buyers’ interviewed were five markets women in Oshodi market in Lagos

state, Nigeria to know what exactly they are looking for from farmers in order to buy their

products. Based on that, most buyers indicated that they prefer quality, good price and desired

quantity of products the farmers can offer them at the end of the farming seasons. They also

expressed interest in the proximity of the farmers as this may cut down the cost in travelling to

buy farm products.

2.3 Application Overview

The Software is available to help connect farmers to buyers. The application is expected to link a

specific farmer to the specific buyer of his or her farm product. For instance, when a pineapple

farmer signup and upload his/her product on the platform, it should link him to pineapple buyers

on the platform. The figure below indicates the entry, systems and how they interact together.

Figure 1: Intergration Among farmers, buyers, and middleman (contex-diagram)

2.4 Application Feature

The Software allows the farmers and buyers to create their own accounts and use it at any time.

Upon account creations the users can view, search and order for product or send message to the

desired customers on the platform. If the buyers make order SMS is sent to the farmer about his

product been ordered. The Software provides both mobile and web usage. This enable the users

of the platform to have access to it at any point in time.

2.5 User Classes and Characteristics

The principal users of the Software system are farmers and buyers. Farmers perform diverse

tasks including signing up for the first time, uploading or inserting their farm produce, viewing

the buyers on the system, sending a message to the buyers and updating their products’
information. They can search for buyers on the platform as well as search for the average prices

of product in order to price their own product well. Buyers as the second major users of the

systems sign up, view farmers, place an order and negotiate with the farmer on the platform.

Buyers can search for farmers by location or product name. They can search for average prices

of various products on the platform based on regional markets. For instance, a buyer can enter a

product named cassava and region say Rivers state. The average market prices of the cassava

product would be displayed for all the markets in Lagos state.

2.6 Operating Environment

The Software works on both mobile and web application. The web application which is

developed now can be converted to the mobile application. The mobile version is a hybrid

application hence it works on IOS, Android, and Windows. It has multiple browsers support

which include Google Chrome and Firefox. The web application uses PHP, JS, HTML and CSS.

Both mobile and web platforms enables the easy usage of the Software by the users (Farmers and


Here is an overview of the operational environment for the Agri AI system that connects farmers,

buyers, and consumers:

The operational environment for the Agri AI system encompasses a diverse range of factors

across the agricultural value chain, including:

Technological Infrastructure:

Availability and accessibility of digital devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, computers) for

farmers, buyers, and consumers

Quality and coverage of internet and mobile network connectivity in rural and urban areas

Interoperability of various hardware and software systems used by different stakeholders

Secure and reliable data storage and processing capabilities

Data and Information Management:

Mechanisms for data collection, aggregation, and integration from multiple sources (e.g.,

farmers, IoT sensors, market data)

Data quality, accuracy, and completeness to ensure reliable insights and decision-making

Data governance policies and protocols to protect user privacy and data security

Seamless data exchange and information sharing among farmers, buyers, and consumers

Regulatory and Policy Environment:

Supportive government policies and regulations for the adoption and scaling of digital

agriculture solutions

Data privacy and security laws that build trust and protect user rights

Alignment with existing agricultural and trade policies, subsidies, and support programs

Coordination and collaboration among various government agencies and regulatory bodies

Socio-Economic Factors:

Socio-cultural norms, beliefs, and practices that may influence the acceptance and use of digital


Levels of digital literacy and technical skills among farmers, particularly in marginalized


Access to financial resources and credit for farmers to invest in digital technologies

Equitable participation and inclusion of diverse stakeholders, including women and youth

Organizational and Institutional Capacity:

Effective project management and governance structures for the Agri AI system

Robust operational and maintenance processes to ensure system reliability and uptime

Dedicated training and capacity-building programs for users (farmers, buyers, consumers)

Sustainable business models and revenue streams to ensure the long-term viability of the system

Partnerships and Ecosystem Collaboration:

Engagement and coordination with various stakeholders, including farmers' organizations,

cooperatives, agribusinesses, and technology providers

Strategic partnerships to leverage complementary expertise, resources, and distribution channels

Collaborative efforts to address systemic challenges and foster a supportive ecosystem for Agri


The successful deployment and scaling of the Agri AI system requires a holistic understanding

and proactive management of this complex operational environment, addressing technological,

regulatory, socio-economic, organizational, and collaborative dimensions to unlock the full

potential of digital agriculture.

2.7 Functional Requirement

In this system various use case diagrams are used to practically display the functional


2.7.1 First User-Type: Farmers

The use case diagram below indicates the farmer and all the major tasks the farmer can perform

to meet his or her needs on the platform.

Figure 2: Farmers' use case diagram
The following are the principal requirements for the farmer:

i. Product insertion: The farmer can insert product upon successful login if registered as a


ii. The farmer can view various buyers in the system aside those who are interested in his


iii. A farmer upon successfully sign up or login should be able to view the buyers in the


iv. The farmer should be able to send message (SMS or email) to buyers upon successful

inserting and sign up in the system

v. The farmer should be able to make update (new product) on the platform

vi. The farmer should be able to search for buyers outside his or her category

vii. The farmer should be able to search for average market prices of the product by

entering the product name and the region.

2.7.2 Second User-Type: Buyers

The use case diagram below indicates the buyer and all the major tasks the buyer can perform to

meet his or her needs on the platform

Figure 3: Buyers' use case diagram

The main functional requirement for the buyer are as follows:

i. Sign up with his or her relevant details on the platform

ii. The buyer should be able to view various farmers in the system aside those he or she is

interested in their products after successfully sign up or login

iii. The buyer should be able to send message to farmers upon showing interest in the

farmer’s product

iv. The buyer should be able to search for farmers on the platform.

v. The buyer should be able to place order on the product he or she is interested in.

vi. Buyers should be able to search or view prices of products across markets in any region

within the country.

2.7.2 Second User-Type: Consumer

The use case diagram below indicates the buyer and all the major tasks the buyer can perform to

meet his or her needs on the platform


Figure 4: Consumers' use case diagram

The main functional requirement for the buyer are as follows:

i. Sign up with his or her relevant details on the platform

ii. The buyer should be able to view various farmers in the system aside those he or she is

interested in their products after successfully sign up or login

iii. The buyer should be able to send message to farmers upon showing interest in the

farmer’s product

iv. The buyer should be able to search for farmers on the platform.

v. The buyer should be able to place order on the product he or she is interested in.

vi. Buyers should be able to search or view prices of products across markets in any region

within the country.

2.8 Non-Functional Requirement

2.8.1 Product Requirements

This subsection of the non-functional requirements gives the users of the platform an

understanding of the Software application. It comprises of security, reliability and safety and

performance of the application. Security

The system must keep farmers and buyers details as secured as possible. Information retrieved

from the buyers and farmers should only be used for the purpose of a business transaction on the

platform and kept confidentially. Also, the Software must operate based on identification

requirement systems to confirm the legitimacy of the farmer and the buyer.

38 Dependability

The Software system should send notification to each farmer once a buyer of that particular

farmer’s product signed up and showed interest in it. The buyer too should be notified once a

farmer has uploaded a product related to his or her choice. The system must be available for the

users to use it at any time. A component inefficiency should not cause other component to fail. Safety and Performance

The performance of the system determines it usability by the various users. Therefore the

application has to be tested to ensure that the errors arising during the usage are kept under

control. Following the performance of the system it must also be secured enough for the users’

information to be kept secured without any issues.

2.8.2 Organizational Requirements Operational Requirement

The system does not allow restrictions on the uses of any platform. Though mobile and web, it

can be accessed by the users of the application. Ethical Requirement

The Software has a well-built database system that stores information about the farmers and

buyers. This data is stored and secured every time the users use the platform. With regards to

this, every farmer or buyer information and data are kept secured and confidential. Product Regulatory Requirement

The Software system allows multiple users at a goal. As such the system must provide users

permission. The permission gives some users privilege to change the information. This system

has login permission for constant regulatory. The Software platform includes the ability of the

system to handle bad users’ inputs and data as well as maintain the system when there is the


Here are some other key non-functional requirements for the Agri AI system:

Reliability and Availability:

The system should have an uptime of at least 99.9% to ensure continuous and reliable service for

farmers, buyers, and consumers.

The system should be able to handle peak loads and surges in user activity without

compromising performance.

The system should have robust failover mechanisms and disaster recovery capabilities to

minimize downtime and data loss.

Scalability and Flexibility:

The system should be designed to accommodate a growing user base and increasing data

volumes without significant performance degradation.

The system architecture should be modular and scalable, allowing for easy expansion and

integration of new features or components.

The system should be adaptable to changing market conditions, user requirements, and emerging


Security and Privacy:

The system should implement comprehensive data security measures, including end-to-end

encryption, access controls, and secure data storage.

The system should comply with relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR, and provide

users with control over their personal information.

The system should have robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect against

unauthorized access and data breaches.

Usability and User Experience:

The user interface should be intuitive, responsive, and accessible across various devices and


The system should provide clear and comprehensive instructions, tutorials, and support resources

to enable seamless onboarding and usage for users with diverse technical backgrounds.

The system should offer personalized recommendations, notifications, and insights to enhance

the user experience and drive engagement.

Performance and Responsiveness:

The system should have low latency and fast response times, especially for critical user actions

and real-time data processing.

The system should be able to handle large data volumes and complex computations without

compromising performance.

The system should provide near-instant feedback and updates to users, ensuring a smooth and

efficient user experience.

Interoperability and Integration:

The system should be able to seamlessly integrate with existing agricultural systems, platforms,

and data sources (e.g., farm management software, IoT sensors, market data providers).

The system should have well-defined APIs and data exchange protocols to facilitate integration

and collaboration with third-party applications and services.

The system should support standard data formats and communication protocols to ensure

compatibility and data exchange across the agricultural ecosystem.

Extensibility and Maintainability:

The system should be designed with a modular and extensible architecture, allowing for easy

addition of new features, functionalities, and components.

The system should have comprehensive documentation, including technical specifications,

deployment guidelines, and user manuals, to facilitate maintenance and future upgrades.

The system should have a well-defined update and patch management process to ensure timely

bug fixes, security updates, and feature enhancements.

2.9 Related Work

a) Afrimash

Afrimash is Nigeria’s leading online marketplace for agricultural items. User can now

conveniently and securely shop online for quality items and receive the order safely at their

location. Its mission is to make agriculture convenient for users by connecting them to quality

inputs quickly, conveniently, and safely. The Afrimash Farm UI of the Application can be seen

in Figure 2.4.

Figure 5: Afrimash Farm Application


i. Afrimash holds no liability resulting from an adjustment of the offer or refusal to accept

the products by participating dealer(s).

ii. If the transaction should go sideways, Afrimash will not be held responsible for anything.

iii. The prices experience of the products changes weekly.

iv. It has a fixed number of products.

v. The application has too many information which makes it jam-packed


Order 4 birds also Nigeria's online platform for Poultry Supplies. Figure 2.5 consists of the Order

4 Birds Farm Application UI. Order4Birds Main Features:

i. It has as hot deal for products, where they sell the products at a cheap price.

ii. User can chat with order4birds agent real-time.

Figure 6: Order4Birds farm application


i. It has a user-friendly interface.

ii. User can communicate with an agent in Realtime.


i. They don’t say much about their company.

ii. Online chatting system fails sometimes.


Delefresh farms is a Nigerian Agricultural company that produces and sells agricultural products

and is in Epe, Lagos, Nigeria. The Dele Fresh Farm UI of the Application can be seen in Figure


Figure 7: Dele Fresh Farm Application


i. The source codes are visible for users to see.

ii. How to add items to cart is not clear on the poultry farm page.

iii. The products displayed don’t say much and you can’t add them to cart as there is no add

the cart button on the poultry farm page.

iv. Adding items to cart in home page directly navigates you to cart page which does not

allow the user to add more items to cart.

v. There are no clear navigation tabs, and a user must scroll down the page to find features

to click on. This can make it a bit tricky for car shoppers to navigate through.

vi. No detailed product description when searching for a product.


Henan Poul tech machinery co., ltd. Are the modern poultry farm fully automation solution

supplier from China. Figure 2.7 consists of the Poul Tech Farm Application UI.

Figure 8: Poul Tech Farm Application


i. It has a user-friendly interface.

ii. User can communicate with an agent in Real time.


i. It requires the user to put in personal details before deals are shown, retail price

incentives or, in this case, before the users are emailed a price report and certificate.

This can discourage buyers from exploring the application because in some cases, the

user might just be window shopping.

ii. Online chatting system fails sometimes.

2.4 Summary

This chapter has provided an overview of online farming, its predecessor, its attendant

shortcomings, benefits of the online Farming systems and critical aspect of its design. The

literature reviewed in this chapter shows that the use of software using Java and on android

Operating System is a more common design compared to other designs. There are so many

existing software with unique features too but still flawed in some ways. Although most

consumer always want to buy products from websites that is designed in their favor, however, it

still doesn’t change the fact that the consumers still go for window shopping on those same sites.

Android applications are now the most developed applications. This is because currently, android

has almost 80% of the smartphone market, thus android applications are the most used and

popular applications around the world. Other Java based software android applications exist, but

so far there hasn’t been one that found a way to satisfy both the customers and the seller in terms

of theft prevention and other inconvenience, which is why this research will be based on

customer and retailer satisfaction.

Therefore, developing the software as a web application will be the best approach for now in

terms of easy access and extra functionalities and using C# as it is the best programming

language for this project’s development.



3.1 Methodology

Methodology is defined as a framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of

developing an information system. It is used to refer to a specific series of steps, methods,

techniques and procedures which governs the collection, analysis and design of a particular

project. In the dynamic world, the subject methodology, system analysis and design mainly deal

with the software development activities (Uba, 2011).

A design methodology is a systematic programming approach of well-defined procedure that

should be followed in carrying out a thorough design project or defined as the analysis of the

principles of methods, rules and postulates employed by a discipline. An adequately suitable

methodology would ensure a very detailed design work and ensure that a higher degree of

accuracy and efficiency is adopted. The design methodology used helps to ensure that a thorough

study of the present system is carried out, thus helping the project designer to completely

understand the modus operandi of the present existing system so as to know how the new system

should be structured and the functionalities needed in it to address the seemingly, existing

problems discovered. This helps to know if there should be a perfective maintenance of the

existing system or if only improvement (preventive maintenance) should be made.

3.1.1 Choice of Methodology

The System will adopt the object oriented approach to system design, which has enormous

benefits. It is an evolutionary and iterative process that encompasses abstractions of the system

attributes and behaviors using necessary tools such as Unified Modeling language (UML).

Object oriented analysis and design methodology is used to analyze the present system as well as

to design the proposed system with the primary aim of;

1. Identifying the problems inherent in the present system.

2. Investigating the causes of these problems

3. Proffering solutions to the manual systems

3.1.2 Justification of Methodology

1. It speeds up application development and requires less programming efforts.

2. Modules created in OOP can be re-used in other programs.

3. Programs can be modified by adding or removing modules.

The Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) perform four major activities


1. Modeling the functional description of the system. To achieve this the following steps has

to be taken:

a) Identifying all actors and use cases

b) Construct a use case model

c) Document use case course of events

d) Define the analysis use case.

2. Finding and identifying business objects. To achieve this task, the steps given below must

be accomplished.

a) Review each use case to find potential objects (which are usually noun corresponding to

business entities or events)

b) Select the proposed objects.

3. Organizing the objects and identifying their relationships. To achieve this task, the steps

given below must be accomplished.

a) Identify associations and multiplicity

b) Identify generalization/specification relationships

c) Identify aggregation relationships

d) Prepare class diagram.

4. Model the behavior of each object using state chart diagram. MrsEze, u.f (2008).

3.2 Method of Data Collection/Requirement Gathering

During the course of this study, the researcher applied different method of finding fact. The

methods include.

3.2.1 Interview

The researcher visited the human resource (HR) unit of the college and other firms to find out

about the processes involved in job vacancies/recruitment management, random job seekers were

also interviewed. The facts and answers incurred from the discussion made it possible for the

researcher to begin the design of the computerized system.

Conduct in-depth interviews with farmers, buyers, and consumers to understand their pain

points, requirements, and expectations for the Agri AI system.

Gather insights on current agricultural practices, decision-making processes, and information

needs across the value chain.

Identify opportunities for the Agri AI system to address existing gaps and challenges faced by

different stakeholders.

Collect feedback on the proposed features, user interface, and overall value proposition of the

Agri AI system.

3.2.2 References to Written Document and Manual

The researcher visited some libraries and made references to already written document for more

details concerning this study. To this effect, the fact provided by the referenced materials made it

possible for the completion of the project.

Review relevant agricultural policy documents, industry reports, and academic literature to

gather data on market trends, regulations, and best practices in digital agriculture.

Refer to existing farm management manuals, crop cultivation guidelines, and input supply

catalogs to understand the technical requirements and operational processes in the agricultural


Analyze case studies and success stories of digital agriculture initiatives to identify key success

factors and lessons learned.

Consult government publications and statistical databases to collect relevant data on agricultural

production, trade, and market dynamics.

3.2.3 Internet

Other relevant materials needed for the completion of this project work were gotten from the

internet through search engines like google, dock-dock-go, etc.

Leverage online data sources, such as government websites, industry portals, and open data

platforms, to gather quantitative and qualitative data on the agricultural ecosystem.

Scrape and analyze data from social media platforms, online forums, and e-commerce platforms

to understand user sentiments, preferences, and behavior patterns.

Access weather data, satellite imagery, and sensor data from various online sources to integrate

environmental and climate-related information into the Agri AI system.

Monitor and analyze real-time market data, commodity prices, and supply-chain information

available on online platforms to provide timely and accurate insights to users.

3.3 Analysis of the Existing System

During the feasibility study, we realized that most farmers are operating on manual (offline)

method of marketing their produce which involve going to the local markets and display their

produce in order to be purchased which consumes a lot of time and strength before the customer

will search for the goods needed. These results in some problems like;

 Slow in processing customer’s information

 Data inconsistency/ Redundancy

 Inaccurate during customers transaction

Here is an analysis of the existing agricultural systems and their limitations, which will inform

the development of the Agri AI system:

Fragmented Information and Inefficient Data Management:

Existing agricultural systems often operate in silos, with limited integration and data sharing

among different stakeholders (farmers, buyers, government agencies, etc.).

Farmers struggle to access comprehensive and up-to-date information on market prices, weather

forecasts, crop advisories, and input availability.

Buyers face challenges in obtaining reliable supply-chain data and real-time information on

product availability and quality.

Lack of centralized and standardized data management leads to information asymmetry and

inefficiencies across the value chain.

Inadequate Support for Smallholder Farmers:

Existing systems predominantly cater to large-scale commercial farmers, leaving smallholder

farmers with limited access to vital resources and services.

Smallholder farmers often lack the technical knowledge, financial resources, and digital literacy

to effectively utilize available technologies and market information.

Inadequate extension services and advisory support impede the adoption of best farming

practices and new technologies among small-scale producers.

Suboptimal Supply Chain Coordination:

Existing supply chain management systems often lack transparency, traceability, and efficient

coordination among various stakeholders (farmers, aggregators, transporters, processors, and


Inefficient logistics and post-harvest handling lead to significant crop losses and waste,

negatively impacting farmers' incomes and consumer access to fresh produce.

Limited real-time visibility and communication across the supply chain hinder timely decision-

making and responsiveness to changes in market demand.

Lack of Personalized and Contextual Insights:

Existing agricultural systems predominantly provide generic, one-size-fits-all recommendations

and advisory services, failing to address the unique needs and challenges of individual farmers

and their local contexts.

Limited use of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to generate personalized, data-driven

insights and actionable recommendations for farmers.

Lack of adaptive and intelligent features to continuously learn and improve the system's

recommendations based on user feedback and evolving conditions.

Limited Farmer Engagement and Empowerment:

Existing systems often do not effectively engage farmers in the design, development, and

continuous improvement of agricultural technologies and services.

Farmers have limited avenues to voice their concerns, share their experiences, and collaborate

with other stakeholders to co-create solutions.

Insufficient efforts to build farmers' digital skills and confidence in utilizing technology-enabled

services, hindering widespread adoption and sustained usage.

3.4 Analysis of Proposed System

Analysis is an integral part of the development cycle of any system. The proposed new system

will make use of files and records in table’s prepared using database to store information about

everyday marketing and transaction of agricultural farm produce based on web technologies.

Having analysed the existing system, there is need for an alternative system; the proposed system

(online farm marketing system) will eliminate the problems experienced in the existing system.

The proposed new system is design to enhance the following:

 Convenience

 Consistency of Data

 Reliability

 Increases Productivity

 Easy update and Maintenance Operations

 Variety

 Speed Optimization and reduce paper work

3.5 Problem of the Existing System

The constraints discovered in the existing system during the course of carrying out this research

work are as follows:

 It involve a lot of paper work during transaction

 Inadequate of accuracy in customer’s records

 It is inefficient, tedious and time consuming

 Customers must carry what they brought

3.6 Justification of the New System

The main reason the new system is being designed is to switch over from offline farm marketing

system (manual) to the online farm marketing system (Computerized) so as to enhance easy, fast

and convenience marketing and shopping rather than having to visit a local market or be on a

queue during purchase and sale of farm produce. This new system will be designed using

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL such that it will enhance link to database and other

advantages like;

 It gives access for creating a database file structure for storing and retrieval of


 It has enough tools and approaches for data management.

Here is the justification for the development of the new Agri AI system, addressing the

limitations of the existing agricultural systems:

Integrated Data Management and Information Insights:

The Agri AI system will create a centralized, interoperable platform that integrates data from

multiple sources (weather, markets, supply chains, government, and other stakeholders).

By leveraging advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, the system will generate

comprehensive, real-time insights and personalized recommendations for farmers, buyers, and

other stakeholders.

This will address the current fragmentation and information asymmetry, empowering users with

timely, contextual, and actionable intelligence to optimize their decision-making and operations.

Inclusive Support for Smallholder Farmers:

The Agri AI system will be designed with a specific focus on addressing the needs and

challenges of smallholder farmers, who form the majority of the agricultural community.

The system will provide tailored advisory services, training resources, and access to financial

and market linkage opportunities to enable smallholder farmers to improve their productivity,

income, and resilience.

By leveraging digital technologies and user-centric design, the Agri AI system will lower the

barriers to entry and foster the adoption of innovative agricultural practices among small-scale


Efficient Supply Chain Coordination and Optimization:

The Agri AI system will integrate supply chain data and leverage predictive analytics to enable

real-time visibility, traceability, and coordination among various stakeholders (farmers,

aggregators, transporters, processors, and retailers).

The system will optimize logistics, inventory management, and post-harvest handling to

minimize crop losses and waste, improving overall supply chain efficiency and sustainability.

Improved supply chain coordination will enhance the responsiveness to changes in market

demand and facilitate better price discovery and risk management for farmers and buyers.

Personalized and Adaptive Insights and Recommendations:

The Agri AI system will employ advanced machine learning algorithms and user-specific data to

generate personalized recommendations and decision support for farmers, tailored to their unique

geographic, climatic, and socioeconomic conditions.

The system will continuously learn from user feedback and evolving conditions to refine its

recommendations, ensuring that the advice and insights remain relevant and effective over time.

By providing contextual and adaptive support, the Agri AI system will foster greater trust,

engagement, and long-term adoption among its users.

Farmer-Centric Design and Empowerment:

The Agri AI system will be developed through a collaborative, farmer-centric design process,

ensuring that the needs, preferences, and feedback of farmers are at the core of the system's

features and functionalities.

The system will provide intuitive user interfaces, multilingual support, and capacity-building

resources to enhance the digital skills and confidence of farmers, particularly smallholder and

marginalized communities.

By empowering farmers and fostering their active participation, the Agri AI system will build a

sense of ownership and drive sustained engagement and adoption.

3.7 System Flowchart

Online Farm

Figure 9: System flow diagram


Before implementing the actual design of the project, a few user interface designs were

constructed to visualize the user interaction with the system as they browse for products, create a

shopping cart and purchase products.

4.1 System Implementation

The objective of this project is to develop an automated billing and customer feedback system

for a boutique. When the user types in the URL of the online store in the address field of the

browser, a Web Server is contacted to get the requested information, Apache Server acts as the

Web Server. The sole task of a Web Server is to accept incoming HTTP requests and to return

the requested resource in an HTTP response. The first thing Apache does when a request comes

in is to decide how to handle the request. Its decision is based upon the requested file's extension.

For example, if the requested file has the .php extension, Apache will route the request to be

handled by PHP engine

The PHP Engine then gets the requested file, and if necessary, contacts the database through

MySQL for the required file and then the information is sent back to the Client’s browser.

Customers ordering from an e-commerce website need to be able to get information about a

vendor’s products and services, ask questions, select items they wish to purchase, and submit

payment information. Vendors need to be able to track customer inquiries and preferences and

process their orders. So, a well-organized database is essential for the development and

maintenance of an e-commerce site

In a static Web page, content is determined at the time when the page is created. As users access

a static page, the page always displays the same information. Example of a static Web page is the

page displaying company information. In a dynamic Web page, content varies based on user

input and data received from external sources. We use the term “data-based Web pages” to refer

to dynamic Web pages deriving some or all of their content from data files or databases.

A data-based Web page is requested when a user clicks a hyperlink or the submit button on a

Web page form. If the request comes from clicking a hyperlink, the link specifies either a Web

server program or a Web page that calls a Web server program. In some cases, the program

performs a static query, such as “Display all items from the Inventory”. Although this query

requires no user input, the results vary depending on when the query is made. If the request is

generated when the user clicks a form’s submit button, instead of a hyperlink, the Web server

program typically uses the form inputs to create a query. For example, the user might select five

products to be purchased and then submit the input to the Web server program. The Web server

program then services the order, generating a dynamic Web page response to confirm the

transaction. In either case, the Web server is responsible for formatting the query results by

adding HTML tags. The Web server program then sends the program’s output back to the

client’s browser as a Web page.

4.2 Input Specification and Design

The input interface presents a form with text, label and command buttons. The text boxes allow

users to type in text while the command button is used to initiate events that execute some

server/client site codes. In designing the input interface, of which the input form is one, a data

structure that binds the input data to a table was drawn. The binding was done by simply using

the form objects to relate the respective fields as contained in the database design. The sample

input form realized after the design is as shown below:

Figure 10: Registration form

4.3 Output Specification and Design

The output is rendered mostly on the screen. In other words, all outputs from this system is only

presented to the screen, the specification was designed in such a way that they give good

representation on the computer screen. The output format is basically the report form. It displays

the list of all items in the shopping cart and their prices. Below is a sample of the form:

Figure 11: Typical Report from the system

4.4 File Design

The diagram below depicts the file designs that make up the system and the relationship between


Client Register

View Farm Authentication


Make Purchase Provider
Web Customer

Checkout payment
New Customer service

Figure 12: Fie design diagram
4.5 Database Design

In this section, the basic structure of the tables composing the database for the project are shown

along with information about primary and foreign keys.

Table 3: customer database structure


1 UserID Varchar Primary key for Customer
2 Password Varchar Security for Customer
3 First_Name Varchar
4 Last_Name Varchar
5 Address Varchar
6 City Varchar
7 State Varchar
8 Email Address Varchar
9 Phone_Number Integer

Table 4: Shipping type


1 Type of Shipping Varchar Primary key to define type of
2 Price Double
3 Approximate days Integer for delivery

Table 5: Order details


1 OrderID Integer Primary key for Order
2 UserID Char Foreign key to Customer
3 Receiver’s Name Char If order is to be sent to other
address rather than to the
customer, we need that address
4 Address Char
5 City Char
6 Zip Integer
7 State Char Foreign key to State Tax
8 Type of Shipping Char Foreign key to Shipping Type
9 Date of Purchase Date

4.6 Justification of Programming Language Used

The researcher will be talking about the system platform used, IDE (integrated development

environment) used and programming language used.

The system platform used is windows 10. Also the IDE (integrated development environment)

used is Sublime text 3 the latest version and the programming language used is PHP previously

known as personal home page. PHP was created by RasmusLerdorf in 1994 and publicly

released in June 8, 1995and was known as Hypertext Pre-processor. PHP is a server-side

interpreted scripting language designed for creating dynamic web pages and web pages that

effectively work with databases.

Several reasons ride the choice of using PHP for this system, one of which is its extensive

portability and use over several web host servers on the internet. Also PHP possesses several

inbuilt functions which allow it to integrate well with the widely used and accepted database

storage management system for the web-MySQL. Due to its wide use, several documentations

are available online which will guarantee that materials about any aspect of its use will be easily


4.7 System Requirements

Table 6: Description of hardware requirements

Number Description

1 PC with 2 GB hard-disk

and 256 MB RAM

Table 7: Description of Software Requirements

Number Description

1 Windows 2000/ XP/ or Higher with


2. Xampp or wampp server

3. Ms-Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,

Google Chrome, Safari.

4.8 System Testing and Integration

Transactions in the Application

A transaction is a group of database commands that are treated as a single unit. Transaction must

pass what is known as the ACID test:

Atomic: All operations in the transaction are executed properly. In other words, they make up a

single unit of work. For example, if a customer moves and a transaction is used to reflect that

change in the database, all parts of the address (street, city, state, etc) must be changed as an

atomic action, rather than changing street, then city, then state, and so on.

Consistent: The execution of a single transaction preserves the consistency of the database. All

the relationships between data in a database are maintained correctly. For example, if customer

information uses a tax rate from a state tax table, the state entered for the customer must exist in

the state tax table.

Isolation: Each transaction is unaware of the other transactions occurring concurrently. Changes

made by other clients cannot affect the current changes. For example, if two data entry operators

try to make a change to the same customer at the same time, one of two things occurs: either one

operator's changes are accepted and the other is notified that the changes were not made, or both

operators are notified that their changes were not made. In either case, the customer data is not

left in an indeterminate state.

Durability: Changes the transaction has performed persist in the database. Once a change is

made, it is permanent. If a system error or power failure occurs before a set of commands is

complete, those commands are undone and the data is restored to its original state once the

system begins running again.

Transaction processing is particularly important for Web applications that use data access, since

Web applications are distributed among many different clients. In a Web application, databases

are a shared resource, and having many different clients distributed over a wide area can present

these key problems:

 Contention for resources. Several clients might try to change the same record at the

same time. This problem gets worse the more clients you have.

 Unexpected failures. The Internet is not the most reliable network, even if your Web

application and Web server are 100 percent reliable. Clients can be unexpectedly

disconnected by their service providers, by their modems, or by power failures.

 Web application life cycle. Web applications do not follow the same life cycle as

Windows applications —Web forms live for only an instant, and a client can leave your

application at any point by simply typing a new address in their browser.

Transaction processing follows these steps:

1. Begin a transaction.

2. Process database commands.

3. Check for errors.

4. If errors occurred, restore the database to its state at the beginning of the transaction. If no

errors occurred, commit the transaction to the database.

Suppose two users try to add the same product to the shopping cart and try to place an order at

the exact same time. An update should be done to the Products table after the order is placed, but

if only the latest transaction is noted down, the product quantity will differ in the real world. This

situation has to be handled as in a “Transaction”. As detailed earlier, a transaction is an operation

or set of operations that succeeds or fails as a logical unit. That is, either both the updates are not

done, or both the updates are done consecutively.



The "Agri AI" platform was developed to address the pressing challenges and inefficiencies in
the agricultural ecosystem. Through a comprehensive analysis of the market, user needs, and
data landscape, the project team designed and implemented a robust, AI-powered platform that
aims to revolutionize the way farmers, producers, distributors, and buyers interact and conduct

The platform's key features include:

 AI-powered matching and recommendation algorithms to connect buyers with the most
suitable suppliers
 Supply chain optimization and logistics management tools to enhance operational
 Data-driven transparency and traceability features to address the growing demand for
sustainable and accountable agricultural practices
 Predictive analytics and forecasting capabilities to improve decision-making and risk
The development process followed an iterative, data-driven, and user-centric approach,
leveraging a variety of quantitative analysis processes, methods, techniques, and tools to ensure
the platform's long-term success and sustainability.

The "Agri AI" platform has demonstrated its potential to significantly transform the agricultural
industry. By leveraging advanced analytics and AI technologies, the platform has enabled more
efficient matching of supply and demand, optimized supply chain operations, and enhanced
transparency and traceability throughout the agricultural ecosystem.

The platform's positive impact on user satisfaction, operational efficiency, and financial
sustainability has positioned it as a market-leading solution in the agri-tech space. The project
team's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation ensures the platform will
continue to evolve and meet the changing needs of its users.

Based on the findings and insights gathered during the development study, the following
recommendations are proposed:

1. Expand Ecosystem Integrations: Explore opportunities to integrate the "Agri AI"

platform with other industry-specific software, platforms, and data sources to further
enhance the user experience and unlock new value-added services.

2. Enhance Predictive Capabilities: Continue to invest in the development and refinement

of the platform's predictive analytics and forecasting models, leveraging emerging AI and
machine learning techniques to further improve decision-making and risk management.

3. Strengthen Sustainability Focus: Expand the platform's sustainability-related features,

such as carbon footprint tracking, environmental impact analysis, and sustainable
sourcing recommendations, to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly agricultural

4. Explore International Expansion: Assess the feasibility of scaling the "Agri AI"
platform to international markets, adapting the solution to local regulations, languages,
and cultural nuances to drive global growth and impact.

5. Foster Stakeholder Collaboration: Engage with industry associations, government

agencies, and research institutions to collaborate on initiatives that address systemic
challenges in the agricultural sector and further strengthen the platform's value

By implementing these recommendations, the "Agri AI" platform can continue to solidify its
position as a market-leading solution, driving sustainable transformation and innovation in the
agricultural industry.


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